mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 22:01:47 +01:00
Adding lang files, split from main lang files
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
common br
access common br Accesso
access type common br Tipo de acesso
account has been created common br Conta foi criada
account has been deleted common br Conta foi apagada
account has been updated common br Conta foi atualizada
add common br Adicionar
address book common br Contatos
addressbook common br Rubrica
admin common br Administrador
administration common br Administracao
april common br Abril
august common br Agosto
book marks common br book marks
calendar common br Calendario
cancel common br Cancelar
change common br Mudar
charset common br iso-8859-1
chat common br Chat
clear common br Cancelar
clear form common br Limpar Formulario
copy common br Copiar
create common br Criar
created by common br Criado por
current users common br Usuarios ativos
date common br Data
december common br Dezembro
delete common br Cancelar
done common br Pronto
e-mail common br E-Mail
edit common br Modificar
email common br E-Mail
entry has been deleted sucessfully common br Entrada apagada com sucesso
entry updated sucessfully common br Entrada modificada com sucesso
error common br Erro
exit common br Saida
february common br Fevereiro
file manager common br Gerenciador de arquivos
filter common br Filtro
first name common br Nome
first page common br primeira pagina
friday common br Sexta
ftp common br FTP
global public common br Publico Global
group access common br Acesso Grupo
group has been added common br Grupo Adicionado
group has been deleted common br Grupo cancelado
group has been updated common br Grupo atualizado
group public common br Grupo Publico
groups common br Grupos
headlines common br headlines
help common br Ajuda
high common br Alta
home common br Pagina Inicial
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common br Ja passaram-se mais de %1 dias desde que vc mudou sua senha
january common br Janeiro
july common br Julho
june common br Junho
last name common br Ultimo nome
last page common br ultima pagina
login common br Login
logout common br Logout
low common br Baixa
march common br Marco
may common br Maio
medium common br Media
monday common br Segunda
name common br Nome
new entry added sucessfully common br Entrada adicionada corretamente
news headlines common br titulos novos
news reader common br Leitor de News
next page common br proxima pagina
no common br Nao
none common br Nenhuma
normal common br Normal
november common br Novembro
october common br Outubro
ok common br OK
only yours common br so as suas
password common br Senha
password has been updated common br Senha foi alterada
preferences common br Preferencas
previous page common br pagina anterior
priority common br Prioridade
private common br Privado
rename common br Renomiar
saturday common br Sabado
save common br Salvar
search common br Procura
september common br Setembro
session has been killed common br Sessao foi morta
show all common br mostra tudo
showing x common br Visualizando %1
showing x - x of x common br Visualizando %1 - %2 de %3
sorry, there was a problem proccesing your request. common br Desculpe, ocorreu um problema processando sua requisicao.
submit common br Inserir
sunday common br Domingo
thursday common br Quinta
time common br Hora
today is x's birthday! common br Hoje e' aniversario de %1!
todo list common br Agenda
tomorrow is x's birthday. common br Amanha e' aniversario de %1.
total common br Total
trouble ticket system common br Sistema de gestao de tickets
tuesday common br Terca
updated common br Atualizado
view common br Visualizar
wednesday common br Quarta
which groups common br Qual grupo
yes common br Sim
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common br Voce tem 1 evento com alta prioridade no seu calendario hoje.
you have 1 new message! common br Voce tem 1 nova mensagem!
you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common br Voce tem %1 eventos com alta prioridade no seu calendario hoje.
you have x new messages! common br Voce tem %1 novas mensagens!
your message as been sent common br Sua mensagem foi enviada
your search returned 1 match common br sua pesquisa retornou 1 correspondecia
your search returned x matchs common br Sua pesquisa retornou %1 correspondencias
your settings have been updated common br suas preferencias foram atualizadas
bad login or password login br login ou senha incorreta
login login br Login
password login br Password
sorry, your login has expired login br Desculpe, sua conta expiorou
use cookies login br usa i cookie
username login br Nome Utente
you have been successfully logged out login br Voce foi desconectado com sucesso
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
access common cs Pøístup
access type common cs Druh pøístupu
account has been created common cs U¾ivatelský úèet byl vytvoøen
account has been deleted common cs U¾ivatelský úèet byl smazán
account has been updated common cs U¾ivatelský úèet byl zmìnìn
add common cs Pøidat
address book common cs Telefonní seznam
addressbook common cs Telefonní seznam
admin common cs Administrátor
administration common cs Správa
april common cs Duben
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common cs Jste si jist, ¾e chcete vymazat tento záznam?
august common cs Srpen
book marks common cs Zálo¾ky
bookmarks common cs Poznámky
calendar common cs Kalendáø
cancel common cs Storno
change common cs Zmìnit
charset common cs iso-8859-2
chat common cs Chat
clear common cs Smazat
clear form common cs Vyèistit formuláø
copy common cs Kopírovat
create common cs Vytvoøit
created by common cs Vytvoøil
current users common cs Souèasní u¾ivatelé
date common cs Datum
december common cs Prosinec
delete common cs Vymazat
done common cs Hotovo
e-mail common cs E-Mail
edit common cs Upravit
email common cs E-Mail
entry has been deleted sucessfully common cs Záznam úspì¹nì vymazán
entry updated sucessfully common cs Záznam úspì¹nì upraven
error common cs Chyba
error creating x x directory common cs Chyba pøi vytváøení adresáøe
error deleting x x directory common cs Chyba pøi mazání adresáøe
error renaming x x directory common cs Chyba pøi pøejmenování adresáøe
exit common cs Ukonèit
february common cs Únor
file manager common cs Správce souborù
filter common cs Filtr
first name common cs Jméno
first page common cs první stránka
friday common cs Pátek
ftp common cs FTP
global public common cs Veøejný pro v¹echny
group access common cs Skupinový pøístup
group has been added common cs Skupina byla pøidána
group has been deleted common cs Skupina byla smazána
group has been updated common cs Skupina byla upravena
group public common cs Veøejný pro skupiny
groups common cs Skupiny
headlines common cs Zprávy
help common cs Nápovìda
high common cs Vysoká
home common cs Domù
human resources common cs Lidské zdroje
inventory common cs Inventory
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common cs Va¹e heslo bylo zmìnìno pøed více ne¾ dny
january common cs Leden
july common cs Èervenec
june common cs Èerven
last name common cs Pøíjmení
last page common cs posldní stránka
login common cs Pøihlá¹ení
logout common cs Odhlá¹ení
low common cs Nízká
march common cs Bøezen
may common cs Kvìten
medium common cs Støední
monday common cs Pondìlí
name common cs Jméno
new entry added sucessfully common cs Nový záznam úspì¹nì pøidán
news headlines common cs News - titulky
news reader common cs News - ètení
next page common cs dal¹í stránka
nntp common cs NNTP
no common cs Ne
none common cs ®ádné
normal common cs Normální
november common cs Listopad
october common cs Øíjen
ok common cs OK
on *nix systems please type: x common cs Na *NIX systémech prosím napi¹te: %1
only yours common cs jenom va¹e
password common cs Heslo
password has been updated common cs Heslo bylo zmìnìno
permissions to the files/users directory common cs práva k adresáøi pro soubory / u¾ivatele
please x by hand common cs Prosím %1 ruènì
powered by phpgroupware version x common cs Aplikace <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> verze
preferences common cs Nastavení
previous page common cs Pøedchozí stránka
priority common cs Priorita
private common cs Soukromý
rename common cs Pøejmenovat
saturday common cs Sobota
save common cs Ulo¾it
search common cs Hledat
september common cs Záøí
session has been killed common cs Relace byla zru¹ena
show all common cs Ukázat v¹e
showing x common cs zobrazeno
showing x - x of x common cs zobrazeno %1 - %2 z %3
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common cs Promiòte, nastala chyba pøi zpracování va¹eho po¾adavku.
submit common cs Potvrdit
sunday common cs Nedìla
thursday common cs Ètvrtek
time common cs Èas
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common cs = Aby se chyba neobjevovala v budoucnosti musíte právnì nastavit
today is x's birthday! common cs Dnes má narozeniny %1!
todo list common cs Úkoly
tomorrow is x's birthday. common cs Zítra má narozeniny %1.
total common cs Celkem
trouble ticket system common cs Sledování problémù
tuesday common cs Úterý
updated common cs Upraven
users common cs u¾ivatelé
view common cs Prohlédnout
wednesday common cs Støeda
which groups common cs které skupiny
yes common cs Ano
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common cs Máte dnes 1 událost s vysokou prioritou.
you have 1 new message! common cs Máte 1 novou zprávu!
you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common cs Máte dnes událostí s vysokou priritou.
you have x new messages! common cs Máte nových zpráv!
your message has been sent common cs Va¹e zpráva byla odeslána
your search returned 1 match common cs byl nalezen 1 záznam
your search returned x matchs common cs bylo nalezeno %1 záznamù
your settings have been updated common cs Va¹e nastavení bylo upraveno
bad login or password login cs ©patné jméno nebo heslo
password login cs Heslo
sorry, your login has expired login cs Promiòte, platnost va¹eho pøihlá¹ení ji¾ vypr¹ela
use cookies login cs pou¾ívat su¹enky (cookies)
username login cs U¾ivatelské jméno
you have been successfully logged out login cs Va¹e odhlá¹ení porbìhlo úspì¹nì
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
access common da Adgang
access type common da Adgangstype
account has been created common da Konto er oprettet
account has been deleted common da Konto er slettet
account has been updated common da Konto er opdateret
account preferences common da Konto preferencer
add common da Tilføj
address book common da Adressebog
addressbook common da Adressebog
addressbook preferences common da Adressebog preferencer
admin common da Admin
administration common da Administration
april common da April
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common da Vil Du virkelig slette dette felt?
august common da August
book marks common da Bogmærke
bookmarks common da Bogmærke
calendar common da Kalender
calendar preferences common da Kalender preferencer
cancel common da Annullér
change common da Ændre
charset common da ISO-8859-1
chat common da Chat
clear common da Slet
clear form common da Slet formular
comments common da Bemærkninger
copy common da Kopiér
create common da Opret
created by common da Lavet af
current users common da Nuværende antal brugere
date common da Dato
date hired common da Dato hyret
december common da December
delete common da Slet
done common da Udført
e-mail common da E-mail
e-mail preferences common da E-mail preferencer
edit common da Redigér
email common da E-mail
entry has been deleted sucessfully common da Emnet er succesrigt slettet
entry updated sucessfully common da Emnet er succesrigt opdateret
error common da Fejl
error creating x x directory common da Fejl ved oprettelse af %1%2mappe
error deleting x x directory common da Fejl ved sletning af %1%2mappe
error renaming x x directory common da Fejl ved omdøbning af %1%2mappe
exit common da Afslut
february common da Februar
file manager common da Filhåndtering
filter common da Filter
first name common da Fornavn
first page common da Første side
forum common da Forum
friday common da Fredag
ftp common da FTP
global public common da Global adgang
group access common da Gruppeadgang
group has been added common da Gruppe er tilføjet
group has been deleted common da Gruppe er slettet
group has been updated common da Gruppe er opdateret
group public common da Adgang til gruppe
groups common da Grupper
headlines common da Overskrifter
help common da Hjælp
high common da Høj
home common da Hjem
human resources common da Personel
inventory common da Lager
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common da Det er mere end %1 dage siden Du sidst ændrede Dit password
january common da Januar
july common da Juli
june common da Juni
last name common da Efternavn
last page common da Sidste side
location common da Lokation
login common da Tilmeld
logout common da Log ud
low common da Lav
march common da Marts
may common da Maj
medium common da Medium
mobile common da Mobil
monday common da Mandag
name common da Navn
new entry added sucessfully common da Nyt punkt succesrigt tilføjet
new phrase has been added common da Ny sætning er tilføjet
news headlines common da Nyheds overskrifter
news reader common da Nyheds læser
next page common da Næste side
nntp common da NNTP
no common da Nej
none common da Ingen
normal common da Normal
november common da November
october common da Oktober
ok common da OK
on *nix systems please type: x common da På *nix systemer skriver Du: %1
only yours common da Kun Din
pager common da Pager
password common da Password
password has been updated common da Password er opdateret
permissions to the files/users directory common da Rettigheder for fil/bruger mappen
phone common da Telefon
please x by hand common da Udfør venligst %1 manuelt
powered by phpgroupware version x common da Denne site kører på <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> version %1
preferences common da Preferencer
previous page common da Forrige side
print common da Udskriv
priority common da Prioritet
private common da Privat
Projects common da Projekter
rename common da Omdøb
saturday common da Lørdag
save common da Gem
search common da Søg
september common da September
session has been killed common da Sessionen er afsluttet
show all common da Vis alt
showing x common da Viser: %1
showing x - x of x common da Viser: %1 - %2 ud af %3
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common da Desværre opstod der et problem med at behandle Dit ønske.
status common da Status
submit common da Send
sunday common da Søndag
thursday common da Torsdag
time common da Tid
time tracking common da Tidsregistrering
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common da For at rette denne fejl for fremtiden skal Du korrekt opsætte
today is x's birthday! common da I dag er det %1's fødselsdag!
todo list common da At-gøre liste
tomorrow is x's birthday. common da I morgen er det %1's fødselsdag.
total common da Total
translation management common da Håndtering af oversættelser
trouble ticket system common da Problem registrerings system
tuesday common da Tirsdag
updated common da Opdatéret
users common da Brugere
vacation hours per year common da Antal ferie timer om året
vacation hours used common da Anvendte ferie timer
view common da Se
wednesday common da Onsdag
which groups common da Hvilke grupper
yes common da Ja
you are required to change your password during your first login common da Du skal ændre Dit password ved Din første log ind
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common da Du har 1 begivenhed af høj prioritet på Din kalender i dag.
you have 1 new message! common da Du har 1 ny besked!
you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common da Du har %1 begivenheder af høj prioritet på Din kalender i dag.
you have x new messages! common da Du har %1 nye beskeder!
your message has been sent common da Din besked er afsendt
your search returned 1 match common da Søgningen leverede 1 resultat
your search returned x matchs common da Søgningen leverede %1 resultater
your settings have been updated common da Dine indstillinger er opdateret
powered by phpgroupware version x all da Denne site kører på <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> version %1
bad login or password login da Forkert brugernavn eller password
login login da Tilmeld
password login da Password
phpgroupware login login da phpGroupWare log ind
sorry, your login has expired login da Desværre, Din session er udløbet
use cookies login da Brug cookies
username login da Brugernavn
you have been successfully logged out login da Du er nu succesrigt logget ud
your session could not be verified. login da Din session kunne ikke verificeres
mainscreen_message mainscreen da Forside
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
access common de Zugriff
access not permitted common de Zugriff verweigert
access type common de Zugriffstyp
account has been created common de Konto wurde erstellt
account has been deleted common de Konto wurde gelöscht
account has been updated common de Konto wurde aktualisiert
account preferences common de Einstellungen der Benutzerkonten
acl common de ACL
active common de Aktiv
add common de Hinzufügen
address book common de Adressbuch
addressbook common de Adressbuch
addressbook preferences common de Adressbuch Einstellungen
admin common de Admin
administration common de Administration
all common de alle
april common de April
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common de Sind Sie sicher, daß Sie diesen Eintrag löschen wollen?
august common de August
book marks common de Bookmarks
bookmarks common de Lesezeichen
calendar common de Kalender
calendar preferences common de Kalender Einstellungen
cancel common de Abbruch
category common de Kategorie
categories common de Kategorien
categories for common de Kategorien für
change common de Ändern
charset common de iso-8859-1
chat common de Chat
clear common de Zurücksetzen
clear form common de Eingaben löschen
company common de Firma
contact common de Kontakt
copy common de Kopieren
created by common de Erstellt von
currency common de Währung
current users common de Derzeit angemeldete Benutzer
date common de Datum
date due common de fällig am
december common de Dezember
default sorting order common de Standard-Sortierung
delete common de Löschen
description common de Beschreibung
done common de Fertig
e-mail common de E-Mail
e-mail preferences common de E-Mail Einstellungen
edit common de Editieren
email common de E-Mail
edit categories common de Kategorien editieren
email signature common de E-Mail Signatur
email type common de E-Mail Typ
end date common de Enddatum
end time common de Endzeit
entry has been deleted sucessfully common de Eintrag erfolgreich gelöscht
entry updated sucessfully common de Eintrag erfolgreich aktualisiert
error common de Fehler
error creating x x directory common de Fehler beim Erstellen des Verzeichnisses %1%2
error deleting x x directory common de Fehler beim Löschen des Verzeichnisses %1%2
error renaming x x directory common de Fehler beim Umbennenen des Verzeichnisses %1%2
february common de Februar
file manager common de Filemanager
files common de Dateien
filter common de Filter
first name common de Vorname
firstname common de Vorname
first page common de erste Seite
forum common de Forum
friday common de Freitag
ftp common de FTP
global common de Globale
global categories common de Globale Kategorien
global public common de Global Public
global public and group public common de öffentliche und Gruppen
global public only common de nur öffentliche
grab new news sites common de Neue Sites für Schlagzeilen suchen
grant addressbook access common de Berechtigungen für Adressbuchzugriffe
grant calendar access common de Berechtigungen für Kalenderzugriffe
grant todo access common de Berechtigungen für Aufgabenlisten-Zugriffe
group common de Gruppe
group access common de Gruppenzugriff
group has been added common de Gruppe hinzugefügt
group has been deleted common de Gruppe gelöscht
group has been updated common de Gruppe aktualisiert
group public common de Group Public
group public only common de nur Gruppen
groups common de Gruppen
headline preferences common de Schlagzeilen Einstellungen
headlines common de Schlagzeilen
help common de Hilfe
high common de Hoch
home common de Home
human resources common de Personenverzeichnis
intl common de International
inventory common de Inventar
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common de Sie haben Ihr Passwort seit mehr als %1 Tagen nicht geändert
january common de Januar
july common de Juli
june common de Juni
language common de Sprache
last name common de Name
lastname common de Name
last page common de letzte Seite
login common de Login
logout common de Logout
low common de Niedrig
main screen common de Startseite
manual common de Handbuch
march common de März
may common de Mai
medium common de Mittel
message common de Nachricht
mobile phone common de Tel Funk
monday common de Montag
name common de Name
new entry added sucessfully common de Neuer Eintrag erfolgreich hinzugefügt
news headlines common de News headlines
news reader common de News Reader
newsgroups common de Newsgroups
next page common de nächste Seite
nntp common de NNTP
no common de Nein
no matchs found common de Keine Treffer gefunden.
no subject common de Kein Betreff
none common de Keiner
normal common de Normal
notes common de Notizbuch
notes preferences common de Notizbuch Einstellungen
november common de November
october common de Oktober
ok common de OK
on *nix systems please type: x common de Auf *nix Systemen bitte eingeben: %1
only yours common de nur eigene
original common de Original
other phone common de Tel sonst.
owner common de Besitzer
password common de Passwort
password has been updated common de Passwort wurde aktualisiert
permissions to the files/users directory common de Zugriffsrechte für die Dateien/Benutzer-Verzeichnisse
please set your preferences for this app common de Bitte editieren Sie Ihre Einstellungen für diese Applikation!
please x by hand common de Bitte manuell %1
powered by phpgroupware version x common de Powered by <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> version %1
preferences common de Einstellungen
previous page common de vorige Seite
print common de Drucken
priority common de Priorität
private common de Privat
private and global public common de private und öffentliche
private and group public common de private und Gruppen
private only common de nur private
project administration common de Projektadministration
project preferences common de Projekt Einstellungen
projects common de Projekte
projects preferences common de Projekt Einstellungen
public common de öffentlich
read common de Lesen
saturday common de Samstag
save common de Speichern
search common de Suchen
select category common de Kategorie auswählen
select headline news sites common de News-Sites für Schlagzeilen auswählen
send updates via email common de Updates via EMail senden
september common de September
session has been killed common de Session wurde gelöscht
show all common de alle anzeigen
show new messages on main screen common de Neue Nachrichten auf der Startseite anzeigen
showing x common de %1 Einträge
showing x - x of x common de %1 Einträge - %2 von %3
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common de Sorry, es gab ein Problem bei der Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage.
start date common de Startdatum
start time common de Startzeit
status common de Status
subject common de Betreff
submit common de Absenden
sunday common de Sonntag
that phrase already exists common de Diese Phrase existiert bereits
the two passwords are not the same common de Die Eingaben stimmen nicht überein
thursday common de Donnerstag
time common de Zeit
time zone common de Zeitzone
time zone offset common de Zeitzonen Differenz
title common de Titel
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common de Um diesen Fehler für die Zukunft zu beheben, korrigieren Sie die Einstellungen
today is x's birthday! common de Heute ist der Geburtstag von %1!
todo common de Aufgabenliste
todo list common de Aufgabenliste
tomorrow is x's birthday. common de Morgen ist der Geburtstag von %1.
total common de Total
translation management common de Translation Management
trouble ticket system common de Trouble Ticket System
tuesday common de Dienstag
update common de Aktualisieren
updated common de Updated
url common de URL
user common de Benutzer
username common de Benutzername
users common de Benutzer
vcard common de Visitenkarte
view common de Anzeigen
wednesday common de Mittwoch
weekday starts on common de Arbeitswoche beginnt am
which groups common de Welche Gruppen
work day ends on common de Arbeitstag endet um
work day starts on common de Arbeitstag beginnt um
yes common de ja
you are required to change your password during your first login common de Das Passwort muß beim ersten Login geändert werden!
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common de Sie haben heute einen Eintrag mit hoher Priorität auf Ihrer Liste!
you have 1 new message! common de Sie haben eine neue Nachricht!
you have messages! common de Sie haben Nachrichten!
you have no new messages common de Keine neuen Nachrichten
you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common de Sie haben heute %1 Einträge mit hoher Priorität auf Ihrer Liste!
you have x new messages! common de Sie haben %1 neue Nachrichten!
your message has been sent common de Ihre Nachricht wurde versandt
your search returned 1 match common de Ihre Suche ergab einen Treffer
your search returned x matchs common de Ihre Suche ergab %1 Treffer
your settings have been updated common de Ihre Einstellungen wurden aktualisiert
bad login or password login de Bad login or password
phpgroupware login login de phpGroupWare Login
sorry, your login has expired login de Sorry - Login abgelaufen
use cookies login de Cookies benutzen
you have been successfully logged out login de Abmeldung erfolgreich
your session could not be verified. login de Ihre Sitzung konnte nicht verifiziert werden.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
access common en Access
access not permitted common en Access not permitted
access type common en Access type
account has been created common en Account has been created
account has been deleted common en Account has been deleted
account has been updated common en Account has been updated
account preferences common en Account Preferences
acl common en ACL
active common en Active
add category common en Add Category
add common en Add
add x category for common en Add %1 category for
address book common en Address Book
addressbook common en Addressbook
addressbook preferences common en Addressbook preferences
addvcard common en Add VCard
admin common en Admin
administration common en Administration
all common en All
april common en April
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common en Are you sure you want to delete this entry ?
august common en August
autosave default category common en Autosave Default Category
bookkeeping admins common en Bookkeeping admins
bookkeeping common en Bookkeeping
book marks common en Book marks
bookmarks common en Bookmarks
business city common en Business City
business common en Business
business country common en Business Country
business email common en Business EMail
business email type common en Business EMail Type
business fax common en Business Fax
business phone common en Business Phone
business state common en Business State
business street common en Business Street
business zip code common en Business Postal Code
calendar common en calendar
calendar preferences common en Calendar preferences
cancel common en Cancel
categories common en Categories
categories for common en categories for
category common en Category
category x has been added ! common en Category %1 has been added !
category x has been updated ! common en Category %1 has been updated !
change common en Change
charset common en iso-8859-1
chat common en Chat
choose a category common en Choose a category
choose the category common en Choose the category
clear common en Clear
clear form common en Clear Form
company common en Company
contact common en Contact
copy common en Copy
create common en Create
created by common en Created By
currency common en Currency
current users common en Current users
custom common en Custom
date common en Date
date due common en Date Due
december common en December
delete common en Delete
description common en Description
domestic common en Domestic
done common en Done
edit common en Edit
edit category common en Edit Category
edit categories common en Edit Categories
edit x category for common en Edit %1 category for
e-mail common en E-Mail
email common en E-Mail
e-mail preferences common en E-Mail preferences
email type common en E-Mail Type
end date common en End Date
end time common en end time
entry has been deleted sucessfully common en Entry has been deleted sucessfully
entry updated sucessfully common en Entry updated sucessfully
error common en Error
error creating x x directory common en Error creating %1%2 directory
error deleting x x directory common en Error deleting %1%2 directory
error renaming x x directory common en Error renaming %1%2 directory
exit common en Exit
extra common en Extra
february common en February
fields common en Fields
file manager common en File manager
files common en Files
filter common en Filter
first name common en First name
first page common en first page
forum common en Forum
friday common en Friday
ftp common en FTP
global common en Global
global public common en Global Public
grant addressbook access common en Grant Addressbook Access
grant calendar access common en Grant Calendar Access
grant todo access common en Grant Todo Access
group access common en Group Access
group common en Group
group has been added common en Group has been added
group has been deleted common en Group has been deleted
group has been updated common en Group has been updated
group public common en Group Public
groups common en Groups
headline preferences common en Headline preferences
headlines common en Headlines
help common en Help
high common en High
home common en Home
human resources common en Human Resources
international common en International
inventory common en Inventory
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common en It has been more then %1 days since you changed your password
january common en January
july common en July
june common en June
last name common en Last name
last page common en last page
login common en Login
logout common en Logout
low common en Low
main screen common en Main screen
manual common en Manual
march common en March
may common en May
medium common en Medium
message common en Message
mobile phone common en Mobile phone
modem phone common en Modem Phone
monday common en Monday
monitor common en Monitor
name common en Name
new entry added sucessfully common en New entry added sucessfully
newsgroups common en Newsgroups
news headlines common en News headlines
news reader common en News Reader
next common en Next
next page common en next page
nntp common en NNTP
no common en No
none common en None
normal common en Normal
no subject common en No Subject
notes common en Notes
notes categories common en Notes categories
notes preferences common en Notes preferences
november common en November
october common en October
ok common en OK
only yours common en only yours
on *nix systems please type: x common en On *nix systems please type: %1
other common en Other
other phone common en Other phone
owner common en Owner
parent category common en Parent Category
password common en Password
password has been updated common en Password has been updated
permissions to the files/users directory common en permissions to the files/users directory
personal common en Personal
please set your preferences for this app common en Please set your preferences for this application
please x by hand common en Please %1 by hand
powered by phpgroupware version x common en Powered by <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> version %1
pref common en pref
prefer common en Prefer
preferences common en Preferences
previous page common en Previous page
print common en Print
priority common en Priority
private common en Private
public common en public
read common en Read
rename common en Rename
saturday common en Saturday
save common en Save
search common en Search
select category common en Select Category
select headline news sites common en Select Headline News sites
select parent category common en Select parent category
send updates via email common en Send updates via EMail
september common en September
session has been killed common en Session has been killed
show all common en show all
showing x common en showing %1
showing x - x of x common en showing %1 - %2 of %3
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common en Sorry, there was a problem processing your request.
start date common en Start Date
start time common en Start Time
status common en Status
subject common en Subject
submit common en Submit
sunday common en Sunday
that phrase already exists common en That phrase already exists
the two passwords are not the same common en The two passwords are not the same
thursday common en Thursday
time common en Time
time zone common en Timezone
time zone offset common en Time zone offset
title common en Title
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common en To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the
today is x's birthday! common en Today is %1's birthday!
todo categories common en Todo categories
todo list common en Todo List
todo preferences common en Todo preferences
todo common en Todo
tomorrow is x's birthday. common en Tomorrow is %1's birthday.
total common en Total
translation management common en Translation Management
trouble ticket system common en Trouble Ticket System
tuesday common en Tuesday
updated common en Updated
user common en User
users common en users
vcard common en VCard
view common en View
wednesday common en Wednesday
which groups common en Which groups
yes common en Yes
you are required to change your password during your first login common en You are required to change your password during your first login
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common en You have 1 high priority event on your calendar today.
you have 1 new message! common en You have 1 new message!
you have messages! common en You have messages!
you have no new messages common en You have no new messages
you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common en You have %1 high priority events on your calendar today.
you have x new messages! common en You have %1 new messages!
you must enter a password common en You must enter a password
your message has been sent common en Your message has been sent
your search returned 1 match common en your search returned 1 match
your search returned x matchs common en your search returned %1 matches
your settings have been updated common en Your settings have been Updated
bad login or password login en Bad login or password
phpgroupware login login en phpGroupWare login
sorry, your login has expired login en Sorry, your login has expired
use cookies login en use cookies
username login en Username
you have been successfully logged out login en You have been successfully logged out
your session could not be verified. login en Your session could not be verified.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
access common es Acceso
access type common es Tipo Acceso
account has been created common es Cuenta creada
account has been deleted common es Cuenta borrada
account has been updated common es Cuenta actualizada
account preferences common es Preferencias de la Cuenta
add common es Agregar
address book common es Libreta de Direcciones
addressbook common es Libreta de direcciones
addressbook preferences common es Preferencias - Libreta de direcciones
admin common es Admin
administration common es Administración
april common es Abril
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common es Seguro de querer borrar esta entrada ?
august common es Agosto
book marks common es Book marks
bookmarks common es Bookmarks
calendar common es Calendario
calendar preferences common es Preferencias - Calendario
cancel common es Cancelar
change common es Cambiar
charset common es iso-8859-1
chat common es Chat
clear common es Clear
clear form common es Limpiar Formulario
copy common es Copiar
create common es Crear
created by common es Creado por
current users common es Usuarios conectados
date common es Fecha
december common es Diciembre
delete common es Borrar
done common es Hecho
e-mail common es E-Mail
e-mail preferences common es Preferencias - E-Mail
edit common es Editar
email common es E-Mail
entry has been deleted sucessfully common es Entrada borrada exitosamente
entry updated sucessfully common es Entrada actualizada exitosamente
error common es Error
error creating x x directory common es Error al crear %1%2directory
error deleting x x directory common es Error al borrar %1%2directory
error renaming x x directory common es Error al renombrar %1%2directory
exit common es Salir
february common es Febrero
file manager common es Manejador de archivos
filter common es Filtro
first name common es Nombre
first page common es primer pagina
forum common es Forum
friday common es Viernes
ftp common es FTP
global public common es Global Publico
group access common es Grupo Acceso
group has been added common es Grupo agregado
group has been deleted common es Grupo borrado
group has been updated common es Grupo actualizado
group public common es Grupo Publico
groups common es Grupos
headlines common es Encabezados
help common es Ayuda
high common es Alta
home common es Principal
human resources common es Recursos Humanos
inventory common es Inventario
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common es Han pasado mas de %1 dias desde que ud. cambio su contraseña
january common es Enero
july common es Julio
june common es Junio
last name common es Apellido
last page common es ultima pagina
login common es Login
logout common es Logout
low common es Baja
march common es Marzo
may common es Mayo
medium common es Media
monday common es Lunes
name common es Nombre
new entry added sucessfully common es Nueva entrada agregada exitosamente
new phrase has been added common es Nueva frase agregada
news headlines common es Encabezados de Noticias
news reader common es Lector de Noticias
next page common es proxima pagina
nntp common es NNTP
no common es No
none common es Ninguno
normal common es Normal
november common es Noviembre
october common es Octubre
ok common es OK
on *nix systems please type: x common es es sistemas *nix por favor escriba: %1
only yours common es solamente los suyos
password common es Contraseña
password has been updated common es Contraseña actualizada
permissions to the files/users directory common es permisos a los archivos/directorios de usuario
please x by hand common es Por favor %1 manualmente
powered by phpgroupware version x common es Potenciado por <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> versión %1
preferences common es Preferencias
previous page common es pagina previa
print common es Imprimir
priority common es Prioridad
private common es Privado
rename common es Renombrar
saturday common es Sabado
save common es Salvar
search common es Buscar
september common es Setiembre
session has been killed common es Sesion terminada
show all common es mostrar todos
showing x common es Mostrando %1
showing x - x of x common es showing %1 - %2 of %3
sorry, there was a problem proccesing your request. common es Hubo un problema al procesar su pedido.
submit common es Enviar
sunday common es Domingo
thursday common es Jueves
time common es Hora
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common es Para corregir este error para el futuro necesitara setear apropiadamente el
today is x's birthday! common es Hoy es el cumpleaños de %1!
todo list common es Lista de Tareas
tomorrow is x's birthday. common es Mañana es el cumpleaños de %1.
total common es Total
translation management common es Manejador de Traducción
trouble ticket system common es Sistema de Ticket de problemas
tuesday common es Martes
updated common es Actualizado
users common es usuarios
view common es Ver
wednesday common es Miercoles
which groups common es Que groupos
yes common es Si
you are required to change your password during your first login common es Se requiere que cambie la contraseña durante su primer login.
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common es Ud. tiene 1 evento de alta prioridad es su calendario para hoy.
you have 1 new message! common es Ud. tiene 1 nuevo mensaje!
you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common es Ud. tiene %1 eventos de alta prioridad es su calendario para hoy.
you have x new messages! common es Ud. tiene %1 nuevos mensajes!
your message as been sent common es Su mensaje fue enviado
your search returned 1 match common es su busqueda retorno 1 coincidencia
your search returned x matchs common es su busqueda retorno %1 coincidencias
your settings have been updated common es Sus paramatros han sido actualizados
bad login or password login es Usuario y/o contraseña incorrecta.
login login es Login
password login es Contraseña
phpgroupware login login es phpGroupWare login
sorry, your login has expired login es Su login a caducado.
use cookies login es utilizar cookies
username login es Usuario
you have been successfully logged out login es Ud. se ha deslogueado exitosamente.
your session could not be verified. login es Su sesión no pudo ser verificada.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
powered by phpgroupware version common fr Propulsé par phpGroupWare version
(for weekly) all fr (pour hebdomadaire)
1 match found all fr 1 résultat trouvé
1 message has been deleted all fr 1 message a été effacé
a all fr A
access all fr Accès
access type all fr Type d'accès
account active all fr Compte actif
account has been created all fr Le compte a été créé
account has been deleted all fr Le compte a été supprimé
account has been updated all fr Le compte a été mis à jour
account preferences all fr Preférences de compte
active all fr Actif
add all fr Ajouter
add a single phrase all fr Ajouter une seule ligne
add new account all fr Ajouter un nouveau compte
add new application all fr Ajouter une nouvelle application
add new phrase all fr Ajouter une nouvelle phrase
add to addressbook all fr Ajouter au carnet d'adresses
address book all fr Carnet d'adresse
address book - view all fr Carnet d'adresses - voir
addressbook all fr Carnet d'adresses
addressbook preferences all fr Preférences du carnet d'adresses
addsub all fr AjouterSoustraire
admin all fr Admin
administration all fr Administration
all all fr Tous
all records and account information will be lost! all fr Tous les enregistrements et le compte vont être perdus !
anonymous user all fr Utilisateur anonyme
any all fr N'importe quel
application all fr Application
application name all fr Nom d'application
application title all fr Titre d'application
applications all fr Applications
april all fr Avril
are you sure you want to delete this account ? all fr Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce compte ?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? all fr Etes vous sur de vouloir effacer cette application ?
are you sure you want to delete this entry all fr Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer cette entrée ?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? all fr Etes vous certain de vouloir supprimer cette entrée ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? all fr Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce groupe ?
are you sure you want to delete this news site ? all fr Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce site de news ?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? all fr Voulez-vous vraiment tuer cette session ?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? all fr êtes vous certain\nde vouloir\nsupprimer cette entré ?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. all fr Étes vous certain\nde vouloir\nsupprimer cette entrée ?\n\nCeci détruira\ncette entrée pour tous les utilisateurs.
august all fr Auût
author all fr Auteur
available groups all fr Groups disponibles
bad login or password all fr Mauvais login ou mot de passe
base url all fr URL de base
birthday all fr Anniversaire
book marks all fr Signets
bookmarks all fr Signet
brief description all fr Description Résumé
calendar all fr Calendrier
calendar - add all fr Calendrier - Ajout
calendar - edit all fr Calendrier - Edition
calendar preferences all fr Preférences de calendrier
cancel all fr Annuler
cc all fr CC
change all fr Changer
change your password all fr Modifez votre mot de passe
change your profile all fr Changer votre profile
change your settings all fr Modifiez vos préférences
charset all fr iso-8859-1
chat all fr Chat
city all fr Ville
clear all fr Effacer
clear form all fr Effarcer le Formulaire
clipboard_contents all fr Contenus du presse-papier
company name all fr Nom d'entreprise
completed all fr Terminé
compose all fr Composer
copy all fr Copier
copy_as all fr Copier vers
create all fr Créer
create group all fr Créer un groupe
create lang.sql file all fr Créer le fichier lang.sql
create new language set all fr Créer nouvelle table de langue
created by all fr Créé Par
current users all fr Utilisateurs courants
current_file all fr Fichier courant
daily all fr Quotidien
date all fr Date
date due all fr Date butoir
date format all fr Format de date
days datedue all fr Application par defaut
days repeated all fr Jours répétés
december all fr Décembre
default application all fr Application par defaut
default sorting order all fr Ordre de tri par defaut
delete all fr Supprimer
description all fr Description
disabled all fr Désactivé
display all fr Afficher
display missing phrases in lang set all fr Afficher les phrases manquantes dans la table de langage
done all fr Fait
download all fr Télécharger
do_delete all fr Supprimer
duration all fr Durée
e-mail all fr E-Mail
e-mail preferences all fr Preférences E-mail
edit all fr Editer
edit application all fr Editer l'applcation
edit group all fr Editer groupe
email all fr E-Mail
email account name all fr Nom de compte e-mail
email address all fr Adresse e-mail
email password all fr Mot de passe e-mail
email signature all fr Signature E-Mail
enabled all fr Activé
enabled - hidden from navbar all fr Activé - caché de la barre de navigation
enter your new password all fr Entrer votre mot de passe
entry has been deleted sucessfully all fr Entrée supprimée avec succès
entry updated sucessfully all fr Entrée mise à jour avec succès
error all fr Erreur
error creating x x directory all fr Erreur pendant la création du répertoire %1 %2
error deleting x x directory all fr Erreur pendant la destruction du répertoire %1 %2
error renaming x x directory all fr Erreur pendant le renommage du répertoire %1 %2
err_saving_file all fr Erreur en sauvant sur le disque
exit all fr Sortir
fax all fr Fax
february all fr Février
file manager all fr Gestionnaire de fichiers
files all fr Fichiers
file_upload all fr Upload du fichier
filter all fr Filtrer
first name all fr Prénom
first page all fr première page
folder all fr Dossier
forum all fr Forum
forward all fr Transférer
fr all fr V
frequency all fr Fréquence
fri all fr Ven
friday all fr Vendredi
from all fr De
ftp all fr FTP
full description all fr Description Complète
generate new lang.sql file all fr Générer un nouveau fichier lang.sql
generate printer-friendly version all fr Générer une version imprimable
global public all fr Publique
go! all fr Go!
group access all fr Accès par groupe
group has been added all fr Le groupe a été ajouté
group has been deleted all fr Le groupe a été supprimé
group has been updated all fr Le groupe a étéGroup mis à jour
group name all fr Nom de groupe
group public all fr Publique par groupe
groups all fr Groupes
groupsfile_perm_error all fr Pour corriger cette erreur, il faut que vous donniez les bonnes permissions au repertoire files/groups.<BR> Sur un system *nix tappez: chmod 770
group_files all fr Fichiers de groupe
headline sites all fr Sites d'Headline
headlines all fr Headlines
help all fr Aide
high all fr Haut
home all fr Home
home phone all fr Téléphone Personnel
human resources all fr Ressources humaines
idle all fr inactivité
if applicable all fr Si applicable
ignore conflict all fr Ignorer Conflit
image all fr Image
imap server type all fr Type de Serveur IMAP
import lang set all fr Importer table de langage
installed applications all fr Applications installées
inventory all fr Inventaire
ip all fr IP
it has been more then x days since you changed your password all fr Cela fait plus de %1 jours que vous n'avez pas modifié votre mot de passe
january all fr Janvier
july all fr Juillet
june all fr Juin
kill all fr Tuer
language all fr Langage
last name all fr Nom
last page all fr dernière page
last time read all fr Heure de dernière lecture
last updated all fr Modifié en dernier
last x logins all fr Les %1 derniers logins
line 2 all fr ligne 2
list of current users all fr liste des utilisateurs connectés en ce moment
listings displayed all fr Affichage en listing
login all fr Login
login time all fr Heure d'entrée
loginid all fr LoginID
logout all fr Logout
low all fr Faible
mail server all fr Serveur Mail
mail server type all fr Type de Serveur Mail
manager all fr Manager
march all fr Mars
max matchs per page all fr Nombre max d'entités par page
may all fr Mai
medium all fr Moyen
message all fr Message
message x all fr Message %1
messages all fr Messages
minutes all fr Minutes
minutes between reloads all fr Minutes entre chaque recharge
mo all fr L
mobile all fr Téléphone Portable
mon all fr Lun
monday all fr Lundi
monitor all fr Monitorer
monitor newsgroups all fr Surveiller les newsgroups
month all fr Mois
monthly (by date) all fr Mensuel (par date)
monthly (by day) all fr Mensuel (par jour)
move selected messages into all fr Déplacer Les Messages Selectionnés Dans
name all fr Nom
network news all fr Nouvelles reseau
new entry all fr Nouvelle entrée
new entry added sucessfully all fr Nouvelle entrée ajoutée avec succès
new group name all fr Nouveau nom de groupe
new message all fr Nouveau message
new password [ leave blank for no change all fr Nouveau mot de passe [ Laissez vide pour ne rien changer ]
new phrase has been added all fr Une nouvelle phrase a été rajoutée
news file all fr Fichier de News
news headlines all fr News headlines
news reader all fr Lecteur de News
news type all fr Type de News
newsgroups all fr Newsgroups
new_file all fr Nouveau fichier
next all fr Suivant
next page all fr Page suivante
nntp all fr NNTP
no all fr Non
no matches found. all fr Aucune correspondance trouvée.
no subject all fr Pas De Sujet
non-standard all fr Non standard
none all fr Aucun
normal all fr Normal
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. all fr Note: Ceci ne change pas le mot de passe de votre email. Ceci doit être fait manuellement.
notes all fr Notes
november all fr Novembre
no_file_name all fr Aucun nom de fichier spécifié
october all fr Octobre
ok all fr OK
on *nix systems please type: x all fr Sur les systemes *nix tapez: %1
only yours all fr seulement les votres
original all fr original
other number all fr Autre numéro
pager all fr Pager
participants all fr Participants
password all fr Mot de passe
password has been updated all fr Le mot de passe a été mis à jour avec succès
percent of users that logged out all fr Pourcentage d'utilisateurs qui se sont délogués
permissions all fr Permissions
permissions this group has all fr Permissions de ce groupe
permissions to the files/users directory all fr Permissions pour le repertoire fichiers/utilisateurs
phrase in english all fr Phrase en anglais
phrase in new language all fr Phrase dans une nouvelle langue
phpgroupware login all fr login phpGroupWare
please select a message first all fr Veuillez d'abord selectionner un message
please x by hand all fr veuillez %1 a la main
please, select a new theme all fr Choisissez un nouveau theme
powered by phpgroupware version x all fr Utilise <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> version %1
preferences all fr Préfaeacute;rences
previous all fr Précédent
previous page all fr page précédente
print all fr Imprimer
printer friendly all fr Version imprimable
priority all fr Priorité
private all fr Privé
private_files all fr Fichiers privés;s
project description all fr Descripition du projet
re-edit event all fr Re-Editer L'Evenement
re-enter password all fr Re-saisissez le mot de passe
re-enter your password all fr Re-rentrer votre mot de passe
record access all fr Acces a l'enrengistrement
record owner all fr Proprietaire de l'enrengistrement
remove all users from this group all fr Retirer tous les utilisateurs de ce groupe
rename all fr Renommer
rename_to all fr Renomer vers
repeat day all fr Jour de répétition
repeat end date all fr Date de fin de répétition
repeat type all fr Type de répétition
repetition all fr Répétition
reply all fr Répondre
reply all all fr Répondre à tous
sa all fr S
sat all fr Sam
saturday all fr Samedi
save all fr Sauver
search all fr Chercher
search results all fr Résultats de la recherche
section all fr Section
select application all fr selectionner l'apllication
select different theme all fr Choisissez un theme différent
select headline news sites all fr Choisissez les site d'Headlines
select language to generate for all fr Selectionner la langue a utiliser
select permissions this group will have all fr Selectionner les permissions qu'aura ce groupe
select users for inclusion all fr Selectionner les utilisateurs pour inclusion
select which application for this phrase all fr Selectionner l'application pour cette phrase
select which language for this phrase all fr Selectionner la langue pour cette phrase
send all fr Envoyer
send deleted messages to the trash all fr Messages a effacer envoyés a la corbeille
september all fr Septembre
session has been killed all fr La session a été tuée
show all all fr Montrer tout
show all groups all fr Montrer tous les groupes
show birthday reminders on main screen all fr Montrer les anniversaires sur la page d'accueil
show current users on navigation bar all fr Montrer les utlisteurs connectés sur la barre de navigation
show groups containing all fr Monter les groupes contenant
show high priority events on main screen all fr Montrer les événements de haute priorité sur la page d'accueil
show new messages on main screen all fr Montrer les nouveaux messages sur la page d'accueil
show text on navigation icons all fr Montrer le texte sur les icones de navigation
showing x all fr %1 éléments
showing x - x of x all fr éléments %1 - %2 de %3
site all fr Site
size all fr Taille
sorry, that group name has already been taking. all fr Desolé, ce nom de groupe est déja pris
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group x all fr Desolé, les utilisateurs qui suivent sont encore membres du groupe %1
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. all fr Désolé, il y a eut un problème lors du traitement de votre requête.
sorry, your login has expired all fr Désolé, votre login a expiré
source language all fr Langage Source
specify_file_name all fr Vous devez donner un nom au fichier que vous désirez créer
state all fr Etat
status all fr État
street all fr Rue
su all fr D
subject all fr Sujet
submit all fr Envoyer
submit changes all fr Soumettre modifications
sun all fr Dim
sunday all fr Dimanche
switch current folder to all fr Changer Le Dossier Courant Vers
target language all fr Langage Cible
th all fr J
that loginid has already been taken all fr Ce login est déjà utlisé
that site has already been entered all fr Ce site a déjà été entré
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>x</ul> all fr Les entrées suivantes entrent en conflit avec l'heure proposée :<ul>%1</ul>
the login and password can not be the same all fr Le login et le mot de passe ne peuvent pas être identiques
the two passwords are not the same all fr Les deux mots de passe ne sont pas identiques
they must be removed before you can continue all fr Ils doivent être enlevés avant de continuer
this folder is empty all fr Ce dossier est vide
this month all fr Ce mois
this server is located in the x timezone all fr Ce serveur est situé dans la zone de temps %1
this week all fr Cette semaine
threads all fr Threads
thu all fr Jeu
thursday all fr Jeudi
time all fr Heure
time format all fr Format d'heure
time zone offset all fr Décalage de la zone horaire
title all fr Titre
to all fr A
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the all fr Pour corriger cette erreur vous devriez dans le future mettre correctement le
today all fr Aujourd'hui
today is x's birthday! all fr Aujourd'hui, c'est l'anniversaire de %1 !
todo all fr tâches
todo list all fr Liste de tâches
todo list - add all fr Liste de tâches - ajouter
todo list - edit all fr Liste de tâches - éditer
tomorrow is x's birthday. all fr Demain, c'est l'anniversaire de %1.
total all fr Total
total records all fr Nombre total d'enregistrements
translation all fr Traduction
translation management all fr Direction de Traduction
trouble ticket system all fr Trouble Ticket System
tu all fr M
tue all fr Mar
tuesday all fr Mardi
undisclosed recipients all fr Undisclosed Recipients
undisclosed sender all fr Undisclosed Sender
update all fr Mettre à jour
updated all fr Mis à jour
upload all fr Upload
urgency all fr Priorité
url all fr Url
use cookies all fr Utiliser les cookies
use custom settings all fr Utiliser les parametres personels
use end date all fr Utiliser la date de fin
user accounts all fr Comptes utilisateurs
user groups all fr Groupes d'utilisateurs
username all fr Nom d'utilisateur
users all fr Utilisateurs
usersfile_perm_error all fr Pour corriger cette erreur, il faut que vous donniez les bonnes permissions au repertoire files/users/.<BR> Sur un system *nix tappez: chmod 770
view all fr Voir
view access log all fr Voir les log d'accès
view sessions all fr Voir les sessions
view this entry all fr Voir cette entrée
view/edit/delete all phrases all fr Voir/editer/effacer toutes les phrases
we all fr Me
wed all fr Mer
wednesday all fr Mercredi
week all fr Semaine
weekday starts on all fr Le premier jour de la semaine est
weekly all fr Hebdomadaire
which groups all fr Quels groupes
work day ends on all fr La journée de travaille finit à
work day starts on all fr La journée de travaille commence à
work phone all fr Téléphone Professionnel
x matches found all fr %1 résultats trouvé
x messages have been deleted all fr %1 messages ont étés effacés
year all fr Année
yearly all fr Annuel
yes all fr Oui
you are required to change your password during your first login all fr Vous devez changer votre mot de passe a votre premiere connection
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. all fr Vous avez un événement de haute priorité dans votre calendrier.
you have 1 new message! all fr Vous avez un nouveau message !
you have been successfully logged out all fr Vous avez été délogué avec succè
you have entered an invailed date all fr vous avez entré une date invalide
you have not entered a\nbrief description all fr Vous n'avez pas saisi\nde Description Résumé
you have not entered a\nvalid time of day. all fr Vous n'avez pas saisi\nune heure valide.
you have x high priority events on your calendar today. all fr Vous avez %1 événements de haute priorité dans votre calendrier.
you have x new messages! all fr Vous avez %1 nouveaux messages!
you must add at least 1 permission to this account all fr Vous devez ajouter au moins une permission a ce compte
you must enter a base url all fr Vous devez entrer une URL de base
you must enter a display all fr Vous devez entrer un affichage
you must enter a news url all fr Vous devez entrer une URL de news
you must enter a password all fr Vous devez entrer un mot de passe
you must enter an application name and title. all fr vous devez entrer un nom d'application et de titre
you must enter one or more search keywords all fr Vous devez entrer au moins un mot clef pour la recherche
you must enter the number of listings display all fr Vous devez entrer le nombre d'entités affiché dans chaque listing
you must enter the number of minutes between reload all fr Vous devez entrer un le nombre de minutes entre chaque recharge
you must select a file type all fr Vous devez entrer un type de fichier
your current theme is: x all fr </b>
your message has been sent all fr Votre message a été envoyé
your search returned 1 match all fr Votre recherche a retournée un résultat
your search returned x matchs all fr Votre recherche a retournée %1 rés;sultats
your session could not be verified. all fr Votre session ne peut etre verifiée.
your settings have been updated all fr Vos préférences ont été mises à jour
your suggested time of <b> x - x </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: all fr La plage horaire <B> %1 - %2 </B> que vous proposez entre en conflit avec les entrées suivantes du calendrier :
zip code all fr Code Postal
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
access common hu Hozzáférés
access type common hu Hozzáférés típusa
account has been created common hu Hozzáférés létrehozva
account has been deleted common hu Hozzáférés törölve
account has been updated common hu Hozzáférés módosítva
account preferences common hu Hozzáférés tulajdonságok
add common hu Hozzáad
address book common hu Címjegyzék
addressbook common hu Címjegyzék
addressbook preferences common hu Címjegyzék tulajdonságok
admin common hu Admin
administration common hu Adminisztráció
april common hu Április
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common hu Biztosan törölni akarja ezt a bejegyzést?
august common hu Augusztus
book marks common hu Könyvjelzõk
bookmarks common hu Könyvjelzõk
calendar common hu Naptár
calendar preferences common hu Kalendárium tulajdonságok
cancel common hu Mégse
change common hu Változtat
charset common hu iso-8859-2
chat common hu Beszélgetés
clear common hu Töröl
clear form common hu Tiszta lap
copy common hu Másol
create common hu Létrehoz
created by common hu Készítette
current users common hu Aktuális felhasználók
date common hu Dátum
december common hu December
delete common hu Töröl
done common hu Kész
e-mail common hu E-Mail
e-mail preferences common hu E-Mail tulajdonságok
edit common hu Módosít
email common hu E-Mail
entry has been deleted sucessfully common hu Bejegyzés törölve
entry updated sucessfully common hu Bejegyzés módosítva
error common hu Hiba
error creating x x directory common hu Hiba a %1%2 könyvtár létrehozásakor
error deleting x x directory common hu Hiba a %1%2 könyvtár törlésekor
error renaming x x directory common hu Hiba a %1%2 könyvtár átnevezésekor
exit common hu Kilép
february common hu Február
file manager common hu Fájlkezelõ
filter common hu Szûrõ
first name common hu Keresztnév
first page common hu elsõ oldal
forum common hu Fórum
friday common hu Péntek
ftp common hu FTP
global public common hu Publikus
group access common hu Csoportos hozzáférés
group has been added common hu Csoport hozzáadva
group has been deleted common hu Csoport törölve
group has been updated common hu Csoport módosítva
group public common hu Csoporton belül publikus
groups common hu Csoportok
headlines common hu Fejlécek
help common hu Súgó
high common hu Sürgõs
home common hu Kezdõlap
human resources common hu Emberi erõforrások
inventory common hu Leltár
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common hu Több mint %1 nap telt el az utolsó jelszómódosítás óta
january common hu Január
july common hu Július
june common hu Június
last name common hu Családnév
last page common hu Utolsó oldal
login common hu Belépés
logout common hu Kilépés
low common hu Alacsony
march common hu Március
may common hu Május
medium common hu Közepes
monday common hu Hétfõ
name common hu Név
new entry added sucessfully common hu Új bejegyzés hozzáadva
new phrase has been added common hu Új kifejezés hozzáadva
news headlines common hu Hírek fejlécei
news reader common hu Hírolvasó
next page common hu következõ oldal
nntp common hu NNTP
no common hu Nem
none common hu Nincs
normal common hu Normál
november common hu November
october common hu Október
ok common hu OK
on *nix systems please type: x common hu *nix rendszereken üsse be: %1
only yours common hu csak sajátot
password common hu Jelszó
password has been updated common hu Jelszó módosítva
permissions to the files/users directory common hu a files/users könyvtár jogai
please x by hand common hu Kérem %1 kézzel
powered by phpgroupware version x common hu
preferences common hu Tulajdonságok
previous page common hu Elõzõ oldal
print common hu Nyomtat
priority common hu Prioritás
private common hu Privát
rename common hu Átnevez
saturday common hu Szombat
save common hu Elment
search common hu Keres
september common hu Szeptember
session has been killed common hu Aktív bejelentkezés kitiltva
show all common hu mindet megmutat
showing x common hu %1 listázva
showing x - x of x common hu listázva %1 - %2, össz: %3
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common hu Hiba történt a kérelem feldolgozásakor!
submit common hu Elküld
sunday common hu Vasárnap
thursday common hu Csütörtök
time common hu Idõ
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common hu A hiba kijavításához helyesen kell beállítani a
today is x's birthday! common hu Ma van %1 születésnapja!
todo list common hu Tennivalók listája
tomorrow is x's birthday. common hu Holnap van %1 születésnapja.
total common hu összesen
translation management common hu Fordítás menedzsment
trouble ticket system common hu Trouble Ticket System
tuesday common hu Kedd
updated common hu Módosítva
users common hu felhasználók
view common hu Megtekint
wednesday common hu Szerda
which groups common hu melyik csoport
yes common hu Igen
you are required to change your password during your first login common hu Elsõ bejelentkezéskor meg kell változtatnia a jelszavát
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common hu 1 fontos esemény szerepel a mai napra a naptárban.
you have 1 new message! common hu 1 új üzenete van!
you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common hu %1 fontos esemény szerepel a mai napra a naptárban.
you have x new messages! common hu %1 új üzenete van!
your message has been sent common hu Üzenet elküldve
your search returned 1 match common hu Keresés végeredménye: 1 találat
your search returned x matchs common hu Keresés végeredménye: %1 találat
your settings have been updated common hu A beállításai módosításra kerültek
bad login or password login hu Rossz felhasználó vagy jelszó
login login hu Belépés
password login hu Jelszó
phpgroupware login login hu phpGroupWare bejelentkezés
sorry, your login has expired login hu A hozzáférése lejárt
use cookies login hu használ sütit
username login hu Felhasználó
you have been successfully logged out login hu Sikeresen kijelentkezett a rendszerbõl
your session could not be verified. login hu A hozzáférése nem ellenõrizhetõ.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
access common it Accesso
access not permitted common it Accesso non permesso
access type common it Tipo di accesso
account has been created common it L'account é stato creato
account has been deleted common it L'account é stato cancellato
account has been updated common it L'account é stato aggiornato
account preferences common it Preferenze dell'account
acl common it ACL
add category common it Aggiungi una categoria
add common it Aggiungi
address book common it Rubrica
addressbook common it Rubrica
addressbook preferences common it Preferenze della rubrica
addvcard common it Aggiungi Vcard
admin common it Amministrazione
administration common it Amministrazione
all common it Tutto
april common it Aprile
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common it Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questa note ?
august common it Agosto
autosave default category common it Categoria default di salvataggio automatico
bookkeeping admins common it Amministratori Contabilità
bookkeeping common it contabilità
book marks common it segnalibri
bookmarks common it segnalibri
business city common it Città Ufficio
business common it Ufficio
business country common it Città Ufficio
business email common it Email Ufficio
business email type common it Tipo email ufficio
business fax common it Fax ufficio
business phone common it Telefono ufficio
business state common it Provincia ufficio
business street common it Via ufficio
business zip code common it CAP ufficio
calendar common it calendario
calendar preferences common it Preferenze calendario
cancel common it Cancella
categories common it Categorie
category common it Categoria
change common it Cambia
charset common it iso-8859-1
chat common it Chat
clear common it Cancella
clear form common it Cancella il modulo
company common it Società
contact common it Contatto
copy common it Copia
create common it Create
created by common it Creato da
currency common it Valuta
current users common it Utenti attivi
custom common it Personalizza
date common it Data
december common it Dicembre
delete common it Cancella
domestic common it Locale
done common it Terminato
edit common it Modifica
edit category common it Modifica Categoria
edit categories common it Modifica Categorie
e-mail common it Email
email common it Email
e-mail preferences common it Preferenze email
email type common it Tipo email
end time common it Ora Fine
entry has been deleted sucessfully common it La scrittura è stata cancellata correttamente
entry updated sucessfully common it La scrittura è stata aggiornata correttamente
error common it Errore
error creating x x directory common it Errore durante la creazione della %1%2 cartella
error deleting x x directory common it Errore durante la cancellazione della %1%2 cartella
error renaming x x directory common it Errore durante la rinomina della %1%2 cartella
exit common it Uscita
extra common it Extra
february common it Febbraio
fields common it Campi
file manager common it File manager
files common it File
filter common it Filtro
first name common it Nome
first page common it prima pagina
forum common it Forum
friday common it Venerdì
ftp common it FTP
global common it Globale
global public common it Pubblico Globale
grant addressbook access common it Permetti accesso alla Rubrica
grant calendar access common it Permetti accesso al Calendario
grant todo access common it Permetti accesso al DaFare
group access common it Accesso Gruppo
group common it Gruppo
group has been added common it Il gruppo è stato aggiunto
group has been deleted common it Il gruppo è stato cancellato
group has been updated common it Il gruppo è stato aggiornato
group public common it Gruppo Pubblico
groups common it Gruppi
headline preferences common it Preferenze NEWS
headlines common it NEWS
help common it Aiuto
high common it Alta
home common it Casa
human resources common it Risorse umane
international common it Internazionale
inventory common it Inventario
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common it Sono passati più di %1 da quando hai cambiato la password
january common it Gennaio
july common it Luglio
june common it Giugno
last name common it Cognome
last page common it ultima pagina
login common it Login
logout common it Logout
low common it Bassa
main screen common it Schermata principale
manual common it Manuale
march common it Marzo
may common it Maggio
medium common it Medio
message common it Messaggio
mobile phone common it Telefono cellulare
modem phone common it telefono Modem
monday common it Lunedì
monitor common it Monitor
name common it Nome
new entry added sucessfully common it Nuovo appuntamento aggiunto con successo
news headlines common it Titoli delle NEWS
news reader common it newsreader
next common it Avanti
next page common it prossima pagina
nntp common it NNTP
no common it No
normal common it Normale
notes common it Note
notes preferences common it Preferenze delle note
november common it Novembre
october common it Ottobre
ok common it OK
only yours common it solo tuoi
on *nix systems please type: x common it Nei sistemi *nix per favore digitare: %1
other common it Altro
other phone common it Altro Telefono
owner common it Proprietario
password common it Password
password has been updated common it La password è stata aggiornata
permissions to the files/users directory common it permissi alla cartella file/utenti
personal common it Personale
please set your preferences for this app common it Per favore specifica le tue preferenze per questa applicazione
please x by hand common it Please %1 by hand
powered by phpgroupware version x common it Creato con <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> versione %1
pref common it pref
prefer common it Prefer
preferences common it Preferenze
previous page common it Pagina precedente
print common it Stampa
priority common it Priorità
private common it Privato
read common it Leggi
rename common it Rinomina
saturday common it Sabato
save common it Salva
search common it Cerca
select category common it Seleziona categoria
select headline news sites common it Seleziona siti di NEWS
send updates via email common it Invia aggiornamenti via email
september common it Settembre
session has been killed common it La sessione è stata terminata
show all common it mostra tutto
showing x common it visualizzati %1
showing x - x of x common it mostro %1 - %2 si %3
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common it Peccato, c'è stato un problema nel processare la tua richiesta.
start time common it Ora Inizio
status common it Stato
subject common it Oggetto
submit common it Invia
sunday common it Domenica
that phrase already exists common it Quella frase esiste già
the two passwords are not the same common it Le due password non sono identiche
thursday common it Giovedì
time common it Ora
time zone common it Fuso orario
time zone offset common it differenza di fuso orario
title common it Titolo
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common it Per correggere questo errore in futuro occorre settare in maniera corretta
today is x's birthday! common it Oggi è il compleanno di %1!
todo list common it Lista Da-Fare
tomorrow is x's birthday. common it Domani è il compleanno di %1.
total common it Totale
translation management common it Gestione Traduzione
trouble ticket system common it Sistema per la gestione dei problemi
tuesday common it Martedì
updated common it Aggiornato
users common it utenti
vcard common it VCard
view common it Visualizza
wednesday common it Mercoledì
which groups common it Quali gruppi
yes common it Sì
you are required to change your password during your first login common it Devi cambiare la tua password durante la tua prima sessione
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common it Oggi hai 1 evento a priorità alta nel tuo calendario.
you have 1 new message! common it hai un nuovo messaggio!
you have messages! common it Hai nuovi messaggi
you have no new messages common it Non hai nuovi messaggi
you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common it Oggi hai %1 eventi ad alta priorità nel tuo calendario.
you have x new messages! common it Hai %1 nuovi messaggi!
you must enter a password common it Devi inserire una nuova password
your message has been sent common it Il tuo messaggio è stato spedito
your search returned 1 match common it la tua ricerca ha restituito un risultato
your search returned x matchs common it your search returned %1 matches
your settings have been updated common it I tuoi settaggi sono aggiornati
notes categories for common it Categorie delle note per
week common it settimana
participates common it partecipa
start date common it Data Inizio
end date common it Data Fine
bad login or password login it Login o password sbagliate
phpgroupware login login it login phpGroupWare
sorry, your login has expired login it Peccato, il tuo login è scaduto
use cookies login it usa i cookie
username login it Nome utente
you have been successfully logged out login it Sei uscito dal sistema con successo
your session could not be verified. login it La tua sessione non può essere verificata.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
ab common ja ab
accepted common ja 承諾済み
access common ja アクセス
access not permitted common ja アクセス権がありません
access type common ja アクセス権
account has been created common ja アカウントを作成しました
account has been deleted common ja アカウントを削除しました
account has been updated common ja アカウントを更新しました
account must belong to at least 1 group common ja 所属グループを指定してください。
account preferences common ja アカウントユーザ設定
acl common ja 許可設定
active common ja アクティブ
add common ja 追加
add addressbook category for common ja アドレス帳カテゴリ追加
add category common ja カテゴリ追加
add notes category for common ja ノートカテゴリ追加
add todo category for common ja プロジェクトカテゴリ追加
add x category for common ja %1 カテゴリ追加
address book common ja アドレス帳
addressbook common ja アドレス帳
addressbook preferences common ja アドレス帳ユーザ設定
addresses common ja アドレス帳
addvcard common ja VCard追加
admin common ja 環境設定
administration common ja 環境設定
all common ja 全て
april common ja 4月
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common ja このカテゴリを削除してもよろしいですか。
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common ja この項目を削除してもよろしいですか。
august common ja 8月
autosave default category common ja デフォルトカテゴリを自動保存
book marks common ja ブックマーク
bookkeeping common ja 経理
bookkeeping admins common ja 経理環境設定
bookmarks common ja ブックマーク
business common ja ビジネス
business city common ja 市区町村
business country common ja 国
business email common ja 電子メール
business email type common ja 電子メールタイプ
business fax common ja FAX
business phone common ja 電話
business state common ja 都道府県
business street common ja 町域
business zip code common ja 郵便番号
calendar common ja カレンダー
calendar preferences common ja カレンダーユーザ設定
cancel common ja 取消
categories common ja カテゴリ
category common ja カテゴリ
categories for common ja カテゴリ
category x has been added ! common ja カテゴリ %1 を追加しました。
category x has been updated ! common ja カテゴリ %1 を訂正しました。
cc common ja CC
change common ja 変更
charset common ja EUC-JP
chat common ja チャット
choose the category common ja カテゴリ選択
clear common ja クリア
clear form common ja 再入力
company common ja 会社
compose common ja 新規作成
contact common ja 連絡先
copy common ja コピー
country common ja 国
create common ja 作成
created by common ja 作成者
cron common ja Cron
currency common ja 通貨
current users common ja 現在のユーザ
custom common ja カスタム
date common ja 日
december common ja 12月
default category common ja 既定のカテゴリ
delete common ja 削除
description common ja 詳細
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common ja サブカテゴリも同時に削除しますか。
domestic common ja 国内
done common ja 終了
download common ja ダウンロード
e-mail common ja 電子メール
e-mail preferences common ja 電子メールユーザ設定
edit common ja 訂正
edit addressbook category for common ja アドレス帳カテゴリ訂正
edit categories common ja カテゴリ訂正
edit category common ja カテゴリ訂正
edit notes category for common ja ノートカテゴリ訂正
edit todo category for common ja プロジェクトカテゴリ訂正
edit x category for common ja %1 カテゴリ訂正
email common ja 電子メール
email type common ja 電子メールタイプ
end date common ja 終了日
end time common ja 終了時間
entry has been deleted sucessfully common ja 削除しました。
entry updated sucessfully common ja 訂正しました。
error common ja エラー
error creating x x directory common ja エラー:ディレクトリ %1%2 が作成できません。
error deleting x x directory common ja エラー:ディレクトリ %1%2 が削除できません。
error renaming x x directory common ja エラー:ディレクトリ %1%2 の名前を変更できません。
exit common ja 閉じる
extra common ja 追加
february common ja 2月
fields common ja 項目
file manager common ja ファイルマネージャ
files common ja ファイル
filter common ja 選択
first name common ja 姓
first page common ja 先頭ページ
folders common ja フォルダ
forum common ja フォーラム
forward common ja 転送
friday common ja 金曜日
from common ja 差出人
ftp common ja FTP
full name common ja 名前
global common ja グローバル
global public common ja パブリック
grant access common ja 利用許可設定
grant addressbook access common ja 利用許可設定
grant calendar access common ja 利用許可設定
grant todo access common ja 利用許可設定
group common ja グループ
group access common ja グループ
group has been added common ja グループを追加しました。
group has been deleted common ja グループを削除しました。
group has been updated common ja グループを訂正しました。
group public common ja 所属グループ
groups common ja グループ
headline preferences common ja ヘッドライン
headlines common ja ヘッドライン
help common ja ヘルプ
high common ja 高
home common ja ホーム
human resources common ja 人材
images common ja Images
inc common ja Inc
international common ja 国際
inventory common ja 在庫管理
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common ja It has been more then %1 days since you changed your password
january common ja 1月
july common ja 7月
june common ja 6月
large common ja 大
last name common ja 名
last page common ja last page
login common ja ログイン
logout common ja ログアウト
low common ja 低
main category common ja メインカテゴリ
main screen common ja メイン画面
manual common ja マニュアル
march common ja 3月
may common ja 5月
medium common ja 中
message common ja メッセージ
mobile phone common ja 携帯電話
modem phone common ja モデム
monday common ja 月曜日
monitor common ja 監視
name common ja 名前
new entry added sucessfully common ja 新しい項目を追加しました。
new main category common ja 新規メインカテゴリ
news headlines common ja ニュースヘッドライン
news reader common ja ニュースリーダー
newsgroups common ja ニュースグループ
next common ja 次
next page common ja 次ページ
nntp common ja ネットニュース
no common ja いいえ
none common ja なし
normal common ja 標準
notes common ja ノート
notes preferences common ja ノートユーザ設定
november common ja 11月
october common ja 10月
ok common ja OK
on *nix systems please type: x common ja On *nix systems please type: %1
only yours common ja 所有者
other common ja その他
other phone common ja その他番号
outcharset common ja ISO-2022-JP
owner common ja 所有者
parent category common ja 親カテゴリ
password common ja パスワード
password has been updated common ja パスワードを変更しました。
permissions to the files/users directory common ja permissions to the files/users directory
personal common ja 個人
please set your preferences for this app common ja このアプリケーションのユーザ設定を行って下さい。
please x by hand common ja Please %1 by hand
please, check your username and password, or contact your admin. common ja ユーザとパスワードをチェックするか、管理者に問い合わせてください。
powered by phpgroupware version x common ja Powered by <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> version %1
pref common ja 優先
prefer common ja 好み
preferences common ja ユーザ設定
previous common ja 前
previous page common ja 前ページ
print common ja 印刷
priority common ja 優先順位
private common ja プライベート
public common ja 共有
read common ja 表示
rename common ja 名前の変更
reply common ja 返信
reply all common ja 全員に返信
replyto common ja リプライ
saturday common ja 土曜日
save common ja 保存
search common ja 検索
select common ja 選択
select category common ja カテゴリ選択
select headline news sites common ja ヘッドラインニュースサイトの選択
select parent category common ja 親カテゴリ選択
send common ja 送信
send updates via email common ja 更新情報を電子メールで受取る
september common ja 9月
session has been killed common ja セッションを削除しました。
show all common ja 全て表示
showing x common ja 表示数 %1
showing x - x of x common ja 表示数 %1 - %2 of %3
small common ja 小
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common ja Sorry, there was a problem processing your request.
squirrelmail common ja Squirrelmail
start date common ja 開始日
start time common ja 開始時間
status common ja 状態
subject common ja 件名
subject: common ja 件名:
submit common ja 実行
sunday common ja 日曜日
that category name has been used already ! common ja カテゴリ名は既に存在しています。
that phrase already exists common ja フレーズは既に存在しています。
the two passwords are not the same common ja 2つのパスワードが等しくありません
themes common ja Themes
there was an error trying to connect to your mail server. common ja メールサーバに接続できませんでした。
there was an error trying to connect to your mail server.<br>please, check your username and password, or contact your admin. common ja メールサーバに接続できませんでした。<BR>電子メールのユーザ名とパスワードを確認してください。
this folder is empty common ja メッセージはありません。
thursday common ja 木曜日
time common ja 時間
time zone common ja 時差
time zone offset common ja 時差
title common ja タイトル
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common ja To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the
today is x's birthday! common ja 今日は %1 さんの誕生日です。
todo common ja プロジェクト
todo list common ja プロジェクトリスト
todo preferences common ja プロジェクト環境設定
tommorow is x's birthday. common ja 明日は %1 さんの誕生日です。
tomorrow is x's birthday. common ja 明日は %1 さんの誕生日です。
total common ja 合計
translation management common ja 言語環境
trouble ticket system common ja チケットシステム
tuesday common ja 火曜日
updated common ja 更新日時
users common ja ユーザ
vcard common ja VCard
view common ja 表示
weather common ja お天気
wednesday common ja 水曜日
which groups common ja グループ選択
yes common ja はい
you are required to change your password during your first login common ja 初回ログイン時にパスワード変更
you are required to change your password durring your first login common ja 初回ログイン時にパスワード変更
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common ja 優先度の高い予定が1つあります。
you have 1 new message! common ja 新着メールが1通あります。
you have messages! common ja メッセージがあります。
you have no new messages common ja 新着メールはありません。
you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common ja 優先度の高い予定が %1 つあります。
you have x new messages! common ja 新着メールが %1 通あります。
you must enter a password common ja パスワードを入力して下さい。
your message has been sent common ja メッセージを送信しました。
your search has returned no matchs ! common ja 見つかりません。
your search returned 1 match common ja 1件見つかりました。
your search returned x matchs common ja %1 件見つかりました。
your settings have been updated common ja Your settings have been Updated
bad login or password login ja パスワードが誤っています
login login ja ログイン
password login ja パスワード
phpgroupware login login ja phpGroupWare login
sorry, your login has expired login ja ログイン有効期限が切れました
use cookies login ja Cookie を使用
username login ja ユーザ名
you have been successfully logged out login ja ログアウトしました。
your session could not be verified. login ja Your session could not be verified.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
access common ko 액세스
access type common ko 액세스타입
account has been created common ko 아이디가 생성되었습니다.
account has been deleted common ko 아이디가 삭제되었습니다.
account has been updated common ko 아이디가 변경되었습니다.
add common ko 추가
address book common ko 주소록
addressbook common ko 주소록
admin common ko 관리
administration common ko 관리
april common ko 4월
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common ko 현재 항목을 삭제하시겠습니까?
august common ko 8월
book marks common ko 북마크
bookmarks common ko 북마크
calendar common ko 일정
cancel common ko 취소
change common ko 변경
charset common ko euc-kr
chat common ko 대화
clear common ko 초기화
clear form common ko 초기화
copy common ko 복사
create common ko 작성
created by common ko 작성자
current users common ko 현재 사용자
date common ko 날짜
december common ko 12월
delete common ko 삭제
done common ko 완료
e-mail common ko E-Mail
edit common ko 수정
email common ko E-Mail
entry has been deleted sucessfully common ko 데이터가 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다.
entry updated sucessfully common ko 데이터가 성공적으로 수정되었습니다.
error common ko 에러
error creating x x directory common ko %1%2 디렉토리를 생성할 수 없습니다..
error deleting x x directory common ko %1%2 디렉토리를 삭제할 수 없습니다.
error renaming x x directory common ko %1%2 디렉토리의 이름을 변경할 수 없습니다.
exit common ko 나가기
february common ko 2월
file manager common ko 파일 관리자
filter common ko 필터
first name common ko 이름
first page common ko 첫 페이지로
friday common ko 금요일
ftp common ko FTP
global public common ko 모두에게 공개
group access common ko 그룹 액세스
group has been added common ko 그룹이 추가되었습니다.
group has been deleted common ko 그룹이 삭제되었습니다.
group has been updated common ko 그룹이 변경되었습니다.
group public common ko 그룹내 공개
groups common ko 그룹
headlines common ko 헤드라인
help common ko 도움말
high common ko 높음
home common ko 홈으로
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common ko 암호를 변경한지 %1 일이 경과했습니다.
january common ko 1월
july common ko 7월
june common ko 6월
last name common ko 성
last page common ko 끝 페이지로
login common ko 로그인
logout common ko 로그아웃
low common ko 낮음
march common ko 3월
may common ko 5월
medium common ko 중간
monday common ko 월요일
name common ko 이름
new entry added sucessfully common ko 새로운 데이터가 추가되었습니다.
news headlines common ko 새 표제어
news reader common ko 뉴스 읽기
next page common ko 다음 페이지로
nntp common ko NNTP
no common ko 아니오
none common ko 없음
normal common ko 보통
november common ko 11월
october common ko 10월
ok common ko 확인
on *nix systems please type: x common ko On *nix systems please type: %1
only yours common ko 자신의 것만
password common ko 암호
password has been updated common ko 암호가 변경되었습니다.
permissions to the files/users directory common ko permissions to the files/users directory
please x by hand common ko %1을 직접 하시오.
powered by phpgroupware version common ko Powered by <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> version
preferences common ko 환경설정
previous page common ko 이전 페이지로
priority common ko 중요도
private common ko 개인
rename common ko 이름변경
saturday common ko 토요일
save common ko 저장
search common ko 검색
september common ko 9월
session has been killed common ko 작업이 종료되었습니다.
show all common ko 모두 보기
showing x common ko 현재 %1
showing x - x of x common ko 전체 %3에서 %1 - %2
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common ko 처리중 에러가 발생했습니다.
submit common ko 전송
sunday common ko 일요일
thursday common ko 목요일
time common ko 시간
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common ko To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the
today is x's birthday! common ko 오늘은 %1의 생일입니다!
todo list common ko 할일
tomorrow is x's birthday. common ko 내일은 %1의 생일입니다.
total common ko 합계
trouble ticket system common ko 에러리포트시스템
tuesday common ko 화요일
updated common ko 최종 수정
users common ko 사용자
view common ko 보기
wednesday common ko 수요일
which groups common ko 그룹선택
yes common ko 예
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common ko 1건의 중요도가 높은 작업이 있습니다.
you have 1 new message! common ko 1 개의 새로운 메시지가 있습니다!
you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common ko %1건의 중요도가 높은 작업들이 있습니다.
you have x new messages! common ko %1 개의 새로운 메시지가 있습니다!
your message has been sent common ko 메시지가 전송되었습니다.
your search returned 1 match common ko 1건의 결과가 검색되었습니다.
your search returned x matchs common ko %1건의 결과가 검색되었습니다.
your settings have been updated common ko 설정이 변경되었습니다.
bad login or password login ko 사용자ID나 패스워드가 틀립니다.
login login ko 로그인
password login ko 비밀번호
sorry, your login has expired login ko 사용자ID를 더 이상 사용하실수 없습니다.
use cookies login ko 쿠키사용
username login ko 사용자ID
you have been successfully logged out login ko 로그아웃 되었습니다.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
access common nl Toegang
access type common nl Toegangstype
account has been created common nl Account is aangemaakt
account has been deleted common nl Account is verwijderd
account has been updated common nl Account is bijgewerkt
account preferences common nl Account voorkeuren
add common nl Toevoegen
address book common nl Adresboek
addressbook common nl Adresboek
addressbook preferences common nl Adresboek voorkeuren
admin common nl admin
administration common nl Administratie
april common nl April
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common nl Weet u zeker dat u dit item wilt verwijderen?
august common nl Augustus
book marks common nl bladwijzers
bookmarks common nl bladwijzers
calendar common nl kalendar
calendar preferences common nl Kalender voorkeuren
cancel common nl Annuleren
change common nl Veranderen
charset common nl iso-8859-1
chat common nl Chat
clear common nl Wissen
clear form common nl Formulier wissen
comments common nl Opmerkingen
copy common nl Kopieren
create common nl Maken
created by common nl Gemaakt door
current users common nl huidig aantal gebruikers
date common nl datum
date hired common nl Datum in dienst
december common nl December
delete common nl Verwijderen
done common nl Gereed
e-mail common nl E-mail
e-mail preferences common nl E-mail voorkeuren
edit common nl Bewerken
email common nl E-mail
entry has been deleted sucessfully common nl Item succesvol verwijderd
entry updated sucessfully common nl Item succesvol bijgewerkt
error common nl Fout
error creating x x directory common nl Fout bij maken van %1%2directory
error deleting x x directory common nl Fout bij verwijderen van %1%2directory
error renaming x x directory common nl Fout bij hernoemen %1%2directory
exit common nl Einde
february common nl Februari
file manager common nl Bestandsbeheer
filter common nl Filter
first name common nl Voornaam
first page common nl eerste pagina
forum common nl Forum
friday common nl Vrijdag
ftp common nl FTP
global public common nl Toegang Openbaar
group access common nl Groepstoegang
group has been added common nl Groep is toegevoegd
group has been deleted common nl Groep is verwijderd
group has been updated common nl Groep is bijgewerkt
group public common nl Toegang voor groep
groups common nl Groepen
headlines common nl Krantekoppen
help common nl Help
high common nl Hoog
home common nl Start
human resources common nl Personeel
inventory common nl Magazijn
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common nl Er zijn meer dan %1 dagen verstreken sinds u uw wachtwoord hebt gewijzigd
january common nl Januari
july common nl Juli
june common nl Juni
last name common nl Achternaam
last page common nl laaste pagina
location common nl Locatie
login common nl Aanmelden
logout common nl Afmelden
low common nl Laag
march common nl Maart
may common nl Mei
medium common nl Gemiddeld
mobile common nl Mobiel
monday common nl Maandag
name common nl Naam
new entry added sucessfully common nl Nieuw item succesvol toegevoegd
new phrase has been added common nl Nieuwe zin is toegevoegd
news headlines common nl Nieuws koppen
news reader common nl Nieuwslezer
next page common nl volgende pagina
nntp common nl NNTP
no common nl Nee
none common nl Geen
normal common nl Normaal
november common nl November
october common nl Oktober
ok common nl OK
on *nix systems please type: x common nl Op *nix systemen typt u: %1
only yours common nl alleen eigen weergeven
pager common nl Buzzer
password common nl Wachtwoord
password has been updated common nl Wachtwoord is gewijzigd
permissions to the files/users directory common nl privileges aan de bestanden/gebruikers toekennen
phone common nl Telefoon
please x by hand common nl Gelieve %1 handmatig uit te voeren
powered by phpgroupware version x common nl Deze site werkt met <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> version %1
preferences common nl Voorkeuren
previous page common nl Vorige pagina
print common nl Afdrukken
priority common nl Prioriteit
private common nl Privé
Projects common nl Projecten
rename common nl Hernoemen
saturday common nl Zaterdag
save common nl Opslaan
search common nl Zoeken
september common nl September
session has been killed common nl Sessie is beëindigd
show all common nl laat alles zien
showing x common nl weergegeven: %1
showing x - x of x common nl weergegeven: %1 - %2 van %3
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common nl Sorry, er is een probleem opgetreden met het verwerken van uw verzoek.
status common nl status
submit common nl Verzenden
sunday common nl Zondag
thursday common nl Donderdag
time common nl tijd
time tracking common nl Tijdregistratie
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common nl Om deze fout te in de toekomst te voorkomen moet u de juiste
today is x's birthday! common nl Vandaag is %1's verjaardag!
todo list common nl Takenlijst
tomorrow is x's birthday. common nl Morgen is %1's verjaardag.
total common nl Totaal
translation management common nl Vertalingen management
trouble ticket system common nl Probleem Registratie Systeem
tuesday common nl Dinsdag
updated common nl Bijgewerkt
users common nl gebruikers
vacation hours per year common nl Jaarlijks aantal verlofuren
vacation hours used common nl Gebruikte verlofuren
view common nl Bekijken
wednesday common nl Woensdag
which groups common nl welke groepen
yes common nl Ja
you are required to change your password during your first login common nl U moet na de eerste keer inlogggen uw eerste sessie uw wachtwoord wijzigen
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common nl U hebt vandaag 1 afspraak met hoge prioriteit op uw agenda staan.
you have 1 new message! common nl U hebt 1 nieuw bericht!
you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common nl U hebt vandaag %1 afspraken met hoge prioriteit op uw agenda staan.
you have x new messages! common nl U hebt %1 nieuwe berichten!
your message has been sent common nl Uw bericht is verzonden
your search returned 1 match common nl Uw zoekopdracht leverde 1 item op
your search returned x matchs common nl Uw zoekopdracht leverde %1 items op
your settings have been updated common nl Uw instellingen zijn gewijzigd
powered by phpgroupware version x all nl Deze site werkt met <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> version %1
bad login or password login nl Onjuiste gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord
login login nl Aanmelden
password login nl Wachtwoord
phpgroupware login login nl pgpGroupWare aanmelding
sorry, your login has expired login nl Sorry, uw sessie is verlopen
use cookies login nl gebruik koekjes
username login nl gebruikersnaam
you have been successfully logged out login nl U bent succesvol afgemeld
your session could not be verified. login nl Uw sessie kon niet geverifieerd worden
mainscreen_message mainscreen nl Bericht op hoofdscherm
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
access common no Access
access type common no Access type
account has been created common no Account har blitt opprettet
account has been deleted common no Account har blitt slettet
account has been updated common no Account har blitt oppdatert
add common no Legg til
address book common no Addresse Bok
addressbook common no Addressebook
admin common no Admin
administration common no Administrasjon
april common no April
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common no Er du sikker du vil slette denne entry ?
august common no August
book marks common no Bokmerker
bookmarks common no Bookmarks
calendar common no kalender
cancel common no Avbryt
change common no Endre
charset common no iso-8859-1
chat common no Chat
clear common no Clear
clear form common no Endre Form
copy common no Kopier
create common no Lag
created by common no Laget av
current users common no Current brukere
date common no Dato
december common no Desember
delete common no Slett
done common no Ferdig
e-mail common no E-Post
edit common no Editer
email common no E-Post
entry has been deleted sucessfully common no Entry har blitt slettet
entry updated sucessfully common no Entry er oppdatert
error common no Feil
exit common no Avslutt
february common no Februar
file manager common no Fil manager
filter common no Filter
first name common no Fornavn
first page common no første side
friday common no Fredag
ftp common no FTP
global public common no Global Public
group access common no Gruppe Access
group has been added common no Gruppe har blitt lagt til
group has been deleted common no Gruppe har blitt slettet
group has been updated common no Gruppe har blitt oppdatert
group public common no Gruppe Public
groups common no Grupper
headlines common no Headlines
help common no Hjelp
high common no Høy
home common no Hjemme
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common no Det er mer enn %1 dager siden du har endet ditt passord
january common no Januar
july common no Juli
june common no Juni
last name common no Etternavn
last page common no siste side
login common no Login
logout common no Logout
low common no Lav
march common no Mars
may common no Mai
medium common no Medium
monday common no Mandag
name common no Navn
new entry added sucessfully common no Ny entry er lagt til
news headlines common no Nyhets headlines
news reader common no Nyhets Leser
next page common no neste side
no common no Nei
none common no Ingen
normal common no Normal
november common no November
october common no Oktober
ok common no OK
only yours common no kun dine
password common no Passord
password has been updated common no Passord har blitt oppdatert
powered by phpgroupware version common no Powered by <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> version
preferences common no Preferences
previous page common no Forrige side
priority common no Prioritet
private common no Privat
rename common no Endre navn
saturday common no Lørdag
save common no Lagre
search common no Søk
september common no September
session has been killed common no Session har blitt avsluttet
show all common no vis alle
showing x common no showing %1
showing x - x of x common no showing %1 - %2 of %3
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common no Beklager, der var problemer ved din forespørsel.
submit common no Submit
sunday common no Søndag
thursday common no Torsdag
time common no Tid
today is x's birthday! common no I dag har %1 fødselsdag!
todo list common no Å-gjøre Liste
tomorrow is x's birthday. common no I morgen er det %1's fødselsdag.
total common no Total
trouble ticket system common no Trouble Ticket System
tuesday common no Tirsdag
updated common no Oppdatert
view common no Vis
wednesday common no Onsdag
which groups common no hvilke grupper
yes common no Ja
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common no Du har 1 høy prioritets event i din kalender i dag.
you have 1 new message! common no Du har 1 ny melding!
you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common no Du har %1 høy prioritets event i din kalender i dag.
you have x new messages! common no Du har %1 nye meldinger!
your message has been sent common no Din melding har blitt sent
your search returned 1 match common no ditt søk gav 1 match
your search returned x matchs common no ditt søk gav %1 match
your settings have been updated common no Dine innstillinger har blitt oppdatert
bad login or password login no Ugyldig login eller passord
login login no Login
password login no Passord
sorry, your login has expired login no Beklager, din login er utgått
use cookies login no use cookies
username login no Brukernavn
you have been successfully logged out login no Du har nå logget ut
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
about x common sv Om %1
access common sv Åtkomst
access type common sv Åtkomst typ
account has been created common sv Kontot har blivit skapat
account has been deleted common sv Kontot har blivit borttaget
account has been updated common sv Kontot har blivit uppdaterat
account preferences common sv Konto inställningar
add common sv Lägg till
address book common sv Adress Bok
addressbook common sv Adressbok
addressbook preferences common sv Adressbok inställningar
addvcard common sv Lägg till Vkort
admin common sv Admin
administration common sv Administration
april common sv April
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common sv Är du säker att du vill radera denna entry ?
august common sv Augusti
birthday common sv Födelsedag
book marks common sv Bokmärken
bookmarks common sv Bookmarks
calendar common sv kalender
calendar preferences common sv Kalender inställningar
cancel common sv Avbryt
change common sv Ändra
charset common sv iso-8859-1
chat common sv Chat
city common sv Stad
clear common sv Rensa
clear form common sv Rensa formulär
company common sv Företag
copy common sv Kopiera
create common sv Skapa
created by common sv Skapat av
current users common sv Nuvarande användare
date common sv Datum
december common sv December
delete common sv Ta bort
done common sv Färdig
e-mail common sv E-Post
e-mail preferences common sv E-Post intällningar
edit common sv Editera
email common sv E-Post
entry has been deleted sucessfully common sv Entry har blivit borttaget
entry updated sucessfully common sv Entry är uppdaterad
error common sv Fel
error creating x x directory common sv Fel vid skapande %1%2 bibliotek
error deleting x x directory common sv Fel vid borttagning %1%2 bibliotek
error renaming x x directory common sv Fel vid namnbyte %1%2 bibliotek
exit common sv Avsluta
fax common sv Fax nummer
february common sv Februari
file manager common sv Fil manager
filter common sv Filter
first name common sv Förnamn
first page common sv första sidan
forum common sv Forum
friday common sv Fredag
ftp common sv FTP
global public common sv Global Public
group access common sv Grupp Access
group has been added common sv Grupp har lagts till
group has been deleted common sv Grupp har tagits bort
group has been updated common sv Grupp har uppdaterats
group public common sv Grupp Public
groups common sv Grupper
headlines common sv Headlines
help common sv Hjälp
high common sv Hög
home common sv Hem
home phone common sv Hemma telefon
human resources common sv Mänskliga resurser
inventory common sv Inventarium
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common sv Det er mer än %1 dagar sedan du ändrade ditt lösenord
january common sv Januari
july common sv Juli
june common sv Juni
last name common sv Efternamn
last page common sv sista sidan
line 2 common sv Andra raden
login common sv Login
logout common sv Logout
low common sv Låg
march common sv Mars
may common sv Maj
medium common sv Medium
mobile phone common sv Mobil nummer
monday common sv Måndag
name common sv Namn
new entry added sucessfully common sv Ny entry har lagts till
new phrase has been added common sv Ny fras har lagts till
news headlines common sv Nyhets headlines
news reader common sv Nyhets Läsare
next page common sv nästa sida
nntp common sv NNTP
no common sv Nej
none common sv Ingen
normal common sv Normal
november common sv November
october common sv Oktober
ok common sv OK
on *nix systems please type: x common sv Skriv %1 på *nix system
only yours common sv endast dina
other phone common sv Annat nummer
pager common sv Personsökare
password common sv Lösenord
password has been updated common sv Lösenord har blivit uppdaterat
permissions to the files/users directory common sv rättigheter på files/users bibliotek
please x by hand common sv Var vänlig %1 för hand
powered by phpgroupware version x common sv Powered by <a href=http://www.phpgroupware.org>phpGroupWare</a> version %1
preferences common sv Inställningar
previous page common sv Föregående sida
print common sv Skriv ut
priority common sv Prioritet
private common sv Privat
rename common sv Ändra namn
saturday common sv Lördag
save common sv Spara
search common sv Sök
september common sv September
session has been killed common sv Session har blivit avslutad
show all common sv visa alla
showing x common sv visar %1
showing x - x of x common sv visar %1 - %2 av %3
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common sv Beklagar, det var problem att utföra din önskan.
state common sv Stat
street common sv Gata
submit common sv Utför
sunday common sv Söndag
thursday common sv Torsdag
time common sv Tid
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common sv För att framgent rätta till detta problem måste du riktigt sätta
today is x's birthday! common sv I dag har %1 födelsedag!
todo list common sv Att göra lista
tomorrow is x's birthday. common sv I morgon är det %1's födelsedag.
total common sv Total
translation management common sv Översättnings hanteraren
trouble ticket system common sv Trouble Ticket System
tuesday common sv Tisdag
updated common sv Uppdaterat
users common sv användare
vcard common sv VKort
view common sv Visa
wednesday common sv Onsdag
which groups common sv vilken grupp
work phone common sv Arbets telefon
yes common sv Ja
you are required to change your password during your first login common sv Du måste byta lösenord vid din första inloggning
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common sv Du har 1 högprioritets händelse i din kalender i dag.
you have 1 new message! common sv Du har 1 nytt meddelande!
you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common sv Du har %1 högprioritets händelse i din kalender i dag.
you have x new messages! common sv Du har %1 nya meddelanden!
your message has been sent common sv Ditt meddelande har blivit sänt
your search returned 1 match common sv din sökning gav 1 träff
your search returned x matchs common sv din sökning gav %1 träffar
your settings have been updated common sv Dina innställningar har blivit uppdaterade
zip code common sv Postnummer
bad login or password login sv Ogiltigt login eller lösenord
sorry, your login has expired login sv Beklagar, din login har utgått
use cookies login sv Använd cookies
username login sv Användarnamn
you have been successfully logged out login sv Du har nu loggat ut
Reference in New Issue
Block a user