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<title>Encfs by vgough</title>
<div class="inner">
<h2>EncFS: an Encrypted Filesystem for FUSE.</h2>
<a href="https://github.com/vgough/encfs" class="button"><small>View project on</small>GitHub</a>
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<section id="main-content">
<a name="encfs---an-encrypted-filesystem" class="anchor" href="#encfs---an-encrypted-filesystem"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>EncFS - an Encrypted Filesystem</h1>
<a name="about" class="anchor" href="#about"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>About</h2>
<p>EncFS provides an encrypted filesystem in user-space. It runs in userspace,
using the FUSE library for the filesystem interface. EncFS is open source
software, licensed under the LGPL.</p>
<p>EncFS was written by necessity over a decade ago by me, <a href="https://github.com/vgough" class="user-mention">@vgough</a>. At the time,
older NFS-loopback based encrypted filesystems such as CFS had not kept pace with Linux
development. When FUSE became available, I wrote a CFS replacement for my own
use and released the first version to Open Source in 2003.</p>
<p>As with most encrypted filesystems, Encfs was meant to provide security against
off-line attacks; ie your notebook or backups are left in a taxi by mistake, stolen, etc.
In order to avoid having a dedicated partition size, EncFS encrypts individual files,
by translating all requests for the virtual EncFS filesystem into the equivalent
encrypted operations on the raw filesystem. </p>
<a name="status" class="anchor" href="#status"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Status</h2>
<p>Over the last decade, a number of good alternatives have grown up. Computing
power has increased to the point where it is reasonable to encrypt the entire
filesystem of personal computers. On Linux, ecryptfs
provides a nice dynamically mountable encrypted home directory, and is well
integrated in distributions I use, such as Ubuntu. Every compute I use, including
my mobile phones, use full-disk encryption. However there always seem to be new
use cases for userspace file-by-file encryption, so EncFS remains useful.</p>
<p>EncFS has been dormant for a while. I've started cleaning up in order to try
and provide a better base for a version 2, but whether EncFS flowers again
depends upon community interest. In order to make it easier for anyone to
contribute, I'm looking at Github as the next home for EncFS. So if you're
interested in EncFS, please dive in!</p>
<a name="github-page" class="anchor" href="#github-page"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>GitHub page</h2>
<p>GitHub hosting for EncFS is in progress. Until the transition is complete,
see also the original, and more complete, introduction page at <a href="http://www.arg0.net/encfs">http://www.arg0.net/encfs</a></p>
<aside id="sidebar">
<a href="https://github.com/vgough/encfs/zipball/master" class="button">
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<p class="repo-owner"><a href="https://github.com/vgough/encfs"></a> is maintained by <a href="https://github.com/vgough">vgough</a>.</p>
<p>This page was generated by <a href="https://pages.github.com">GitHub Pages</a> using the Architect theme by <a href="https://twitter.com/jasonlong">Jason Long</a>.</p>
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{"name":"Encfs","tagline":"EncFS: an Encrypted Filesystem for FUSE.","body":"# EncFS - an Encrypted Filesystem\r\n\r\n## About\r\n\r\nEncFS provides an encrypted filesystem in user-space. It runs in userspace, \r\nusing the FUSE library for the filesystem interface. EncFS is open source\r\nsoftware, licensed under the LGPL.\r\n\r\nEncFS was written by necessity over a decade ago by me, @vgough. At the time,\r\nolder NFS-loopback based encrypted filesystems such as CFS had not kept pace with Linux\r\ndevelopment. When FUSE became available, I wrote a CFS replacement for my own\r\nuse and released the first version to Open Source in 2003.\r\n\r\nAs with most encrypted filesystems, Encfs was meant to provide security against\r\noff-line attacks; ie your notebook or backups are left in a taxi by mistake, stolen, etc.\r\nIn order to avoid having a dedicated partition size, EncFS encrypts individual files, \r\nby translating all requests for the virtual EncFS filesystem into the equivalent \r\nencrypted operations on the raw filesystem. \r\n\r\n## Status\r\n\r\nOver the last decade, a number of good alternatives have grown up. Computing\r\npower has increased to the point where it is reasonable to encrypt the entire\r\nfilesystem of personal computers. On Linux, ecryptfs\r\nprovides a nice dynamically mountable encrypted home directory, and is well\r\nintegrated in distributions I use, such as Ubuntu. Every compute I use, including\r\nmy mobile phones, use full-disk encryption. However there always seem to be new\r\nuse cases for userspace file-by-file encryption, so EncFS remains useful.\r\n\r\nEncFS has been dormant for a while. I've started cleaning up in order to try\r\nand provide a better base for a version 2, but whether EncFS flowers again\r\ndepends upon community interest. In order to make it easier for anyone to\r\ncontribute, I'm looking at Github as the next home for EncFS. So if you're\r\ninterested in EncFS, please dive in!\r\n\r\n## GitHub page\r\n\r\nGitHub hosting for EncFS is in progress. Until the transition is complete, \r\nsee also the original, and more complete, introduction page at http://www.arg0.net/encfs\r\n","google":"UA-108985-4","note":"Don't delete this file! It's used internally to help with page regeneration."}
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display: inline;
aside#sidebar {
float: none;
width: 100% ! important;
aside#sidebar {
background-image: none;
margin-top: 20px;
border-top: solid 1px #ddd;
padding: 20px 0;
min-height: 0;
aside#sidebar a.button {
display: none;
#main-content h1:before,
#main-content h2:before,
#main-content h3:before,
#main-content h4:before,
#main-content h5:before,
#main-content h6:before {
content: none;
padding-right: 0;
margin-left: 0;
/* Mobile Landscape Size to Tablet Portrait (devices and browsers) */
@media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) {}
/* Mobile Portrait Size to Mobile Landscape Size (devices and browsers) */
@media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {}
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