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VIII. Nixpkgs's Advanced Usage

callPackage, Overriding, and Overlays are the techniques occasionally used when using Nix to customize the build method of Nix packages.

We know that many programs have a large number of build parameters that need to be configured, and different users may want to use different build parameters. This is where Overriding and Overlays come in handy. Let me give you a few examples I have encountered:

  1. fcitx5-rime.nix: By default, fcitx5-rime use rime-data as the value of rimeDataPkgs, but this parameter can be customized by override.
  2. vscode/with-extensions.nix: This package for VS Code can also be customized by overriding the value of vscodeExtensions, thus we can install some custom plugins into VS Code.
  3. firefox/common.nix: Firefox has many customizable parameters too.
  4. ...

In short, Overriding or Overlays can be used to customize the build parameters of Nix packages.

1. pkgs.callPackage

Chapter 13. Callpackage Design Pattern - Nix Pills

In the previous content, We have used import xxx.nix to import Nix files many times, this syntax simply returns the execution result of the file, without any further processing of the it.

pkgs.callPackage is also used to import Nix files, its syntax is pkgs.callPackage xxx.nix { ... }, but unlike import, the Nix file imported by it must be a Derivation or a function that returns a Derivation. Its result is a Derivation(a software package) too.

So what does the Nix file that can be used as a parameter of pkgs.callPackge look like? You can take a look at the hello.nix fcitx5-rime.nix vscode/with-extensions.nix firefox/common.nix we mentioned earlier, they can all be imported by pkgs.callPackage.

When the xxx.nix used in pkgs.callPackge xxx.nix {...} is a function (most Nix packages are like this), the execution flow is as follows:

  1. pkgs.callPackge xxx.nix {...} will first import xxx.nix to get the function defined in it. The parameters of this function usually have lib, stdenv, fetchurl and other parameters, as well as some custom parameters, which usually have default values.
  2. Then pkgs.callPackge will first look up the value matching the name from the current environment as the parameter to be passed to the function. parameters like lib stdenv fetchurl are defined in nixpkgs, and they will be found in this step.
  3. Then pkgs.callPackge will merge its second parameter {...} with the attribute set obtained in the previous step, and then pass it to the function imported from xxx.nix and execute it.
  4. Finally we get a Derivation as the result of the function execution.

So the common usage of pkgs.callPackage is to import custom Nix packages and used it in Nix Module. For example, we wrote a hello.nix ourselves, and then we can use pkgs.callPackage ./hello.nix {} in any Nix Module to import and use it.

2. Overriding

Chapter 4. Overriding - nixpkgs Manual

Simply put, all Nix packages in nixpkgs can be customized with <pkg>.override {} to define some build parameters, which returns a new Derivation that uses custom parameters. For example:

pkgs.fcitx5-rime.override {rimeDataPkgs = [

The result of this Nix expression is a new Derivation, where rimeDataPkgs is overridden as [./rime-data-flypy], while other parameters remain their original values.

How to know which parameters of fcitx5-rime can be overridden? There are several ways:

  1. Try to find the source code of the package in the nixpkgs repository on GitHub, such as fcitx5-rime.nix
    1. Note: Be sure to select the correct branch, for example, if you are using the nixos-unstable branch, you need to find it in the nixos-unstable branch.
  2. Check by using nix repl '<nixpkgs>', then enter :e pkgs.fcitx5-rime, which will open the source code of this package through the default editor, and then you can see all the parameters of this package.
    1. Note: To learn the basic usage of nix repl, just type :? to see the help information

Through these two methods, you can see that the fcitx5-rime package has the following input parameters, which can all be modified by override:

{ lib, stdenv
, fetchFromGitHub
, pkg-config
, cmake
, extra-cmake-modules
, gettext
, fcitx5
, librime
, rime-data
, symlinkJoin
, rimeDataPkgs ? [ rime-data ]

stdenv.mkDerivation rec {

Instead of override the function's parameters, we can also override the attributes of the Derivation created by stdenv.mkDerivation.

Take pkgs.hello as an example, first check the source code of this package through the method we mentioned earlier:

{ callPackage
, lib
, stdenv
, fetchurl
, nixos
, testers
, hello

stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: {
  pname = "hello";
  version = "2.12.1";

  src = fetchurl {
    url = "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-${finalAttrs.version}.tar.gz";
    sha256 = "sha256-jZkUKv2SV28wsM18tCqNxoCZmLxdYH2Idh9RLibH2yA=";

  doCheck = true;

  # ......

The attributes showed above, such as pname version src doCheck, can all be overridden by overrideAttrs, for example:

helloWithDebug = pkgs.hello.overrideAttrs (finalAttrs: previousAttrs: {
  doCheck = false;

Here we use overrideAttrs to override doCheck, while other attributes remain their original values.

Some default attributes defined in stdenv.mkDerivation can also be overridden by overrideAttrs, for example:

helloWithDebug = pkgs.hello.overrideAttrs (finalAttrs: previousAttrs: {
  separateDebugInfo = true;

The attribute we override here, separateDebugInfo, is defined in stdenv.mkDerivation, not in the source code of hello. We can check the source code of stdenv.mkDerivation to see all the attributes defined in it by using nix repl '<nixpkgs>' and then enter :e stdenv.mkDerivation(To learn the basic usage of nix repl, just type :? to see the help information).

3. Overlays

Chapter 3. Overlays - nixpkgs Manual

The override we introduced previously will generate a new Derivation, which does not affect the original Derivation in pkgs, and is only suitable for use as a local parameter, if you need to override a Derivation that is also depended on by other Nix packages, then other Nix packages will still use the original Derivation.

To solve this problem, Nix provides the ability to use overlays. Simply put, overlays can globally modify the Derivation in pkgs.

In the classic Nix environment, Nix automatically applies all overlays configuration under the paths ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays.nix ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/*.nix, but in Flakes, in order to ensure the reproducibility of the system, it cannot depend on any configuration outside the Git repository, so this classic method cannot be used now.

When using Flakes to write configuration for NixOS, home Manager and NixOS both provide the nixpkgs.overlays option to define overlays, related documentation:

For example, the following content is a Module that loads Overlays, which can be used as either a home Manager Module or a NixOS Module, because the two definitions are exactly the same:

home Manager is an external component after all, and most people use the unstable branch of home Manager & nixpkgs, which sometimes causes problems with home Manager Module, so it is recommended to import overlays in a NixOS Module.

{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:

  nixpkgs.overlays = [
    # overlayer1 - use self and super to express the inheritance relationship
    (self: super: {
     google-chrome = {
       commandLineArgs =

    # overlayer2 - you can also use `extend` to inherit other overlays
    # use `final` and `prev` to express the relationship between the new and the old
    (final: prev: {
      steam = prev.steam.override {
        extraPkgs = pkgs:
          with pkgs; [
        extraProfile = "export GDK_SCALE=2";

    # overlay3 - define overlays in other files
    # here the content of overlay3.nix is the same as above:
    #   `final: prev: { xxx = { ... }; }`
    (import ./overlays/overlay3.nix)

refer to this example to write your own overlays, import the configuration as a NixOS Module or a home Manager Module, and then deploy it to see the effect.

Modular overlays

The previous example shows how to write overlays, but all overlays are written in a single nix file, which is a bit difficult to maintain.

To resolve this problem,here is a best practice of how to manage overlays in a modular way.

First, create an overlays folder in the Git repository to store all overlays configuration, and then create overlays/default.nix, whose content is as follows:

  # import all nix files in the current folder, and execute them with args as parameters
  # The return value is a list of all execution results, which is the list of overlays
  (f: (import (./. + "/${f}") args))  # the first parameter of map, a function that import and execute a nix file
  (builtins.filter          # the second parameter of map, a list of all nix files in the current folder except default.nix
    (f: f != "default.nix")
    (builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir ./.)))

Then you can write all overlays configuration in the overlays folder, an example configuration overlays/fcitx5/default.nix is as follows:

# to add my custom input method, I override the default rime-data here
# refer to
{pkgs, config, lib, ...}:

(self: super: {
  # my custom input method's rime-data, downloaded from
  rime-data = ./rime-data-flypy;
  fcitx5-rime = super.fcitx5-rime.override { rimeDataPkgs = [ ./rime-data-flypy ]; };

I custom the rime-data package through the overlay shown above.

At last, you need to load all overlays returned by overlays/default.nix through the nixpkgs.overlays option, add the following parameter to any NixOS Module to achieve this:

{ config, pkgs, lib, ... } @ args:

  # ......

  # add this parameter
  nixpkgs.overlays = import /path/to/overlays/dir;

  # ......

For example, you can just add it directly in flake.nix:

  description = "NixOS configuration of Ryan Yin";

  # ......

  inputs = {
    # ......

  outputs = inputs@{ self, nixpkgs, ... }: {
    nixosConfigurations = {
      nixos-test = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
        system = "x86_64-linux";
        specialArgs = inputs;
        modules = [

          # add the following inline module definition
          #   here, all parameters of modules are passed to overlays
          (args: { nixpkgs.overlays = import ./overlays args; })

          # ......

By using this modular approach, it is very convenient to modularize all your overlays. Taking my configuration as an example, the structure of the overlays folder is roughly as follows:

├── flake.lock
├── flake.nix
├── home
├── hosts
├── modules
├── ......
├── overlays
   ├── default.nix         # it returns a list of all overlays.
   └── fcitx5              # fcitx5 overlay
       ├── default.nix
       └── rime-data-flypy  # my custom rime-data
           └── share
               └── rime-data
                   ├── ......  # rime-data files

IV. Package Repositories of Nix

Similar to Arch Linux, Nix also has official and community software package repositories:

  1. nixpkgs is a Git repository containing all Nix packages and NixOS modules.
    1. Its master branch contains the latest Nix packages and modules.
    2. The nixos-unstable branch contains the latest tested modules, but some bugs may still exist.
    3. And the nixos-XX.YY branch(the stable branch) contains the latest stable Nix packages and modules.
  2. NUR is similar to Arch Linux's AUR.
    1. NUR is a third-party Nix package repository and serves as a supplement to nixpkgs, use it at your own risk.
  3. Flakes can also install software packages directly from Git repositories, which can be used to install Flakes provided by anyone, we will talk about this later.