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MagicSuggest v1.3
Check out full documentation and examples here: http://nicolasbize.github.com/magicsuggest/
Milestone change log:
v1.3.1 BugFixing again! (Minor Tagged Milestone - August 17th, 2013)
- (fix) enable after disable now works (credits to amanokerim - https://github.com/amanokerim)
- (fix) trigger icon now takes full height (credits to DioVayne - https://github.com/DioVayne)
- (fix) clear now compatible with isSilent (credits to Coywolf - https://github.com/Coywolf)
- (fix) groupBy was broken by 1.3.0
- (fea) compatibility with latest jQuery 1.10.2 (credits to RafaelMalgor - https://github.com/RafaelMalgor)
- (fea) resulted JSON objects can now have a custom result property resultsField (credits to RafaelMalgor - https://github.com/RafaelMalgor)
v1.3.0 Some more features and bugfixing (Minor Tagged Milestone - May 25th, 2013)
- (fea) combo component can now be fetched through the same div element (credits to meghuizen - https://github.com/meghuizen)
- (fix) CSS bug with 1.2.7+ with triggerHidden (credits to ScullWM - https://github.com/ScullWM)
- (fix) container would always render with 1 row even though a bunch of data was loaded (credits to travishaagen - https://github.com/travishaagen)
- (fea) added minimum jQuery version to work in docs (credits to rajeshmeniya - https://github.com/rajeshmeniya)
- (fix) input was not correctly enabled / disabled (credits to zerekw - https://github.com/zerekw)
- (fea) added getName and setName to easily fetch/set form name of component (credits to jbmoens - https://github.com/jbmoens)
- (fix) when a value is specified in the DOM original element, it is passed correctly to MS. (credits to jbmoens - https://github.com/jbmoens)
- (fix) input space now always uses the remaining space as this leads to less issues.
- (fea) combo has now more logic when used for a single selection combo box.
- (fix) space taken for single selection on a small combo remains on one line. (credits to ScullWM - https://github.com/ScullWM)
- (fea) multiple items can now be selected through the Ctrl key (credits to meghuizen - https://github.com/meghuizen)
- (fea) trigger icon now uses pure CSS (credits to meghuizen - https://github.com/meghuizen)
- (fea) cfg(data) can now take a function as parameter (credits to meghuizen - https://github.com/meghuizen)
- (fea) cfg(data) can take a json object whose data items are within the results property
- (fix) CSS has been fixed so it behaves correctly within a bootstrap modal (credits to daenuprobst - https://github.com/daenuprobst)
- (fea) suggestion rendering optimized by reducing draw calls to one. (credits to meghuizen - https://github.com/meghuizen)
- (fix) tags can now longer be removed when the combo is disabled (credits to grena - https://github.com/grena)
- (fix) setting data was only going through visible set of suggestions (credits to grena - https://github.com/grena)
- (fix) missing semi-colons, went through full jslint (credits to grena - https://github.com/grena)
- (fix) suggestions were not appearing when maxSuggestions was set to 10. (credits to zerekw - https://github.com/zerekw and plasmaxy - https://github.com/plasmaxy)
- (fix) the clear function was broken (credits to travishaagen - https://github.com/travishaagen)
- (fea) the component's config can now be setup entirely from the DOM container element.
- (fea) added a silent mode to selection changing methods in order to know if it was user-triggered or not. (credits to travishaagen - https://github.com/travishaagen)
- (fea) added a setData(object) method to fill the combo after it has been rendered (credits to travishaagen - https://github.com/travishaagen)
- (fix) ajax query was sent twice when the user was typing faster than the typeDelay (credits to arvenom - https://github.com/arvenom)
- (fix) highlighting the search results was also highlighting html tags when using custom rendering (credits to pstuart2 - https://github.com/pstuart2)
- (fea) added cfg(strictSuggest) so that user can choose how the suggestions will be made
- (fea) added cfg(toggleOnClick) so that the user can expand/close the combo by clicking on it (credits to psulek - https://github.com/psulek)
- (fix) empty suggestion text was wrongly triggered when performing initial ajax call (credits to curtgrimes - https://github.com/curtgrimes)
- (fea) added cfg(selectionRenderer) (credits to pstuart2 - https://github.com/pstuart2)
- (fix) empty text class was not triggered properly (credits to jods4 - https://github.com/jods4)
- (fix) IE8 compatibility (credits to Airborn22 - https://github.com/Airborn22)
- (fea) MagicSuggest can now be rendered from a select dom component. (credits to Yogu - https://github.com/Yogu)
- (fea) on blur now automatically adds the typed text to the selection if free entries are allowed (credits to Airborn22 - https://github.com/Airborn22)
- (fea) new public method empty() which will clear the user text.
- (fix) make sure combo is filled prior to triggering load event
- (fea) renamed some events for better readability
v1.2.0 Standardization on jQuery plugins (Minor Tagged Milestone - Mar. 4th 2013)
- (fix) fixed disabled behaviour when one could still edit the emptyText
- (fix) collapse method would throw an error
- (cfg) typeDelay: Amount (in ms) between keyboard registers (credits to jayesbee - https://github.com/jayesbee)
- (fea) standardized on jQuery plugin (credits to jayesbee - https://github.com/jayesbee)
- (fea) added documentation examples
- (cfg) name: name used for magicsuggest as a form element (credits to iambibhas - https://github.com/iambibhas)
- (fix) start up rendering when value rendered as text
- (cfg) dataParams: additional parameters for ajax request (credits to jayesbee - https://github.com/jayesbee)
- (fix) other rendering issues with inner text
v1.1.0 Various enhancements and bug fixing (Minor Tagged Milestone - Feb. 19th 2013)
- (fea) close cross style now blends in a bit more
- (fea) escape now collapses the combo (without loosing focus)
- (fix) can't enter entries made out of space
- (cfg) noSuggestionText: text displayed when there are no suggestions from given data
- (cfg) minCharsRenderer: allows to customize message when not enough characters are entered to trigger a search
- (cfg) maxEntryRenderer: allows to customize message when too many characters have been entered
- (cfg) maxEntryLength: amount of characters to limit user input
- (cfg) style: custom style applied to the main container
- (cfg) infoMsgCls: custom class to apply to the helper
- (fea) new helper message on upper right to inform on the component status
- (cfg) id: allows to give the component a custom ID
- (cfg) inputCfg : allows additional parameters passed out to the INPUT tag. Enables usage of AngularJS's custom tags for ex.
- (cfg) renderer : allows custom rendering within the combo.
- (cfg) groupBy : allows grouping within the combo box listing.
- (fix) blur event now registers correctly when selecting an element from the combo
- (fix) flicker in IE when hovering trigger
- (cfg) strictSuggest : set how suggestions will be proposed
- (fix) maxResults is now correctly interpreted
- (fix) maxSelection is now correctly interpreted
- (cfg) method : set the ajax method, default to 'POST'
- (fea) ajax request can now interpret multiple results from server base.
- (fix) bug where the blur event would be triggered when clicking upon the page
- (cfg) required : triggers invalid / valid events when not filled
- (fea) validation through isValid() method
v1.0. initial component release
- choose to allow free entries or not
- keyboard management
- theme ability
- static and dynamic data processing
- positionning