PWD per drive

This commit is contained in: 2024-11-19 04:12:31 -08:00
parent dd3adbff89
commit e48daf8da2
7 changed files with 359 additions and 329 deletions

View File

@ -858,6 +858,8 @@ fn do_auto_cd(
report_shell_error(engine_state, &err);
use nu_path::pwd_per_drive::pwd_per_drive::set_pwd_per_drive;
let _as_is = set_pwd_per_drive(PathBuf::from(path.clone()).as_path());
let cwd = Value::string(cwd, span);
let shells = stack.get_env_var(engine_state, "NUSHELL_SHELLS");

View File

@ -114,19 +114,9 @@ impl Command for Cd {
//FIXME: this only changes the current scope, but instead this environment variable
//should probably be a block that loads the information from the state in the overlay
PermissionResult::PermissionOk => {
let path_for_scd = path.clone();
use nu_path::pwd_per_drive::pwd_per_drive::set_pwd_per_drive;
let _as_is = set_pwd_per_drive(path.as_path());
use nu_path::state_driver_pwd::get_drive_pwd_map;
.map_err(|_e| {
error: "Set PWD for drive failed".into(),
msg: "System error".into(),
span: None,
help: None,
inner: vec![],
PermissionResult::PermissionDenied(reason) => Err(ShellError::IOError {

View File

@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ bench = false
dirs = { workspace = true }
cfg-if = "1.0.0"
omnipath = { workspace = true }
once_cell = "1.20.1"
winapi = { version = "0.3.9", features = ["fileapi"] }
windows-sys = { workspace = true, features = ["Win32_System_Environment"] }
[target.'cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "macos"), not(target_os = "android")))'.dependencies]
pwd = { workspace = true }

View File

@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ mod components;
pub mod dots;
pub mod expansions;
pub mod form;
pub mod pwd_per_drive;
mod helpers;
mod path;
mod tilde;
mod trailing_slash;
pub mod state_driver_pwd;
pub use components::components;
pub use expansions::{canonicalize_with, expand_path_with, expand_to_real_path, locate_in_dirs};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(target_os="windows")] {
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use std::path::{ Path, PathBuf };
use std::sync::Mutex;
struct DrivePWDmap {
map: [Option<String>; 26], // Fixed-size array for A-Z
impl DrivePWDmap {
pub fn new() -> Self {
DrivePWDmap {
map: Default::default(), // Initialize all to `None`
/// Set the PWD for the drive letter in the path which is an absolute path
pub fn set_pwd(&mut self, path: &Path) -> Result<(), String> {
if let Some(drive_letter) = Self::extract_drive_letter(path) {
if let Some(index) = Self::drive_to_index(drive_letter) {
if let Some(path_str) = path.to_str() {[index] = Some(path_str.to_string());
} else {
Err(format!("Invalid path: {}", path.display()))
} else {
Err(format!("Invalid drive letter: {}", drive_letter))
} else {
Err(format!("Invalid path: {}", path.display()))
/// Get the PWD for a drive letter, if not yet, try using
/// winapi GetFullPathNameW to get "T:", "T:/" can be default
pub fn get_pwd(&mut self, drive: char) -> Option<String> {
Self::drive_to_index(drive).map(|index| {[index]
if let Some(system_pwd) = get_full_path_name_w(&format!("{}:", drive.to_ascii_uppercase())) {[index] = Some(system_pwd.clone());
} else {
format!("{}:/", drive.to_ascii_uppercase())
/// Expand a relative path using the PWD of the drive
pub fn expand_path(&mut self, path: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> {
let path_str = path.to_str()?;
if let Some(drive_letter) = Self::extract_drive_letter(path) {
if let Some(pwd) = self.get_pwd(drive_letter) {
// Combine current PWD with the relative path
let mut base = PathBuf::from(Self::ensure_trailing_separator(&pwd));
base.push(path_str.split_at(2).1); // Skip the "C:" part of the relative path
} else {
None // PWD on Drive letter not found
} else {
None // Invalid or no drive letter
/// Helper to convert a drive letter to an array index
fn drive_to_index(drive: char) -> Option<usize> {
let drive = drive.to_ascii_uppercase();
if ('A'..='Z').contains(&drive) {
Some((drive as usize) - ('A' as usize))
} else {
/// Extract the drive letter from a path (e.g., `C:test` -> `C`)
fn extract_drive_letter(path: &Path) -> Option<char> {
.and_then(|s| s.chars().next())
.filter(|c| c.is_ascii_alphabetic())
/// Ensure a path has a trailing `\`
fn ensure_trailing_separator(path: &str) -> String {
if !path.ends_with('\\') && !path.ends_with('/') {
format!("{}/", path)
} else {
// GetFullPathW
fn get_full_path_name_w(path_str: &str) -> Option<String> {
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStringExt;
use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStrExt;
use winapi::um::fileapi::GetFullPathNameW;
use winapi::um::winnt::WCHAR;
const MAX_PATH : usize = 260;
let mut buffer: [WCHAR; MAX_PATH] = [0; MAX_PATH];
unsafe {
// Convert input to wide string.
let wide_path: Vec<u16> = OsString::from(path_str).encode_wide().chain(Some(0)).collect();
let length = GetFullPathNameW(
buffer.len() as u32,
if length > 0 && (length as usize) < MAX_PATH {
let path = OsString::from_wide(&buffer[..length as usize]);
if let Some(path_str) = path.to_str() {
let path_string = path_str.to_string();
return Some(path_string);
/// Global singleton instance of DrivePwdMap
static DRIVE_PWD_MAP: Lazy<Mutex<DrivePWDmap>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(DrivePWDmap::new()));
/// Public API to access the singleton instance
fn get_drive_pwd_map() -> &'static Mutex<DrivePWDmap> {
/// Test for DrivePWD map
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::path::Path;
fn test_singleton_set_and_get_pwd() {
let drive_pwd_map = get_drive_pwd_map();
let mut map = drive_pwd_map.lock().unwrap();
// Set PWD for drive C
let map = drive_pwd_map.lock().unwrap();
// Get PWD for drive C
assert_eq!(map.get_pwd('C'), Some("C:\\Users\\Example".to_string()));
// Get PWD for drive E (not set, should return E:\)
assert_eq!(map.get_pwd('E'), Some("E:\\".to_string()));
fn test_expand_path() {
let mut drive_map = DrivePWDmap::new();
// Set PWD for drive C
// Expand a relative path
let expanded = drive_map.expand_path(Path::new("C:test"));
assert_eq!(expanded, Some(PathBuf::from("C:\\Users\\Home\\test")));
// Expand an absolute path
let expanded = drive_map.expand_path(Path::new("C:\\absolute\\path"));
assert_eq!(expanded, Some(PathBuf::from("C:\\absolute\\path")));
// Expand with no drive letter
let expanded = drive_map.expand_path(Path::new("\\no_drive"));
assert_eq!(expanded, None);
// Expand with no PWD set for the drive
let expanded = drive_map.expand_path(Path::new("D:test"));
assert_eq!(expanded, Some(PathBuf::from("D:\\test")));
fn test_set_and_get_pwd() {
let mut drive_map = DrivePWDmap::new();
// Set PWD for drive C
assert_eq!(drive_map.get_pwd('C'), Some("C:\\Users\\Example".to_string()));
// Set PWD for drive D
assert_eq!(drive_map.get_pwd('D'), Some("D:\\Projects".to_string()));
// Get PWD for drive E (not set, should return E:\)
assert_eq!(drive_map.get_pwd('E'), Some("E:\\".to_string()));
fn test_set_pwd_invalid_path() {
let mut drive_map = DrivePWDmap::new();
// Invalid path (no drive letter)
let result = drive_map.set_pwd(Path::new("\\InvalidPath"));
assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err(), "Invalid path: \\InvalidPath");
fn test_get_pwd_invalid_drive() {
let drive_map = DrivePWDmap::new();
// Get PWD for a drive not set (e.g., Z)
assert_eq!(drive_map.get_pwd('Z'), Some("Z:\\".to_string()));
// Invalid drive letter (non-alphabetic)
assert_eq!(drive_map.get_pwd('1'), None);
fn test_drive_to_index() {
// Valid drive letters
assert_eq!(DrivePWDmap::drive_to_index('A'), Some(0));
assert_eq!(DrivePWDmap::drive_to_index('Z'), Some(25));
// Valid drive letters
assert_eq!(DrivePWDmap::drive_to_index('a'), Some(0));
assert_eq!(DrivePWDmap::drive_to_index('z'), Some(25));
for i in 1..25 {
assert_eq!(DrivePWDmap::drive_to_index(std::char::from_u32(('A' as usize + i) as u32).unwrap()), Some(i));
assert_eq!(DrivePWDmap::drive_to_index(std::char::from_u32(('a' as usize + i) as u32).unwrap()), Some(i));
// Invalid drive letters
assert_eq!(DrivePWDmap::drive_to_index('1'), None);
assert_eq!(DrivePWDmap::drive_to_index('$'), None);
/// Usage for pwd_per_drive
/// Upon change PWD, call set_pwd_per_drive() with absolute path
/// Call expand_pwd_per_drive() with relative path to get absolution path
/// Doctest
/// ```Rust
/// // Set PWD for drive C
/// set_pwd_per_drive(Path::new("C:\\Users\\Home")).unwrap();
/// // Expand a relative path
/// let expanded = expand_pwd_per_drive(Path::new("C:test"));
/// assert_eq!(expanded, Some(PathBuf::from("C:\\Users\\Home\\test")));
/// // Will NOT expand an absolute path
/// let expanded = expand_pwd_per_drive(Path::new("C:\\absolute\\path"));
/// assert_eq!(expanded, None);
/// // Expand with no drive letter
/// let expanded = expand_pwd_per_drive(Path::new("\\no_drive"));
/// assert_eq!(expanded, None);
/// // Expand with no PWD set for the drive
/// let expanded = expand_pwd_per_drive(Path::new("D:test"));
/// assert_eq!(expanded, Some(PathBuf::from("D:\\test")));
/// ```
pub mod pwd_per_drive {
use std::path::{ Path, PathBuf };
use super::{get_drive_pwd_map};
/// set_pwd_per_drive
/// record PWD for drive, path must be absolute path
/// return Ok(()) if succeeded, otherwise error message
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub fn set_pwd_per_drive(path: &Path) -> Result<(), String> {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
pub fn set_pwd_per_drive(path: &Path) -> Result<(), String> {
/// expand_pwe_per_drive
/// input relative path, expand PWD to construct absolute path
/// return PathBuf for absolute path, None if input path is invalid
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub fn expand_pwd_per_drive(path: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> {
if need_expand_pwd_per_drive(path) {
} else {
/// expand_pwd_per_drive will return None on non-windows platform
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
pub fn expand_pwd_per_drive(_path: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> {
/// If input path is relative path with drive letter,
/// it can be expanded with PWD per drive
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
fn need_expand_pwd_per_drive(path: &Path) -> bool {
if let Some(path_str) = path.to_str() {
let chars: Vec<char> = path_str.chars().collect();
if chars.len() >= 2 {
return chars[1] == ':' && (chars.len() == 2 || (chars[2] != '/' && chars[2] != '\\'));
/// On non-windows platform, will not expand
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
fn need_expand_pwd_per_drive(path: &Path) -> bool {
fn test_usage_for_pwd_per_drive() {
// Set PWD for drive C
// Expand a relative path
let expanded = expand_pwd_per_drive(Path::new("C:test"));
assert_eq!(expanded, Some(PathBuf::from("C:\\Users\\Home\\test")));
// Will NOT expand an absolute path
let expanded = expand_pwd_per_drive(Path::new("C:\\absolute\\path"));
assert_eq!(expanded, None);
// Expand with no drive letter
let expanded = expand_pwd_per_drive(Path::new("\\no_drive"));
assert_eq!(expanded, None);
// Expand with no PWD set for the drive
let expanded = expand_pwd_per_drive(Path::new("D:test"));
assert_eq!(expanded, Some(PathBuf::from("D:\\test")));

View File

@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
use std::path::{ Path, PathBuf };
pub struct DrivePwdMap {
map: [Option<String>; 26], // Fixed-size array for A-Z
impl DrivePwdMap {
pub fn new() -> Self {
DrivePwdMap {
map: Default::default(), // Initialize all to `None`
/// Set the current working directory based on the drive letter in the path
pub fn set_pwd(&mut self, path: &Path) -> Result<(), String> {
if let Some(drive_letter) = Self::extract_drive_letter(path) {
if let Some(index) = Self::drive_to_index(drive_letter) {
let normalized = Self::normalize_path(path);[index] = Some(normalized.to_string_lossy().into_owned());
} else {
Err(format!("Invalid drive letter: {}", drive_letter))
} else {
Err(format!("Invalid path: {}", path.display()))
/// Get the current working directory for a drive letter
pub fn get_pwd(&self, drive: char) -> Option<String> {
Self::drive_to_index(drive).map(|index| {[index]
.unwrap_or_else(|| format!("{}:\\", drive.to_ascii_uppercase()))
/// Expand a relative path using the current working directory of the drive
pub fn expand_path(&self, path: &Path) -> Option<PathBuf> {
let path_str = path.to_str()?;
if let Some(drive_letter) = Self::extract_drive_letter(path) {
let is_absolute = path_str.contains(":\\") || path_str.starts_with("\\");
if is_absolute {
// Already an absolute path
} else if let Some(pwd) = self.get_pwd(drive_letter) {
// Combine current PWD with the relative path
let mut base = PathBuf::from(Self::ensure_trailing_separator(&pwd));
base.push(path_str.split_at(2).1); // Skip the "C:" part of the relative path
} else {
None // Drive letter not found
} else {
None // Invalid or no drive letter
/// Helper to convert a drive letter to an array index
fn drive_to_index(drive: char) -> Option<usize> {
let drive = drive.to_ascii_uppercase();
if ('A'..='Z').contains(&drive) {
Some((drive as usize) - ('A' as usize))
} else {
/// Extract the drive letter from a path (e.g., `C:test` -> `C`)
fn extract_drive_letter(path: &Path) -> Option<char> {
.and_then(|s| s.chars().next())
.filter(|c| c.is_ascii_alphabetic())
/// Normalize a path by removing any trailing `\` or `/`
fn normalize_path(path: &Path) -> PathBuf {
let mut normalized = path.to_path_buf();
while normalized.to_string_lossy().ends_with(&['\\', '/'][..]) {
/// Ensure a path has a trailing `\`
fn ensure_trailing_separator(path: &str) -> String {
if !path.ends_with('\\') && !path.ends_with('/') {
format!("{}\\", path)
} else {
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use std::sync::Mutex;
//use nu_protocol::errors::shell_error::ShellError;
/// Global singleton instance of DrivePwdMap
static DRIVE_PWD_MAP: Lazy<Mutex<DrivePwdMap>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(DrivePwdMap::new()));
/// Public API to access the singleton instance
pub fn get_drive_pwd_map() -> &'static Mutex<DrivePwdMap> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::path::Path;
fn test_expand_path() {
let mut drive_map = DrivePwdMap::new();
// Set PWD for drive C
// Expand a relative path
let expanded = drive_map.expand_path(Path::new("C:test"));
assert_eq!(expanded, Some(PathBuf::from("C:\\Users\\Home\\test")));
// Expand an absolute path
let expanded = drive_map.expand_path(Path::new("C:\\absolute\\path"));
assert_eq!(expanded, Some(PathBuf::from("C:\\absolute\\path")));
// Expand with no drive letter
let expanded = drive_map.expand_path(Path::new("\\no_drive"));
assert_eq!(expanded, None);
// Expand with no PWD set for the drive
let expanded = drive_map.expand_path(Path::new("D:test"));
assert_eq!(expanded, Some(PathBuf::from("D:\\test")));
fn test_singleton_set_and_get_pwd() {
let drive_pwd_map = get_drive_pwd_map();
let mut map = drive_pwd_map.lock().unwrap();
// Set PWD for drive C
let map = drive_pwd_map.lock().unwrap();
// Get PWD for drive C
assert_eq!(map.get_pwd('C'), Some("C:\\Users\\Example".to_string()));
// Get PWD for drive E (not set, should return E:\)
assert_eq!(map.get_pwd('E'), Some("E:\\".to_string()));
fn test_set_and_get_pwd() {
let mut drive_map = DrivePwdMap::new();
// Set PWD for drive C
assert_eq!(drive_map.get_pwd('C'), Some("C:\\Users\\Example".to_string()));
// Set PWD for drive D
assert_eq!(drive_map.get_pwd('D'), Some("D:\\Projects".to_string()));
// Get PWD for drive E (not set, should return E:\)
assert_eq!(drive_map.get_pwd('E'), Some("E:\\".to_string()));
fn test_set_pwd_invalid_path() {
let mut drive_map = DrivePwdMap::new();
// Invalid path (no drive letter)
let result = drive_map.set_pwd(Path::new("\\InvalidPath"));
assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err(), "Invalid path: \\InvalidPath");
fn test_get_pwd_invalid_drive() {
let drive_map = DrivePwdMap::new();
// Get PWD for a drive not set (e.g., Z)
assert_eq!(drive_map.get_pwd('Z'), Some("Z:\\".to_string()));
// Invalid drive letter (non-alphabetic)
assert_eq!(drive_map.get_pwd('1'), None);
fn test_drive_to_index() {
// Valid drive letters
assert_eq!(DrivePwdMap::drive_to_index('A'), Some(0));
assert_eq!(DrivePwdMap::drive_to_index('Z'), Some(25));
// Valid drive letters
assert_eq!(DrivePwdMap::drive_to_index('a'), Some(0));
assert_eq!(DrivePwdMap::drive_to_index('z'), Some(25));
for i in 1..25 {
assert_eq!(DrivePwdMap::drive_to_index(std::char::from_u32(('A' as usize + i) as u32).unwrap()), Some(i));
assert_eq!(DrivePwdMap::drive_to_index(std::char::from_u32(('a' as usize + i) as u32).unwrap()), Some(i));
// Invalid drive letters
assert_eq!(DrivePwdMap::drive_to_index('1'), None);
assert_eq!(DrivePwdMap::drive_to_index('$'), None);
pub mod current_directory_specific {
use std::path::Path;
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub fn need_expand_current_directory_per_drive(path: &Path) -> bool {
if let Some(path_str) = path.to_str() {
let chars: Vec<char> = path_str.chars().collect();
if chars.len() >= 2 {
return chars[1] == ':' && (chars.len() == 2 || (chars[2] != '/' && chars[2] != '\\'));
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
pub fn need_expand_current_directory(path: &Path) -> bool {
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub fn get_windows_absolute_path(path: &Path) -> Option<String> {
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStringExt;
use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStrExt;
use winapi::um::fileapi::GetFullPathNameW;
use winapi::um::winnt::WCHAR;
const MAX_PATH : usize = 260;
let mut buffer: [WCHAR; MAX_PATH] = [0; MAX_PATH];
if let Some(path_str) = path.to_str() {
unsafe {
// Convert input to wide string.
let wide_path: Vec<u16> = OsString::from(path_str).encode_wide().chain(Some(0)).collect();
let length = GetFullPathNameW(
buffer.len() as u32,
if length > 0 {
let abs_path = OsString::from_wide(&buffer[..length as usize]);
if let Some(abs_path_str) = abs_path.to_str() {
let abs_path_string = abs_path_str.to_string();
return Some(abs_path_string);
pub enum DrivePwdError {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
fn get_windows_absolute_path(path: &Path) -> Option<String> {
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub fn set_current_directory_windows(path: &Path) -> Result<(), DrivePwdError> {
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStrExt;
use windows_sys::Win32::System::Environment::SetCurrentDirectoryW;
if let Some(path_str) = path.to_str() {
unsafe {
// Convert input to wide string.
let wide_path: Vec<u16> = OsString::from(path_str).encode_wide().chain(Some(0)).collect();
if SetCurrentDirectoryW(wide_path.as_ptr()) != 0 {
println!("Successfully changed the current directory to {}", path_str);
return Ok(())
} else {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
pub fn set_current_directory_windows(_path: &Path) -> Result<(), Error>{

View File

@ -21,21 +21,11 @@ fn expand_tilde_with_home(path: impl AsRef<Path>, home: Option<PathBuf>) -> Path
let path = path.as_ref();
if !path.starts_with("~") {
use crate::state_driver_pwd:: {
use crate::pwd_per_drive:: {
if need_expand_current_directory_per_drive(path) {
if let Some(expanded_dir) = get_drive_pwd_map().lock().unwrap().expand_path(path) {
return PathBuf::from(&expanded_dir)
// if let Some(current_dir) = get_windows_absolute_path(path) {
// //println!("Absolute path for {} is: {}", path.display(), current_dir);
// return PathBuf::from(&current_dir)
// } else {
// println!("Failed to get absolute path for {}", path.display());
// }
if let Some(expanded_dir) = expand_pwd_per_drive(path) {
return expanded_dir;
let string = path.to_string_lossy();
let mut path_as_string = string.as_ref().bytes();