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synced 2025-03-26 13:26:09 +01:00
🏃 massive speed gain after a night of node profiling and lessons learned
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,14 +27,17 @@ module.exports = class BrailleBuffer
termReset: "\x1B[39;49m"
constructor: (@width, @height) ->
@pixelBuffer = new Buffer @width*@height/8
size = @width*@height/8
@pixelBuffer = new Buffer size
@foregroundBuffer = new Buffer size
@backgroundBuffer = new Buffer size
clear: ->
@pixelBuffer.fill 0
@charBuffer = []
@foregroundBuffer = []
@backgroundBuffer = []
@foregroundBuffer.fill 0
@backgroundBuffer.fill 0
setGlobalBackground: (@globalBackground) ->
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
bresenham = require 'bresenham'
earcut = require 'earcut'
BrailleBuffer = require './BrailleBuffer'
utils = require './utils'
@ -56,14 +55,9 @@ module.exports = class Canvas
# if vertices.length
# continue
# holes.push vertices.length/2
polylines.push polylines[0]
for point in polylines
vertices = vertices.concat point
xs[point[0]] = ys[point[1]] = true
# Check if we actually got a valid polygon after projection and clamping
if Object.keys(xs).length is 1 or Object.keys(ys).length is 1
return false
triangles = earcut vertices, holes
@ -78,10 +72,7 @@ module.exports = class Canvas
pb = extract(triangles[i+1])
pc = extract(triangles[i+2])
if (0 <= pa[0] < @width and 0 <= pa[1] < @height) or
(0 <= pb[0] < @width and 0 <= pb[1] < @height) or
(0 <= pc[0] < @width and 0 <= pc[1] < @height)
@_filledTriangle pa, pb, pc, color
@_filledTriangle pa, pb, pc, color
# Inspired by Alois Zingl's "The Beauty of Bresenham's Algorithm"
# -> http://members.chello.at/~easyfilter/bresenham.html
@ -159,13 +150,17 @@ module.exports = class Canvas
[lastPoint, last] = [last, point]
not lastPoint or lastPoint.x isnt point.x or lastPoint.y isnt point.y
for i, point of points
for i in [0...points.length]
point = points[i]
next = points[i*1+1]
if point.y is next?.y
left = Math.max 0, point.x
right = Math.min @width, next?.x
@buffer.setPixel x, point.y, color for x in [left..right]
right = Math.min @width, next.x
if left and right
@buffer.setPixel x, point.y, color for x in [left..right]
@buffer.setPixel point.x, point.y, color
break unless next
@ -210,18 +210,19 @@ module.exports = class Renderer
if feature.style.minzoom and tile.zoom < feature.style.minzoom
return false
points = @_scaleAndReduce tile, feature, feature.points
switch feature.style.type
when "line"
points = @_scaleAndReduce tile, feature, feature.points
width = feature.style.paint['line-width']
width = width.stops[0][1] if width instanceof Object
@canvas.polyline points, feature.color, width if points.length
when "fill"
vertices = (@_scaleAndReduce tile, feature, points, false for points in feature.points)
@canvas.polygon vertices[0], feature.color
@canvas.polygon points, feature.color
# if points.length is 3
# @canvas._filledTriangle points[0], points[1], points[2], feature.color
when "symbol"
@ -242,12 +243,15 @@ module.exports = class Renderer
else if @config.layers[feature.layer]?.cluster and @labelBuffer.writeIfPossible "X", point[0], point[1], feature, 3
@canvas.text "◉", point[0], point[1], feature.color
_seen: {}
_scaleAndReduce: (tile, feature, points, filter = true) ->
lastX = null
lastY = null
outside = false
scaled = []
#seen = {}
for point in points
x = Math.floor tile.position.x+(point.x/tile.scale)
@ -259,8 +263,12 @@ module.exports = class Renderer
lastY = y
lastX = x
# TODO: benchmark
# continue if seen[idx = (y<<8)+x]
# seen[idx] = true
if filter
if tile.xyz.z > 1 and (
if (
x < -@tilePadding or
y < -@tilePadding or
x > @width+@tilePadding or
@ -277,8 +285,8 @@ module.exports = class Renderer
if filter
if scaled.length is 2
if @_seen[ka = scaled[0].concat(scaled[1]).join '-'] or
@_seen[kb = scaled[1].concat(scaled[0]).join '-']
if @_seen[ka = (scaled[0]<<8)+scaled[1]] or
@_seen[kb = (scaled[1]<<8)+scaled[0]]
return []
@_seen[ka] = @_seen[kb] = true
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ module.exports = class Termap
styleFile: __dirname+"/../styles/bright.json"
initialZoom: null
maxZoom: 17
zoomStep: 0.1
maxZoom: 18
zoomStep: 0.2
headless: false
# size:
@ -154,7 +154,9 @@ module.exports = class Termap
when "q"
process.exit 0
when "w" then @zoomy = true
when "w" then @zoomy = 1
when "s" then @zoomy = -1
when "a" then @zoomBy @config.zoomStep
when "z" then @zoomBy -@config.zoomStep
@ -181,11 +183,12 @@ module.exports = class Termap
.catch =>
@notify "renderer is busy"
.then =>
if @zoomy and @zoom < @config.maxZoom
@zoom += @config.zoomStep
if @zoomy
if (@zoomy > 0 and @zoom < @config.maxZoom) or (@zoomy < 0 and @zoom > @minZoom)
@zoom += @zoomy * @config.zoomStep
@zoomy *= -1
@zoomy = false
_getFooter: ->
# features = @renderer.featuresAt @mousePosition.x-1-(@view[0]>>1), @mousePosition.y-1-(@view[1]>>2)
@ -195,16 +198,11 @@ module.exports = class Termap
# type: f.feature.properties.type
# rank: f.feature.properties.scalerank
# ).join(", ")+"] "+
"#{@mousePosition.x} #{@mousePosition.y} " +
#"center: [#{utils.digits @center.lat, 2}, #{utils.digits @center.lng, 2}]}"
#{}"#{@mousePosition.x} #{@mousePosition.y} " +
# bbox = @_getBBox()
# tiles = @_tilesInBBox(bbox)
"center: #{utils.digits @center.lat, 3}, #{utils.digits @center.lon, 3} "+
"zoom: #{utils.digits @zoom, 2} "
#{}"bbox: [#{bbox.map((z) -> utils.digits(z, 2)).join(', ')}]"+
# "tiles: "+("#{k}: #{v}" for k,v of @_tilesInBBox(bbox) when typeof v is "number").join(",")
#features.map((f) -> JSON.stringify f.feature.properties).join(" - ")
notify: (text) ->
@_write "\r\x1B[K"+text unless @config.headless
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Promise = require 'bluebird'
zlib = require 'zlib'
rbush = require 'rbush'
x256 = require 'x256'
earcut = require 'earcut'
utils = require "./utils"
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ class Tile
for name, layer of tile.layers
nodes = []
#continue if name is "water"
for i in [0...layer.length]
# TODO: caching of similar attributes to avoid looking up the style each time
#continue if @styler and not @styler.getStyleFor layer, feature
@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ class Tile
style.paint['fill-color'] or
# TODO: zoom calculation todo for perfect styling
# TODO: style zoom stops handling
if color instanceof Object
color = color.stops[0][1]
@ -72,45 +74,34 @@ class Tile
# use feature.loadGeometry() again as soon as we got a 512 extent tileset
geometries = feature.loadGeometry() #@_reduceGeometry feature, 8
# TODO: handling polygon holes, only handling outer area for now
if style.type is "fill"
for points in (if style.type is "fill" then [geometries[0]] else geometries)
nodes.push @_addBoundaries
id: feature.id
layer: name
style: style
properties: feature.properties
points: geometries
points: points
color: colorCode
for points in geometries
nodes.push @_addBoundaries
id: feature.id
layer: name
style: style
properties: feature.properties
points: points
color: colorCode
tree = rbush()
tree = rbush 18
tree.load nodes
layers[name] = tree
@layers = layers
_addBoundaries: (data) ->
[minX, maxX, minY, maxY] = [Infinity, -Infinity, Infinity, -Infinity]
minMax = (points) ->
for p in points
minX = p.x if p.x < minX
maxX = p.x if p.x > maxX
minY = p.y if p.y < minY
maxY = p.y if p.y > maxY
minX = Infinity
maxX = -Infinity
minY = Infinity
maxY = -Infinity
if data.points[0] instanceof Array
minMax points for points in data.points
minMax data.points
for p in data.points
minX = p.x if p.x < minX
maxX = p.x if p.x > maxX
minY = p.y if p.y < minY
maxY = p.y if p.y > maxY
data.minX = minX
data.maxX = maxX
Reference in New Issue
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