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synced 2025-03-20 10:36:48 +01:00
delete docs/commands (#4851)
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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
title: alias
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Alias a command (with optional flags) to a new name
## Signature
```> alias (name) (initial_value)```
## Parameters
- `name`: name of the alias
- `initial_value`: equals sign followed by value
## Examples
Alias ll to ls -l
> alias ll = ls -l
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
title: all?
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Test if every element of the input matches a predicate.
## Signature
```> all? (predicate)```
## Parameters
- `predicate`: the predicate that must match
## Examples
Find if services are running
> echo [[status]; [UP] [UP]] | all? status == UP
Check that all values are even
> echo [2 4 6 8] | all? ($it mod 2) == 0
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
title: ansi
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Output ANSI codes to change color.
## Signature
```> ansi (code) --escape --osc --list```
## Parameters
- `code`: the name of the code to use like 'green' or 'reset' to reset the color
- `--escape`: escape sequence without the escape character(s)
- `--osc`: operating system command (ocs) escape sequence without the escape character(s)
- `--list`: list available ansi code names
## Examples
Change color to green
> ansi green
Reset the color
> ansi reset
Use ansi to color text (rb = red bold, gb = green bold, pb = purple bold)
> echo [(ansi rb) Hello " " (ansi gb) Nu " " (ansi pb) World (ansi reset)] | str collect
Use ansi to color text (italic bright yellow on red 'Hello' with green bold 'Nu' and purple bold 'World')
> echo [(ansi -e '3;93;41m') Hello (ansi reset) " " (ansi gb) Nu " " (ansi pb) World (ansi reset)] | str collect
Use ansi to color text with a style (blue on red in bold)
> $"(ansi -e { fg: '#0000ff' bg: '#ff0000' attr: b })Hello Nu World(ansi reset)"
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
title: ansi gradient
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
draw text with a provided start and end code making a gradient
## Signature
```> ansi gradient ...column path --fgstart --fgend --bgstart --bgend```
## Parameters
- `...column path`: optionally, draw gradients using text from column paths
- `--fgstart {string}`: foreground gradient start color in hex (0x123456)
- `--fgend {string}`: foreground gradient end color in hex
- `--bgstart {string}`: background gradient start color in hex
- `--bgend {string}`: background gradient end color in hex
## Examples
draw text in a gradient with foreground start and end colors
> echo 'Hello, Nushell! This is a gradient.' | ansi gradient --fgstart 0x40c9ff --fgend 0xe81cff
draw text in a gradient with foreground start and end colors and background start and end colors
> echo 'Hello, Nushell! This is a gradient.' | ansi gradient --fgstart 0x40c9ff --fgend 0xe81cff --bgstart 0xe81cff --bgend 0x40c9ff
draw text in a gradient by specifying foreground start color - end color is assumed to be black
> echo 'Hello, Nushell! This is a gradient.' | ansi gradient --fgstart 0x40c9ff
draw text in a gradient by specifying foreground end color - start color is assumed to be black
> echo 'Hello, Nushell! This is a gradient.' | ansi gradient --fgend 0xe81cff
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
title: ansi strip
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
strip ansi escape sequences from string
## Signature
```> ansi strip ...column path```
## Parameters
- `...column path`: optionally, remove ansi sequences by column paths
## Examples
strip ansi escape sequences from string
> echo [ (ansi green) (ansi cursor_on) "hello" ] | str collect | ansi strip
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
title: any?
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Tests if any element of the input matches a predicate.
## Signature
```> any? (predicate)```
## Parameters
- `predicate`: the predicate that must match
## Examples
Find if a service is not running
> echo [[status]; [UP] [DOWN] [UP]] | any? status == DOWN
Check if any of the values is odd
> echo [2 4 1 6 8] | any? ($it mod 2) == 1
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
title: append
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Append a row to the table.
## Signature
```> append (row)```
## Parameters
- `row`: the row to append
## Examples
Append one Int item
> [0,1,2,3] | append 4
Append three Int items
> [0,1] | append [2,3,4]
Append Ints and Strings
> [0,1] | append [2,nu,4,shell]
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
title: benchmark
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Time the running time of a block
## Signature
```> benchmark (block)```
## Parameters
- `block`: the block to run
## Examples
Benchmarks a command within a block
> benchmark { sleep 500ms }
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
title: build-string
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Create a string from the arguments.
## Signature
```> build-string ...rest```
## Parameters
- `...rest`: list of string
## Examples
Builds a string from letters a b c
> build-string a b c
Builds a string from letters a b c
> build-string (1 + 2) = one ' ' plus ' ' two
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
title: cal
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Display a calendar.
## Signature
```> cal --year --quarter --month --full-year --week-start --month-names```
## Parameters
- `--year`: Display the year column
- `--quarter`: Display the quarter column
- `--month`: Display the month column
- `--full-year {int}`: Display a year-long calendar for the specified year
- `--week-start {string}`: Display the calendar with the specified day as the first day of the week
- `--month-names`: Display the month names instead of integers
## Examples
This month's calendar
> cal
The calendar for all of 2012
> cal --full-year 2012
This month's calendar with the week starting on monday
> cal --week-start monday
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
title: cd
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Change directory.
## Signature
```> cd (path)```
## Parameters
- `path`: the path to change to
## Examples
Change to your home directory
> cd ~
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
title: char
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Output special characters (e.g., 'newline').
## Signature
```> char (character) ...rest --list --unicode```
## Parameters
- `character`: the name of the character to output
- `...rest`: multiple Unicode bytes
- `--list`: List all supported character names
- `--unicode`: Unicode string i.e. 1f378
## Examples
Output newline
> char newline
Output prompt character, newline and a hamburger character
> echo [(char prompt) (char newline) (char hamburger)] | str collect
Output Unicode character
> char -u 1f378
Output multi-byte Unicode character
> char -u 1F468 200D 1F466 200D 1F466
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: clear
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Clear the terminal.
## Signature
```> clear ```
## Examples
Clear the terminal
> clear
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
title: collect
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Collect the stream and pass it to a block.
## Signature
```> collect (block)```
## Parameters
- `block`: the block to run once the stream is collected
## Examples
Use the second value in the stream
> echo 1 2 3 | collect { |x| echo $x.1 }
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
title: columns
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Show the columns in the input.
## Signature
```> columns ```
## Examples
Get the columns from the table
> [[name,age,grade]; [bill,20,a]] | columns
Get the first column from the table
> [[name,age,grade]; [bill,20,a]] | columns | first
Get the second column from the table
> [[name,age,grade]; [bill,20,a]] | columns | select 1
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
title: compact
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Creates a table with non-empty rows.
## Signature
```> compact ...columns```
## Parameters
- `...columns`: the columns to compact from the table
## Examples
Filter out all records where 'Hello' is null (returns nothing)
> echo [["Hello" "World"]; [$nothing 3]]| compact Hello
Filter out all records where 'World' is null (Returns the table)
> echo [["Hello" "World"]; [$nothing 3]]| compact World
Filter out all instances of nothing from a list (Returns [1,2])
> echo [1, $nothing, 2] | compact
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: complete
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Complete the external piped in, collecting outputs and exit code
## Signature
```> complete ```
## Examples
Run the external completion
> ^external arg1 | complete
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
title: cp
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Copy files.
## Signature
```> cp (source) (destination) --recursive```
## Parameters
- `source`: the place to copy from
- `destination`: the place to copy to
- `--recursive`: copy recursively through subdirectories
## Examples
Copy myfile to dir_b
> cp myfile dir_b
Recursively copy dir_a to dir_b
> cp -r dir_a dir_b
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
title: dataframe
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Deprecated command
## Signature
```> dataframe ```
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
title: date
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
## Signature
```> date ```
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
title: date format
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Format a given date using a format string.
## Signature
```> date format (format string) --list```
## Parameters
- `format string`: the desired date format
- `--list`: lists strftime cheatsheet
## Examples
Format a given date using the default format (RFC 2822).
> "2021-10-22 20:00:12 +01:00" | date format
Format a given date using a given format string.
> date format '%Y-%m-%d'
Format a given date using a given format string.
> date format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
Format a given date using a given format string.
> "2021-10-22 20:00:12 +01:00" | date format "%Y-%m-%d"
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
title: date humanize
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Print a 'humanized' format for the date, relative to now.
## Signature
```> date humanize ```
## Examples
Print a 'humanized' format for the date, relative to now.
> date humanize
Print a 'humanized' format for the date, relative to now.
> "2021-10-22 20:00:12 +01:00" | date humanize
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: date list-timezone
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
List supported time zones.
## Signature
```> date list-timezone ```
## Examples
Show timezone(s) that contains 'Shanghai'
> date list-timezone | where timezone =~ Shanghai
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
title: date now
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Get the current date.
## Signature
```> date now ```
## Examples
Get the current date and display it in a given format string.
> date now | date format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
Get the time duration from 2019-04-30 to now
> (date now) - 2019-05-01
Get the time duration since a more accurate time
> (date now) - 2019-05-01T04:12:05.20+08:00
Get current time in full RFC3339 format with timezone
> date now | debug
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
title: date to-table
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Print the date in a structured table.
## Signature
```> date to-table ```
## Examples
Print the date in a structured table.
> date to-table
Print the date in a structured table.
> date now | date to-table
Print the date in a structured table.
> '2020-04-12 22:10:57 +0200' | date to-table
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
title: date to-timezone
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Convert a date to a given time zone.
## Signature
```> date to-timezone (time zone)```
## Parameters
- `time zone`: time zone description
## Examples
Get the current date in UTC+05:00
> date now | date to-timezone +0500
Get the current local date
> date now | date to-timezone local
Get the current date in Hawaii
> date now | date to-timezone US/Hawaii
Get the current date in Hawaii
> "2020-10-10 10:00:00 +02:00" | date to-timezone "+0500"
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
title: debug
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Debug print the value(s) piped in.
## Signature
```> debug --raw```
## Parameters
- `--raw`: Prints the raw value representation
## Examples
Print the value of a string
> 'hello' | debug
Print the value of a table
> echo [[version patch]; [0.1.0 false] [0.1.1 true] [0.2.0 false]] | debug
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
title: decode
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Decode bytes as a string.
## Signature
```> decode (encoding)```
## Parameters
- `encoding`: the text encoding to use
## Examples
Decode the output of an external command
> cat myfile.q | decode utf-8
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
title: def-env
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Define a custom command, which participates in the caller environment
## Signature
```> def-env (def_name) (params) (block)```
## Parameters
- `def_name`: definition name
- `params`: parameters
- `block`: body of the definition
## Examples
Set environment variable by call a custom command
> def-env foo [] { let-env BAR = "BAZ" }; foo; $env.BAR
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
title: def
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Define a custom command
## Signature
```> def (def_name) (params) (block)```
## Parameters
- `def_name`: definition name
- `params`: parameters
- `block`: body of the definition
## Examples
Define a command and run it
> def say-hi [] { echo 'hi' }; say-hi
Define a command and run it with parameter(s)
> def say-sth [sth: string] { echo $sth }; say-sth hi
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
title: default
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Sets a default row's column if missing.
## Signature
```> default (default value) (column name)```
## Parameters
- `default value`: the value to use as a default
- `column name`: the name of the column
## Examples
Give a default 'target' column to all file entries
> ls -la | default 'nothing' target
Default the `$nothing` value in a list
> [1, 2, $nothing, 4] | default 3
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: describe
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Describe the value(s) piped in.
## Signature
```> describe ```
## Examples
Describe the type of a string
> 'hello' | describe
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
title: detect columns
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
splits contents across multiple columns via the separator.
## Signature
```> detect columns --skip --no-headers```
## Parameters
- `--skip {int}`: number of rows to skip before detecting
- `--no-headers`: don't detect headers
## Examples
Splits string across multiple columns
> echo 'a b c' | detect columns -n
Splits a multi-line string into columns with headers detected
> echo $'c1 c2 c3(char nl)a b c' | detect columns
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
title: dfr
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Dataframe commands
## Signature
```> dfr ```
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
title: dfr aggregate
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Performs an aggregation operation on a dataframe and groupby object
## Signature
```> dfr aggregate (operation_name) --quantile --explicit```
## Parameters
- `operation_name`:
Dataframes: mean, sum, min, max, quantile, median, var, std
GroupBy: mean, sum, min, max, first, last, nunique, quantile, median, var, std, count
- `--quantile {number}`: quantile value for quantile operation
- `--explicit`: returns explicit names for groupby aggregations
## Examples
Aggregate sum by grouping by column a and summing on col b
> [[a b]; [one 1] [one 2]] | dfr to-df | dfr group-by a | dfr aggregate sum
Aggregate sum in dataframe columns
> [[a b]; [4 1] [5 2]] | dfr to-df | dfr aggregate sum
Aggregate sum in series
> [4 1 5 6] | dfr to-df | dfr aggregate sum
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
title: dfr all-false
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Returns true if all values are false
## Signature
```> dfr all-false ```
## Examples
Returns true if all values are false
> [false false false] | dfr to-df | dfr all-false
Checks the result from a comparison
> let s = ([5 6 2 10] | dfr to-df);
let res = ($s > 9);
$res | dfr all-false
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
title: dfr all-true
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Returns true if all values are true
## Signature
```> dfr all-true ```
## Examples
Returns true if all values are true
> [true true true] | dfr to-df | dfr all-true
Checks the result from a comparison
> let s = ([5 6 2 8] | dfr to-df);
let res = ($s > 9);
$res | dfr all-true
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
title: dfr append
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Appends a new dataframe
## Signature
```> dfr append (other) --col```
## Parameters
- `other`: dataframe to be appended
- `--col`: appends in col orientation
## Examples
Appends a dataframe as new columns
> let a = ([[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df);
$a | dfr append $a
Appends a dataframe merging at the end of columns
> let a = ([[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df);
$a | dfr append $a --col
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: dfr arg-max
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Return index for max value in series
## Signature
```> dfr arg-max ```
## Examples
Returns index for max value
> [1 3 2] | dfr to-df | dfr arg-max
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: dfr arg-min
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Return index for min value in series
## Signature
```> dfr arg-min ```
## Examples
Returns index for min value
> [1 3 2] | dfr to-df | dfr arg-min
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
title: dfr arg-sort
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Returns indexes for a sorted series
## Signature
```> dfr arg-sort --reverse```
## Parameters
- `--reverse`: reverse order
## Examples
Returns indexes for a sorted series
> [1 2 2 3 3] | dfr to-df | dfr arg-sort
Returns indexes for a sorted series
> [1 2 2 3 3] | dfr to-df | dfr arg-sort -r
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: dfr arg-true
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Returns indexes where values are true
## Signature
```> dfr arg-true ```
## Examples
Returns indexes where values are true
> [false true false] | dfr to-df | dfr arg-true
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: dfr arg-unique
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Returns indexes for unique values
## Signature
```> dfr arg-unique ```
## Examples
Returns indexes for unique values
> [1 2 2 3 3] | dfr to-df | dfr arg-unique
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
title: dfr column
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Returns the selected column
## Signature
```> dfr column (column)```
## Parameters
- `column`: column name
## Examples
Returns the selected column as series
> [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df | dfr column a
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
title: dfr concatenate
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Concatenates strings with other array
## Signature
```> dfr concatenate (other)```
## Parameters
- `other`: Other array with string to be concatenated
## Examples
Concatenate string
> let other = ([za xs cd] | dfr to-df);
[abc abc abc] | dfr to-df | dfr concatenate $other
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
title: dfr contains
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Checks if a pattern is contained in a string
## Signature
```> dfr contains (pattern)```
## Parameters
- `pattern`: Regex pattern to be searched
## Examples
Returns boolean indicating if pattern was found
> [abc acb acb] | dfr to-df | dfr contains ab
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
title: dfr count-null
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Counts null values
## Signature
```> dfr count-null ```
## Examples
Counts null values
> let s = ([1 1 0 0 3 3 4] | dfr to-df);
($s / $s) | dfr count-null
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: dfr count-unique
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Counts unique values
## Signature
```> dfr count-unique ```
## Examples
Counts unique values
> [1 1 2 2 3 3 4] | dfr to-df | dfr count-unique
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
title: dfr cumulative
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Cumulative calculation for a series
## Signature
```> dfr cumulative (type) --reverse```
## Parameters
- `type`: rolling operation
- `--reverse`: Reverse cumulative calculation
## Examples
Cumulative sum for a series
> [1 2 3 4 5] | dfr to-df | dfr cumulative sum
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
title: dfr describe
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Describes dataframes numeric columns
## Signature
```> dfr describe --quantiles```
## Parameters
- `--quantiles {table}`: optional quantiles for describe
## Examples
dataframe description
> [[a b]; [1 1] [1 1]] | dfr to-df | dfr describe
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
title: dfr drop-duplicates
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Drops duplicate values in dataframe
## Signature
```> dfr drop-duplicates (subset) --maintain```
## Parameters
- `subset`: subset of columns to drop duplicates
- `--maintain`: maintain order
## Examples
drop duplicates
> [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4] [1 2]] | dfr to-df | dfr drop-duplicates
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
title: dfr drop-nulls
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Drops null values in dataframe
## Signature
```> dfr drop-nulls (subset)```
## Parameters
- `subset`: subset of columns to drop nulls
## Examples
drop null values in dataframe
> let df = ([[a b]; [1 2] [3 0] [1 2]] | dfr to-df);
let res = ($df.b / $df.b);
let a = ($df | dfr with-column $res --name res);
$a | dfr drop-nulls
drop null values in dataframe
> let s = ([1 2 0 0 3 4] | dfr to-df);
($s / $s) | dfr drop-nulls
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
title: dfr drop
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Creates a new dataframe by dropping the selected columns
## Signature
```> dfr drop ...rest```
## Parameters
- `...rest`: column names to be dropped
## Examples
drop column a
> [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df | dfr drop a
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: dfr dtypes
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Show dataframe data types
## Signature
```> dfr dtypes ```
## Examples
Dataframe dtypes
> [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df | dfr dtypes
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
title: dfr filter-with
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Filters dataframe using a mask as reference
## Signature
```> dfr filter-with (mask)```
## Parameters
- `mask`: boolean mask used to filter data
## Examples
Filter dataframe using a bool mask
> let mask = ([true false] | dfr to-df);
[[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df | dfr filter-with $mask
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
title: dfr first
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Creates new dataframe with first rows
## Signature
```> dfr first (rows)```
## Parameters
- `rows`: Number of rows for head
## Examples
Create new dataframe with head rows
> [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df | dfr first 1
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
title: dfr get-day
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Gets day from date
## Signature
```> dfr get-day ```
## Examples
Returns day from a date
> let dt = ('2020-08-04T16:39:18+00:00' | into datetime -z 'UTC');
let df = ([$dt $dt] | dfr to-df);
$df | dfr get-day
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
title: dfr get-hour
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Gets hour from date
## Signature
```> dfr get-hour ```
## Examples
Returns hour from a date
> let dt = ('2020-08-04T16:39:18+00:00' | into datetime -z 'UTC');
let df = ([$dt $dt] | dfr to-df);
$df | dfr get-hour
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
title: dfr get-minute
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Gets minute from date
## Signature
```> dfr get-minute ```
## Examples
Returns minute from a date
> let dt = ('2020-08-04T16:39:18+00:00' | into datetime -z 'UTC');
let df = ([$dt $dt] | dfr to-df);
$df | dfr get-minute
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
title: dfr get-month
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Gets month from date
## Signature
```> dfr get-month ```
## Examples
Returns month from a date
> let dt = ('2020-08-04T16:39:18+00:00' | into datetime -z 'UTC');
let df = ([$dt $dt] | dfr to-df);
$df | dfr get-month
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
title: dfr get-nanosecond
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Gets nanosecond from date
## Signature
```> dfr get-nanosecond ```
## Examples
Returns nanosecond from a date
> let dt = ('2020-08-04T16:39:18+00:00' | into datetime -z 'UTC');
let df = ([$dt $dt] | dfr to-df);
$df | dfr get-nanosecond
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
title: dfr get-ordinal
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Gets ordinal from date
## Signature
```> dfr get-ordinal ```
## Examples
Returns ordinal from a date
> let dt = ('2020-08-04T16:39:18+00:00' | into datetime -z 'UTC');
let df = ([$dt $dt] | dfr to-df);
$df | dfr get-ordinal
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
title: dfr get-second
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Gets second from date
## Signature
```> dfr get-second ```
## Examples
Returns second from a date
> let dt = ('2020-08-04T16:39:18+00:00' | into datetime -z 'UTC');
let df = ([$dt $dt] | dfr to-df);
$df | dfr get-second
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
title: dfr get-week
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Gets week from date
## Signature
```> dfr get-week ```
## Examples
Returns week from a date
> let dt = ('2020-08-04T16:39:18+00:00' | into datetime -z 'UTC');
let df = ([$dt $dt] | dfr to-df);
$df | dfr get-week
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
title: dfr get-weekday
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Gets weekday from date
## Signature
```> dfr get-weekday ```
## Examples
Returns weekday from a date
> let dt = ('2020-08-04T16:39:18+00:00' | into datetime -z 'UTC');
let df = ([$dt $dt] | dfr to-df);
$df | dfr get-weekday
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
title: dfr get-year
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Gets year from date
## Signature
```> dfr get-year ```
## Examples
Returns year from a date
> let dt = ('2020-08-04T16:39:18+00:00' | into datetime -z 'UTC');
let df = ([$dt $dt] | dfr to-df);
$df | dfr get-year
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
title: dfr get
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Creates dataframe with the selected columns
## Signature
```> dfr get ...rest```
## Parameters
- `...rest`: column names to sort dataframe
## Examples
Creates dataframe with selected columns
> [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df | dfr get a
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
title: dfr group-by
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Creates a groupby object that can be used for other aggregations
## Signature
```> dfr group-by ...rest```
## Parameters
- `...rest`: groupby columns
## Examples
Grouping by column a
> [[a b]; [one 1] [one 2]] | dfr to-df | dfr group-by a
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: dfr is-duplicated
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Creates mask indicating duplicated values
## Signature
```> dfr is-duplicated ```
## Examples
Create mask indicating duplicated values
> [5 6 6 6 8 8 8] | dfr to-df | dfr is-duplicated
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
title: dfr is-in
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Checks if elements from a series are contained in right series
## Signature
```> dfr is-in (other)```
## Parameters
- `other`: right series
## Examples
Checks if elements from a series are contained in right series
> let other = ([1 3 6] | dfr to-df);
[5 6 6 6 8 8 8] | dfr to-df | dfr is-in $other
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
title: dfr is-not-null
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Creates mask where value is not null
## Signature
```> dfr is-not-null ```
## Examples
Create mask where values are not null
> let s = ([5 6 0 8] | dfr to-df);
let res = ($s / $s);
$res | dfr is-not-null
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
title: dfr is-null
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Creates mask where value is null
## Signature
```> dfr is-null ```
## Examples
Create mask where values are null
> let s = ([5 6 0 8] | dfr to-df);
let res = ($s / $s);
$res | dfr is-null
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: dfr is-unique
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Creates mask indicating unique values
## Signature
```> dfr is-unique ```
## Examples
Create mask indicating unique values
> [5 6 6 6 8 8 8] | dfr to-df | dfr is-unique
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
title: dfr join
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Joins a dataframe using columns as reference
## Signature
```> dfr join (dataframe) --left --right --type --suffix```
## Parameters
- `dataframe`: right dataframe to join
- `--left {table}`: left column names to perform join
- `--right {table}`: right column names to perform join
- `--type {string}`: type of join. Inner by default
- `--suffix {string}`: suffix for the columns of the right dataframe
## Examples
inner join dataframe
> let right = ([[a b c]; [1 2 5] [3 4 5] [5 6 6]] | dfr to-df);
$right | dfr join $right -l [a b] -r [a b]
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
title: dfr last
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Creates new dataframe with tail rows
## Signature
```> dfr last (rows)```
## Parameters
- `rows`: Number of rows for tail
## Examples
Create new dataframe with last rows
> [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df | dfr last 1
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
title: dfr list
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Lists stored dataframes
## Signature
```> dfr list ```
## Examples
Creates a new dataframe and shows it in the dataframe list
> let test = ([[a b];[1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df);
dfr list
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
title: dfr melt
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Unpivot a DataFrame from wide to long format
## Signature
```> dfr melt --columns --values --variable-name --value-name```
## Parameters
- `--columns {table}`: column names for melting
- `--values {table}`: column names used as value columns
- `--variable-name {string}`: optional name for variable column
- `--value-name {string}`: optional name for value column
## Examples
melt dataframe
> [[a b c d]; [x 1 4 a] [y 2 5 b] [z 3 6 c]] | dfr to-df | dfr melt -c [b c] -v [a d]
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: dfr not
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Inverts boolean mask
## Signature
```> dfr not ```
## Examples
Inverts boolean mask
> [true false true] | dfr to-df | dfr not
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
title: dfr open
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Opens csv, json or parquet file to create dataframe
## Signature
```> dfr open (file) --delimiter --no-header --infer-schema --skip-rows --columns```
## Parameters
- `file`: file path to load values from
- `--delimiter {string}`: file delimiter character. CSV file
- `--no-header`: Indicates if file doesn't have header. CSV file
- `--infer-schema {number}`: Number of rows to infer the schema of the file. CSV file
- `--skip-rows {number}`: Number of rows to skip from file. CSV file
- `--columns {list<string>}`: Columns to be selected from csv file. CSV and Parquet file
## Examples
Takes a file name and creates a dataframe
> dfr open test.csv
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
title: dfr pivot
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Performs a pivot operation on a groupby object
## Signature
```> dfr pivot (pivot_column) (value_column) (operation)```
## Parameters
- `pivot_column`: pivot column to perform pivot
- `value_column`: value column to perform pivot
- `operation`: aggregate operation
## Examples
Pivot a dataframe on b and aggregation on col c
> [[a b c]; [one x 1] [two y 2]] | dfr to-df | dfr group-by a | dfr pivot b c sum
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
title: dfr rename-col
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
rename a dataframe column
## Signature
```> dfr rename-col (from) (to)```
## Parameters
- `from`: column name to be renamed
- `to`: new column name
## Examples
Renames a dataframe column
> [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df | dfr rename-col a a_new
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
title: dfr rename
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Renames a series
## Signature
```> dfr rename (name)```
## Parameters
- `name`: new series name
## Examples
Renames a series
> [5 6 7 8] | dfr to-df | dfr rename new_name
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
title: dfr replace-all
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Replace all (sub)strings by a regex pattern
## Signature
```> dfr replace-all --pattern --replace```
## Parameters
- `--pattern {string}`: Regex pattern to be matched
- `--replace {string}`: replacing string
## Examples
Replaces string
> [abac abac abac] | dfr to-df | dfr replace-all -p a -r A
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
title: dfr replace
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Replace the leftmost (sub)string by a regex pattern
## Signature
```> dfr replace --pattern --replace```
## Parameters
- `--pattern {string}`: Regex pattern to be matched
- `--replace {string}`: replacing string
## Examples
Replaces string
> [abc abc abc] | dfr to-df | dfr replace -p ab -r AB
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
title: dfr rolling
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Rolling calculation for a series
## Signature
```> dfr rolling (type) (window)```
## Parameters
- `type`: rolling operation
- `window`: Window size for rolling
## Examples
Rolling sum for a series
> [1 2 3 4 5] | dfr to-df | dfr rolling sum 2 | dfr drop-nulls
Rolling max for a series
> [1 2 3 4 5] | dfr to-df | dfr rolling max 2 | dfr drop-nulls
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
title: dfr sample
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Create sample dataframe
## Signature
```> dfr sample --n-rows --fraction --replace```
## Parameters
- `--n-rows {int}`: number of rows to be taken from dataframe
- `--fraction {number}`: fraction of dataframe to be taken
- `--replace`: sample with replace
## Examples
Sample rows from dataframe
> [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df | dfr sample -n 1
Shows sample row using fraction and replace
> [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4] [5 6]] | dfr to-df | dfr sample -f 0.5 -e
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
title: dfr set-with-idx
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Sets value in the given index
## Signature
```> dfr set-with-idx (value) --indices```
## Parameters
- `value`: value to be inserted in series
- `--indices {any}`: list of indices indicating where to set the value
## Examples
Set value in selected rows from series
> let series = ([4 1 5 2 4 3] | dfr to-df);
let indices = ([0 2] | dfr to-df);
$series | dfr set-with-idx 6 -i $indices
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
title: dfr set
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Sets value where given mask is true
## Signature
```> dfr set (value) --mask```
## Parameters
- `value`: value to be inserted in series
- `--mask {any}`: mask indicating insertions
## Examples
Shifts the values by a given period
> let s = ([1 2 2 3 3] | dfr to-df | dfr shift 2);
let mask = ($s | dfr is-null);
$s | dfr set 0 --mask $mask
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: dfr shape
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Shows column and row size for a dataframe
## Signature
```> dfr shape ```
## Examples
Shows row and column shape
> [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df | dfr shape
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
title: dfr shift
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Shifts the values by a given period
## Signature
```> dfr shift (period)```
## Parameters
- `period`: shift period
## Examples
Shifts the values by a given period
> [1 2 2 3 3] | dfr to-df | dfr shift 2 | dfr drop-nulls
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
title: dfr slice
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Creates new dataframe from a slice of rows
## Signature
```> dfr slice (offset) (size)```
## Parameters
- `offset`: start of slice
- `size`: size of slice
## Examples
Create new dataframe from a slice of the rows
> [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df | dfr slice 0 1
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
title: dfr sort
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Creates new sorted dataframe or series
## Signature
```> dfr sort ...rest --reverse```
## Parameters
- `...rest`: column names to sort dataframe
- `--reverse`: invert sort
## Examples
Create new sorted dataframe
> [[a b]; [3 4] [1 2]] | dfr to-df | dfr sort a
Create new sorted series
> [3 4 1 2] | dfr to-df | dfr sort
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: dfr str-lengths
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Get lengths of all strings
## Signature
```> dfr str-lengths ```
## Examples
Returns string lengths
> [a ab abc] | dfr to-df | dfr str-lengths
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
title: dfr str-slice
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Slices the string from the start position until the selected length
## Signature
```> dfr str-slice (start) --length```
## Parameters
- `start`: start of slice
- `--length {int}`: optional length
## Examples
Creates slices from the strings
> [abcded abc321 abc123] | dfr to-df | dfr str-slice 1 -l 2
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
title: dfr strftime
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Formats date based on string rule
## Signature
```> dfr strftime (fmt)```
## Parameters
- `fmt`: Format rule
## Examples
Formats date
> let dt = ('2020-08-04T16:39:18+00:00' | into datetime -z 'UTC');
let df = ([$dt $dt] | dfr to-df);
$df | dfr strftime "%Y/%m/%d"
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
title: dfr take
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Creates new dataframe using the given indices
## Signature
```> dfr take (indices)```
## Parameters
- `indices`: list of indices used to take data
## Examples
Takes selected rows from dataframe
> let df = ([[a b]; [4 1] [5 2] [4 3]] | dfr to-df);
let indices = ([0 2] | dfr to-df);
$df | dfr take $indices
Takes selected rows from series
> let series = ([4 1 5 2 4 3] | dfr to-df);
let indices = ([0 2] | dfr to-df);
$series | dfr take $indices
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
title: dfr to-csv
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Saves dataframe to csv file
## Signature
```> dfr to-csv (file) --delimiter --no-header```
## Parameters
- `file`: file path to save dataframe
- `--delimiter {string}`: file delimiter character
- `--no-header`: Indicates if file doesn't have header
## Examples
Saves dataframe to csv file
> [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df | dfr to-csv test.csv
Saves dataframe to csv file using other delimiter
> [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df | dfr to-csv test.csv -d '|'
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
title: dfr to-df
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Converts a List, Table or Dictionary into a dataframe
## Signature
```> dfr to-df ```
## Examples
Takes a dictionary and creates a dataframe
> [[a b];[1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df
Takes a list of tables and creates a dataframe
> [[1 2 a] [3 4 b] [5 6 c]] | dfr to-df
Takes a list and creates a dataframe
> [a b c] | dfr to-df
Takes a list of booleans and creates a dataframe
> [true true false] | dfr to-df
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
title: dfr to-dummies
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Creates a new dataframe with dummy variables
## Signature
```> dfr to-dummies ```
## Examples
Create new dataframe with dummy variables from a dataframe
> [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | dfr to-df | dfr to-dummies
Create new dataframe with dummy variables from a series
> [1 2 2 3 3] | dfr to-df | dfr to-dummies
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: dfr to-lowercase
layout: command
version: 0.59.1
Lowercase the strings in the column
## Signature
```> dfr to-lowercase ```
## Examples
Modifies strings to lowercase
> [Abc aBc abC] | dfr to-df | dfr to-lowercase
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