Commit Graph

623 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Donovan Glover
Change to
Before pkill would try to terminate the script since it had "dunst" in
its name. This is the solution for that, and it also makes adding new
commands in the future easier.
2018-10-17 01:20:48 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Update termite config
Termite works exceptionally well as a transparent terminal, so I'll just
let termite focus on true color, transparency, and displaying emoji
while urxvt focuses on universal theme changing and images in the

There doesn't seem to be a terminal out there (yet) that handles both of
these things in all the software I want, so this compromise is good
2018-10-17 00:50:41 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Refactor Makefile
Since all three stow commands depend on the same options, I made the
NS_STOW_OPTIONS variable to update all the commands at once.
2018-10-15 21:37:18 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Add new make prune command
This allows us to prune old symlinks through make.
2018-10-15 20:28:17 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove Plasma with bspwm support
Use bspwm with XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE instead.
2018-10-15 20:24:35 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Add GTK config
With these settings, the cursor looks exceptionally well even with
HiDPI. Adapta is used over other GTK themes since Adapta has very good
padding defaults. Adapta also won't cause problems with input fields,
compared to several other GTK themes.
2018-10-15 20:09:17 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Add full HiDPI support for Qt applications in bspwm
After comparing environment variables between KDE Plasma and bspwm, I
finally figured out that QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS was needed as well for
full HiDPI support. With this setting and QT_FONT_DPI applied, KDE / Qt
applications now look exactly as they would in Plasma.

To avoid any differences that may arise, I also exported XDG_DATA_DIRS
and some other variables set by Plasma.
2018-10-15 11:34:12 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Add Plasma with bspwm script
This is the last commit I will make regarding Plasma with bspwm
support. This script is required to start Plasma with bspwm, although
it is much better to run KDE applications from bspwm instead.
2018-10-15 10:04:01 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Make post-wal commands conditional
This commit makes the post-wal script a bit more aware of its
environment. This is only to support Plasma with bspwm, which
needs the bspwm settings but not the dunst settings.

Since bspwm with KDE settings performs exceptionally well, I may drop
Plasma with bspwm support altogether and revert this commit at a later
date. The overhead of wmctrl and grep may not be worth it.

Additionally, the filename should probably be changed to a more
generic one in order to support more software as needed.
2018-10-15 09:48:47 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Update Plasma with bspwm config
Since Plasma does not respect feh, it makes no sense to set a
background for it.

Note that these settings apply to Plasma with bspwm, *not* bspwm with
KDE settings. You should not have to use Plasma with bspwm, since bspwm
with KDE settings should do everything you want and much more.

In the future, I may remove Plasma with bspwm support altogether.
2018-10-15 09:15:06 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Add wal autostart script
Since wal is used to manage the color scheme, it needs to be started
when running KDE Plasma. This script does just that.

Note that the desktop background is not changed (-n) since Plasma uses
its own background manager and does not respect feh.
2018-10-15 09:04:53 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Add urxvtd service
Instead of starting urxvtd with urxvtcd, start it automatically with
systemd. This lets us run urxvtc directly in other desktop environments
without having to rely on urxvtcd.
2018-10-15 08:56:37 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Add ssh-agent service
Instead of trying to do something fancy with shell init scripts, we let
systemd handle ssh-agent instead.
2018-10-15 08:55:20 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Since this repository will now only host my dotfiles, the README has
been updated to reflect this change.
2018-10-15 01:45:05 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Add new Makefile
Although I use stow to manage my dotfiles, the way you need to invoke
stow is different depending on where the dotfiles directory is located.

To circumvent this, I wrote a Makefile that automatically determines
the stow directory (the parent directory) and package directory (this
repo) before calling stow.
2018-10-15 01:07:09 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Update zathura
Here is my attempt at adding pywal support.
2018-10-14 23:31:01 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Increase the gpg-agent cache ttl
This makes it easier to work with GPG over an extended period of time.
2018-10-14 23:03:49 -04:00
Donovan Glover
This lets us manage ssh-agent with systemd.
2018-10-14 22:50:33 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Update various dots
Lots of minor improvements here.
2018-10-14 22:48:00 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Organize .vimrc
This commit adds some nice headers to each section of my .vimrc.
2018-10-14 22:32:37 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Merge vim config into single .vimrc
Previously I separated my .vimrc into multiple files in attempt to
organize it. Now that I know more about vim, however, using only one
config file leads to less moving parts. Additionally, I now use less
vim settings altogether since I frequently have to work on foreign
machines, which probably won't have my .vimrc anyway.
2018-10-14 11:30:24 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Clean up vim config
In this commit I remove a lot of the things I no longer use in vim. I
also enable lazy loading of some plugins and add lightline for the
status bar.
2018-10-13 19:43:24 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Add rofi
Rofi is "a window switcher, application launcher, and dmenu
replacement". It lets you search for and access certain
information at any given time, making it very useful.
2018-10-13 00:41:24 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Switch from base16 to pywal
pywal (also known as wal) lets us change color schemes with a cache
directory instead of editing config files directly. This helps us
separate the dotfiles from the color schemes.

This commit removes explicit color settings from my dotfiles, which are
now managed by pywal. Dunst has been added to show any notifications
that I may want to use in the future. The colors.Xresources file is used
to prevent urxvt from using a depth of 32.

My custom colors.vim file has been removed in favor of wal.vim, which
solves some problems I had to manually resolve myself and should make
things easier to maintain in the long term.

Note that pywal also supports base16 color schemes, as well as any other
color scheme you can think of.
2018-10-12 23:13:15 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Update .Xresources
Since urxvt is back its settings are also back. Also found a way to make
urxvt look very similar to termite with the letter spacing command.
2018-10-07 19:02:10 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Update bspwm config
Lots of changes here. SXHKD_SHELL is used to specify bash as the shell
to use for sxhkd. This is required since we use bash-specific syntax in
our sxhkdrc. Many commands that once ran through .xinitrc are now
executed by bspwmrc instead, and additional rules have been added to
support KDE applications.
2018-10-07 18:44:28 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Update sxhkd config
I now use urxvt once more.
2018-10-07 18:37:50 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Update misc dotfiles
Image previews in ranger are back, this time using urxvt instead of w3m.
Also fixed the screenshot utility and cleaned up some other things.
2018-10-07 18:15:44 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Update compton config
Some of these options may not be needed anymore. For example, the
default shadow settings work just fine.
2018-10-06 18:16:08 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Update polybar config
Here I finally figure out how icons work in Arch Linux (and probably
other distributions as well). Other changes include a smaller font size,
more gaps, and less line size.
2018-10-06 17:44:33 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Update .stow-local-ignore 2018-10-04 12:43:21 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Update tmux config
It turns out that default is the color that should be used for true
transparency. Besides that, just a general clean-up of things I don't
2018-10-04 12:35:37 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove fontconfig
Manually overriding fonts caused problems in some applications. With
DejaVu and other common fonts installed, there *shouldn't* be a need to
use fontconfig anymore, although I haven't extensively tested this.
2018-10-03 15:45:28 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Update fish config
Setting XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP and QT_FONT_DPI lets us run KDE applications
in bspwm with near-identical settings without starting plasmashell.
2018-10-03 15:34:11 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Move dotfiles up to root directory
Instead of stowing dotfiles individually by software, and instead of
stowing dotfiles based on working environment, I now just stow all
dotfiles at once, so the extra hierarchy isn't needed.
2018-10-03 13:15:23 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove packages
I am back to using a PKGBUILD to manage my packages. This makes it easy
to manage packages on multiple machines with pacman and keep track of
which packages were installed.
2018-10-03 10:53:58 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove scripts
I have decided to dedicate this repository solely to my dotfiles, which
for the most part should work on any GNU/Linux distribution, not just
Arch Linux. Separating the scripts from the dots should make things a
lot easier to manage.
2018-10-03 10:42:46 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Update packages 2018-09-26 01:16:15 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Prompt for username and hostname 2018-09-25 15:00:04 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Quote all variables in shell scripts
Not quoting variables in shell scripts is a security vulnerability.
2018-09-24 15:12:07 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Combine bootstrap files into one universal script
This should make every system easier to setup, assuming my shell
script is structured sufficiently well.
2018-09-21 14:54:39 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Add Fedora package lists
Although incomplete (since I haven't figured out all the package names
yet), these packages are enough to get a decent working environment on
Fedora with both GNOME and Xfce.
2018-09-21 13:59:13 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Move aliases to fish config
Since we no longer need to support non-friendly interactive shells,
sourcing our aliases from a separate file is no longer needed.
2018-09-21 13:50:04 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Add common and bootstrap scripts
This commit adds a post-install bootstrap script meant to be run on a
user's local account in order to install packages, configure dotfiles,
and perform other setup tasks.

It may be ideal to use one universal bootstrap script instead of two
unique ones since both share many similar characteristics.
2018-09-21 13:41:06 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Migrate install scripts to "four simple steps"
It is only now that I realize that the Arch Wiki is divided into four
steps: Pre-installation, Installation, Configuration, and
Post-installation. This commit changes my install scripts to follow that
same structure, overall making things a lot easier to both understand
and maintain as a whole.
2018-09-21 01:12:31 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Clean up remaining scripts
Done migrating all the post-install scripts. Haven't decided how I want
to deal with the installation scripts yet.

The code package is now a part of [community], so we don't have to
compile it by hand anymore!
2018-09-20 19:25:20 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Migrate bspwm to use package lists 2018-09-20 13:23:22 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove waterfox config
Now that I've gone through the stage of trying various browser
derivatives, I've migrated to Firefox and Chromium again, primarily due
to the lack of consistent updates, and partially due to the need to
check upstream a bit more for reported issues. In other words, using
what's in the official repos saves me a lot of time and hassle.
2018-09-20 12:45:34 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Migrate many aliases to abbreviations
This commit gets rid of unused aliases and in general makes everything a
lot cleaner. Since we use abbreviations to memorize the actual commands,
making an file that supports multiple shells is no longer
needed. If you aren't using fish yet, I highly recommend it.
2018-09-19 19:13:24 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove unused scripts
I had some problems setting up iwd, so I decided to not include it here.
Additionally, lightdm and xfce have been removed in favor of using a
different distribution when such a setup is needed.
2018-09-19 19:02:04 -04:00