mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 18:50:47 +01:00
586 lines
17 KiB
586 lines
17 KiB
var helper = (function() {
var e = function(selector) {
return document.querySelector(selector);
var eA = function(selector) {
return document.querySelectorAll(selector);
var toggleClass = function(element, theClassName) {
var addClass = function(element, theClassName) {
var removeClass = function(element, theClassName) {
var getClosest = function(element, selector) {
var firstChar = selector.charAt(0);
// Get closest match
for (; element && element !== document; element = element.parentNode) {
// If selector is a class
if (firstChar === ".") {
if (element.classList.contains(selector.substr(1))) {
return element;
// If selector is an ID
if (firstChar === "#") {
if (element.id === selector.substr(1)) {
return element;
// If selector is a data attribute
if (firstChar === "[") {
if (element.hasAttribute(selector.substr(1, selector.length - 2))) {
return element;
// If selector is a tag
if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() === selector) {
return element;
return false;
var getDateTime = function() {
var dateStamp = new Date();
var object = {
// string: dateStamp.constructor(),
// time: dateStamp.getTime()
date: dateStamp.getDate(),
day: dateStamp.getDay(),
year: dateStamp.getFullYear(),
hours: dateStamp.getHours(),
milliseconds: dateStamp.getMilliseconds(),
minutes: dateStamp.getMinutes(),
month: dateStamp.getMonth(),
seconds: dateStamp.getSeconds()
return object;
var sortObject = function(object, key) {
object.sort(function(a, b) {
var textA = getObject({
object: a,
path: key
if (typeof textA == "string") {
textA = textA.toLowerCase();
var textB = getObject({
object: b,
path: key
if (typeof textB == "string") {
textB = textB.toLowerCase();
if (textA < textB) {
return -1;
} else if (textA > textB) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
return object;
var applyOptions = function(options, override) {
if (options && override) {
if (override) {
for (var key in override) {
if (key in options) {
options[key] = override[key];
return options;
} else {
return null;
var hslToRgb = function(hslObject) {
if (hslObject == undefined) {
return null;
var chroma = (1 - Math.abs((2 * hslObject.l) - 1)) * hslObject.s;
var huePrime = hslObject.h / 60;
var secondComponent = chroma * (1 - Math.abs((huePrime % 2) - 1));
huePrime = Math.floor(huePrime);
var red;
var green;
var blue;
if (huePrime === 0 || huePrime === 6) {
red = chroma;
green = secondComponent;
blue = 0;
} else if (huePrime === 1) {
red = secondComponent;
green = chroma;
blue = 0;
} else if (huePrime === 2) {
red = 0;
green = chroma;
blue = secondComponent;
} else if (huePrime === 3) {
red = 0;
green = secondComponent;
blue = chroma;
} else if (huePrime === 4) {
red = secondComponent;
green = 0;
blue = chroma;
} else if (huePrime === 5) {
red = chroma;
green = 0;
blue = secondComponent;
var lightnessAdjustment = hslObject.l - (chroma / 2);
red += lightnessAdjustment;
green += lightnessAdjustment;
blue += lightnessAdjustment;
var result = {
r: Math.round(red * 255),
g: Math.round(green * 255),
b: Math.round(blue * 255)
return result;
var hexToRgb = function(hex) {
if (hex == undefined) {
return null;
var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
if (result) {
result = {
r: parseInt(result[1], 16),
g: parseInt(result[2], 16),
b: parseInt(result[3], 16)
return result;
var rgbToHex = function(rgbObject) {
if (rgbObject == undefined) {
return null;
var componentToHex = function(hexPart) {
hexPart = hexPart.toString(16);
if (hexPart.length == 1) {
hexPart = "0" + hexPart
return hexPart;
var result = "#" + componentToHex(rgbObject.r) + componentToHex(rgbObject.g) + componentToHex(rgbObject.b);
return result;
var makeNode = function(override) {
var options = {
tag: null,
text: null,
attr: null
if (override) {
options = helper.applyOptions(options, override);
var element = document.createElement(options.tag);
if (options.text != null) {
element.textContent = options.text;
if (options.attr != null) {
options.attr.forEach(function(arrayItem, index) {
if ("key" in arrayItem && "value" in arrayItem) {
element.setAttribute(arrayItem.key, arrayItem.value);
} else if ("key" in arrayItem) {
element.setAttribute(arrayItem.key, "");
return element;
var node = function(string) {
// set element
var tag;
if (string.indexOf("|") > 0) {
tag = string.slice(0, string.indexOf("|"));
} else {
tag = string;
var text = false;
if (tag.indexOf(":") > 0) {
var pair = tag.split(":");
tag = pair[0];
text = pair[1];
var element = document.createElement(tag);
if (text && text != "") {
element.textContent = text;
var attributes = string.slice(string.indexOf("|") + 1, string.length).split(",");
// set attributes
if (string.indexOf("|") > 0 && string.indexOf("|") < string.length - 1) {
attributes.forEach(function(arrayItem, index) {
if (arrayItem.indexOf(":") > 0) {
// if key and value
var pair = arrayItem.substring(0, arrayItem.indexOf(":")) + "," + arrayItem.substring((arrayItem.indexOf(":") + 1), arrayItem.length);
pair = pair.split(",");
attributes[index] = {
key: pair[0],
value: pair[1]
} else {
// if key only
attributes[index] = {
key: arrayItem,
value: undefined
attributes.forEach(function(arrayItem, index) {
if (("key" in arrayItem && arrayItem.key != undefined) && ("value" in arrayItem && arrayItem.value != undefined)) {
element.setAttribute(arrayItem.key, arrayItem.value);
} else if ("key" in arrayItem && arrayItem.key != undefined) {
element.setAttribute(arrayItem.key, "");
return element;
var _makeAddress = function(path) {
var array;
if (path.indexOf("[") != -1 && path.indexOf("]") != -1) {
array = path.split(".").join(",").split("[").join(",").split("]").join(",").split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i] == "") {
array.splice(i, 1);
if (!isNaN(parseInt(array[i], 10))) {
array[i] = parseInt(array[i], 10);
} else {
array = path.split(".");
return array;
var setObject = function(override) {
var options = {
path: null,
object: null,
newValue: null
if (override) {
var options = applyOptions(options, override);
var address = _makeAddress(options.path);
var _setData = function() {
while (address.length > 1) {
// shift off and store the first key
var currentKey = address.shift();
// if the key is not found make a new object
if (!(currentKey in options.object)) {
// make an empty object in the current object level
if (isNaN(currentKey)) {
options.object[currentKey] = {};
} else {
options.object[currentKey] = [];
// drill down the object with the first key
options.object = options.object[currentKey];
var finalKey = address.shift();
options.object[finalKey] = options.newValue;
if (options.object != null && options.path != null && options.newValue != null) {
} else {
return false;
var getObject = function(override) {
var options = {
object: null,
path: null
if (override) {
var options = applyOptions(options, override);
var address = _makeAddress(options.path);
var _getData = function() {
while (address.length > 1) {
// shift off and store the first key
var currentKey = address.shift();
// if the key is not found make a new object
if (!(currentKey in options.object)) {
// make an empty object in the current object level
if (isNaN(currentKey)) {
options.object[currentKey] = {};
} else {
options.object[currentKey] = [];
// drill down the object with the first key
options.object = options.object[currentKey];
var finalKey = address.shift();
if (!(finalKey in options.object)) {
return "";
} else {
return options.object[finalKey];
if (options.object != null && options.path != null) {
return _getData();
} else {
return false;
var makeObject = function(string) {
var _stringOrBooleanOrNumber = function(stringToTest) {
if (stringToTest == "true") {
return true;
} else if (stringToTest == "false") {
return false;
} else if (stringToTest.indexOf("#") != -1) {
return stringToTest.substr(1, kevValuePair[1].length);
} else {
return "\"" + stringToTest + "\"";
// if argument is a string
if (typeof string == "string") {
// start building the object
var objectString = "{";
// split the string on comma not followed by a space
// split on character if not followed by a space
var items = string.split(/,(?=\S)/);
// loop over each item
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
// split each would be object key values pair
// split on character if not followed by a space
var kevValuePair = items[i].split(/:(?=\S)/);
// get the key
var key = "\"" + kevValuePair[0] + "\"";
var value;
// if the value has + with a space after it
if (/\+(?=\S)/.test(kevValuePair[1])) {
// remove first + symbol
kevValuePair[1] = kevValuePair[1].substr(1, kevValuePair[1].length);
// split the would be values
// split on character if not followed by a space
var all_value = kevValuePair[1].split(/\+(?=\S)/);
// if there are multiple values make an array
value = "["
for (var q = 0; q < all_value.length; q++) {
value += _stringOrBooleanOrNumber(all_value[q]) + ",";
// remove last comma
value = value.substr(0, value.length - 1);
// close array
value += "]"
} else {
value = _stringOrBooleanOrNumber(kevValuePair[1]);
objectString += key + ":" + value + ",";
// remove last comma
objectString = objectString.substr(0, objectString.length - 1);
// close object
objectString += "}";
var object = JSON.parse(objectString);
return object;
} else {
return false;
var moveArrayItem = function(array, oldIndex, newIndex) {
if (newIndex >= array.length) {
var k = newIndex - array.length + 1;
while (k--) {
array.splice(newIndex, 0, array.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0]);
return array;
var allEqual = function(array) {
return array.every(function(arrayItem) {
return arrayItem === array[0];
var randomNumber = function(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
var toWords = function(number) {
var ten = 10;
var oneHundred = 100;
var oneThousand = 1000;
var oneMillion = 1000000;
var oneBillion = 1000000000; // 1,000,000,000 (9)
var oneTrillion = 1000000000000; // 1,000,000,000,000 (12)
var oneQuadrillion = 1000000000000000; // 1,000,000,000,000,000 (15)
var max = 9007199254740992; // 9,007,199,254,740,992 (15)
var lessThanTwenty = ["Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen"];
var tenthsLessThanHundred = ["Zero", "Ten", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety"];
var _generateWords = function(number) {
var remainder, word,
words = arguments[1];
// We’re done
if (number === 0) {
return !words ? "Zero" : words.join(" ").replace(/,$/, "");
// First run
if (!words) {
words = [];
// If negative, prepend “minus”
if (number < 0) {
number = Math.abs(number);
if (number < 20) {
remainder = 0;
word = lessThanTwenty[number];
} else if (number < oneHundred) {
remainder = number % ten;
word = tenthsLessThanHundred[Math.floor(number / ten)];
// In case of remainder, we need to handle it here to be able to add the “-”
if (remainder) {
word += "-" + lessThanTwenty[remainder];
remainder = 0;
} else if (number < oneThousand) {
remainder = number % oneHundred;
word = _generateWords(Math.floor(number / oneHundred)) + " Hundred";
} else if (number < oneMillion) {
remainder = number % oneThousand;
word = _generateWords(Math.floor(number / oneThousand)) + " Thousand,";
} else if (number < oneBillion) {
remainder = number % oneMillion;
word = _generateWords(Math.floor(number / oneMillion)) + " Million,";
} else if (number < oneTrillion) {
remainder = number % oneBillion;
word = _generateWords(Math.floor(number / oneBillion)) + " Billion,";
} else if (number < oneQuadrillion) {
remainder = number % oneTrillion;
word = _generateWords(Math.floor(number / oneTrillion)) + " Trillion,";
} else if (number <= max) {
remainder = number % oneQuadrillion;
word = _generateWords(Math.floor(number / oneQuadrillion)) + " Quadrillion,";
return _generateWords(remainder, words);
var num = parseInt(number, 10);
return _generateWords(num);
var ordinalWords = function(words) {
var endsWithDoubleZeroPattern = /(hundred|thousand|(m|b|tr|quadr)illion)$/;
var endsWithTeenPattern = /teen$/;
var endsWithYPattern = /y$/;
var endsWithZeroThroughTwelvePattern = /(Zero|One|Two|Three|Four|Five|Six|Seven|Eight|Nine|Ten|Eleven|Twelve)$/;
var ordinalLessThanThirteen = {
Zero: "Zeroth",
One: "First",
Two: "Second",
Three: "Third",
Four: "Fourth",
Five: "Fifth",
Six: "Sixth",
Seven: "Seventh",
Eight: "Eighth",
Nine: "Ninth",
Ten: "Tenth",
Eleven: "Eleventh",
Twelve: "Twelfth"
var replaceWithOrdinalVariant = function(match, numberWord) {
return ordinalLessThanThirteen[numberWord];
// Ends with *00 (100, 1000, etc.) or *teen (13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19)
if (endsWithDoubleZeroPattern.test(words) || endsWithTeenPattern.test(words)) {
return words + "th";
// Ends with *y (20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90)
} else if (endsWithYPattern.test(words)) {
return words.replace(endsWithYPattern, "ieth");
// Ends with one through twelve
} else if (endsWithZeroThroughTwelvePattern.test(words)) {
return words.replace(endsWithZeroThroughTwelvePattern, replaceWithOrdinalVariant);
return words;
var ordinalNumber = function(number) {
var j = number % 10;
var k = number % 100;
if (j == 1 && k != 11) {
return number + "st";
if (j == 2 && k != 12) {
return number + "nd";
if (j == 3 && k != 13) {
return number + "rd";
return number + "th";
// exposed methods
return {
e: e,
eA: eA,
toggleClass: toggleClass,
addClass: addClass,
removeClass: removeClass,
getClosest: getClosest,
allEqual: allEqual,
getDateTime: getDateTime,
sortObject: sortObject,
applyOptions: applyOptions,
hexToRgb: hexToRgb,
rgbToHex: rgbToHex,
hslToRgb: hslToRgb,
makeNode: makeNode,
node: node,
setObject: setObject,
getObject: getObject,
makeObject: makeObject,
moveArrayItem: moveArrayItem,
randomNumber: randomNumber,
toWords: toWords,
ordinalWords: ordinalWords,
ordinalNumber: ordinalNumber