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synced 2025-03-26 15:26:51 +01:00
Simplify str trim
command (#8205)
### What? This change removes 3 flags (`--all`, `--both`, and `--format`) from `str trim`. This is a net reduction of ~450 LoC and `str trim` no longer depends on `fancy_regex`. ### Why? I found these flags to be quite confusing when reviewing `str trim` earlier today: 1. `--all` removes characters even if they're in the centre of the the string. - This is arguably not "trimming"! In all programming languages I'm familiar with, trimming only affects the start and end of a string. - If someone needs to do this, `str replace` is more natural IMO 2. `--both` trims from the left and right - Confusing and unnecessary given that this is also the default behaviour 3. `--format` replaces multiple spaces with a single space, even in the centre of the string - Again, I don't think this falls under the scope of "trimming". IMO `str replace` is a more natural fit I believe that `str trim` is simpler and easier to understand after this change. ### Before ``` 〉help str trim Trim whitespace or specific character Search terms: whitespace, strip, lstrip, rstrip Usage: > str trim {flags} ...(rest) Flags: -h, --help - Display the help message for this command -c, --char <String> - character to trim (default: whitespace) -l, --left - trims characters only from the beginning of the string -r, --right - trims characters only from the end of the string -a, --all - trims all characters from both sides of the string *and* in the middle -b, --both - trims all characters from left and right side of the string -f, --format - trims spaces replacing multiple characters with singles in the middle ``` ### After ``` 〉help str trim Trim whitespace or specific character Search terms: whitespace, strip, lstrip, rstrip Usage: > str trim {flags} ...(rest) Flags: -h, --help - Display the help message for this command -c, --char <String> - character to trim (default: whitespace) -l, --left - trims characters only from the beginning of the string -r, --right - trims characters only from the end of the string ```
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
use crate::input_handler::{operate, CmdArgument};
use fancy_regex::Regex;
use nu_engine::CallExt;
use nu_protocol::{
ast::{Call, CellPath},
@ -12,7 +11,7 @@ pub struct SubCommand;
struct Arguments {
to_trim: Option<char>,
closure_flags: ClosureFlags,
trim_side: TrimSide,
cell_paths: Option<Vec<CellPath>>,
mode: ActionMode,
@ -23,13 +22,10 @@ impl CmdArgument for Arguments {
#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ClosureFlags {
all_flag: bool,
left_trim: bool,
right_trim: bool,
format_flag: bool,
both_flag: bool,
pub enum TrimSide {
impl Command for SubCommand {
@ -62,21 +58,6 @@ impl Command for SubCommand {
"trims characters only from the end of the string",
"trims all characters from both sides of the string *and* in the middle",
"trims all characters from left and right side of the string",
"trims spaces replacing multiple characters with singles in the middle",
fn usage(&self) -> &str {
"Trim whitespace or specific character"
@ -115,19 +96,19 @@ impl Command for SubCommand {
None => ActionMode::Global,
Some(_) => ActionMode::Local,
let left = call.has_flag("left");
let right = call.has_flag("right");
let trim_side = match (left, right) {
(true, true) => TrimSide::Both,
(true, false) => TrimSide::Left,
(false, true) => TrimSide::Right,
(false, false) => TrimSide::Both,
let args = Arguments {
closure_flags: ClosureFlags {
all_flag: call.has_flag("all"),
left_trim: call.has_flag("left"),
right_trim: call.has_flag("right"),
format_flag: call.has_flag("format"),
both_flag: call.has_flag("both")
|| (!call.has_flag("all")
&& !call.has_flag("left")
&& !call.has_flag("right")
&& !call.has_flag("format")), // this is the case if no flags are provided
@ -146,11 +127,6 @@ impl Command for SubCommand {
example: "'=== Nu shell ===' | str trim -c '=' | str trim",
result: Some(Value::test_string("Nu shell")),
Example {
description: "Trim all characters",
example: "' Nu shell ' | str trim -a",
result: Some(Value::test_string("Nushell")),
Example {
description: "Trim whitespace from the beginning of string",
example: "' Nu shell ' | str trim -l",
@ -183,11 +159,11 @@ pub enum ActionMode {
fn action(input: &Value, arg: &Arguments, head: Span) -> Value {
let char_ = arg.to_trim;
let closure_flags = &arg.closure_flags;
let trim_side = &arg.trim_side;
let mode = &arg.mode;
match input {
Value::String { val: s, .. } => Value::String {
val: trim(s, char_, closure_flags),
val: trim(s, char_, trim_side),
span: head,
// Propagate errors by explicitly matching them before the final case.
@ -228,14 +204,7 @@ fn action(input: &Value, arg: &Arguments, head: Span) -> Value {
fn trim(s: &str, char_: Option<char>, closure_flags: &ClosureFlags) -> String {
let ClosureFlags {
} = closure_flags;
fn trim(s: &str, char_: Option<char>, trim_side: &TrimSide) -> String {
let delimiters = match char_ {
Some(c) => vec![c],
// Trying to make this trim work like rust default trim()
@ -250,47 +219,10 @@ fn trim(s: &str, char_: Option<char>, closure_flags: &ClosureFlags) -> String {
], //whitespace
if *left_trim {
} else if *right_trim {
} else if *all_flag {
.filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
} else if *both_flag {
} else if *format_flag {
// The idea here is to use regex to go through these delimiters and
// where there are multiple, replace them with singles
// create our return string which is a copy of the original string
let mut return_string = String::from(s);
// Iterate through the delimiters replacing them with regex friendly names
for r in &delimiters {
let reg = match r {
' ' => r"\s".to_string(),
'\x09' => r"\t".to_string(),
'\x0A' => r"\n".to_string(),
'\x0B' => r"\v".to_string(),
'\x0C' => r"\f".to_string(),
'\x0D' => r"\r".to_string(),
_ => format!(r"\{r}"),
// create a regex string that looks for 2 or more of each of these characters
let re_str = format!("{reg}{{2,}}");
// create the regex
let re = Regex::new(&re_str).expect("Error creating regular expression");
// replace all multiple occurrences with single occurrences represented by r
let new_str = re.replace_all(&return_string, r.to_string());
// update the return string so the next loop has the latest changes
return_string = new_str.to_string();
// for good measure, trim_matches, which gets the start and end
// theoretically we shouldn't have to do this but from my testing, we do.
} else {
match trim_side {
TrimSide::Left => s.trim_start_matches(&delimiters[..]).to_string(),
TrimSide::Right => s.trim_end_matches(&delimiters[..]).to_string(),
TrimSide::Both => s.trim_matches(&delimiters[..]).to_string(),
@ -331,14 +263,10 @@ mod tests {
fn trims() {
let word = Value::test_string("andres ");
let expected = Value::test_string("andres");
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
both_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
trim_side: TrimSide::Both,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Local,
@ -350,13 +278,9 @@ mod tests {
fn trims_global() {
let word = Value::test_string(" global ");
let expected = Value::test_string("global");
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
both_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
trim_side: TrimSide::Both,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
@ -368,13 +292,9 @@ mod tests {
fn global_trim_ignores_numbers() {
let number = Value::test_int(2020);
let expected = Value::test_int(2020);
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
both_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
trim_side: TrimSide::Both,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
@ -388,14 +308,10 @@ mod tests {
let row = make_record(vec!["a", "b"], vec![" c ", " d "]);
// ["a".to_string() => string(" c "), " b ".to_string() => string(" d ")];
let expected = make_record(vec!["a", "b"], vec!["c", "d"]);
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
both_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
trim_side: TrimSide::Both,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
@ -407,14 +323,10 @@ mod tests {
fn global_trim_table() {
let row = make_list(vec![" a ", "d"]);
let expected = make_list(vec!["a", "d"]);
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
both_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
trim_side: TrimSide::Both,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
@ -426,179 +338,25 @@ mod tests {
fn trims_custom_character_both_ends() {
let word = Value::test_string("!#andres#!");
let expected = Value::test_string("#andres#");
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
both_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: Some('!'),
trim_side: TrimSide::Both,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Local,
let actual = action(&word, &args, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
fn trims_all_white_space() {
let word = Value::test_string(" Value1 a lot of spaces ");
let expected = Value::test_string("Value1alotofspaces");
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
all_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: Some(' '),
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Local,
let actual = action(&word, &args, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
fn global_trims_row_all_white_space() {
let row = make_record(
vec!["a", "b"],
vec![" nu shell ", " b c d e "],
let expected = make_record(vec!["a", "b"], vec!["nushell", "bcde"]);
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
all_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
let actual = action(&row, &args, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
fn global_trims_table_all_white_space() {
let row = Value::List {
vals: vec![
Value::test_string(" nu shell "),
Value::test_string(" d"),
span: Span::test_data(),
let expected = Value::List {
vals: vec![
span: Span::test_data(),
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
all_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
let actual = action(&row, &args, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
fn trims_all_custom_character() {
let word = Value::test_string(".Value1.a.lot..of...dots.");
let expected = Value::test_string("Value1alotofdots");
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
all_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: Some('.'),
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Local,
let actual = action(&word, &args, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
fn global_trims_row_all_custom_character() {
let row = make_record(vec!["a", "b"], vec!["!!!!nu!!shell!!!", "!!b!c!!d!e!!"]);
let expected = make_record(vec!["a", "b"], vec!["nushell", "bcde"]);
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
all_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: Some('!'),
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
let actual = action(&row, &args, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
fn global_trims_table_all_custom_character() {
let row = Value::List {
vals: vec![
span: Span::test_data(),
let expected = Value::List {
vals: vec![
span: Span::test_data(),
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
all_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: Some('#'),
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
let actual = action(&row, &args, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
fn trims_whitespace_from_left() {
let word = Value::test_string(" andres ");
let expected = Value::test_string("andres ");
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
left_trim: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
trim_side: TrimSide::Left,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Local,
@ -610,14 +368,10 @@ mod tests {
fn global_trim_left_ignores_numbers() {
let number = Value::test_int(2020);
let expected = Value::test_int(2020);
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
left_trim: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
trim_side: TrimSide::Left,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
@ -629,14 +383,10 @@ mod tests {
fn trims_left_global() {
let word = Value::test_string(" global ");
let expected = Value::test_string("global ");
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
left_trim: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
trim_side: TrimSide::Left,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
@ -648,14 +398,10 @@ mod tests {
fn global_trim_left_row() {
let row = make_record(vec!["a", "b"], vec![" c ", " d "]);
let expected = make_record(vec!["a", "b"], vec!["c ", "d "]);
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
left_trim: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
trim_side: TrimSide::Left,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
@ -682,13 +428,9 @@ mod tests {
span: Span::test_data(),
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
left_trim: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
trim_side: TrimSide::Left,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
@ -700,14 +442,10 @@ mod tests {
fn trims_custom_chars_from_left() {
let word = Value::test_string("!!! andres !!!");
let expected = Value::test_string(" andres !!!");
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
left_trim: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: Some('!'),
trim_side: TrimSide::Left,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Local,
@ -718,13 +456,10 @@ mod tests {
fn trims_whitespace_from_right() {
let word = Value::test_string(" andres ");
let expected = Value::test_string(" andres");
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
right_trim: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
trim_side: TrimSide::Right,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Local,
@ -736,13 +471,9 @@ mod tests {
fn trims_right_global() {
let word = Value::test_string(" global ");
let expected = Value::test_string(" global");
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
right_trim: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
trim_side: TrimSide::Right,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
@ -754,14 +485,9 @@ mod tests {
fn global_trim_right_ignores_numbers() {
let number = Value::test_int(2020);
let expected = Value::test_int(2020);
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
right_trim: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
trim_side: TrimSide::Right,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
@ -773,14 +499,9 @@ mod tests {
fn global_trim_right_row() {
let row = make_record(vec!["a", "b"], vec![" c ", " d "]);
let expected = make_record(vec!["a", "b"], vec![" c", " d"]);
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
right_trim: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
trim_side: TrimSide::Right,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
@ -806,15 +527,9 @@ mod tests {
span: Span::test_data(),
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
right_trim: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
trim_side: TrimSide::Right,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
@ -826,185 +541,14 @@ mod tests {
fn trims_custom_chars_from_right() {
let word = Value::test_string("#@! andres !@#");
let expected = Value::test_string("#@! andres !@");
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
right_trim: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: Some('#'),
trim_side: TrimSide::Right,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Local,
let actual = action(&word, &args, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
fn trims_whitespace_format_flag() {
let word = Value::test_string(" nushell is great ");
let expected = Value::test_string("nushell is great");
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
format_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: Some(' '),
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Local,
let actual = action(&word, &args, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
fn trims_format_flag_global() {
let word = Value::test_string("global ");
let expected = Value::test_string("global");
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
format_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: Some(' '),
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Local,
let actual = action(&word, &args, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
fn global_trim_format_flag_ignores_numbers() {
let number = Value::test_int(2020);
let expected = Value::test_int(2020);
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
format_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
let actual = action(&number, &args, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
fn global_trim_format_flag_row() {
let row = make_record(vec!["a", "b"], vec![" c ", " b c d e "]);
let expected = make_record(vec!["a", "b"], vec!["c", "b c d e"]);
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
format_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
let actual = action(&row, &args, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
fn global_trim_format_flag_table() {
let row = Value::List {
vals: vec![
Value::test_string(" a b c d "),
Value::test_string(" b c d e f"),
span: Span::test_data(),
let expected = Value::List {
vals: vec![
Value::test_string("a b c d"),
Value::test_string("b c d e f"),
span: Span::test_data(),
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
format_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: None,
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
let actual = action(&row, &args, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
fn trims_custom_chars_format_flag() {
let word = Value::test_string(".Value1.a..lot...of....dots.");
let expected = Value::test_string("Value1.a.lot.of.dots");
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
format_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: Some('.'),
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Local,
let actual = action(&word, &args, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
fn trims_all_format_flag_whitespace() {
let word = Value::test_string(" nushell is great ");
let expected = Value::test_string("nushellisgreat");
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
format_flag: true,
all_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: Some(' '),
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Local,
let actual = action(&word, &args, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
fn trims_all_format_flag_global() {
let word = Value::test_string(" nushell is great ");
let expected = Value::test_string("nushellisgreat");
let closure_flags = ClosureFlags {
format_flag: true,
all_flag: true,
let args = Arguments {
to_trim: Some(' '),
cell_paths: None,
mode: ActionMode::Global,
let actual = action(&word, &args, Span::test_data());
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
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