Note that this broke wine on X and I haven't figured out why yet. Likely
related to Wine 10 since the kernel supposedly wasn't the issue.
0074:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.
0074:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow L"The explorer process failed to start."
0074:err:systray:initialize_systray Could not create tray window
Wine continues to work in Hyprland however inputs are now broken and
some programs crash when they worked fine previously.
This *worked* and was kind of cool, but I realized that I don't actually
need a custom iso due to familiarity with the tty and access to any
program from any flake with Nix.
I originally thought a monorepo was the way to go here and, although it
worked, I do want to keep this config as simple as possible for people
that just want to see how to set up Hyprland/dwm on NixOS.
For those curious in running NixOS on a phone specifically, there will
soon be a separate mobile-config repository that should make learning
from it easier.
It turns out that sharing this config with the server isn't actually
that useful, especially since nix makes it easy to run any program in
nixpkgs on demand.
This is the start of using docker containers for the server services as
opposed to using NixOS modules.
In a future commit APP_SECRET will be changed to not expose the actual
Reduces complexity since we no longer have to manually update each
package from a non-firefox source.
Requires internet connectivity at runtime but should ensure that the
extensions are always up to date.
This makes it possible to build a custom NixOS installer iso with the
tools I want. Ideally I get to a point where I can use the iso like a
live cd with Hyprland and/or dwm installed with everything already
Build the iso with the following command:
nix build
Then, use qemu to test the iso:
qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 256 -cdrom ./result/iso/nixos-*