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synced 2025-03-19 16:36:55 +01:00
🏃 implementing polyline simplification, label buffering, cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
The Console Vector Tile renderer - bäm!
tilebelt = require 'tilebelt'
Promise = require 'bluebird'
x256 = require 'x256'
simplify = require 'simplify-js'
Canvas = require './Canvas'
LabelBuffer = require './LabelBuffer'
@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ Styler = require './Styler'
Tile = require './Tile'
utils = require './utils'
#simplify = require 'simplify-js'
module.exports = class Renderer
language: 'en'
@ -87,19 +85,19 @@ module.exports = class Renderer
_visibleTiles: (center, zoom) ->
z = Math.min @config.maxZoom, Math.max 0, Math.floor zoom
xyz = tilebelt.pointToTileFraction center.lon, center.lat, z
center = utils.ll2tile center.lon, center.lat, z
tiles = []
scale = @_scaleAtZoom zoom
tileSize = @config.tileSize / scale
for y in [Math.floor(xyz[1])-1..Math.floor(xyz[1])+1]
for x in [Math.floor(xyz[0])-1..Math.floor(xyz[0])+1]
for y in [Math.floor(center.y)-1..Math.floor(center.y)+1]
for x in [Math.floor(center.x)-1..Math.floor(center.x)+1]
tile = x: x, y: y, z: z
position =
x: @width/2-(xyz[0]-tile.x)*tileSize
y: @height/2-(xyz[1]-tile.y)*tileSize
x: @width/2-(center.x-tile.x)*tileSize
y: @height/2-(center.y-tile.y)*tileSize
gridSize = Math.pow 2, z
@ -175,7 +173,8 @@ module.exports = class Renderer
_drawFeature: (tile, feature) ->
if feature.style.minzoom and tile.zoom < feature.style.minzoom
return false
else if feature.style.maxzoom and tile.zoom > feature.style.maxzoom
return false
switch feature.style.type
when "line"
@ -197,53 +196,49 @@ module.exports = class Renderer
feature.properties["name_en"] or
feature.properties["name"] or
feature.properties.house_num or
genericSymbol = "◉"
points = @_scaleAndReduce tile, feature, feature.points
for point in points
x = point[0] - text.length
return false if @_seen[text] and not genericSymbol
placed = false
for point in @_scaleAndReduce tile, feature, feature.points
x = point.x - text.length
margin = @config.layers[feature.layer]?.margin or @config.labelMargin
if @labelBuffer.writeIfPossible text, x, point[1], feature, margin
@canvas.text text, x, point[1], feature.color
if @labelBuffer.writeIfPossible text, x, point.y, feature, margin
@canvas.text text, x, point.y, feature.color
placed = true
else if @config.layers[feature.layer]?.cluster and
@labelBuffer.writeIfPossible "X", point[0], point[1], feature, 3
@canvas.text "◉", point[0], point[1], feature.color
@labelBuffer.writeIfPossible "◉", point.x, point.y, feature, 3
@canvas.text "◉", point.x, point.y, feature.color
placed = true
@_seen[text] = true if placed
_seen: {}
_scaleAndReduce: (tile, feature, points, filter = true) ->
lastX = null
lastY = null
outside = false
lastX = lastY = outside = null
scaled = []
# seen = {}
minX = minY = -@tilePadding
maxX = @width+@tilePadding
maxY = @height+@tilePadding
for point in points
x = Math.floor tile.position.x+(point.x/tile.scale)
y = Math.floor tile.position.y+(point.y/tile.scale)
if lastX is x and lastY is y
continue if lastX is x and lastY is y
lastY = y
lastX = x
# TODO: benchmark
# continue if seen[idx = (y<<8)+x]
# seen[idx] = true
if filter
if (
x < -@tilePadding or
y < -@tilePadding or
x > @width+@tilePadding or
y > @height+@tilePadding
if x < minX or x > maxX or y < minY or y > maxY
continue if outside
outside = true
@ -251,23 +246,15 @@ module.exports = class Renderer
outside = null
scaled.push [lastX, lastY]
scaled.push [x, y] #x: x, y: y
scaled.push x: x, y: y
if scaled.length < 2
if feature.style.type isnt "symbol"
if feature.style.type isnt "symbol"
if scaled.length < 2
return []
# else
# scaled = ([point.x, point.y] for point in simplify scaled, 2, false)
# if filter
# if scaled.length is 2
# if @_seen[ka = (scaled[0]<<8)+scaled[1]] or
# @_seen[kb = (scaled[1]<<8)+scaled[0]]
# return []
# @_seen[ka] = @_seen[kb] = true
simplify scaled, .5
_generateDrawOrder: (zoom) ->
if zoom < 2
@ -191,18 +191,12 @@ module.exports = class Termap
setImmediate => @_draw()
_getFooter: ->
# features = @renderer.featuresAt @mousePosition.x-1-(@view[0]>>1), @mousePosition.y-1-(@view[1]>>2)
# "features: ["+features.map((f) ->
# JSON.stringify
# name: f.feature.properties.name
# type: f.feature.properties.type
# rank: f.feature.properties.scalerank
# ).join(", ")+"] "+
#{}"#{@mousePosition.x} #{@mousePosition.y} " +
# bbox = @_getBBox()
# tiles = @_tilesInBBox(bbox)
# tile = utils.ll2tile @center.lon, @center.lat, @zoom
# "tile: #{utils.digits tile.x, 3}, #{utils.digits tile.x, 3} "+
"center: #{utils.digits @center.lat, 3}, #{utils.digits @center.lon, 3} "+
"zoom: #{utils.digits @zoom, 2} "
"zoom: #{utils.digits @zoom, 2} "+
"mouse: #{@mousePosition.x} #{@mousePosition.y} "+
notify: (text) ->
@_write "\r\x1B[K"+text unless @config.headless
@ -217,9 +211,14 @@ module.exports = class Termap
@zoom += step
moveBy: (lat, lon) ->
@center.lat += lat
@center.lon += lon
@setCenter @center.lat+lat, @center.lon+lon
@center.lon = (@center.lon+180)%360-180
@center.lat = 85.0511 if @center.lat > 85.0511
@center.lat = -85.0511 if @center.lat < -85.0511
setCenter: (lat, lon) ->
lon += 360 if lon < -180
lon -= 360 if lon > 180
lat = 85.0511 if lat > 85.0511
lat = -85.0511 if lat < -85.0511
@center.lat = lat
@center.lon = lon
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