"description":"Label for preset accent colour dark level 1."
"message":"Accent color",
"description":"Label for accent colour."
"message":"Random Accent color on load/refresh",
"description":"Checkbox for random accent colour on load or refresh."
"description":"Radio for any random accent colour on load or refresh."
"description":"Radio for light random accent colour on load or refresh."
"description":"Radio for dark random accent colour on load or refresh."
"description":"Radio for pastel random accent colour on load or refresh."
"description":"Radio for saturated random accent colour on load or refresh."
"message":"Randomize now",
"description":"Button to randomise accent colour now."
"message":"Auto change Accent hue",
"description":"Checkbox for cycled accent colour."
"message":"Change delay",
"description":"Range for cycled accent colour speed."
"message":"Change steps",
"description":"Range for cycled accent colour steps."
"message":"Take care as a fast changing Accent hue may cause performance issues.",
"description":"Alert for cycled accent colour."
"message":"Auto change Accent hue will not work when the Accent color is a gray or black.",
"description":"Helper text for cycled accent colour."
"message":"Display font",
"description":"Input for display font name."
"message":"Google font name",
"description":"Placeholder for display font name."
"message":"Use a Google Font to customize the Clock, Date, Group names and Bookmark Letters.",
"description":"Helper text for display font name."
"message":"Find a Google Font",
"description":"Link to google fonts."
"message":"Add a font name as it appears on Google Fonts, including capital letters and spaces, e.g.: enter \"Fredoka One\" or \"Kanit\".",
"description":"Helper text for display font name."
"message":"Clear the field to use the default font \"Fjalla One\".",
"description":"Helper text for display font name."
"message":"Font weight",
"description":"Label for display font weight."
"description":"Button for light weight display font."
"description":"Button for regular weight display font."
"description":"Button for bold weight display font."
"message":"Not all fonts support all weights. Refer to the Google Font page to see which are available.",
"description":"Helper text for display font weight."
"description":"Radio for normal display font style."
"description":"Radio for italic display font style."
"message":"User interface font",
"description":"Input for UI font name."
"message":"Google font name",
"description":"Placeholder for UI font name."
"message":"Use a Google Font to customize the Bookmark name, URL and form elements.",
"description":"Helper text for UI font name."
"message":"Find a Google Font",
"description":"Link to google fonts."
"message":"Add a font name as it appears on Google Fonts, including capital letters and spaces, e.g.: enter \"Roboto\", \"Source Sans Pro\" or \"Noto Sans\".",
"description":"Helper text for UI font name."
"message":"Clear the field to use the default font \"Open Sans\".",
"description":"Helper text for UI font name."
"message":"Font weight",
"description":"Label for UI font weight."
"description":"Button for light weight UI font."
"description":"Button for regular weight UI font."
"description":"Button for bold weight UI font."
"message":"Not all fonts support all weights. Refer to the Google Font page to see which are available.",
"description":"Helper text for UI font weight."
"description":"Radio for normal UI font style."
"description":"Radio for italic UI font style."
"message":"Corner radius",
"description":"Range for radius."
"message":"Shadow size",
"description":"Range for shadow."
"message":"Shade opacity",
"description":"Range for shade opacity."
"message":"Shade blur",
"description":"Range for shade blur."
"message":"Not supported by all browsers.",
"description":"Helper text for shade blur."
"message":"All opacity",
"description":"Range for all opacity."
"message":"Change the opacity of Search bar, Bookmarks, Group controls and the Toolbar.",
"description":"Helper text for all opacity."
"message":"Opacity can also be changed when editing individual Bookmarks.",
"description":"Placeholder for bookmark tile visual text."
"message":"Bookmark icon",
"description":"Label for bookmark tile visual icon."
"message":"FontAwesome Brands or Icons",
"description":"Placeholder for bookmark tile visual icon."
"message":"Remove icon",
"description":"Button to remove the bookmark tile visual icon."
"message":"Bookmark image",
"description":"Label for bookmark tile visual image URL."
"description":"Placeholder for bookmark tile visual image URL."
"message":"Visual shadow",
"description":"Range for bookmark tile visual shadow."
"message":"Visual shadow only applies to a Letter or Icon.",
"description":"Helper text for bookmark tile visual shadow."
"message":"Show Name",
"description":"Checkbox to show bookmark tile name."
"message":"Bookmark name",
"description":"Label for bookmark tile name."
"description":"Placeholder for bookmark tile name."
"message":"Name size",
"description":"Range for bookmark tile name size."
"message":"Theme Accent",
"description":"Label for bookmark tile to use the theme accent."
"message":"Use the Accent defined by the Theme.",
"description":"Description for bookmark tile to use the theme accent."
"message":"Custom Accent",
"description":"Label for bookmark tile to use a custom accent."
"message":"Override the Theme Accent.",
"description":"Description for bookmark tile to use a custom accent."
"description":"Label for bookmark tile accent."
"message":"Theme color",
"description":"Label for bookmark tile to use the theme colour."
"message":"Use the Color defined by the Theme.",
"description":"Description for bookmark tile to use the theme colour."
"message":"Custom color",
"description":"Label for bookmark tile to use a custom colour."
"message":"Override the Theme color.",
"description":"Description for bookmark tile to use a custom colour."
"description":"Label for bookmark tile colour."
"description":"Range for bookmark tile opacity."
"message":"Show background",
"description":"Label for bookmark tile background."
"message":"Display an Image or video Background on this Bookmark tile.",
"description":"Description for bookmark tile background."
"description":"Radio for bookmark tile image background."
"description":"Radio for bookmark tile video background."
"description":"Range for bookmark tile background opacity."
"message":"Background image URL",
"description":"Label for bookmark tile background image URL."
"description":"Placeholder for bookmark tile background image URL."
"message":"Background image only supports a direct URL to an image file.",
"description":"Helper text for bookmark tile background image URL."
"message":"Background video URL",
"description":"Label for bookmark tile background video URL."
"description":"Placeholder for bookmark tile background video URL."
"message":"Background video only supports a direct URL to a video file. Supports MP4 and WebM format.",
"description":"Helper text for bookmark tile background video URL."
"message":"YouTube page URLs can not be used.",
"description":"Helper text for bookmark tile background video URL."
"description":"Range for bookmark tile border."
"message":"Wide tile",
"description":"Label for bookmark tile wide shape."
"message":"Bookmark tile to span across two columns.",
"description":"Description for bookmark tile wide shape."
"message":"Tall tile",
"description":"Label for bookmark tile tall shape."
"message":"Bookmark tile to span across two rows.",
"description":"Description for bookmark tile tall shape."
"message":"Existing Group",
"description":"Radio for bookmark position in existing bookmark group."
"message":"New Group",
"description":"Radio for bookmark position in new bookmark group."
"description":"Label for bookmark group name."
"message":"Example group",
"description":"Placeholder for bookmark group name."
"message":"Random Group name",
"description":"Button for random group name."
"description":"Select for bookmark group position."
"description":"Select for bookmark position in a group."
"message":"Apply \"Show Visual Element\" and \"Show Name\" to other Bookmarks",
"description":"Checkbox to share current bookmark visual settings to all other bookmarks."
"message":"The Letter, Icon, Image and Name text will not be shared.",
"description":"Helper text to share current bookmark visual settings to all other bookmarks."
"message":"Useful for hiding the Visual Elements or Names on all Bookmarks.",
"description":"Helper text to share current bookmark visual settings to all other bookmarks."
"message":"Apply Layout to other Bookmarks",
"description":"Checkbox to share current bookmark layout settings to all other bookmarks."
"message":"When saved, apply the above Layout to all other Bookmarks.",
"description":"Helper text to share current bookmark layout settings to all other bookmarks."
"message":"Only the Visual and Name size, Alignment, Order, Position and Gutter will be applied to all.",
"description":"Helper text to share current bookmark layout settings to all other bookmarks."
"message":"Apply Theme to other Bookmarks",
"description":"Checkbox to share current bookmark theme settings to all other bookmarks."
"message":"When saved, apply the above Theme to all other Bookmarks.",
"description":"Helper text to share current bookmark theme settings to all other bookmarks."
"message":"Only the Color, Accent, Opacity, Border and Visual shadow will be applied to all.",
"description":"Helper text to share current bookmark theme settings to all other bookmarks."
"description":"Paragraph for bookmark full size preview."
"message":"Preview (50% scale)",
"description":"Paragraph for bookmark half size preview."
"message":"Move this group up",
"description":"Button for bookmark group move up control."
"message":"Drag group to reorder",
"description":"Button for bookmark group drag to sort control."
"message":"Move this group down",
"description":"Button for bookmark group move down control."
"message":"Edit this group",
"description":"Button for bookmark group edit control."
"message":"Remove this group",
"description":"Button for bookmark group remove control."
"message":"Open all bookmarks in this group",
"description":"Button for bookmark group control to open all bookmarks."
"message":"Collapse this group",
"description":"Button for bookmark group control to collapse bookmark group."
"message":"Add a new Group",
"description":"Heading for bookmark group add modal."
"description":"Button to confirm adding a bookmark group."
"description":"Button to cancel adding a bookmark group."
"description":"Heading with a name for bookmark group remove modal."
"message":"Remove unnamed group",
"description":"Heading without a name for bookmark group remove modal."
"message":"Are you sure you want to remove this Group and all the Bookmarks within? This can not be undone.",
"description":"Paragraph for bookmark group remove modal."
"description":"Button to confirm removing a bookmark group."
"description":"Button to cancel removing a bookmark group."
"description":"Heading with a name for bookmark group edit modal."
"message":"Edit unnamed group",
"description":"Heading without a name for bookmark group edit modal."
"description":"Button to confirm editing a bookmark group."
"description":"Button to cancel editing a bookmark group."
"description":"Heading for bookmark group form name."
"message":"Display a Name above this Group.",
"description":"Description for bookmark group form name."
"description":"Heading for bookmark group form toolbar."
"message":"Display controls to open all or show/hide the Bookmarks in this Group.",
"description":"Description for bookmark group form toolbar."
"description":"Heading for bookmark group form order."
"message":"The position of this Group.",
"description":"Description for bookmark group form order."
"message":"Show Group name",
"description":"Checkbox to show bookmark group name."
"message":"Group name",
"description":"Label for bookmark group name."
"message":"Example group",
"description":"Placeholder for bookmark group name."
"message":"Random Group name",
"description":"Button for random bookmark group name."
"message":"Show Collapse",
"description":"Label to show bookmark group toolbar collapse button."
"message":"The Collapse button will show or hide the Bookmarks in this Group.",
"description":"Description to show bookmark group toolbar collapse button."
"message":"Show Open all",
"description":"Label to show bookmark group toolbar open all button."
"message":"Open all button will appear if there is at least one Bookmark in this Group.",
"description":"Description to show bookmark group toolbar open all button."
"description":"Select for bookmark group position."
"message":"Edit this saved custom theme",
"description":"Button to edit saved custom theme."
"message":"Remove this saved custom theme",
"description":"Button to remove saved custom theme."
"description":"Label for saved custom theme name."
"message":"Example theme",
"description":"Placeholder for saved custom theme name."
"message":"Random theme name",
"description":"Button for random saved custom theme name."
"message":"Save current theme",
"description":"Heading for saved custom theme add modal."
"description":"Button to confirm adding a saved custom theme."
"description":"Button to cancel adding a saved custom theme."
"description":"Heading with a name for saved custom theme remove modal."
"message":"Remove unnamed custom theme",
"description":"Heading without a name for saved custom theme remove modal."
"message":"Are you sure you want to remove this saved custom theme? This can not be undone.",
"description":"Paragraph for saved custom theme remove modal."
"description":"Button to confirm removing a saved custom theme."
"description":"Button to cancel removing a saved custom theme."
"description":"Heading with a name for saved custom theme edit modal."
"message":"Edit unnamed custom theme",
"description":"Heading without a name for saved custom theme edit modal."
"description":"Button to confirm editing a saved custom theme."
"description":"Button to cancel editing a saved custom theme."
"message":"Accent color",
"description":"Button for toolbar accent control."
"description":"Button for toolbar control to add."
"message":"New Group",
"description":"Button for toolbar control to add a new bookmark."
"message":"New Bookmark",
"description":"Button for toolbar control to add a new bookmark group."
"message":"Edit groups and bookmarks",
"description":"Button for toolbar to toggle edit mode."
"message":"Open settings menu",
"description":"Button for toolbar to open settings menu."
"message":"You can restore all or parts of a backup file. The following data will be restored:",
"description":"Description for restoring from backup data."
"description":"Heading for restoring backup data bookmarks."
"message":"This includes all Groups and Bookmarks",
"description":"Description for restoring backup data bookmarks."
"message":"Bookmarks will keep any custom Colors, Accents and Borders when imported.",
"description":"Description for restoring backup data bookmarks."
"message":"Replace existing bookmarks",
"description":"Radio to replace existing bookmarks when restoring from backup data."
"message":"Add to existing bookmarks",
"description":"Radio to append to existing bookmarks when restoring from backup data."
"description":"Label to restore theme date from backup data."
"message":"This includes the Color, Accent, Fonts, Background and any saved Custom Themes.",
"description":"Description to restore theme date from backup data."
"description":"Label to restore setting date from backup data."
"message":"This includes Layout size and position, Header area size, Bookmark area size and other user settings.",
"description":"Description to restore setting date from backup data."
"message":"Restoring from a {appName} backup",
"description":"Heading for restore backup data modal."
"description":"Button to confirm restoring from backup data."
"description":"Button to cancel restoring from backup data."
"message":"Clear all {appName} data?",
"description":"Heading for clear all data modal."
"message":"Are you sure you want to clear all {appName} Bookmarks and Settings? {appName} will be restored to the default state.",
"description":"Paragraph for clear all data modal."
"message":"This can not be undone.",
"description":"Paragraph for clear all data modal."
"message":"Clear all data",
"description":"Button to confirm clear all data."
"description":"Button to cancel clear all data."
"message":"Clear {appName} data except bookmarks?",
"description":"Heading for clear partial data modal."
"message":"Are you sure you want to clear all {appName} Settings? {appName} will be restored to the default state but your Bookmarks and Groups will remain.",
"description":"Paragraph for clear partial data modal."
"message":"This can not be undone.",
"description":"Paragraph for clear partial data modal."
"message":"Clear all except bookmarks",
"description":"Button to confirm clear partial data."
"description":"Button to cancel clear partial data."
"description":"String for backup data file name."
"message":"Nothing selected to import.",
"description":"Paragraph for validation when backup data is empty."
"message":"Success! Restoring {appName} Bookmarks and Settings.",
"description":"Paragraph for when backup data is valid."
"message":"Not a JSON file. Make sure the selected file came from {appName}.",
"description":"Paragraph for when backup data is not valid JSON."
"message":"Not the right kind of JSON file. Make sure the selected file came from {appName}.",
"description":"Paragraph for when backup data is not valid JSON from this project."
"message":"Not the right kind of data. Make sure the clipboard holds data from {appName} or a {appName} backup JSON file.",
"description":"Paragraph for when backup data in clipboard is not valid JSON."
"message":"Reset to default",
"description":"Button for reset button control."
"message":"Hex code",
"description":"Placeholder for hex colour code."
"message":"Random color",
"description":"Button for random colour."
"message":"More controls",
"description":"Button to show more colour controls."
"description":"Label for colour control hue."
"description":"Label for colour control saturation."
"description":"Label for colour control lightness."