mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 03:50:02 +01:00
[refactor] switch to improved colour conversion helper
This commit is contained in:
@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ var background = (function() {
helper.e(".control-background-image-file").value = "";
picker: function() {
helper.e(".control-background-color-by-picker").value = helper.rgbToHex(state.get.current().background.color.custom);
helper.e(".control-background-color-by-picker").value = helper.convertColor.rgb.hex(state.get.current().background.color.custom);
hex: function() {
helper.e(".control-background-color-by-hex").value = helper.rgbToHex(state.get.current().background.color.custom);
helper.e(".control-background-color-by-hex").value = helper.convertColor.rgb.hex(state.get.current().background.color.custom);
@ -2594,8 +2594,8 @@ var control = (function() {
func: function() {
@ -2606,8 +2606,8 @@ var control = (function() {
func: function() {
@ -2619,8 +2619,8 @@ var control = (function() {
func: function() {
@ -2951,7 +2951,7 @@ var control = (function() {
return parseInt(object.element.value, 10);
color: function(object) {
return helper.hexToRgb(object.element.value);
return helper.convertColor.hex.rgb(object.element.value);
var valueMod = {
@ -2962,7 +2962,7 @@ var control = (function() {
return value / 100;
hexTextString: function(value, object) {
return helper.hexToRgb(value);
return helper.convertColor.hex.rgb(value);
var changeValue = function(object) {
@ -2978,10 +2978,10 @@ var control = (function() {
path: object.path,
newValue: newValue
// console.log("state set", object.path, helper.getObject({
// object: state.get.current(),
// path: object.path
// }));
console.log("state set", object.path, helper.getObject({
object: state.get.current(),
path: object.path
var bindControl = function(object) {
@ -3947,7 +3947,7 @@ var control = (function() {
return value * 100;
hexTextString: function(value, element) {
return helper.rgbToHex(value);
return helper.convertColor.rgb.hex(value);
var setValue = {
@ -4006,7 +4006,7 @@ var control = (function() {
object.element.value = newValue;
color: function(object) {
object.element.value = helper.rgbToHex(helper.getObject({
object.element.value = helper.convertColor.rgb.hex(helper.getObject({
object: state.get.current(),
path: object.path
@ -195,90 +195,6 @@ var helper = (function() {
var hslToRgb = function(hslObject) {
if (hslObject == undefined) {
return null;
var chroma = (1 - Math.abs((2 * hslObject.l) - 1)) * hslObject.s;
var huePrime = hslObject.h / 60;
var secondComponent = chroma * (1 - Math.abs((huePrime % 2) - 1));
huePrime = Math.floor(huePrime);
var red;
var green;
var blue;
if (huePrime === 0 || huePrime === 6) {
red = chroma;
green = secondComponent;
blue = 0;
} else if (huePrime === 1) {
red = secondComponent;
green = chroma;
blue = 0;
} else if (huePrime === 2) {
red = 0;
green = chroma;
blue = secondComponent;
} else if (huePrime === 3) {
red = 0;
green = secondComponent;
blue = chroma;
} else if (huePrime === 4) {
red = secondComponent;
green = 0;
blue = chroma;
} else if (huePrime === 5) {
red = chroma;
green = 0;
blue = secondComponent;
var lightnessAdjustment = hslObject.l - (chroma / 2);
red += lightnessAdjustment;
green += lightnessAdjustment;
blue += lightnessAdjustment;
var result = {
r: Math.round(red * 255),
g: Math.round(green * 255),
b: Math.round(blue * 255)
return result;
var hexToRgb = function(hex) {
if (hex == undefined) {
return null;
var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
if (result) {
result = {
r: parseInt(result[1], 16),
g: parseInt(result[2], 16),
b: parseInt(result[3], 16)
return result;
var rgbToHex = function(rgbObject) {
if (rgbObject == undefined) {
return null;
var componentToHex = function(hexPart) {
hexPart = hexPart.toString(16);
if (hexPart.length == 1) {
hexPart = "0" + hexPart
return hexPart;
var result = "#" + componentToHex(rgbObject.r) + componentToHex(rgbObject.g) + componentToHex(rgbObject.b);
return result;
var makeNode = function(override) {
var options = {
tag: null,
@ -666,9 +582,9 @@ var helper = (function() {
convertColor.rgb.hsl = function(rgb) {
var r = rgb[0] / 255;
var g = rgb[1] / 255;
var b = rgb[2] / 255;
var r = rgb.r / 255;
var g = rgb.g / 255;
var b = rgb.b / 255;
var min = Math.min(r, g, b);
var max = Math.max(r, g, b);
var delta = max - min;
@ -701,36 +617,44 @@ var helper = (function() {
s = delta / (2 - max - min);
return [h, s * 100, l * 100];
return {
h: h,
s: s * 100,
l: l * 100
convertColor.rgb.hex = function(args) {
var integer = ((Math.round(args[0]) & 0xFF) << 16) +
((Math.round(args[1]) & 0xFF) << 8) +
(Math.round(args[2]) & 0xFF);
var integer = ((Math.round(args.r) & 0xFF) << 16) +
((Math.round(args.g) & 0xFF) << 8) +
(Math.round(args.b) & 0xFF);
var string = integer.toString(16).toUpperCase();
return "000000".substring(string.length) + string;
var string = integer.toString(16);
return "#" + "000000".substring(string.length) + string;
convertColor.hsl.rgb = function(hsl) {
var h = hsl[0] / 360;
var s = hsl[1] / 100;
var l = hsl[2] / 100;
var h = hsl.h / 360;
var s = hsl.s / 100;
var l = hsl.l / 100;
var t2;
var t3;
var val;
if (s === 0) {
val = l * 255;
return [val, val, val];
return {
r: val,
g: val,
b: val
if (l < 0.5) {
t2 = l * (1 + s);
} else {
t2 = l + s - l * s;
var t1 = 2 * l - t2;
@ -739,11 +663,11 @@ var helper = (function() {
t3 = h + 1 / 3 * -(i - 1);
if (t3 < 0) {
if (t3 > 1) {
if (6 * t3 < 1) {
val = t1 + (t2 - t1) * 6 * t3;
@ -753,19 +677,27 @@ var helper = (function() {
val = t1 + (t2 - t1) * (2 / 3 - t3) * 6;
} else {
val = t1;
rgb[i] = val * 255;
return rgb;
return {
r: rgb[0],
g: rgb[1],
b: rgb[2]
convertColor.hex.rgb = function(args) {
var match = args.toString(16).match(/[a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3}/i);
if (!match) {
return [0, 0, 0];
return {
r: 0,
g: 0,
b: 0
var colorString = match[0];
@ -773,14 +705,18 @@ var helper = (function() {
colorString = colorString.split("").map(function(char) {
return char + char;
var integer = parseInt(colorString, 16);
var r = (integer >> 16) & 0xFF;
var g = (integer >> 8) & 0xFF;
var b = integer & 0xFF;
return [r, g, b];
return {
r: r,
g: g,
b: b
// exposed methods
@ -796,9 +732,6 @@ var helper = (function() {
getDateTime: getDateTime,
sortObject: sortObject,
applyOptions: applyOptions,
hexToRgb: hexToRgb,
rgbToHex: rgbToHex,
hslToRgb: hslToRgb,
makeNode: makeNode,
node: node,
setObject: setObject,
@ -113,11 +113,16 @@ var link = (function() {
bookmarks.get().forEach(function(arrayItem, index) {
arrayItem.items.forEach(function(arrayItem, index) {
arrayItem.accent.override = true;
arrayItem.accent.color = helper.hslToRgb({
var rgb = helper.convertColor.hsl.rgb({
h: degree,
s: 1,
l: 0.5
s: 100,
l: 50
arrayItem.accent.color = {
r: parseInt(rgb.r, 10),
g: parseInt(rgb.g, 10),
b: parseInt(rgb.b, 10)
degree = degree + units;
@ -930,8 +935,8 @@ var link = (function() {
helper.addClass(form.querySelector(".link-form-input-accent-helper"), "disabled");
if (stagedLink.link.accent.color.r != null && stagedLink.link.accent.color.g != null && stagedLink.link.accent.color.b != null) {
accentColorPicker.value = helper.rgbToHex(stagedLink.link.accent.color);
accentColorHex.value = helper.rgbToHex(stagedLink.link.accent.color);
accentColorPicker.value = helper.convertColor.rgb.hex(stagedLink.link.accent.color);
accentColorHex.value = helper.convertColor.rgb.hex(stagedLink.link.accent.color);
@ -1006,20 +1011,20 @@ var link = (function() {
}, false);
accentCustomRadio.addEventListener("change", function() {
stagedLink.link.accent.override = true;
stagedLink.link.accent.color = helper.hexToRgb(accentColorPicker.value);
stagedLink.link.accent.color = helper.convertColor.hex.rgb(accentColorPicker.value);
helper.removeClass(accentColorInputHelper, "disabled");
}, false);
accentColorPicker.addEventListener("change", function() {
if (helper.isHexNumber(this.value)) {
stagedLink.link.accent.color = helper.hexToRgb(this.value);
stagedLink.link.accent.color = helper.convertColor.hex.rgb(this.value);
accentColorHex.value = this.value;
}, false);
accentColorHex.addEventListener("input", function() {
if (helper.isHexNumber(this.value)) {
stagedLink.link.accent.color = helper.hexToRgb(this.value);
stagedLink.link.accent.color = helper.convertColor.hex.rgb(this.value);
accentColorPicker.value = this.value;
}, false);
@ -1668,10 +1673,10 @@ var link = (function() {
render.input = {
picker: function() {
helper.e(".control-link-item-color-by-picker").value = helper.rgbToHex(state.get.current().link.item.color.custom);
helper.e(".control-link-item-color-by-picker").value = helper.convertColor.rgb.hex(state.get.current().link.item.color.custom);
hex: function() {
helper.e(".control-link-item-color-by-hex").value = helper.rgbToHex(state.get.current().link.item.color.custom);
helper.e(".control-link-item-color-by-hex").value = helper.convertColor.rgb.hex(state.get.current().link.item.color.custom);
@ -21,16 +21,28 @@ var theme = (function() {
mod.color = {
hsl: function() {
var hsl = helper.convertColor.rgb.hsl([state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.r, state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.g, state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.b]);
state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.h = parseInt(hsl[0], 10);
state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.s = parseInt(hsl[1], 10);
state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.l = parseInt(hsl[2], 10);
var hsl = helper.convertColor.rgb.hsl(state.get.current().theme.color.rgb);
object: state.get.current(),
path: "theme.color.hsl",
newValue: {
h: parseInt(hsl.h, 10),
s: parseInt(hsl.s, 10),
l: parseInt(hsl.l, 10)
rgb: function() {
var rgb = helper.convertColor.hsl.rgb([state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.h, state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.s, state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.l]);
state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.r = parseInt(rgb[0], 10);
state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.g = parseInt(rgb[1], 10);
state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.b = parseInt(rgb[2], 10);
var rgb = helper.convertColor.hsl.rgb(state.get.current().theme.color.hsl);
object: state.get.current(),
path: "theme.color.rgb",
newValue: {
r: parseInt(rgb.r, 10),
g: parseInt(rgb.g, 10),
b: parseInt(rgb.b, 10)
@ -96,104 +108,103 @@ var theme = (function() {
var hsl = color[state.get.current().theme.accent.random.style]();
var randomColor = helper.hslToRgb({
h: hsl.h,
s: (hsl.s / 100),
l: (hsl.l / 100)
var rgb = helper.convertColor.hsl.rgb(color[state.get.current().theme.accent.random.style]());
var hex = helper.convertColor.rgb.hex(rgb);
object: state.get.current(),
path: "theme.accent.current",
newValue: randomColor
newValue: {
r: parseInt(rgb.r, 10),
g: parseInt(rgb.g, 10),
b: parseInt(rgb.b, 10)
helper.e(".control-theme-accent-current-quick").value = helper.rgbToHex(randomColor);
helper.e(".control-theme-accent-current-picker").value = helper.rgbToHex(randomColor);
helper.e(".control-theme-accent-current-hex").value = helper.rgbToHex(randomColor);
helper.e(".control-theme-accent-current-quick").value = hex;
helper.e(".control-theme-accent-current-picker").value = hex;
helper.e(".control-theme-accent-current-hex").value = hex;
input: {
quick: function() {
helper.e(".control-theme-accent-current-quick").value = helper.rgbToHex(state.get.current().theme.accent.current);
helper.e(".control-theme-accent-current-quick").value = helper.convertColor.rgb.hex(state.get.current().theme.accent.current);
picker: function() {
helper.e(".control-theme-accent-current-picker").value = helper.rgbToHex(state.get.current().theme.accent.current);
helper.e(".control-theme-accent-current-picker").value = helper.convertColor.rgb.hex(state.get.current().theme.accent.current);
hex: function() {
helper.e(".control-theme-accent-current-hex").value = helper.rgbToHex(state.get.current().theme.accent.current);
helper.e(".control-theme-accent-current-hex").value = helper.convertColor.rgb.hex(state.get.current().theme.accent.current);
render.color = {
shade: function() {
var shadeSteps = 10;
var saturationShift = 0;
var lightShift = 4;
var html = helper.e("html");
var hsl = helper.convertColor.rgb.hsl([state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.r, state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.g, state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.b]);
// base color
var hsl = helper.convertColor.rgb.hsl(state.get.current().theme.color.rgb);
html.style.setProperty("--theme-shade", state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.r + ", " + state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.g + ", " + state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.b);
for (var i = 1; i <= shadeSteps; i++) {
var h = hsl[0];
var s = (hsl[1] - (saturationShift * i));
var l = (hsl[2] - (lightShift * i));
var rgb = helper.convertColor.hsl.rgb([h, s, l]);
var number;
if (i < 10) {
number = "0" + i;
} else {
number = i
var renderShade = function(name, index, rgb) {
for (var key in rgb) {
if (rgb[key] < 0) {
rgb[key] = 0;
} else if (rgb[key] > 255) {
rgb[key] = 255;
rgb[key] = parseInt(rgb[key], 10);
html.style.setProperty("--theme-shade-neg-" + number, parseInt(rgb[0], 10) + ", " + parseInt(rgb[1], 10) + ", " + parseInt(rgb[2], 10));
for (var i = 1; i <= shadeSteps; i++) {
var h = hsl[0];
var s = (hsl[1] + (saturationShift * i));
var l = (hsl[2] + (lightShift * i));
var rgb = helper.convertColor.hsl.rgb([h, s, l]);
var number;
if (i < 10) {
number = "0" + i;
if (index < 10) {
index = "0" + index;
} else {
number = i
index = index;
html.style.setProperty("--theme-shade-pos-" + number, parseInt(rgb[0], 10) + ", " + parseInt(rgb[1], 10) + ", " + parseInt(rgb[2], 10));
html.style.setProperty(name + index, rgb.r + ", " + rgb.g + ", " + rgb.b);
for (var i = 1; i <= shadeSteps; i++) {
var rgb = helper.convertColor.hsl.rgb({
h: hsl.h,
s: hsl.s - (saturationShift * i),
l: hsl.l - (lightShift * i)
renderShade("--theme-shade-neg-", i, rgb);
for (var i = 1; i <= shadeSteps; i++) {
var rgb = helper.convertColor.hsl.rgb({
h: hsl.h,
s: hsl.s + (saturationShift * i),
l: hsl.l + (lightShift * i)
renderShade("--theme-shade-pos-", i, rgb);
input: {
quick: function() {
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-quick").value = helper.rgbToHex(state.get.current().theme.color.rgb);
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-quick").value = helper.convertColor.rgb.hex(state.get.current().theme.color.rgb);
picker: function() {
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-picker").value = helper.rgbToHex(state.get.current().theme.color.rgb);
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-picker").value = helper.convertColor.rgb.hex(state.get.current().theme.color.rgb);
hex: function() {
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-hex").value = helper.rgbToHex(state.get.current().theme.color.rgb);
range: {
hsl: function() {
helper.e(".control-theme-color-hsl-h").value = state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.h;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-hsl-s").value = state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.s;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-hsl-l").value = state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.l;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-hsl-h-count").textContent = state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.h;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-hsl-s-count").textContent = state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.s;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-hsl-l-count").textContent = state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.l;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-hex").value = helper.convertColor.rgb.hex(state.get.current().theme.color.rgb);
rgb: function() {
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-r").value = state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.r;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-g").value = state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.g;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-b").value = state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.b;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-r-count").textContent = state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.r;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-g-count").textContent = state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.g;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-b-count").textContent = state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.b;
range: {
hsl: function() {
helper.e(".control-theme-color-hsl-h").value = state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.h;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-hsl-s").value = state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.s;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-hsl-l").value = state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.l;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-hsl-h-count").textContent = state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.h;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-hsl-s-count").textContent = state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.s;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-hsl-l-count").textContent = state.get.current().theme.color.hsl.l;
rgb: function() {
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-r").value = state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.r;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-g").value = state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.g;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-b").value = state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.b;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-r-count").textContent = state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.r;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-g-count").textContent = state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.g;
helper.e(".control-theme-color-rgb-b-count").textContent = state.get.current().theme.color.rgb.b;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user