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synced 2024-12-04 05:54:32 +01:00
2779 lines
104 KiB
2779 lines
104 KiB
"appName": {
"message": "nightTab",
"description": "The name of the extension, displayed in the web store."
"appShortName": {
"message": "nightTab",
"description": "The name of the extension, displayed in the web store."
"appDescription": {
"message": "Personalize a cor de destaque, layout, estilo, plano de fundo e marcadores no nightTab.",
"description": "The description of the extension, displayed in the web store."
"menuNavDebugLabel": {
"message": "Depurar",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavDebugSubNavInput": {
"message": "Entrada",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavDebugSubNavButton": {
"message": "Botão",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavDebugSubNavBookmark": {
"message": "marca páginas",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavDebugSubNavIcon": {
"message": "Ícone",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavThemeLabel": {
"message": "Tema",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavThemeSubNavPreset": {
"message": "Preset",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavThemeSubNavSaved": {
"message": "Salvou",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavThemeSubNavStyle": {
"message": "Estilo",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavThemeSubNavColor": {
"message": "Cor",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavThemeSubNavAccent": {
"message": "Sotaque",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavThemeSubNavFont": {
"message": "Fonte",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavThemeSubNavRadius": {
"message": "Raio",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavThemeSubNavShadow": {
"message": "Sombra",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavThemeSubNavShade": {
"message": "Sombra",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavThemeSubNavOpacity": {
"message": "Opacidade",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavThemeSubNavBackground": {
"message": "Fundo",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavThemeSubNavLayout": {
"message": "Layout",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavThemeSubNavHeader": {
"message": "Cabeçalho",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavThemeSubNavBookmark": {
"message": "marca páginas",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavLayoutLabel": {
"message": "Layout",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavLayoutSubNavScaling": {
"message": "Dimensionamento",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavLayoutSubNavArea": {
"message": "Área",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavLayoutSubNavPadding": {
"message": "Preenchimento",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavLayoutSubNavGutter": {
"message": "Calha",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavLayoutSubNavAlignment": {
"message": "Alinhamento",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavLayoutSubNavPage": {
"message": "Página",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavHeaderLabel": {
"message": "Cabeçalho",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavHeaderSubNavAlignment": {
"message": "Alinhamento",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavHeaderSubNavGreeting": {
"message": "Saudações",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavHeaderSubNavTransitional": {
"message": "Palavras de transição",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavHeaderSubNavClock": {
"message": "Relógio",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavHeaderSubNavDate": {
"message": "Encontro",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavHeaderSubNavSearch": {
"message": "Procurar",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavBookmarkLabel": {
"message": "marca páginas",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavBookmarkSubNavGeneral": {
"message": "Em geral",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavBookmarkSubNavStyle": {
"message": "Estilo",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavBookmarkSubNavOrientation": {
"message": "Orientação",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavBookmarkSubNavSort": {
"message": "Organizar",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavGroupLabel": {
"message": "Grupo",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavGroupSubNavAlignment": {
"message": "Alinhamento",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavGroupSubNavName": {
"message": "Nome",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavGroupSubNavCollapse": {
"message": "Colapso",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavGroupSubNavToolbar": {
"message": "Barra de ferramentas",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavToolbarLabel": {
"message": "Barra de ferramentas",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavToolbarSubNavSize": {
"message": "Tamanho",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavToolbarSubNavLocation": {
"message": "Localização",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavToolbarSubNavPosition": {
"message": "Posição",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavToolbarSubNavControls": {
"message": "Controles",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavDataLabel": {
"message": "Dados",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavDataSubNavRestore": {
"message": "Restaurar",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavDataSubNavBackup": {
"message": "Cópia de segurança",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavDataSubNavClear": {
"message": "Claro",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavLanguageLabel": {
"message": "Língua",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavSupportLabel": {
"message": "Apoio, suporte",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavCoffeeLabel": {
"message": "Café",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuNavAppLabel": {
"message": "{appName}",
"description": "Label for the settings menu navigation."
"menuContentThemePresetHelperPara1": {
"message": "Aplicar uma predefinição substituirá a cor, o destaque, a fonte, o estilo, o raio, a sombra, a sombra e o plano de fundo atuais.",
"description": "Helper text for preset theme."
"menuContentThemeSavedHelperPara1": {
"message": "Salvar um tema gravará a cor, o destaque, a fonte, o estilo, a opacidade, o raio, a sombra, a sombra e o plano de fundo atuais.",
"description": "Helper text for saved themes."
"menuContentThemeSavedSave": {
"message": "Salvar tema atual",
"description": "Button to save the current theme setup."
"menuContentThemeSavedEdit": {
"message": "Editar temas salvos",
"description": "Button to enter edit mode for saved themes."
"menuContentThemeStyleDarkLabel": {
"message": "Modo escuro",
"description": "Radio for dark mode."
"menuContentThemeStyleLightLabel": {
"message": "Modo claro",
"description": "Radio for light mode."
"menuContentThemeStyleAutomaticLabel": {
"message": "Automático",
"description": "Radio for automatic light or dark mode."
"menuContentThemeStyleAutomaticDescription": {
"message": "Siga o modo claro ou escuro do sistema.",
"description": "Description for automatic light or dark mode."
"menuContentThemeColorShadeHelperPara1": {
"message": "Planos de fundo, favoritos e modais usam sombras da esquerda.",
"description": "Helper text for primary colour."
"menuContentThemeColorShadeHelperPara2": {
"message": "Os elementos de texto e formulário usam sombras da direita.",
"description": "Helper text for primary colour."
"menuContentThemeColorShadeHelperPara3": {
"message": "Para uma aparência clara, mude para o Estilo de luz e selecione uma cor primária. E vice-versa para um look dark.",
"description": "Helper text for primary colour."
"menuContentThemeColorRangePrimaryH": {
"message": "Cor primária",
"description": "Range for primary colour hue."
"menuContentThemeColorRangePrimaryS": {
"message": "Saturação",
"description": "Range for primary colour saturation."
"menuContentThemeColorContrastLabel": {
"message": "Faixa de contraste",
"description": "Label for primary colour contrast."
"menuContentThemeColorContrastLeft": {
"message": "Início de contraste",
"description": "Range for primary colour contrast left side."
"menuContentThemeColorContrastRight": {
"message": "Fim do contraste",
"description": "Range for primary colour contrast right side."
"menuContentThemeColorContrastHelperPara1": {
"message": "Mova os controles da faixa de contraste juntos para uma aparência silenciosa.",
"description": "Helper text for primary colour contrast."
"menuContentThemeColorContrastHelperPara2": {
"message": "Mova os controles da faixa de contraste para longe uns dos outros para obter uma aparência nítida e viva.",
"description": "Helper text for primary colour contrast."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetColorGrey": {
"message": "Cinza",
"description": "Label for grey preset accent colour."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetColorRed": {
"message": "vermelho",
"description": "Label for red preset accent colour."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetColorOrange": {
"message": "laranja",
"description": "Label for orange preset accent colour."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetColorYellow": {
"message": "Amarelo",
"description": "Label for yellow preset accent colour."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetColorLime": {
"message": "Lima",
"description": "Label for lime preset accent colour."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetColorGreen": {
"message": "Verde",
"description": "Label for green preset accent colour."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetColorAqua": {
"message": "Aqua",
"description": "Label for aqua preset accent colour."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetColorCyan": {
"message": "Ciano",
"description": "Label for cyan preset accent colour."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetColorTeal": {
"message": "Cerceta",
"description": "Label for teal preset accent colour."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetColorBlue": {
"message": "Azul",
"description": "Label for blue preset accent colour."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetColorPurple": {
"message": "Roxa",
"description": "Label for purple preset accent colour."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetColorMagenta": {
"message": "Magenta",
"description": "Label for magenta preset accent colour."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetColorFuchsia": {
"message": "Fúcsia",
"description": "Label for fuchsia preset accent colour."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetModifierLightLevel3": {
"message": "Super luz extra",
"description": "Label for preset accent colour light level 3."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetModifierLightLevel2": {
"message": "Luz extra",
"description": "Label for preset accent colour light level 2."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetModifierLightLevel1": {
"message": "Leve",
"description": "Label for preset accent colour light level 1."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetModifierDarkLevel3": {
"message": "Super extra escuro",
"description": "Label for preset accent colour dark level 3."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetModifierDarkLevel2": {
"message": "Extra escuro",
"description": "Label for preset accent colour dark level 2."
"menuContentThemeAccentPresetModifierDarkLevel1": {
"message": "Escuro",
"description": "Label for preset accent colour dark level 1."
"menuContentThemeAccentColor": {
"message": "Cor de destaque",
"description": "Label for accent colour."
"menuContentThemeAccentRandomActive": {
"message": "Cor de acento aleatório ao carregar / atualizar",
"description": "Checkbox for random accent colour on load or refresh."
"menuContentThemeAccentRandomStyleAny": {
"message": "Qualquer",
"description": "Radio for any random accent colour on load or refresh."
"menuContentThemeAccentRandomStyleLight": {
"message": "Leve",
"description": "Radio for light random accent colour on load or refresh."
"menuContentThemeAccentRandomStyleDark": {
"message": "Escuro",
"description": "Radio for dark random accent colour on load or refresh."
"menuContentThemeAccentRandomStylePastel": {
"message": "Pastel",
"description": "Radio for pastel random accent colour on load or refresh."
"menuContentThemeAccentRandomStyleSaturated": {
"message": "Saturado",
"description": "Radio for saturated random accent colour on load or refresh."
"menuContentThemeAccentRandomRandomise": {
"message": "Randomizar agora",
"description": "Button to randomise accent colour now."
"menuContentThemeAccentCycleActive": {
"message": "Mudança automática de tonalidade de acento",
"description": "Checkbox for cycled accent colour."
"menuContentThemeAccentCycleSpeed": {
"message": "Atraso de mudança",
"description": "Range for cycled accent colour speed."
"menuContentThemeAccentCycleStep": {
"message": "Mudar etapas",
"description": "Range for cycled accent colour steps."
"menuContentThemeAccentCycleAlert": {
"message": "Tome cuidado, pois uma tonalidade de acento que muda rapidamente pode causar problemas de desempenho.",
"description": "Alert for cycled accent colour."
"menuContentThemeAccentCycleHelperPara1": {
"message": "A alteração automática do matiz de destaque não funcionará quando a cor de destaque for cinza ou preto.",
"description": "Helper text for cycled accent colour."
"menuContentThemeFontDisplayNameLabel": {
"message": "Fonte de exibição",
"description": "Input for display font name."
"menuContentThemeFontDisplayNamePlaceholder": {
"message": "Nome da fonte do Google",
"description": "Placeholder for display font name."
"menuContentThemeFontDisplayNameHelperPara1": {
"message": "Use uma fonte do Google para personalizar o relógio, a data, os nomes dos grupos e as letras dos favoritos.",
"description": "Helper text for display font name."
"menuContentThemeFontDisplayNameHelperLink": {
"message": "Encontre uma fonte do Google",
"description": "Link to google fonts."
"menuContentThemeFontDisplayNameHelperPara2": {
"message": "Adicione um nome de fonte como aparece no Google Fonts, incluindo letras maiúsculas e espaços, por exemplo: digite \"Fredoka One\" ou \"Kanit\".",
"description": "Helper text for display font name."
"menuContentThemeFontDisplayNameHelperPara3": {
"message": "Limpe o campo para usar a fonte padrão \"Fjalla One\".",
"description": "Helper text for display font name."
"menuContentThemeFontDisplayWeightLabel": {
"message": "Espessura da fonte",
"description": "Label for display font weight."
"menuContentThemeFontDisplayWeightLight": {
"message": "Leve",
"description": "Button for light weight display font."
"menuContentThemeFontDisplayWeightRegular": {
"message": "Regular",
"description": "Button for regular weight display font."
"menuContentThemeFontDisplayWeightBold": {
"message": "Negrito",
"description": "Button for bold weight display font."
"menuContentThemeFontDisplayWeightHelperPara1": {
"message": "Nem todas as fontes suportam todos os pesos. Consulte a página de fontes do Google para ver quais estão disponíveis.",
"description": "Helper text for display font weight."
"menuContentThemeFontDisplayStyleNormal": {
"message": "Normal",
"description": "Radio for normal display font style."
"menuContentThemeFontDisplayStyleItalic": {
"message": "itálico",
"description": "Radio for italic display font style."
"menuContentThemeFontUiNameLabel": {
"message": "Fonte da interface do usuário",
"description": "Input for UI font name."
"menuContentThemeFontUiNamePlaceholder": {
"message": "Nome da fonte do Google",
"description": "Placeholder for UI font name."
"menuContentThemeFontUiNameHelperPara1": {
"message": "Use uma fonte do Google para personalizar o nome do marcador, o URL e os elementos do formulário.",
"description": "Helper text for UI font name."
"menuContentThemeFontUiNameHelperLink": {
"message": "Encontre uma fonte do Google",
"description": "Link to google fonts."
"menuContentThemeFontUiNameHelperPara2": {
"message": "Adicione um nome de fonte conforme aparece no Google Fonts, incluindo letras maiúsculas e espaços, por exemplo: digite \"Roboto\", \"Source Sans Pro\" ou \"Noto Sans\".",
"description": "Helper text for UI font name."
"menuContentThemeFontUiNameHelperPara3": {
"message": "Limpe o campo para usar a fonte padrão \"Open Sans\".",
"description": "Helper text for UI font name."
"menuContentThemeFontUiWeightLabel": {
"message": "Espessura da fonte",
"description": "Label for UI font weight."
"menuContentThemeFontUiWeightLight": {
"message": "Leve",
"description": "Button for light weight UI font."
"menuContentThemeFontUiWeightRegular": {
"message": "Regular",
"description": "Button for regular weight UI font."
"menuContentThemeFontUiWeightBold": {
"message": "Negrito",
"description": "Button for bold weight UI font."
"menuContentThemeFontUiWeightHelperPara1": {
"message": "Nem todas as fontes suportam todos os pesos. Consulte a página de fontes do Google para ver quais estão disponíveis.",
"description": "Helper text for UI font weight."
"menuContentThemeFontUiStyleNormal": {
"message": "Normal",
"description": "Radio for normal UI font style."
"menuContentThemeFontUiStyleItalic": {
"message": "itálico",
"description": "Radio for italic UI font style."
"menuContentThemeRadius": {
"message": "Raio de canto",
"description": "Range for radius."
"menuContentThemeShadow": {
"message": "Tamanho da sombra",
"description": "Range for shadow."
"menuContentThemeShadeOpacity": {
"message": "Opacidade de sombra",
"description": "Range for shade opacity."
"menuContentThemeShadeBlurLabel": {
"message": "Desfoque de sombra",
"description": "Range for shade blur."
"menuContentThemeShadeBlurHelperPara1": {
"message": "Não é compatível com todos os navegadores.",
"description": "Helper text for shade blur."
"menuContentThemeOpacityGeneralLabel": {
"message": "Toda opacidade",
"description": "Range for all opacity."
"menuContentThemeOpacityGeneralHelperPara1": {
"message": "Altere a opacidade da barra de pesquisa, favoritos, controles de grupo e barra de ferramentas.",
"description": "Helper text for all opacity."
"menuContentThemeOpacityGeneralHelperPara2": {
"message": "A opacidade também pode ser alterada ao editar marcadores individuais.",
"description": "Helper text for all opacity."
"menuContentThemeOpacityToolbar": {
"message": "Barra de ferramentas",
"description": "Range for toolbar opacity."
"menuContentThemeOpacityBookmark": {
"message": "marca páginas",
"description": "Range for bookmark opacity."
"menuContentThemeOpacitySearch": {
"message": "Caixa de pesquisa",
"description": "Range for search opacity."
"menuContentThemeOpacityGroupToolbar": {
"message": "Barra de ferramentas de grupo",
"description": "Range for group toolbar opacity."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundTypeThemeLabel": {
"message": "Plano de fundo por tema",
"description": "Radio for background type theme."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundTypeThemeDescription": {
"message": "Use a cor de fundo definida pelo tema.",
"description": "Description for background type theme."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundTypeAccentLabel": {
"message": "Fundo por sotaque",
"description": "Radio for background type accent."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundTypeAccentDescription": {
"message": "Use a cor de destaque para o fundo.",
"description": "Description for background type accent."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundTypeColor": {
"message": "Cor personalizada",
"description": "Radio for background type colour."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundTypeGradient": {
"message": "Gradiente",
"description": "Radio for background type gradient."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundTypeImage": {
"message": "Imagem",
"description": "Radio for background type image."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundTypeVideo": {
"message": "Vídeo",
"description": "Radio for background type video."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundColor": {
"message": "Cor de fundo",
"description": "Label for background colour."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundGradientAngle": {
"message": "Ângulo de gradiente de fundo",
"description": "Label for background gradient angle."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundGradientLeft": {
"message": "Início do gradiente de fundo",
"description": "Range for background gradient angle left."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundGradientRight": {
"message": "Fim do gradiente de fundo",
"description": "Range for background gradient angle right."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundImageAlertPara1": {
"message": "Imagens locais não podem mais ser usadas. As imagens devem ser hospedadas em algum lugar online.",
"description": "Alert for image background."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundImageAlertPara2": {
"message": "Por que isso mudou?",
"description": "Alert for image background."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundImageUrlLabel": {
"message": "URL",
"description": "Input for background image URL."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundImageUrlPlaceholder": {
"message": "https://www.example.com/image.jpg",
"description": "Placeholder for background image URL."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundImageUrlHelperPara1": {
"message": "Adicione mais de um URL separado por espaços ou em novas linhas para uma imagem de plano de fundo aleatória no carregamento.",
"description": "Helper text for background image."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundImageUrlHelperPara2": {
"message": "O Unsplash pode ser usado para imagens aleatórias, por exemplo:",
"description": "Helper text for background image."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundImageUrlHelperPara3": {
"message": "https://source.unsplash.com/random/1920x1080/?night,day,sky",
"description": "Helper text for background image."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundImageUrlHelperPara4": {
"message": "Altere os parâmetros após ... / aleatório / para mais opções. Os tempos de carregamento podem variar.",
"description": "Helper text for background image."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundImageBlur": {
"message": "Borrão",
"description": "Range background image blur."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundImageGrayscale": {
"message": "Escala de cinza",
"description": "Range background image grayscale."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundImageScale": {
"message": "Régua",
"description": "Range background image scale."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundImageAccent": {
"message": "Sotaque",
"description": "Range background image accent."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundImageOpacity": {
"message": "Opacidade",
"description": "Range background image opacity."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundImageVignetteOpacity": {
"message": "Vinheta",
"description": "Range for image vignette opacity."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundImageVignetteRangeLabel": {
"message": "Início e fim da sombra",
"description": "Label for image vignette."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundImageVignetteRangeLeft": {
"message": "Fim da sombra",
"description": "Range for image vignette left."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundImageVignetteRangeRight": {
"message": "Início de sombra",
"description": "Range for image vignette right."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundVideoAlertPara1": {
"message": "Os URLs da página do YouTube não podem ser usados.",
"description": "Alert for video background."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundVideoAlertPara2": {
"message": "Como vincular a um arquivo de vídeo.",
"description": "Alert for video background."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundVideoUrlLabel": {
"message": "URL",
"description": "Input for background video URL."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundVideoUrlPlaceholder": {
"message": "https://www.example.com/video.mp4",
"description": "Placeholder for background video URL."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundVideoUrlHelperPara1": {
"message": "O vídeo de fundo suporta apenas um URL direto para um arquivo de vídeo. Suporta formato MP4 e WebM.",
"description": "Helper text for background video."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundVideoUrlHelperPara2": {
"message": "Adicione mais de um URL separado por espaços ou em novas linhas para um vídeo de fundo aleatório no carregamento.",
"description": "Helper text for background video."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundVideoBlur": {
"message": "Borrão",
"description": "Range background video blur."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundVideoGrayscale": {
"message": "Escala de cinza",
"description": "Range background video grayscale."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundVideoScale": {
"message": "Régua",
"description": "Range background video scale."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundVideoAccent": {
"message": "Sotaque",
"description": "Range background video accent."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundVideoOpacity": {
"message": "Opacidade",
"description": "Range background video opacity."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundVideoVignetteOpacity": {
"message": "Vinheta",
"description": "Range for video vignette opacity."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundVideoVignetteRangeLabel": {
"message": "Início e fim da sombra",
"description": "Label for video vignette."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundVideoVignetteRangeLeft": {
"message": "Fim da sombra",
"description": "Range for video vignette left."
"menuContentThemeBackgroundVideoVignetteRangeRight": {
"message": "Início de sombra",
"description": "Range for video vignette right."
"menuContentThemeLayoutColorLabel": {
"message": "Cor de fundo do layout",
"description": "Label for layout area colour."
"menuContentThemeLayoutColorByTransparentLabel": {
"message": "Transparente",
"description": "Radio for transparent layout area background."
"menuContentThemeLayoutColorByTransparentDescription": {
"message": "Sem cor de fundo atrás do Layout.",
"description": "Description for transparent layout area background."
"menuContentThemeLayoutColorByCustomLabel": {
"message": "Cor personalizada",
"description": "Radio for colour layout area background."
"menuContentThemeLayoutColorByCustomDescription": {
"message": "Use uma cor personalizada atrás do Layout.",
"description": "Description for colour layout area background."
"menuContentThemeLayoutColorColor": {
"message": "Cor de fundo do layout",
"description": "Label for layout area background colour."
"menuContentThemeLayoutColorOpacity": {
"message": "Opacidade de fundo",
"description": "Range for layout area background opacity."
"menuContentThemeLayoutColorBlurLabel": {
"message": "Desfoque de fundo",
"description": "Range for layout background blur."
"menuContentThemeLayoutColorBlurHelperPara1": {
"message": "Não é compatível com todos os navegadores.",
"description": "Description for layout background blur."
"menuContentThemeLayoutDivider": {
"message": "Divisória entre o cabeçalho e a área de favoritos",
"description": "Label for layout divider."
"menuContentThemeHeaderColorLabel": {
"message": "Cor de fundo do cabeçalho",
"description": "Label for header area colour."
"menuContentThemeHeaderColorByTransparentLabel": {
"message": "Transparente",
"description": "Radio for transparent header area background."
"menuContentThemeHeaderColorByTransparentDescription": {
"message": "Sem cor de fundo atrás da área do cabeçalho.",
"description": "Description for transparent header area background."
"menuContentThemeHeaderColorByCustomLabel": {
"message": "Cor personalizada",
"description": "Radio for colour header area background."
"menuContentThemeHeaderColorByCustomDescription": {
"message": "Use uma cor personalizada atrás da área do cabeçalho.",
"description": "Description for colour header area background."
"menuContentThemeHeaderColorColor": {
"message": "Cor de fundo do cabeçalho",
"description": "Label for header area background colour."
"menuContentThemeHeaderColorOpacity": {
"message": "Opacidade de fundo",
"description": "Range for header area background opacity."
"menuContentThemeBookmarkColorLabel": {
"message": "Cor de fundo do marcador",
"description": "Label for bookmark area colour."
"menuContentThemeBookmarkColorByTransparentLabel": {
"message": "Transparente",
"description": "Radio for transparent bookmark area background."
"menuContentThemeBookmarkColorByTransparentDescription": {
"message": "Sem cor de fundo atrás da área de indicadores.",
"description": "Description for transparent bookmark area background."
"menuContentThemeBookmarkColorByCustomLabel": {
"message": "Cor personalizada",
"description": "Radio for colour bookmark area background."
"menuContentThemeBookmarkColorByCustomDescription": {
"message": "Use uma cor personalizada atrás da área do Indicador.",
"description": "Description for colour bookmark area background."
"menuContentThemeBookmarkColorColor": {
"message": "Cor de fundo do marcador",
"description": "Label for bookmark area background colour."
"menuContentThemeBookmarkColorOpacity": {
"message": "Opacidade de fundo",
"description": "Range for bookmark area background opacity."
"menuContentThemeBookmarkItemBorderLabel": {
"message": "Borda do marcador",
"description": "Label for bookmark item border."
"menuContentThemeBookmarkItemBorderHelperPara1": {
"message": "A borda do marcador também pode ser alterada ao editar marcadores individuais.",
"description": "Helper text for bookmark border."
"menuContentThemeBookmarkItemBorderHelperPara2": {
"message": "A cor da Borda é definida pelo Acento, que também pode ser alterado durante a edição de Marcadores individuais.",
"description": "Helper text for bookmark border."
"menuContentThemeBookmarkItemRainbowAdd": {
"message": "Adicione um acento único a cada marcador",
"description": "Button to add a unique accent colour to each bookmark."
"menuContentThemeBookmarkItemRainbowRemove": {
"message": "Remova todas as sobreposições de acentos",
"description": "Button to remove a unique accent colour to each bookmark."
"menuContentThemeBookmarkItemRainbowHelperPara1": {
"message": "O acento personalizado do marcador também pode ser alterado ao editar marcadores individuais.",
"description": "Helper text for unique accent colours for each bookmark."
"menuContentLayoutScalingSize": {
"message": "Tamanho global",
"description": "Label for layout scaling."
"menuContentLayoutAreaWidth": {
"message": "Largura da área de layout",
"description": "Range for layout area width."
"menuContentLayoutAreaHeaderWidth": {
"message": "Largura da área do cabeçalho",
"description": "Label for header area width."
"menuContentLayoutAreaHeaderJustifyLabel": {
"message": "Alinhamento da área do cabeçalho",
"description": "Label for header area justify."
"menuContentLayoutAreaHeaderJustifyLeft": {
"message": "Deixou",
"description": "Radio to justify the header area left."
"menuContentLayoutAreaHeaderJustifyCenter": {
"message": "Centro",
"description": "Radio to justify the header area centre."
"menuContentLayoutAreaHeaderJustifyRight": {
"message": "Direito",
"description": "Radio to justify the header area right."
"menuContentLayoutAreaHeaderJustifyHelper1Para1": {
"message": "Os efeitos podem não ser visíveis se a área do cabeçalho for de largura total.",
"description": "Helper text for header area justify."
"menuContentLayoutAreaHeaderJustifyHelper2Para1": {
"message": "Disponível apenas quando Layout Direction é Vertical e os itens de cabeçalho são exibidos.",
"description": "Helper text for header area justify."
"menuContentLayoutAreaBookmarkWidth": {
"message": "Largura da área do marcador",
"description": "Label for width of the bookmark area."
"menuContentLayoutAreaBookmarkJustifyLabel": {
"message": "Alinhamento da área do marcador",
"description": "Label for justify bookmark area."
"menuContentLayoutAreaBookmarkJustifyLeft": {
"message": "Deixou",
"description": "Radio to justify the bookmark area left."
"menuContentLayoutAreaBookmarkJustifyCenter": {
"message": "Centro",
"description": "Radio to justify the bookmark area centre."
"menuContentLayoutAreaBookmarkJustifyRight": {
"message": "Direito",
"description": "Radio to justify the bookmark area right."
"menuContentLayoutAreaBookmarkJustifyHelper1Para1": {
"message": "Os efeitos podem não ser visíveis se a área de marcadores tiver largura total.",
"description": "Helper text for bookmark area justify."
"menuContentLayoutAreaBookmarkJustifyHelper2Para1": {
"message": "Disponível apenas quando Layout Direction é Vertical e os itens de cabeçalho são exibidos.",
"description": "Helper text for bookmark area justify."
"menuContentLayoutPadding": {
"message": "Espaço ao redor do cabeçalho e da área de favoritos",
"description": "Range for layout padding."
"menuContentLayoutGutter": {
"message": "Espaço entre os itens de cabeçalho e marcador",
"description": "Range for layout gutter."
"menuContentLayoutAlignmentLabel": {
"message": "Alinhamento de área",
"description": "Label for layout alignment."
"menuContentLayoutAlignmentTopLeft": {
"message": "Cima Esquerda",
"description": "Radio for layout alignment top left."
"menuContentLayoutAlignmentTopCenter": {
"message": "Centro Superior",
"description": "Radio for layout alignment top centre."
"menuContentLayoutAlignmentTopRight": {
"message": "Canto superior direito",
"description": "Radio for layout alignment top right."
"menuContentLayoutAlignmentCenterLeft": {
"message": "Centro Esquerdo",
"description": "Radio for layout alignment centre left."
"menuContentLayoutAlignmentCenterCenter": {
"message": "Centro Centro",
"description": "Radio for layout alignment centre centre."
"menuContentLayoutAlignmentCenterRight": {
"message": "Centro à direita",
"description": "Radio for layout alignment centre right."
"menuContentLayoutAlignmentBottomLeft": {
"message": "Inferior esquerdo",
"description": "Radio for layout alignment bottom left."
"menuContentLayoutAlignmentBottomCenter": {
"message": "Centro Inferior",
"description": "Radio for layout alignment bottom centre."
"menuContentLayoutAlignmentBottomRight": {
"message": "Canto inferior direito",
"description": "Radio for layout alignment bottom right."
"menuContentLayoutDirectionHorizontalLabel": {
"message": "Alinhamento horizontal",
"description": "Radio for layout direction horizontal."
"menuContentLayoutDirectionHorizontalDescription": {
"message": "Empilhe o cabeçalho e os favoritos em uma linha, lado a lado.",
"description": "Helper text for layout direction horizontal."
"menuContentLayoutDirectionVerticalLabel": {
"message": "Alinhamento vertical",
"description": "Radio for layout direction vertical."
"menuContentLayoutDirectionVerticalDescription": {
"message": "Empilhe o cabeçalho e os favoritos em uma coluna, um acima do outro.",
"description": "Helper text for layout direction vertical."
"menuContentLayoutOrderHeaderBookmarkLabel": {
"message": "Cabeçalho e depois favoritos",
"description": "Radio for layout order header then bookmarks."
"menuContentLayoutOrderHeaderBookmarkDescription": {
"message": "Ordene que a área do cabeçalho apareça antes da área dos marcadores.",
"description": "Helper text for layout order header then bookmarks."
"menuContentLayoutOrderBookmarkHeaderLabel": {
"message": "Marcadores e cabeçalho",
"description": "Radio for layout order bookmarks then header."
"menuContentLayoutOrderBookmarkHeaderDescription": {
"message": "Ordene que a área do marcador apareça antes da área do cabeçalho.",
"description": "Helper text for layout order bookmarks then header."
"menuContentLayoutPageTitleLabel": {
"message": "Título",
"description": "Label for page title."
"menuContentLayoutPageTitlePlaceholder": {
"message": "Nova aba",
"description": "Input for page title."
"menuContentLayoutPageFaviconLabel": {
"message": "URL do favicon",
"description": "Label for favicon URL."
"menuContentLayoutPageFaviconPlaceholder": {
"message": "https://www.example.com/favicon.svg",
"description": "Placeholder for favicon URL."
"menuContentLayoutPageFaviconHelperPara1": {
"message": "Não é compatível com todos os navegadores.",
"description": "Input for favicon URL."
"menuContentLayoutPageScrollbarLabel": {
"message": "Barra de rolagem",
"description": "Label for page scrollbar."
"menuContentLayoutPageScrollbarAuto": {
"message": "Auto",
"description": "Radio for page scrollbar auto."
"menuContentLayoutPageScrollbarThin": {
"message": "Afinar",
"description": "Radio for page scrollbar thin."
"menuContentLayoutPageScrollbarNone": {
"message": "Escondido",
"description": "Radio for page scrollbar none."
"menuContentLayoutPageScrollbarHelperPara1": {
"message": "Não é compatível com todos os navegadores.",
"description": "Helper text for page scrollbar."
"menuContentLayoutPageOverscrollActive": {
"message": "Rolar para além do fim",
"description": "Checkbox for layout page overscroll."
"menuContentLayoutPageOverscrollUnblurLabel": {
"message": "Desfocar imagem ou vídeo de fundo",
"description": "Label for background image or video unblur on overscroll."
"menuContentLayoutPageOverscrollUnblurDescriptionPara1": {
"message": "A imagem ou o vídeo de fundo não serão borrados ao rolar para a parte inferior da página.",
"description": "Helper text for background image or video unblur on overscroll."
"menuContentLayoutPageOverscrollUnblurDescriptionPara2": {
"message": "O desfoque de imagem ou vídeo pode ser encontrado em Fundo do tema.",
"description": "Helper text for background image or video unblur on overscroll."
"menuContentHeaderAlignmentJustifyLabel": {
"message": "Alinhamento do item de cabeçalho",
"description": "Label to justify header items."
"menuContentHeaderAlignmentJustifyLeft": {
"message": "Deixou",
"description": "Label to justify header items left."
"menuContentHeaderAlignmentJustifyCenter": {
"message": "Centro",
"description": "Label to justify header items centre."
"menuContentHeaderAlignmentJustifyRight": {
"message": "Direito",
"description": "Label to justify header items right."
"menuContentHeaderAlignmentHelperPara1": {
"message": "Os efeitos podem não ser visíveis se o tamanho da caixa Pesquisar estiver definido como Automático e aumentar para preencher o espaço disponível.",
"description": "Helper text to justify header items."
"menuContentHeaderGreetingShow": {
"message": "Mostrar saudação",
"description": "Checkbox to show header greeting."
"menuContentHeaderGreetingSize": {
"message": "Tamanho",
"description": "Range for header greeting size."
"menuContentHeaderGreetingNewLineLabel": {
"message": "Nova linha",
"description": "Checkbox to force header greeting onto a new line."
"menuContentHeaderGreetingNewLineDescription": {
"message": "Force para uma nova linha e separe de outros itens de cabeçalho.",
"description": "Description for forcing header greeting onto a new line."
"menuContentHeaderGreetingTypeLabel": {
"message": "Redação",
"description": "Label for header greeting."
"menuContentHeaderGreetingTypeGood": {
"message": "\"Good morning...\"",
"description": "Radio for \"Good morning\" header greeting."
"menuContentHeaderGreetingTypeHello": {
"message": "\"Hello...\"",
"description": "Radio for \"Hello\" header greeting."
"menuContentHeaderGreetingTypeHi": {
"message": "\"Hi...\"",
"description": "Radio for \"Hi\" header greeting."
"menuContentHeaderGreetingTypeNoneLabel": {
"message": "Nenhum",
"description": "Radio for no header greeting."
"menuContentHeaderGreetingTypeNoneDescription": {
"message": "Útil para exibir apenas o nome.",
"description": "Description for no header greeting."
"menuContentHeaderGreetingTypeCustomLabel": {
"message": "Personalizado",
"description": "Radio for custom header greeting."
"menuContentHeaderGreetingTypeCustomDescriptionPara1": {
"message": "Use sua própria saudação.",
"description": "Description for custom header greeting."
"menuContentHeaderGreetingTypeCustomDescriptionPara2": {
"message": "O padrão é \"Good morning...\" se deixado em branco.",
"description": "Description for custom header greeting."
"menuContentHeaderGreetingCustomLabel": {
"message": "Texto de saudação personalizado",
"description": "Label for custom header greeting."
"menuContentHeaderGreetingCustomPlaceholder": {
"message": "Olá",
"description": "Placeholder for custom header greeting."
"menuContentHeaderGreetingNameLabel": {
"message": "Nome",
"description": "Input for header greeting name."
"menuContentHeaderGreetingNamePlaceholder": {
"message": "Apelido, pseudônimo ou nome de super-herói",
"description": "Placeholder for header greeting name."
"menuContentHeaderTransitionalShowLabel": {
"message": "Mostrar palavras de transição",
"description": "Checkbox to show header transitional text."
"menuContentHeaderTransitionalShowHelperPara1": {
"message": "Disponível apenas quando a data ou hora é exibida.",
"description": "Helper text for header transitional text."
"menuContentHeaderTransitionalTypeLabel": {
"message": "Redação",
"description": "Label for transitional text type."
"menuContentHeaderTransitionalTypeTimeAndDate": {
"message": "\"The time and date is\"",
"description": "Radio for \"The time and date is\" transitional text."
"menuContentHeaderTransitionalTypeIts": {
"message": "\"It's\"",
"description": "Radio for \"It's \" transitional text."
"menuContentHeaderTransitionalSize": {
"message": "Tamanho",
"description": "Range for transitional text size."
"menuContentHeaderTransitionalNewLineLabel": {
"message": "Nova linha",
"description": "Checkbox to force transitional text onto a new line."
"menuContentHeaderTransitionalNewLineDescription": {
"message": "Force para uma nova linha e separe de outros itens de cabeçalho.",
"description": "Description for forcing transitional text onto a new line."
"menuContentHeaderClockHourShow": {
"message": "Mostrar horas",
"description": "Checkbox for clock hour."
"menuContentHeaderClockHourDisplayNumber": {
"message": "Como número",
"description": "Radio for clock hour as numbers."
"menuContentHeaderClockHourDisplayWord": {
"message": "Uma espada",
"description": "Radio for clock hour as words."
"menuContentHeaderClockMinuteShow": {
"message": "Mostrar minutos",
"description": "Checkbox for clock minutes."
"menuContentHeaderClockMinuteDisplayNumber": {
"message": "Como número",
"description": "Radio for clock minutes as numbers."
"menuContentHeaderClockMinuteDisplayWord": {
"message": "Uma espada",
"description": "Radio for clock minutes as words."
"menuContentHeaderClockSecondShow": {
"message": "Mostrar segundos",
"description": "Checkbox for clock seconds."
"menuContentHeaderClockSecondDisplayNumber": {
"message": "Como número",
"description": "Radio for clock seconds as numbers."
"menuContentHeaderClockSecondDisplayWord": {
"message": "Uma espada",
"description": "Radio for clock seconds as words."
"menuContentHeaderClockSeparatorShow": {
"message": "Mostrar separador",
"description": "Checkbox for clock separator."
"menuContentHeaderClockSeparatorLabel": {
"message": "Caractere separador",
"description": "Label for clock separator."
"menuContentHeaderClockSeparatorPlaceholder": {
"message": ":",
"description": "Placeholder for clock separator."
"menuContentHeaderClockHour24": {
"message": "24 horas",
"description": "Checkbox for 24 hour clock."
"menuContentHeaderClockMeridiem": {
"message": "MANHÃ TARDE",
"description": "Checkbox for meridiem clock."
"menuContentHeaderClockSize": {
"message": "Tamanho",
"description": "Range for clock size."
"menuContentHeaderClockNewLineLabel": {
"message": "Nova linha",
"description": "Checkbox to force clock onto a new line."
"menuContentHeaderClockNewLineDescription": {
"message": "Force para uma nova linha e separe de outros itens de cabeçalho.",
"description": "Description for forcing clock onto a new line."
"menuContentHeaderDateDayShow": {
"message": "Dia do Show",
"description": "Checkbox for day."
"menuContentHeaderDateDayDisplayNumber": {
"message": "Como número",
"description": "Radio for day as numbers."
"menuContentHeaderDateDayDisplayWord": {
"message": "Uma espada",
"description": "Radio for day as words."
"menuContentHeaderDateDayDisplayWeekStartLabel": {
"message": "Começo da semana",
"description": "Label for the start of the week."
"menuContentHeaderDateDayDisplayWeekStartMonday": {
"message": "segunda-feira",
"description": "Radio for Monday as the start of the week."
"menuContentHeaderDateDayDisplayWeekStartSunday": {
"message": "Domingo",
"description": "Radio for Sunday as the start of the week."
"menuContentHeaderDateDayDisplayLengthLabel": {
"message": "Comprimento da palavra",
"description": "Label for length of day of the week."
"menuContentHeaderDateDayDisplayLengthLong": {
"message": "Grandes",
"description": "Radio for a long length day of the week."
"menuContentHeaderDateDayDisplayLengthShort": {
"message": "Baixo",
"description": "Radio for short length day of the week."
"menuContentHeaderDateDateShow": {
"message": "Mostrar data",
"description": "Checkbox for date."
"menuContentHeaderDateDateDisplayNumber": {
"message": "Como número",
"description": "Radio for date as numbers."
"menuContentHeaderDateDateDisplayWord": {
"message": "Uma espada",
"description": "Radio for dates as words."
"menuContentHeaderDateDateDisplayOrdinal": {
"message": "Números ordinais",
"description": "Checkbox for ordinal date number."
"menuContentHeaderDateMonthShow": {
"message": "Mostrar mês",
"description": "Checkbox for month."
"menuContentHeaderDateMonthDisplayNumber": {
"message": "Como número",
"description": "Radio for month as numbers."
"menuContentHeaderDateMonthDisplayWord": {
"message": "Uma espada",
"description": "Radio for month as words."
"menuContentHeaderDateMonthDisplayOrdinal": {
"message": "Números ordinais",
"description": "Checkbox for ordinal month number."
"menuContentHeaderDateMonthDisplayLengthLabel": {
"message": "Comprimento da palavra",
"description": "Label for length of month of the year."
"menuContentHeaderDateMonthDisplayLengthLong": {
"message": "Grandes",
"description": "Radio for a long length month of the year."
"menuContentHeaderDateMonthDisplayLengthShort": {
"message": "Baixo",
"description": "Radio for a short length month of the year."
"menuContentHeaderDateYearShow": {
"message": "Mostrar ano",
"description": "Checkbox for year."
"menuContentHeaderDateYearDisplayNumber": {
"message": "Como número",
"description": "Radio for year as numbers."
"menuContentHeaderDateYearDisplayWord": {
"message": "Uma espada",
"description": "Radio for year as words."
"menuContentHeaderDateSeparatorShow": {
"message": "Mostrar separador",
"description": "Checkbox for date separator."
"menuContentHeaderDateSeparatorLabel": {
"message": "Caractere separador",
"description": "Checkbox for date separator."
"menuContentHeaderDateSeparatorPlaceholder": {
"message": "/",
"description": "Placeholder for date separator."
"menuContentHeaderDateFormatLabel": {
"message": "Formato",
"description": "Label for date format."
"menuContentHeaderDateFormatDateMonth": {
"message": "Data / Mês",
"description": "Radio for date then month format."
"menuContentHeaderDateFormatMonthDate": {
"message": "Data do mês",
"description": "Radio for month then date format."
"menuContentHeaderDateSize": {
"message": "Tamanho",
"description": "Range for date size."
"menuContentHeaderDateNewLineLabel": {
"message": "Nova linha",
"description": "Checkbox to force date onto a new line."
"menuContentHeaderDateNewLineDescription": {
"message": "Force para uma nova linha e separe de outros itens de cabeçalho.",
"description": "Description for forcing date onto a new line."
"menuContentHeaderSearchShow": {
"message": "Mostrar pesquisa",
"description": "Checkbox for search."
"menuContentHeaderSearchWidthLabel": {
"message": "Largura da caixa de pesquisa",
"description": "Label for search width."
"menuContentHeaderSearchWidthAutoLabel": {
"message": "Largura automática",
"description": "Radio for auto search width."
"menuContentHeaderSearchWidthAutoDescription": {
"message": "A caixa de pesquisa crescerá para melhor caber no espaço disponível.",
"description": "Description for auto search width."
"menuContentHeaderSearchWidthCustomLabel": {
"message": "Largura personalizada",
"description": "Radio for custom search width."
"menuContentHeaderSearchWidthCustomDescription": {
"message": "Defina a largura da caixa de pesquisa dentro da área do cabeçalho.",
"description": "Description for custom search width."
"menuContentHeaderSearchWidthSize": {
"message": "Largura",
"description": "Range for search width."
"menuContentHeaderSearchSize": {
"message": "Tamanho",
"description": "Range for search size."
"menuContentHeaderSearchNewLineLabel": {
"message": "Nova linha",
"description": "Checkbox to force search onto a new line."
"menuContentHeaderSearchNewLineDescription": {
"message": "Force para uma nova linha e separe de outros itens de cabeçalho.",
"description": "Description for forcing search onto a new line."
"menuContentHeaderSearchEngineSelectedLabel": {
"message": "Motor de busca",
"description": "Label for custom search."
"menuContentHeaderSearchEngineSelectedCustom": {
"message": "Personalizado",
"description": "Select option for custom search."
"menuContentHeaderSearchEngineCustomNameLabel": {
"message": "Nome",
"description": "Label for custom search name."
"menuContentHeaderSearchEngineCustomNamePlaceholder": {
"message": "Nome do motor de busca",
"description": "Placeholder for custom search name."
"menuContentHeaderSearchEngineCustomUrlLabel": {
"message": "URL",
"description": "Label for custom search URL."
"menuContentHeaderSearchEngineCustomUrlPlaceholder": {
"message": "https://",
"description": "Placeholder for custom search URL."
"menuContentHeaderSearchEngineCustomUrlHelperPara1": {
"message": "Insira um endereço da web com os parâmetros de pesquisa, por exemplo: \"https://vimeo.com/search?q=\"",
"description": "Helper text for custom search URL."
"menuContentHeaderSearchEngineCustomUrlHelperPara2": {
"message": "{appName} adicionará o termo de pesquisa inserido na caixa Pesquisar no final do URL acima.",
"description": "Helper text for custom search URL."
"menuContentHeaderSearchEngineCustomQueryNameLabel": {
"message": "Atributo de nome",
"description": "Label for custom search name."
"menuContentHeaderSearchEngineCustomQueryNamePlaceholder": {
"message": "q",
"description": "Placeholder for custom search name."
"menuContentHeaderSearchEngineCustomQueryNameHelperPara1": {
"message": "Define o atributo de nome no campo de entrada Pesquisar.",
"description": "Helper text for custom search name."
"menuContentHeaderSearchEngineCustomQueryNameHelperPara2": {
"message": "Isso define o nome passado para o mecanismo de pesquisa ao enviar. Se não tiver certeza, deixe em branco.",
"description": "Helper text for custom search name."
"menuContentHeaderSearchEngineTextJustifyLabel": {
"message": "Alinhamento do texto de pesquisa",
"description": "Label to justify search text."
"menuContentHeaderSearchEngineTextJustifyLeft": {
"message": "Deixou",
"description": "Radio to justify the search text left."
"menuContentHeaderSearchEngineTextJustifyCenter": {
"message": "Centro",
"description": "Radio to justify the search text centre."
"menuContentHeaderSearchEngineTextJustifyRight": {
"message": "Direito",
"description": "Radio to justify the search text right."
"menuContentHeaderSearchNewTab": {
"message": "Abra os resultados da pesquisa em uma nova guia",
"description": "Checkbox for opening search results in a new tab."
"menuContentBookmarkGeneralShow": {
"message": "Mostrar favoritos",
"description": "Checkbox for show bookmark."
"menuContentBookmarkGeneralUrlShow": {
"message": "Mostrar URL ao passar o mouse sobre o favorito",
"description": "Checkbox for show bookmark url on hover."
"menuContentBookmarkGeneralLineShow": {
"message": "Mostrar linha de favoritos",
"description": "Checkbox for show bookmark line."
"menuContentBookmarkGeneralShadowShowLabel": {
"message": "Mostrar sombra ao passar o mouse sobre o favorito",
"description": "label for show bookmark shadow."
"menuContentBookmarkGeneralShadowShowDescription": {
"message": "Os efeitos podem não ser visíveis se a sombra do tema estiver definida como 0.",
"description": "Description to show bookmark shadow."
"menuContentBookmarkGeneralHoverScaleShow": {
"message": "Crescer ao passar o mouse sobre os favoritos",
"description": "Checkbox for scale bookmark on hover."
"menuContentBookmarkGeneralNewTab": {
"message": "Abra os favoritos em uma nova guia",
"description": "Checkbox for open bookmark in a new tab."
"menuContentBookmarkGeneralSize": {
"message": "Tamanho do marcador",
"description": "Range for bookmark size."
"menuContentBookmarkStyleBlockLabel": {
"message": "Quadra",
"description": "Label for bookmark block style."
"menuContentBookmarkStyleBlockDescription": {
"message": "Telhas de marcador em forma de quadrado.",
"description": "Description for bookmark block style."
"menuContentBookmarkStyleListLabel": {
"message": "Lista",
"description": "Label for bookmark list style."
"menuContentBookmarkStyleListDescription": {
"message": "Blocos de favoritos curtos e largos.",
"description": "Description for bookmark list style."
"menuContentBookmarkOrientationTop": {
"message": "Principal",
"description": "Radio for bookmark top orientation."
"menuContentBookmarkOrientationBottom": {
"message": "Fundo",
"description": "Radio for bookmark bottom orientation."
"menuContentBookmarkOrientationHelperPara1": {
"message": "Exibe o URL e os controles na parte superior ou inferior de um bloco de favoritos.",
"description": "Helper text for bookmark orientation."
"menuContentBookmarkSortLetter": {
"message": "Por carta",
"description": "Button to sort bookmarks by letter."
"menuContentBookmarkSortIcon": {
"message": "Por ícone",
"description": "Button to sort bookmarks by Icon."
"menuContentBookmarkSortName": {
"message": "Por nome",
"description": "Button to sort bookmarks by name."
"menuContentGroupAlignmentJustifyLabel": {
"message": "Alinhamento da área de detalhes do grupo",
"description": "Label to justify group items."
"menuContentGroupAlignmentJustifyLeft": {
"message": "Deixou",
"description": "Label to justify group items left."
"menuContentGroupAlignmentJustifyCenter": {
"message": "Centro",
"description": "Label to justify group items centre."
"menuContentGroupAlignmentJustifyRight": {
"message": "Direito",
"description": "Label to justify group items right."
"menuContentGroupAlignmentOrderLabel": {
"message": "Ordem de detalhes do grupo",
"description": "Label for group order."
"menuContentGroupAlignmentOrderHeaderBodyLabel": {
"message": "Detalhes do grupo e favoritos",
"description": "Radio for group details then bookmarks order."
"menuContentGroupAlignmentOrderHeaderBodyDescription": {
"message": "Ordene que a área de detalhes do Grupo apareça antes da área de Marcadores.",
"description": "Helper text for group details then bookmarks order."
"menuContentGroupAlignmentOrderBodyHeaderLabel": {
"message": "Favoritos e detalhes do grupo",
"description": "Radio for bookmarks then group details order."
"menuContentGroupAlignmentOrderBodyHeaderDescription": {
"message": "Ordene que a área do marcador apareça antes da área de detalhes do grupo.",
"description": "Helper text for bookmarks then group details order."
"menuContentGroupNameSize": {
"message": "Tamanho do nome",
"description": "Range for group name size."
"menuContentGroupNameShow": {
"message": "Mostre tudo",
"description": "Button to show all group names."
"menuContentGroupNameHide": {
"message": "Esconda tudo",
"description": "Button to hide all group names."
"menuContentGroupNameHelperPara1": {
"message": "Os nomes dos grupos também podem ser alterados editando grupos individuais.",
"description": "Helper text for show and hide all group names."
"menuContentGroupCollapseShow": {
"message": "Abra todos os grupos",
"description": "Button to open all groups."
"menuContentGroupCollapseHide": {
"message": "Recolher todos os grupos",
"description": "Button to collapse all groups."
"menuContentGroupToolbarSize": {
"message": "Tamanho da barra de ferramentas do grupo",
"description": "Range for group toolbar size."
"menuContentGroupToolbarCollapseLabel": {
"message": "Controle de recolhimento de grupo",
"description": "Label for group toolbar collapse control."
"menuContentGroupToolbarCollapseShow": {
"message": "Mostre tudo",
"description": "Button to show all group toolbar collapse control."
"menuContentGroupToolbarCollapseHide": {
"message": "Esconda tudo",
"description": "Button to hide all group toolbar collapse control."
"menuContentGroupToolbarCollapseHelperPara1": {
"message": "O botão de recolhimento da barra de ferramentas do grupo também pode ser alterado editando grupos individuais.",
"description": "Helper text for group toolbar collapse control."
"menuContentGroupToolbarOpenAllLabel": {
"message": "Grupo Abrir todo o controle",
"description": "Label for the bookmark group toolbar open all control."
"menuContentGroupToolbarOpenAllShow": {
"message": "Mostre tudo",
"description": "Button to show all group toolbar open all control."
"menuContentGroupToolbarOpenAllHide": {
"message": "Esconda tudo",
"description": "Button to hide all bookmark group toolbar open all control."
"menuContentGroupToolbarOpenAllHelperPara1": {
"message": "O botão da barra de ferramentas do grupo para abrir todos também pode ser alterado editando grupos individuais.",
"description": "Helper text for the bookmark group toolbar open all control."
"menuContentToolbarSize": {
"message": "Tamanho da barra de ferramentas",
"description": "Range for bookmark group toolbar size."
"menuContentToolbarLocationCorner": {
"message": "Em um canto",
"description": "Radio for bookmark group toolbar in a corner."
"menuContentToolbarLocationHeader": {
"message": "No cabeçalho",
"description": "Radio for bookmark group toolbar in header."
"menuContentToolbarLocationHelperPara1": {
"message": "Posicione a barra de ferramentas dentro do cabeçalho ou em um canto da janela.",
"description": "Helper text for toolbar location."
"menuContentToolbarLocationNewLineLabel": {
"message": "Nova linha",
"description": "Checkbox to force the bookmark group toolbar onto a new line."
"menuContentToolbarLocationNewLineDescription": {
"message": "Force para uma nova linha e separe de outros itens de cabeçalho.",
"description": "Description to force the bookmark group toolbar onto a new line."
"menuContentToolbarLocationNewLineHelperPara1": {
"message": "Disponível apenas quando a barra de ferramentas está posicionada dentro do cabeçalho.",
"description": "Helper text for the bookmark group toolbar on a new line."
"menuContentToolbarPositionLabel": {
"message": "Posição da barra de ferramentas",
"description": "Label for toolbar corner location."
"menuContentToolbarPositionTopLeft": {
"message": "Cima Esquerda",
"description": "Radio for bookmark group toolbar positioned in the top left corner."
"menuContentToolbarPositionTopRight": {
"message": "Canto superior direito",
"description": "Radio for bookmark group toolbar positioned in the top right corner."
"menuContentToolbarPositionBottomLeft": {
"message": "Inferior esquerdo",
"description": "Radio for bookmark group toolbar positioned in the bottom left corner."
"menuContentToolbarPositionBottomRight": {
"message": "Canto inferior direito",
"description": "Radio for bookmark group toolbar positioned in the bottom right corner."
"menuContentToolbarPositionHelper1Para1": {
"message": "Posicione a barra de ferramentas em um dos quatro cantos da janela.",
"description": "Helper text for bookmark group toolbar corner location."
"menuContentToolbarPositionHelper2Para1": {
"message": "Disponível apenas quando a barra de ferramentas está posicionada em um canto.",
"description": "Helper text for bookmark group toolbar corner location."
"menuContentToolbarControlsAccent": {
"message": "Mostrar controle de sotaque",
"description": "Checkbox to show bookmark group toolbar accent control."
"menuContentToolbarControlsAdd": {
"message": "Mostrar controle de adição",
"description": "Checkbox to show bookmark group toolbar add control."
"menuContentToolbarControlsEdit": {
"message": "Mostrar controle de edição",
"description": "Checkbox to show bookmark group toolbar edit control."
"menuContentDataRestoreFile": {
"message": "Importar do arquivo",
"description": "Input for backup data file import."
"menuContentDataRestoreClipboard": {
"message": "Importar da área de transferência",
"description": "Button for clipboard backup data import."
"menuContentDataRestoreHelperPara1": {
"message": "Restaure um backup de {appName}",
"description": "Helper text for backup data import."
"menuContentDataRestoreDrop": {
"message": "Ou solte um arquivo de backup do {appName}",
"description": "Label for backup data file drop area."
"menuContentDataBackupFile": {
"message": "Exportar dados",
"description": "Button to export backup data file."
"menuContentDataBackupClipboard": {
"message": "Copiar para área de transferência",
"description": "Button to copy backup data to clipboard."
"menuContentDataBackupHelperPara1": {
"message": "Baixe um backup de seus favoritos e configurações do {appName}",
"description": "Helper text for data backup."
"menuContentDataBackupHelperPara2": {
"message": "Este arquivo pode ser importado posteriormente neste ou em outro dispositivo.",
"description": "Helper text for data backup."
"menuContentDataClearAll": {
"message": "Limpar todos os dados",
"description": "Button to clear all data."
"menuContentDataClearPartial": {
"message": "Limpar tudo, exceto favoritos",
"description": "Button to clear partial data."
"menuContentDataClearAlertPara": {
"message": "Você perderá os favoritos ao limpar todos os dados.",
"description": "Alert for clear all data."
"menuContentDataClearAlertLink": {
"message": "Faça backup de seus dados",
"description": "Link for backup data."
"menuContentDataClearHelperPara1": {
"message": "Limpe todos os dados para redefinir {appName} para o estado padrão.",
"description": "Helper text for clear all data."
"menuContentDataClearHelperPara2": {
"message": "Como alternativa, é possível limpar todas as configurações, mas manter os favoritos e grupos atuais.",
"description": "Helper text for clear all data."
"menuContentLanguageSelect": {
"message": "Língua",
"description": "Select for language."
"menuContentLanguageSystem": {
"message": "Use a linguagem do sistema",
"description": "Option to use the system defined language."
"menuContentLanguageAlertPara": {
"message": "Encontrou uma tradução que não está certa?",
"description": "Alert for language select."
"menuContentLanguageAlertLink": {
"message": "Ajude a traduzir {appName}",
"description": "Link to help translate the project."
"menuContentSupportPageApplyToAll": {
"message": "Aplicando configurações de favoritos a todos",
"description": "Support link to project wiki."
"menuContentSupportPageBrowser": {
"message": "Suporte de navegador",
"description": "Support link to project wiki."
"menuContentSupportPageCookies": {
"message": "Cookies e cache",
"description": "Support link to project wiki."
"menuContentSupportPageData": {
"message": "Backup e restauração de dados",
"description": "Support link to project wiki."
"menuContentSupportPageLocalBackgroundImage": {
"message": "Imagem de fundo local",
"description": "Support link to project wiki."
"menuContentSupportPageProtectedUrl": {
"message": "URLs protegidos",
"description": "Support link to project wiki."
"menuContentSupportPageRecovering": {
"message": "Recuperando configurações e favoritos",
"description": "Support link to project wiki."
"menuContentSupportPageResetting": {
"message": "Reiniciando ao abrir o navegador",
"description": "Support link to project wiki."
"menuContentSupportPagePrivacy": {
"message": "Respeitando sua privacidade",
"description": "Support link to project wiki."
"menuContentSupportPageBackgroundImageVideo": {
"message": "Definir um vídeo ou imagem de fundo",
"description": "Support link to project wiki."
"menuContentSupportPageFirefox": {
"message": "Configurando {appName} como sua página inicial do Firefox",
"description": "Support link to project wiki."
"menuContentSupportPara": {
"message": "Para obter mais suporte ou feedback:",
"description": "Paragraph to get more support or provide feedback."
"menuContentSupportLink1": {
"message": "Envie um problema.",
"description": "Link to open an issue."
"menuContentSupportLink2": {
"message": "Verifique o Wiki.",
"description": "Link to the project wiki."
"menuContentCoffeePara": {
"message": "{appName} é gratuito, a apreciação é bem-vinda na forma de café!",
"description": "Paragraph to explain the project is free."
"menuContentCoffeeButton": {
"message": "Me compra um café",
"description": "Link to buy me a coffee to support the project."
"menuContentAppPara1": {
"message": "Compartilhe sua configuração com a comunidade.",
"description": "Paragraph on where to share with the community."
"menuContentAppLink1": {
"message": "Encontrado no Reddit/r/{appName}.",
"description": "Link to the community on Reddit."
"menuContentAppPara2": {
"message": "Este projeto é de código aberto.",
"description": "Paragraph on this project being open source."
"menuContentAppLink2": {
"message": "Encontrado no GitHub.",
"description": "Link to project on GitHub."
"menuContentAppLink3": {
"message": "GNU General Public License v3.0.",
"description": "Link to project project licence."
"bookmarkTileControlLeft": {
"message": "Mover este favorito para a esquerda",
"description": "Button for bookmark tile move left control."
"bookmarkTileControlSort": {
"message": "Arraste o favorito para reordenar",
"description": "Button for bookmark tile drag to sort control."
"bookmarkTileControlRight": {
"message": "Mover este favorito para a direita",
"description": "Button for bookmark tile move right control."
"bookmarkTileControlEdit": {
"message": "Edite este favorito",
"description": "Button for bookmark tile edit control."
"bookmarkTileControlRemove": {
"message": "Remover este favorito",
"description": "Button for bookmark tile remove control."
"bookmarkAddHeading": {
"message": "Adicionar um novo favorito",
"description": "Heading for bookmark add modal."
"bookmarkAddSuccessText": {
"message": "Adicionar",
"description": "Button to confirm adding a bookmark."
"bookmarkAddCancelText": {
"message": "Cancelar",
"description": "Button to cancel adding a bookmark."
"bookmarkRemoveHeadingName": {
"message": "Remover",
"description": "Heading with a name for bookmark remove modal."
"bookmarkRemoveHeadingUnnamed": {
"message": "Remover favorito sem nome",
"description": "Heading without a name for bookmark remove modal."
"bookmarkRemoveContent": {
"message": "Tem certeza de que deseja remover este favorito? Isto não pode ser desfeito.",
"description": "Paragraph for bookmark remove modal."
"bookmarkRemoveSuccessText": {
"message": "Remover",
"description": "Button to confirm removing a bookmark."
"bookmarkRemoveCancelText": {
"message": "Cancelar",
"description": "Button to cancel removing a bookmark."
"bookmarkEditHeadingName": {
"message": "Editar",
"description": "Heading with a name for bookmark edit modal."
"bookmarkEditHeadingUnnamed": {
"message": "Editar favorito sem nome",
"description": "Heading without a name for bookmark edit modal."
"bookmarkEditSuccessText": {
"message": "Salve ",
"description": "Button to confirm editing a bookmark."
"bookmarkEditCancelText": {
"message": "Cancelar",
"description": "Button to cancel editing a bookmark."
"bookmarkFormTabVisual": {
"message": "Visual e Nome",
"description": "Label for bookmark form visual tab."
"bookmarkFormTabAddress": {
"message": "Endereço",
"description": "Label for bookmark form address tab."
"bookmarkFormTabPosition": {
"message": "Posição",
"description": "Label for bookmark form position tab."
"bookmarkFormTabLayout": {
"message": "Layout",
"description": "Label for bookmark form layout tab."
"bookmarkFormTabTheme": {
"message": "Tema",
"description": "Label for bookmark form theme tab."
"bookmarkFormSectionVisualHeading": {
"message": "Visual e Nome",
"description": "Heading for bookmark form visual page."
"bookmarkFormSectionVisualDescription": {
"message": "Exibir letras, ícone, imagem e um nome neste bloco de indicador.",
"description": "Description for bookmark form visual page."
"bookmarkFormSectionAddressHeading": {
"message": "Endereço",
"description": "Heading for bookmark form address page."
"bookmarkFormSectionAddressDescription": {
"message": "Certifique-se de usar o URL completo e incluir \"https://...\"",
"description": "Description for bookmark form address page."
"bookmarkFormSectionPositionHeading": {
"message": "Posição",
"description": "Heading for bookmark form position page."
"bookmarkFormSectionPositionDescription": {
"message": "O Grupo no qual colocar este Indicador.",
"description": "Description for bookmark form position page."
"bookmarkFormSectionLayoutHeading": {
"message": "Layout",
"description": "Heading for bookmark form layout page."
"bookmarkFormSectionLayoutDescription": {
"message": "Altere a posição, escala e orientação do elemento visual e do nome.",
"description": "Description for bookmark form layout page."
"bookmarkFormSectionThemeHeading": {
"message": "Tema",
"description": "Heading for bookmark form theme page."
"bookmarkFormSectionThemeDescription": {
"message": "Substitua o tema e a cor de destaque.",
"description": "Description for bookmark form theme page."
"bookmarkFormUrlLabel": {
"message": "URL",
"description": "Label for bookmark url."
"bookmarkFormUrlPlaceholder": {
"message": "https://www.example.com/",
"description": "Placeholder for bookmark url."
"bookmarkFormDisplayAlignmentLabel": {
"message": "Alinhamento de elemento visual e nome",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile display alignment."
"bookmarkFormDisplayAlignmentTopLeft": {
"message": "Cima Esquerda",
"description": "Radio to align bookmark tile display top left."
"bookmarkFormDisplayAlignmentTopCenter": {
"message": "Centro Superior",
"description": "Radio to align bookmark tile display top centre."
"bookmarkFormDisplayAlignmentTopRight": {
"message": "Canto superior direito",
"description": "Radio to align bookmark tile display top right."
"bookmarkFormDisplayAlignmentCenterLeft": {
"message": "Centro Esquerdo",
"description": "Radio to align bookmark tile display centre left."
"bookmarkFormDisplayAlignmentCenterCenter": {
"message": "Centro Centro",
"description": "Radio to align bookmark tile display centre centre."
"bookmarkFormDisplayAlignmentCenterRight": {
"message": "Centro à direita",
"description": "Radio to align bookmark tile display centre right."
"bookmarkFormDisplayAlignmentBottomLeft": {
"message": "Inferior esquerdo",
"description": "Radio to align bookmark tile display bottom left."
"bookmarkFormDisplayAlignmentBottomCenter": {
"message": "Centro Inferior",
"description": "Radio to align bookmark tile display bottom centre."
"bookmarkFormDisplayAlignmentBottomRight": {
"message": "Canto inferior direito",
"description": "Radio to align bookmark tile display bottom right."
"bookmarkFormDisplayDirectionVerticalLabel": {
"message": "Vertical",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile display vertical direction."
"bookmarkFormDisplayDirectionVerticalDescription": {
"message": "Empilhe o elemento visual e nomeie um acima do outro.",
"description": "Description for bookmark tile display vertical direction."
"bookmarkFormDisplayDirectionHorizontalLabel": {
"message": "Horizontal",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile display horizontal direction."
"bookmarkFormDisplayDirectionHorizontalDescription": {
"message": "Organize o elemento visual e o nome lado a lado.",
"description": "Description for bookmark tile display horizontal direction."
"bookmarkFormDisplayOrderVisualNameLabel": {
"message": "Elemento visual, em seguida, nome",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile display visual then name order."
"bookmarkFormDisplayOrderVisualNameDescription": {
"message": "Coloque o elemento visual antes do nome.",
"description": "Description for bookmark tile display visual then name order."
"bookmarkFormDisplayOrderNameVisualLabel": {
"message": "Nome e elemento visual",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile display name then visual order."
"bookmarkFormDisplayOrderNameVisualDescription": {
"message": "Coloque o nome antes do elemento visual.",
"description": "Description for bookmark tile display name then visual order."
"bookmarkFormDisplayRotate": {
"message": "Girar",
"description": "Range for bookmark tile visual rotation."
"bookmarkFormDisplayTranslateLabel": {
"message": "Ajuste a posição do elemento visual",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile visual translation."
"bookmarkFormDisplayTranslateX": {
"message": "Horizontal",
"description": "Range for bookmark tile visual translation along the x axis."
"bookmarkFormDisplayTranslateY": {
"message": "Vertical",
"description": "Range for bookmark tile visual translation along the y axis."
"bookmarkFormDisplayGutter": {
"message": "Calha",
"description": "Range for bookmark tile gutter space between visual and name."
"bookmarkFormDisplayVisualShowLabel": {
"message": "Mostrar Elemento Visual",
"description": "Checkbox to show bookmark tile visual."
"bookmarkFormDisplayVisualShowDescription": {
"message": "Exibir letras, ícone ou uma imagem neste hexágono de indicador.",
"description": "Description to show bookmark tile visual."
"bookmarkFormDisplayVisualTypeLetter": {
"message": "Carta",
"description": "Radio for bookmark tile visual letter."
"bookmarkFormDisplayVisualTypeIcon": {
"message": "Ícone",
"description": "Radio for bookmark tile visual icon."
"bookmarkFormDisplayVisualTypeImage": {
"message": "Imagem",
"description": "Radio for bookmark tile visual image."
"bookmarkFormDisplayVisualSize": {
"message": "Tamanho visual",
"description": "Range for bookmark tile visual size."
"bookmarkFormDisplayVisualLetterTextLabel": {
"message": "Carta de marcador",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile visual text."
"bookmarkFormDisplayVisualLetterTextPlaceholder": {
"message": "E",
"description": "Placeholder for bookmark tile visual text."
"bookmarkFormDisplayVisualIconTextLabel": {
"message": "Ícone de marcador",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile visual icon."
"bookmarkFormDisplayVisualIconTextPlaceholder": {
"message": "Marcas ou ícones impressionantes da FontAwesome",
"description": "Placeholder for bookmark tile visual icon."
"bookmarkFormDisplayVisualIconRemove": {
"message": "Remover ícone",
"description": "Button to remove the bookmark tile visual icon."
"bookmarkFormDisplayVisualImageUrlLabel": {
"message": "Imagem favorita",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile visual image URL."
"bookmarkFormDisplayVisualImageUrlPlaceholder": {
"message": "https://www.example.com/image.jpg",
"description": "Placeholder for bookmark tile visual image URL."
"bookmarkFormDisplayVisualShadowSize": {
"message": "Sombra visual",
"description": "Range for bookmark tile visual shadow."
"bookmarkFormDisplayVisualShadowHelperPara1": {
"message": "A sombra visual se aplica apenas a uma letra ou ícone.",
"description": "Helper text for bookmark tile visual shadow."
"bookmarkFormDisplayNameShow": {
"message": "Mostrar nome",
"description": "Checkbox to show bookmark tile name."
"bookmarkFormDisplayNameTextLabel": {
"message": "Nome do marcador",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile name."
"bookmarkFormDisplayNameTextPlaceholder": {
"message": "Exemplo",
"description": "Placeholder for bookmark tile name."
"bookmarkFormDisplayNameSize": {
"message": "Tamanho do nome",
"description": "Range for bookmark tile name size."
"bookmarkFormAccentByThemeLabel": {
"message": "Sotaque do tema",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile to use the theme accent."
"bookmarkFormAccentByThemeDescription": {
"message": "Use o Sotaque definido pelo Tema.",
"description": "Description for bookmark tile to use the theme accent."
"bookmarkFormAccentByCustomLabel": {
"message": "Sotaque personalizado",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile to use a custom accent."
"bookmarkFormAccentByCustomDescription": {
"message": "Substitua o acento do tema.",
"description": "Description for bookmark tile to use a custom accent."
"bookmarkFormAccentColor": {
"message": "Sotaque",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile accent."
"bookmarkFormColorByThemeLabel": {
"message": "Cor do tema",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile to use the theme colour."
"bookmarkFormColorByThemeDescription": {
"message": "Use a cor definida pelo tema.",
"description": "Description for bookmark tile to use the theme colour."
"bookmarkFormColorByCustomLabel": {
"message": "Cor personalizada",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile to use a custom colour."
"bookmarkFormColorByCustomDescription": {
"message": "Substitua a cor do tema.",
"description": "Description for bookmark tile to use a custom colour."
"bookmarkFormColorColor": {
"message": "Cor",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile colour."
"bookmarkFormColorOpacity": {
"message": "Opacidade",
"description": "Range for bookmark tile opacity."
"bookmarkFormBackgroundShowLabel": {
"message": "Mostrar fundo",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile background."
"bookmarkFormBackgroundShowDescription": {
"message": "Exibir uma imagem ou plano de fundo de vídeo neste bloco de indicador.",
"description": "Description for bookmark tile background."
"bookmarkFormBackgroundTypeImage": {
"message": "Imagem",
"description": "Radio for bookmark tile image background."
"bookmarkFormBackgroundTypeVideo": {
"message": "Vídeo",
"description": "Radio for bookmark tile video background."
"bookmarkFormBackgroundOpacity": {
"message": "Opacidade",
"description": "Range for bookmark tile background opacity."
"bookmarkFormBackgroundImageLabel": {
"message": "URL da imagem de fundo",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile background image URL."
"bookmarkFormBackgroundImagePlaceholder": {
"message": "https://www.example.com/image.jpg",
"description": "Placeholder for bookmark tile background image URL."
"bookmarkFormBackgroundImageHelperPara1": {
"message": "A imagem de fundo suporta apenas um URL direto para um arquivo de imagem.",
"description": "Helper text for bookmark tile background image URL."
"bookmarkFormBackgroundVideoLabel": {
"message": "URL do vídeo de fundo",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile background video URL."
"bookmarkFormBackgroundVideoPlaceholder": {
"message": "https://www.example.com/video.mp4",
"description": "Placeholder for bookmark tile background video URL."
"bookmarkFormBackgroundVideoHelperPara1": {
"message": "O vídeo de fundo suporta apenas um URL direto para um arquivo de vídeo. Suporta formato MP4 e WebM.",
"description": "Helper text for bookmark tile background video URL."
"bookmarkFormBackgroundVideoHelperPara2": {
"message": "Os URLs da página do YouTube não podem ser usados.",
"description": "Helper text for bookmark tile background video URL."
"bookmarkFormBorder": {
"message": "Fronteira",
"description": "Range for bookmark tile border."
"bookmarkFormShapeWideLabel": {
"message": "Ladrilho largo",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile wide shape."
"bookmarkFormShapeWideDescription": {
"message": "Marque o ladrilho para se estender por duas colunas.",
"description": "Description for bookmark tile wide shape."
"bookmarkFormShapeTallLabel": {
"message": "Telha alta",
"description": "Label for bookmark tile tall shape."
"bookmarkFormShapeTallDescription": {
"message": "Ladrilho de favorito para se estender por duas linhas.",
"description": "Description for bookmark tile tall shape."
"bookmarkFormGroupDestinationExisting": {
"message": "Grupo Existente",
"description": "Radio for bookmark position in existing bookmark group."
"bookmarkFormGroupDestinationNew": {
"message": "Novo grupo",
"description": "Radio for bookmark position in new bookmark group."
"bookmarkFormGroupNameLabel": {
"message": "URL",
"description": "Label for bookmark group name."
"bookmarkFormGroupNamePlaceholder": {
"message": "Grupo de exemplo",
"description": "Placeholder for bookmark group name."
"bookmarkFormGroupRandom": {
"message": "Nome do grupo aleatório",
"description": "Button for random group name."
"bookmarkFormGroupPositionGroup": {
"message": "Grupo",
"description": "Select for bookmark group position."
"bookmarkFormGroupPositionItem": {
"message": "Posição",
"description": "Select for bookmark position in a group."
"bookmarkFormPropagateVisualLabel": {
"message": "Aplicar \"Mostrar elemento visual\" e \"Mostrar nome\" a outros favoritos",
"description": "Checkbox to share current bookmark visual settings to all other bookmarks."
"bookmarkFormPropagateVisualDescriptionPara1": {
"message": "O texto da letra, ícone, imagem e nome não será compartilhado.",
"description": "Helper text to share current bookmark visual settings to all other bookmarks."
"bookmarkFormPropagateVisualDescriptionPara2": {
"message": "Útil para ocultar os elementos visuais ou nomes em todos os marcadores.",
"description": "Helper text to share current bookmark visual settings to all other bookmarks."
"bookmarkFormPropagateLayoutLabel": {
"message": "Aplicar layout a outros favoritos",
"description": "Checkbox to share current bookmark layout settings to all other bookmarks."
"bookmarkFormPropagateLayoutDescriptionPara1": {
"message": "Quando salvo, aplique o Layout acima a todos os outros marcadores.",
"description": "Helper text to share current bookmark layout settings to all other bookmarks."
"bookmarkFormPropagateLayoutDescriptionPara2": {
"message": "Somente o tamanho visual e do nome, alinhamento, ordem, posição e medianiz serão aplicados a todos.",
"description": "Helper text to share current bookmark layout settings to all other bookmarks."
"bookmarkFormPropagateThemeLabel": {
"message": "Aplicar tema a outros favoritos",
"description": "Checkbox to share current bookmark theme settings to all other bookmarks."
"bookmarkFormPropagateThemeDescriptionPara1": {
"message": "Quando salvo, aplique o tema acima a todos os outros favoritos.",
"description": "Helper text to share current bookmark theme settings to all other bookmarks."
"bookmarkFormPropagateThemeDescriptionPara2": {
"message": "Apenas a cor, destaque, opacidade, borda e sombra visual serão aplicadas a todos.",
"description": "Helper text to share current bookmark theme settings to all other bookmarks."
"bookmarkPreviewFull": {
"message": "Antevisão",
"description": "Paragraph for bookmark full size preview."
"bookmarkPreviewHalf": {
"message": "Visualização (escala de 50%)",
"description": "Paragraph for bookmark half size preview."
"groupAreaControlUp": {
"message": "Mova este grupo para cima",
"description": "Button for bookmark group move up control."
"groupAreaControlSort": {
"message": "Arraste o grupo para reordenar",
"description": "Button for bookmark group drag to sort control."
"groupAreaControlDown": {
"message": "Mova este grupo para baixo",
"description": "Button for bookmark group move down control."
"groupAreaControlEdit": {
"message": "Edite este grupo",
"description": "Button for bookmark group edit control."
"groupAreaControlRemove": {
"message": "Remover este grupo",
"description": "Button for bookmark group remove control."
"groupAreaControlOpenAll": {
"message": "Abra todos os favoritos neste grupo",
"description": "Button for bookmark group control to open all bookmarks."
"groupAreaControlCollapse": {
"message": "Recolher este grupo",
"description": "Button for bookmark group control to collapse bookmark group."
"groupAddHeading": {
"message": "Adicionar um novo grupo",
"description": "Heading for bookmark group add modal."
"groupAddSuccessText": {
"message": "Adicionar",
"description": "Button to confirm adding a bookmark group."
"groupAddCancelText": {
"message": "Cancelar",
"description": "Button to cancel adding a bookmark group."
"groupRemoveHeadingName": {
"message": "Remover",
"description": "Heading with a name for bookmark group remove modal."
"groupRemoveHeadingUnnamed": {
"message": "Remover grupo sem nome",
"description": "Heading without a name for bookmark group remove modal."
"groupRemoveContent": {
"message": "Tem certeza de que deseja remover este grupo e todos os seus favoritos? Isto não pode ser desfeito.",
"description": "Paragraph for bookmark group remove modal."
"groupRemoveSuccessText": {
"message": "Remover",
"description": "Button to confirm removing a bookmark group."
"groupRemoveCancelText": {
"message": "Cancelar",
"description": "Button to cancel removing a bookmark group."
"groupEditHeadingName": {
"message": "Editar",
"description": "Heading with a name for bookmark group edit modal."
"groupEditHeadingUnnamed": {
"message": "Editar grupo sem nome",
"description": "Heading without a name for bookmark group edit modal."
"groupEditSuccessText": {
"message": "Salve ",
"description": "Button to confirm editing a bookmark group."
"groupEditCancelText": {
"message": "Cancelar",
"description": "Button to cancel editing a bookmark group."
"groupFormSectionNameHeading": {
"message": "Nome",
"description": "Heading for bookmark group form name."
"groupFormSectionNameDescription": {
"message": "Exibir um nome acima deste grupo.",
"description": "Description for bookmark group form name."
"groupFormSectionToolbarHeading": {
"message": "Barra de ferramentas",
"description": "Heading for bookmark group form toolbar."
"groupFormSectionToolbarDescription": {
"message": "Exibe os controles para abrir todos ou mostrar / ocultar os favoritos neste grupo.",
"description": "Description for bookmark group form toolbar."
"groupFormSectionOrderingHeading": {
"message": "Encomenda",
"description": "Heading for bookmark group form order."
"groupFormSectionOrderingDescription": {
"message": "A posição deste Grupo.",
"description": "Description for bookmark group form order."
"groupFormNameShow": {
"message": "Mostrar nome do grupo",
"description": "Checkbox to show bookmark group name."
"groupFormNameTextLabel": {
"message": "Nome do grupo",
"description": "Label for bookmark group name."
"groupFormNameTextPlaceholder": {
"message": "Grupo de exemplo",
"description": "Placeholder for bookmark group name."
"groupFormNameRandom": {
"message": "Nome do grupo aleatório",
"description": "Button for random bookmark group name."
"groupFormCollapseShowLabel": {
"message": "Mostrar colapso",
"description": "Label to show bookmark group toolbar collapse button."
"groupFormCollapseShowDescription": {
"message": "O botão Recolher mostrará ou ocultará os favoritos neste grupo.",
"description": "Description to show bookmark group toolbar collapse button."
"groupFormOpenAllShowLabel": {
"message": "Mostrar tudo aberto",
"description": "Label to show bookmark group toolbar open all button."
"groupFormOpenAllShowDescription": {
"message": "O botão Abrir tudo aparecerá se houver pelo menos um marcador neste grupo.",
"description": "Description to show bookmark group toolbar open all button."
"groupFormDestination": {
"message": "Posição",
"description": "Select for bookmark group position."
"themeCustomTileControlEdit": {
"message": "Edite este tema personalizado salvo",
"description": "Button to edit saved custom theme."
"themeCustomTileControlRemove": {
"message": "Remover este tema personalizado salvo",
"description": "Button to remove saved custom theme."
"themeCustomFormNameLabel": {
"message": "Nome",
"description": "Label for saved custom theme name."
"themeCustomFormNamePlaceholder": {
"message": "Tema de exemplo",
"description": "Placeholder for saved custom theme name."
"themeCustomFormRandom": {
"message": "Nome do tema aleatório",
"description": "Button for random saved custom theme name."
"themeCustomAddHeading": {
"message": "Salvar tema atual",
"description": "Heading for saved custom theme add modal."
"themeCustomAddSuccessText": {
"message": "Salve ",
"description": "Button to confirm adding a saved custom theme."
"themeCustomAddCancelText": {
"message": "Cancelar",
"description": "Button to cancel adding a saved custom theme."
"themeCustomRemoveHeadingName": {
"message": "Remover",
"description": "Heading with a name for saved custom theme remove modal."
"themeCustomRemoveHeadingUnnamed": {
"message": "Remover tema personalizado sem nome",
"description": "Heading without a name for saved custom theme remove modal."
"themeCustomRemoveContent": {
"message": "Tem certeza de que deseja remover este tema personalizado salvo? Isto não pode ser desfeito.",
"description": "Paragraph for saved custom theme remove modal."
"themeCustomRemoveSuccessText": {
"message": "Salve ",
"description": "Button to confirm removing a saved custom theme."
"themeCustomRemoveCancelText": {
"message": "Cancelar",
"description": "Button to cancel removing a saved custom theme."
"themeCustomEditHeadingName": {
"message": "Editar",
"description": "Heading with a name for saved custom theme edit modal."
"themeCustomEditHeadingUnnamed": {
"message": "Editar tema personalizado sem nome",
"description": "Heading without a name for saved custom theme edit modal."
"themeCustomEditSuccessText": {
"message": "Remover",
"description": "Button to confirm editing a saved custom theme."
"themeCustomEditCancelText": {
"message": "Cancelar",
"description": "Button to cancel editing a saved custom theme."
"toolbarAccent": {
"message": "Cor de destaque",
"description": "Button for toolbar accent control."
"toolbarAddLabel": {
"message": "Adicionar",
"description": "Button for toolbar control to add."
"toolbarAddGroup": {
"message": "Novo grupo",
"description": "Button for toolbar control to add a new bookmark."
"toolbarAddBookmark": {
"message": "Novo favorito",
"description": "Button for toolbar control to add a new bookmark group."
"toolbarEdit": {
"message": "Editar grupos e favoritos",
"description": "Button for toolbar to toggle edit mode."
"toolbarSetting": {
"message": "Abra o menu de configurações",
"description": "Button for toolbar to open settings menu."
"dataFormDescription": {
"message": "Você pode restaurar todo ou parte de um arquivo de backup. Os seguintes dados serão restaurados:",
"description": "Description for restoring from backup data."
"dataFormBookmarkIncludeLabel": {
"message": "Favoritos",
"description": "Heading for restoring backup data bookmarks."
"dataFormBookmarkIncludeDescriptionPara1": {
"message": "Isso inclui todos os grupos e favoritos",
"description": "Description for restoring backup data bookmarks."
"dataFormBookmarkIncludeDescriptionPara2": {
"message": "Os favoritos manterão todas as cores, acentos e bordas personalizados quando importados.",
"description": "Description for restoring backup data bookmarks."
"dataFormBookmarkTypeRestore": {
"message": "Substitua os favoritos existentes",
"description": "Radio to replace existing bookmarks when restoring from backup data."
"dataFormBookmarkTypeAppend": {
"message": "Adicionar aos favoritos existentes",
"description": "Radio to append to existing bookmarks when restoring from backup data."
"dataFormThemeIncludeLabel": {
"message": "Tema",
"description": "Label to restore theme date from backup data."
"dataFormThemeIncludeDescription": {
"message": "Isso inclui a cor, o destaque, as fontes, o plano de fundo e quaisquer temas personalizados salvos.",
"description": "Description to restore theme date from backup data."
"dataFormSetupIncludeLabel": {
"message": "Configurações",
"description": "Label to restore setting date from backup data."
"dataFormSetupIncludeDescription": {
"message": "Isso inclui o tamanho e a posição do layout, o tamanho da área do cabeçalho, o tamanho da área do marcador e outras configurações do usuário.",
"description": "Description to restore setting date from backup data."
"dataRestoreHeading": {
"message": "Restaurando de um backup do {appName}",
"description": "Heading for restore backup data modal."
"dataRestoreSuccessText": {
"message": "Importar",
"description": "Button to confirm restoring from backup data."
"dataRestoreCancelText": {
"message": "Cancelar",
"description": "Button to cancel restoring from backup data."
"dataClearAllHeading": {
"message": "Limpar todos os dados de {appName}",
"description": "Heading for clear all data modal."
"dataClearAllContentPara1": {
"message": "Tem certeza de que deseja limpar todos os favoritos e configurações de {appName} {appName} será restaurado ao estado padrão.",
"description": "Paragraph for clear all data modal."
"dataClearAllContentPara2": {
"message": "Isto não pode ser desfeito.",
"description": "Paragraph for clear all data modal."
"dataClearAllSuccessText": {
"message": "Limpar todos os dados",
"description": "Button to confirm clear all data."
"dataClearAllCancelText": {
"message": "Cancelar",
"description": "Button to cancel clear all data."
"dataClearPartialHeading": {
"message": "Limpar {appName} exceto favoritos?",
"description": "Heading for clear partial data modal."
"dataClearPartialContentPara1": {
"message": "Tem certeza de que deseja limpar todas as configurações do {appName} {appName} será restaurado ao estado padrão, mas seus favoritos e grupos permanecerão.",
"description": "Paragraph for clear partial data modal."
"dataClearPartialContentPara2": {
"message": "Isto não pode ser desfeito.",
"description": "Paragraph for clear partial data modal."
"dataClearPartialSuccessText": {
"message": "Limpar tudo, exceto favoritos",
"description": "Button to confirm clear partial data."
"dataClearPartialCancelText": {
"message": "Cancelar",
"description": "Button to cancel clear partial data."
"dataExportBackup": {
"message": "cópia de segurança",
"description": "String for backup data file name."
"dataFeedbackEmpty": {
"message": "Nada selecionado para importar.",
"description": "Paragraph for validation when backup data is empty."
"dataFeedbackSuccess": {
"message": "Sucesso! Restaurando favoritos e configurações do {appName}",
"description": "Paragraph for when backup data is valid."
"dataFeedbackFailNotJson": {
"message": "Não é um arquivo JSON. Certifique-se de que o arquivo selecionado veio de {appName} .",
"description": "Paragraph for when backup data is not valid JSON."
"dataFeedbackFailNotAppJson": {
"message": "Não é o tipo certo de arquivo JSON. Certifique-se de que o arquivo selecionado veio de {appName} .",
"description": "Paragraph for when backup data is not valid JSON from this project."
"dataFeedbackFailNotClipboardJson": {
"message": "Não é o tipo certo de dados. Certifique-se de que a área de transferência contenha dados de {appName} ou um arquivo JSON de backup de {appName}",
"description": "Paragraph for when backup data in clipboard is not valid JSON."
"controlGeneralReset": {
"message": "Restaurar ao padrão",
"description": "Button for reset button control."
"controlColorTextPlaceholder": {
"message": "Código hexadecimal",
"description": "Placeholder for hex colour code."
"controlColorRandom": {
"message": "Cor aleatória",
"description": "Button for random colour."
"controlColorMixerMoreControls": {
"message": "Mais controles",
"description": "Button to show more colour controls."
"controlColorMixerSliderH": {
"message": "Matiz",
"description": "Label for colour control hue."
"controlColorMixerSliderS": {
"message": "Saturação",
"description": "Label for colour control saturation."
"controlColorMixerSliderL": {
"message": "Leveza",
"description": "Label for colour control lightness."
"controlColorMixerSliderR": {
"message": "vermelho",
"description": "Label for colour control red."
"controlColorMixerSliderG": {
"message": "Verde",
"description": "Label for colour control green."
"controlColorMixerSliderB": {
"message": "Azul",
"description": "Label for colour control blue."