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## Styling
Our overall styling is a combination of our site-wide style (pixelegg), etemplate2.css
and [Shoelace]( styles
Some handy excerpts:
### Global CSS variables
:root {
--primary-background-color: #4177a2;
--highlight-background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, .4);
--label-color: #000000;
/* For fixed width labels - use class 'et2-label-fixed'*/
--label-width: 8em;
--input-border-color: #E6E6E6;
--input-text-color: #26537C;
--warning-color: rgba(255, 204, 0, .5);
--error-color: rgba(204, 0, 51, .5);
### Useful CSS classes
#### hide
Hides the element using css```display: none```
#### hideme
Hides the element using css```display: none !important;```
#### et2-label-fixed
Use on a widget to force its label to have a fixed width. This helps line up labels and widgets into columns without
having to use a grid, which allows them to reflow if needed. Set the CSS variable ```--label_width``` to change how much
space the labels get.
These widgets are in an et2-vbox:
| ![fixed label example #1](/assets/images/styling_et2-label-fixed_2.png ) |
| *Without et2-label-fixed class* |
| ![fixed label example #2](/assets/images/styling_et2-label-fixed_1.png) |
| *Fixed width labels using et2-label-fixed* |
| ![fixed label example #3](/assets/images/styling_et2-label-fixed_3.png) |
| *--label_width CSS variable changed for more space* <br/>Note how 'Responsible' widget wraps |