- primary unique id: id (default), uid, or any custom field
- fallback: id, uid(default), two from n_family, org_name or n_given,
or any custom field
- use default addressbook for new contacts (user preferences), if no
owner specified
- some bugfixes
(static) addressbook_merge::is_implemented($mimetype,$extension)
- documented syntax for custom fields
- implemented Open Office und Ms Office 2007 XML formats
(page- and labelrepeat are missing!)
Reworked it not in the following way:
- numerical limit or total disabling (setting "no"), are only valid for
- addressbook has it's own value, but uses now the global one, if no
addressbook specific limit is set
between two Tag of $$pagerepeat$$. After selecting more than one
contact, you will recive an RTF File with one Contact on each page.
This is a possibility to print serial letters.