2024-05-22 23:45:47 -07:00

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Kubernetes Installation

We have different solution to install Homer on Kubernetes Cluster, each solution responds to a specific need.

Table of Contents

Helm Chart

To deploy Homer in Kubernetes

Thanks to @djjudas21 charts:


helm repo add djjudas21 https://djjudas21.github.io/charts/
helm repo update djjudas21

# install with all defaults
helm install homer djjudas21/homer

# install with customisations
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/djjudas21/charts/main/charts/homer/values.yaml
# edit values.yaml
helm install homer djjudas21/homer -f values.yaml

Controller CRDs

To deploy Homer in Kubernetes with Custom Resources Definition to dynamic declaration for Homer Service

Thanks to @jplanckeel homer-k8s:


helm repo add bananaops https://bananaops.github.io/homer-k8s/
helm repo update bananaops

# install with all defaults
helm install homer bananaops/homer-k8s

# install with customisations
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bananaops/homer-k8s/main/helm/homer-k8s/values.yaml
# edit values.yaml
helm install homer bananaops/homer-k8s -f values.yaml


Controller Annotations

To deploy Homer in Kubernetes with controller to check ingress annoation and modify homer configuration

Thanks to @paulfantom homer-reloader:


To deploy many Homer in Kubernetes with Custom Resources Definition

Thanks to @rajsinghtech homer-operator:


# install with customisations
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rajsinghtech/homer-operator/main/deploy/operator.yaml
# Apply operator file
kubectl apply -f operator.yaml
