mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 08:36:09 +01:00
Support for disabling automatic escaping in to xml (#11536)
# Description This PR addresses #11525 by adding `--partial-escape` which makes `to xml` only escape `<>&` in text and `<>&"` in comments. This PR also fixes issue where comment and PI content was escaped even though [it should not be](https://stackoverflow.com/a/46637835) # User-Facing Changes Correct comments and PIs `to xml --partial-escape` flag to emit less escaped characters # Tests + Formatting Added tests for specified issues
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ use nu_protocol::{
Category, Example, IntoPipelineData, PipelineData, Record, ShellError, Signature, Span,
Spanned, SyntaxShape, Type, Value,
use quick_xml::escape;
use quick_xml::events::{BytesEnd, BytesStart, BytesText, Event};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::io::Cursor;
use std::io::Write;
pub struct ToXml;
@ -28,6 +29,11 @@ impl Command for ToXml {
"Formats the XML text with the provided indentation setting",
"Only escape mandatory characters in text and attributes",
@ -65,6 +71,13 @@ Additionally any field which is: empty record, empty list or null, can be omitte
"<note>\n <remember>Event</remember>\n</note>",
Example {
description: "Produce less escaping sequences in resulting xml",
example: r#"{tag: note attributes: {a: "'qwe'\\"} content: ["\"'"]} | to xml --partial-escape"#,
result: Some(Value::test_string(
r#"<note a="'qwe'\">"'</note>"#
@ -81,37 +94,107 @@ Additionally any field which is: empty record, empty list or null, can be omitte
) -> Result<PipelineData, ShellError> {
let head = call.head;
let indent: Option<Spanned<i64>> = call.get_flag(engine_state, stack, "indent")?;
let partial_escape = call.has_flag(engine_state, stack, "partial-escape")?;
let job = Job::new(indent, partial_escape);
let input = input.try_expand_range()?;
to_xml(input, head, indent)
job.run(input, head)
pub fn add_attributes<'a>(element: &mut BytesStart<'a>, attributes: &'a IndexMap<String, String>) {
for (k, v) in attributes {
element.push_attribute((k.as_str(), v.as_str()));
struct Job {
writer: quick_xml::Writer<Cursor<Vec<u8>>>,
partial_escape: bool,
fn to_xml_entry<W: Write>(
entry: Value,
top_level: bool,
writer: &mut quick_xml::Writer<W>,
) -> Result<(), ShellError> {
let entry_span = entry.span();
let span = entry.span();
impl Job {
fn new(indent: Option<Spanned<i64>>, partial_escape: bool) -> Self {
let writer = indent.as_ref().map_or_else(
|| quick_xml::Writer::new(Cursor::new(Vec::new())),
|p| quick_xml::Writer::new_with_indent(Cursor::new(Vec::new()), b' ', p.item as usize),
// Allow using strings directly as content.
// So user can write
// {tag: a content: ['qwe']}
// instead of longer
// {tag: a content: [{content: 'qwe'}]}
if let (Value::String { val, .. }, false) = (&entry, top_level) {
return to_xml_text(val.as_str(), span, writer);
Self {
if let Value::Record { val: record, .. } = &entry {
if let Some(bad_column) = find_invalid_column(record) {
return Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
fn run(mut self, input: PipelineData, head: Span) -> Result<PipelineData, ShellError> {
let value = input.into_value(head);
self.write_xml_entry(value, true).and_then(|_| {
let b = self.writer.into_inner().into_inner();
let s = if let Ok(s) = String::from_utf8(b) {
} else {
return Err(ShellError::NonUtf8 { span: head });
Ok(Value::string(s, head).into_pipeline_data())
fn add_attributes<'a>(
element: &mut BytesStart<'a>,
attributes: &'a IndexMap<String, String>,
) {
for (k, v) in attributes {
if self.partial_escape {
element.push_attribute((k.as_bytes(), Self::partial_escape_attribute(v).as_ref()))
} else {
element.push_attribute((k.as_bytes(), escape::escape(v).as_bytes()))
fn partial_escape_attribute(raw: &str) -> Cow<[u8]> {
let bytes = raw.as_bytes();
let mut escaped: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let mut iter = bytes.iter().enumerate();
let mut pos = 0;
while let Some((new_pos, byte)) =
iter.find(|(_, &ch)| matches!(ch, b'<' | b'>' | b'&' | b'"'))
match byte {
b'<' => escaped.extend_from_slice(b"<"),
b'>' => escaped.extend_from_slice(b">"),
b'&' => escaped.extend_from_slice(b"&"),
b'"' => escaped.extend_from_slice(b"""),
_ => unreachable!("Only '<', '>','&', '\"' are escaped"),
pos = new_pos + 1;
if !escaped.is_empty() {
if let Some(raw) = bytes.get(pos..) {
} else {
fn write_xml_entry(&mut self, entry: Value, top_level: bool) -> Result<(), ShellError> {
let entry_span = entry.span();
let span = entry.span();
// Allow using strings directly as content.
// So user can write
// {tag: a content: ['qwe']}
// instead of longer
// {tag: a content: [{content: 'qwe'}]}
if let (Value::String { val, .. }, false) = (&entry, top_level) {
return self.write_xml_text(val.as_str(), span);
if let Value::Record { val: record, .. } = &entry {
if let Some(bad_column) = Self::find_invalid_column(record) {
return Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: "record".into(),
span: entry_span,
@ -120,304 +203,288 @@ fn to_xml_entry<W: Write>(
// If key is not found it is assumed to be nothing. This way
// user can write a tag like {tag: a content: [...]} instead
// of longer {tag: a attributes: {} content: [...]}
let tag = record
.unwrap_or_else(|| Value::nothing(Span::unknown()));
let attrs = record
.unwrap_or_else(|| Value::nothing(Span::unknown()));
let content = record
.unwrap_or_else(|| Value::nothing(Span::unknown()));
// If key is not found it is assumed to be nothing. This way
// user can write a tag like {tag: a content: [...]} instead
// of longer {tag: a attributes: {} content: [...]}
let tag = record
.unwrap_or_else(|| Value::nothing(Span::unknown()));
let attrs = record
.unwrap_or_else(|| Value::nothing(Span::unknown()));
let content = record
.unwrap_or_else(|| Value::nothing(Span::unknown()));
let content_span = content.span();
let tag_span = tag.span();
match (tag, attrs, content) {
(Value::Nothing { .. }, Value::Nothing { .. }, Value::String { val, .. }) => {
// Strings can not appear on top level of document
if top_level {
let content_span = content.span();
let tag_span = tag.span();
match (tag, attrs, content) {
(Value::Nothing { .. }, Value::Nothing { .. }, Value::String { val, .. }) => {
// Strings can not appear on top level of document
if top_level {
return Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: entry.get_type().to_string(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("Strings can not be a root element of document".into()),
self.write_xml_text(val.as_str(), content_span)
(Value::String { val: tag_name, .. }, attrs, children) => {
self.write_tag_like(entry_span, tag_name, tag_span, attrs, children, top_level)
_ => Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: "record".into(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("Tag missing or is not a string".into()),
} else {
Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: entry.get_type().to_string(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("Xml entry expected to be a record".into()),
fn find_invalid_column(record: &Record) -> Option<&String> {
.find(|col| !VALID_COLS.contains(&col.as_str()))
/// Convert record to tag-like entry: tag, PI, comment.
fn write_tag_like(
&mut self,
entry_span: Span,
tag: String,
tag_span: Span,
attrs: Value,
content: Value,
top_level: bool,
) -> Result<(), ShellError> {
if tag == "!" {
// Comments can not appear on top level of document
if top_level {
return Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: "record".into(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("Comments can not be a root element of document".into()),
self.write_comment(entry_span, attrs, content)
} else if let Some(tag) = tag.strip_prefix('?') {
// PIs can not appear on top level of document
if top_level {
return Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: Type::Record(vec![]).to_string(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("PIs can not be a root element of document".into()),
let content: String = match content {
Value::String { val, .. } => val,
Value::Nothing { .. } => "".into(),
_ => {
return Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: entry.get_type().to_string(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("Strings can not be a root element of document".into()),
from_type: Type::Record(vec![]).to_string(),
span: content.span(),
help: Some("PI content expected to be a string".into()),
to_xml_text(val.as_str(), content_span, writer)
self.write_processing_instruction(entry_span, tag, attrs, content)
} else {
// Allow tag to have no attributes or content for short hand input
// alternatives like {tag: a attributes: {} content: []}, {tag: a attribbutes: null
// content: null}, {tag: a}. See to_xml_entry for more
let attrs = match attrs {
Value::Record { val, .. } => val,
Value::Nothing { .. } => Record::new(),
_ => {
return Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: attrs.get_type().to_string(),
span: attrs.span(),
help: Some("Tag attributes expected to be a record".into()),
let content = match content {
Value::List { vals, .. } => vals,
Value::Nothing { .. } => Vec::new(),
_ => {
return Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: content.get_type().to_string(),
span: content.span(),
help: Some("Tag content expected to be a list".into()),
self.write_tag(entry_span, tag, tag_span, attrs, content)
fn write_comment(
&mut self,
entry_span: Span,
attrs: Value,
content: Value,
) -> Result<(), ShellError> {
match (attrs, content) {
(Value::Nothing { .. }, Value::String { val, .. }) => {
// Text in comments must NOT be escaped
// https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#sec-comments
let comment_content = BytesText::from_escaped(val.as_str());
.map_err(|_| ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".to_string(),
from_type: Type::Record(vec![]).to_string(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("Failure writing comment to xml".into()),
(Value::String { val: tag_name, .. }, attrs, children) => to_tag_like(
entry_span, tag_name, tag_span, attrs, children, top_level, writer,
_ => Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
(_, content) => Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: "record".into(),
from_type: content.get_type().to_string(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("Tag missing or is not a string".into()),
help: Some("Comment expected to have string content and no attributes".into()),
} else {
Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: entry.get_type().to_string(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("Xml entry expected to be a record".into()),
fn find_invalid_column(record: &Record) -> Option<&String> {
.find(|col| !VALID_COLS.contains(&col.as_str()))
/// Convert record to tag-like entry: tag, PI, comment.
fn to_tag_like<W: Write>(
entry_span: Span,
tag: String,
tag_span: Span,
attrs: Value,
content: Value,
top_level: bool,
writer: &mut quick_xml::Writer<W>,
) -> Result<(), ShellError> {
if tag == "!" {
// Comments can not appear on top level of document
if top_level {
return Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: "record".into(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("Comments can not be a root element of document".into()),
to_comment(entry_span, attrs, content, writer)
} else if let Some(tag) = tag.strip_prefix('?') {
// PIs can not appear on top level of document
if top_level {
fn write_processing_instruction(
&mut self,
entry_span: Span,
tag: &str,
attrs: Value,
content: String,
) -> Result<(), ShellError> {
if !matches!(attrs, Value::Nothing { .. }) {
return Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: Type::Record(vec![]).to_string(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("PIs can not be a root element of document".into()),
help: Some("PIs do not have attributes".into()),
let content: String = match content {
Value::String { val, .. } => val,
Value::Nothing { .. } => "".into(),
_ => {
return Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: Type::Record(vec![]).to_string(),
span: content.span(),
help: Some("PI content expected to be a string".into()),
let content_text = format!("{} {}", tag, content);
// PI content must NOT be escaped
// https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#sec-pi
let pi_content = BytesText::from_escaped(content_text.as_str());
to_processing_instruction(entry_span, tag, attrs, content, writer)
} else {
// Allow tag to have no attributes or content for short hand input
// alternatives like {tag: a attributes: {} content: []}, {tag: a attribbutes: null
// content: null}, {tag: a}. See to_xml_entry for more
let attrs = match attrs {
Value::Record { val, .. } => val,
Value::Nothing { .. } => Record::new(),
_ => {
return Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: attrs.get_type().to_string(),
span: attrs.span(),
help: Some("Tag attributes expected to be a record".into()),
let content = match content {
Value::List { vals, .. } => vals,
Value::Nothing { .. } => Vec::new(),
_ => {
return Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: content.get_type().to_string(),
span: content.span(),
help: Some("Tag content expected to be a list".into()),
to_tag(entry_span, tag, tag_span, attrs, content, writer)
fn to_comment<W: Write>(
entry_span: Span,
attrs: Value,
content: Value,
writer: &mut quick_xml::Writer<W>,
) -> Result<(), ShellError> {
match (attrs, content) {
(Value::Nothing { .. }, Value::String { val, .. }) => {
let comment_content = BytesText::new(val.as_str());
.map_err(|_| ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".to_string(),
from_type: Type::Record(vec![]).to_string(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("Failure writing comment to xml".into()),
(_, content) => Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: content.get_type().to_string(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("Comment expected to have string content and no attributes".into()),
fn to_processing_instruction<W: Write>(
entry_span: Span,
tag: &str,
attrs: Value,
content: String,
writer: &mut quick_xml::Writer<W>,
) -> Result<(), ShellError> {
if !matches!(attrs, Value::Nothing { .. }) {
return Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".into(),
from_type: Type::Record(vec![]).to_string(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("PIs do not have attributes".into()),
.map_err(|_| ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".to_string(),
from_type: Type::Record(vec![]).to_string(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("Failure writing PI to xml".into()),
let content_text = format!("{} {}", tag, content);
let pi_content = BytesText::new(content_text.as_str());
.map_err(|_| ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".to_string(),
from_type: Type::Record(vec![]).to_string(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("Failure writing PI to xml".into()),
fn to_tag<W: Write>(
entry_span: Span,
tag: String,
tag_span: Span,
attrs: Record,
children: Vec<Value>,
writer: &mut quick_xml::Writer<W>,
) -> Result<(), ShellError> {
if tag.starts_with('!') || tag.starts_with('?') {
return Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".to_string(),
from_type: Type::Record(vec![]).to_string(),
span: tag_span,
help: Some(format!(
"Incorrect tag name {}, tag name can not start with ! or ?",
let attributes = parse_attributes(attrs)?;
let mut open_tag_event = BytesStart::new(tag.clone());
add_attributes(&mut open_tag_event, &attributes);
.map_err(|_| ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".to_string(),
from_type: Type::Record(vec![]).to_string(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("Failure writing tag to xml".into()),
.try_for_each(|child| to_xml_entry(child, false, writer))?;
let close_tag_event = BytesEnd::new(tag);
.map_err(|_| ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".to_string(),
from_type: Type::Record(vec![]).to_string(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("Failure writing tag to xml".into()),
fn parse_attributes(attrs: Record) -> Result<IndexMap<String, String>, ShellError> {
let mut h = IndexMap::new();
for (k, v) in attrs {
if let Value::String { val, .. } = v {
h.insert(k, val);
} else {
fn write_tag(
&mut self,
entry_span: Span,
tag: String,
tag_span: Span,
attrs: Record,
children: Vec<Value>,
) -> Result<(), ShellError> {
if tag.starts_with('!') || tag.starts_with('?') {
return Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".to_string(),
from_type: v.get_type().to_string(),
span: v.span(),
help: Some("Attribute value expected to be a string".into()),
from_type: Type::Record(vec![]).to_string(),
span: tag_span,
help: Some(format!(
"Incorrect tag name {}, tag name can not start with ! or ?",
let attributes = Self::parse_attributes(attrs)?;
let mut open_tag_event = BytesStart::new(tag.clone());
self.add_attributes(&mut open_tag_event, &attributes);
.map_err(|_| ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".to_string(),
from_type: Type::Record(vec![]).to_string(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("Failure writing tag to xml".into()),
.try_for_each(|child| self.write_xml_entry(child, false))?;
let close_tag_event = BytesEnd::new(tag);
.map_err(|_| ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".to_string(),
from_type: Type::Record(vec![]).to_string(),
span: entry_span,
help: Some("Failure writing tag to xml".into()),
fn to_xml_text<W: Write>(
val: &str,
span: Span,
writer: &mut quick_xml::Writer<W>,
) -> Result<(), ShellError> {
let text = Event::Text(BytesText::new(val));
.map_err(|_| ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".to_string(),
from_type: Type::String.to_string(),
help: Some("Failure writing string to xml".into()),
fn parse_attributes(attrs: Record) -> Result<IndexMap<String, String>, ShellError> {
let mut h = IndexMap::new();
for (k, v) in attrs {
if let Value::String { val, .. } = v {
h.insert(k, val);
} else {
return Err(ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".to_string(),
from_type: v.get_type().to_string(),
span: v.span(),
help: Some("Attribute value expected to be a string".into()),
fn to_xml(
input: PipelineData,
head: Span,
indent: Option<Spanned<i64>>,
) -> Result<PipelineData, ShellError> {
let mut w = indent.as_ref().map_or_else(
|| quick_xml::Writer::new(Cursor::new(Vec::new())),
|p| quick_xml::Writer::new_with_indent(Cursor::new(Vec::new()), b' ', p.item as usize),
let value = input.into_value(head);
to_xml_entry(value, true, &mut w).and_then(|_| {
let b = w.into_inner().into_inner();
let s = if let Ok(s) = String::from_utf8(b) {
fn write_xml_text(&mut self, val: &str, span: Span) -> Result<(), ShellError> {
let text = Event::Text(if self.partial_escape {
} else {
return Err(ShellError::NonUtf8 { span: head });
Ok(Value::string(s, head).into_pipeline_data())
.map_err(|_| ShellError::CantConvert {
to_type: "XML".to_string(),
from_type: Type::String.to_string(),
help: Some("Failure writing string to xml".into()),
@ -58,3 +58,36 @@ fn to_xml_error_tag_not_string() {
assert!(actual.err.contains("not a string"));
fn to_xml_partial_escape() {
let actual = nu!(
cwd: "tests/fixtures/formats", pipeline(
tag: a
attributes: { a: "'a'\\" }
content: [ `'"qwe\` ]
} | to xml --partial-escape
assert_eq!(actual.out, r#"<a a="'a'\">'"qwe\</a>"#);
fn to_xml_pi_comment_not_escaped() {
// PI and comment content should not be escaped
let actual = nu!(
cwd: "tests/fixtures/formats", pipeline(
tag: a
content: [
{tag: ?qwe content: `"'<>&`}
{tag: ! content: `"'<>&`}
} | to xml
assert_eq!(actual.out, r#"<a><?qwe "'<>&?><!--"'<>&--></a>"#);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user