mirror of https://github.com/EGroupware/egroupware.git synced 2024-12-22 14:41:29 +01:00

35 lines
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allowed users importexport id Pengguna yang dibolehkan
changed importexport id Diubah
charset of file importexport id Charset of file
check all importexport id Contreng semua
condition importexport id kondisi
copied importexport id disalin
created importexport id Dibikin
define imports|exports common id Definisi impor|ekspor
deleted importexport id terhapus
edit conditions importexport id Edit conditions
expert options importexport id Expert options
export importexport id Ekspor
exported importexport id diekspor
false importexport id false
fieldseperator importexport id Pemisah field
finish importexport id selesai
general preferences id Umum
general fields: preferences id Field Umum:
import importexport id Impor
import definitions common id Impor definisi
importexport common id ImporEkspor
load sample file importexport id Muatkan berkas contoh
manage mapping importexport id Pengelolaan pemetaan
next importexport id berikutnya
next run importexport id Next run
preview importexport id Preview
previous importexport id sebelumnya
schedule common id Jadual
schedule import / export common id Jadualkan impor/ekspor
select definition importexport id Pilih definisi
select plugin importexport id Pilih plugin
translation importexport id Terjemahan
true importexport id true
use default importexport id Gunakan bawaan