mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 06:29:40 +01:00
pass volumes using -v
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ except ImportError:
import json
import yaml
__version__ = '0.1.6dev'
__version__ = '0.1.7dev'
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
if PY3:
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ is_str = lambda s: isinstance(s, basestring)
is_dict = lambda d: isinstance(d, dict)
is_list = lambda l: not is_str(l) and not is_dict(l) and hasattr(l, "__iter__")
# identity filter
filteri = lambda a: filter(lambda i:i, a)
filteri = lambda a: filter(lambda i: i, a)
def try_int(i, fallback=None):
@ -58,27 +58,24 @@ def try_int(i, fallback=None):
return fallback
dir_re = re.compile("^[~/\.]")
# NOTE: if a named volume is used but not defined it gives
# ERROR: Named volume "so and so" is used in service "xyz" but no declaration was found in the volumes section.
# unless it's anon-volume
propagation_re = re.compile("^(?:z|Z|r?shared|r?slave|r?private)$")
def parse_short_mount(mount_str, basedir):
mount_a = mount_str.split(':')
mount_opt_dict = {}
mount_opt = None
if len(mount_a)==1:
# Just specify a path and let the Engine create a volume
if len(mount_a) == 1:
# Anonymous: Just specify a path and let the engine creates the volume
# - /var/lib/mysql
mount_src, mount_dst=None, mount_str
elif len(mount_a)==2:
mount_src, mount_dst = None, mount_str
elif len(mount_a) == 2:
mount_src, mount_dst = mount_a
# dest must start with /, otherwise it's option
# dest must start with / like /foo:/var/lib/mysql
# otherwise it's option like /var/lib/mysql:rw
if not mount_dst.startswith('/'):
mount_dst, mount_opt = mount_a
mount_src = None
elif len(mount_a)==3:
elif len(mount_a) == 3:
mount_src, mount_dst, mount_opt = mount_a
raise ValueError("could not parse mount "+mount_str)
@ -98,24 +95,31 @@ def parse_short_mount(mount_str, basedir):
mount_type = "volume"
mount_opts = filteri((mount_opt or '').split(','))
for opt in mount_opts:
if opt=='ro': mount_opt_dict["read_only"]=True
elif opt=='rw': mount_opt_dict["read_only"]=False
elif opt=='delegated': mount_opt_dict["delegated"]=dict(propagation=opt)
elif opt=='cached': mount_opt_dict["cached"]=dict(propagation=opt)
elif propagation_re.match(opt): mount_opt_dict["bind"]=dict(propagation=opt)
if opt == 'ro': mount_opt_dict["read_only"] = True
elif opt == 'rw': mount_opt_dict["read_only"] = False
elif opt in ('consistent', 'delegated', 'cached'):
mount_opt_dict["consistency"] = opt
elif propagation_re.match(opt): mount_opt_dict["bind"] = dict(propagation=opt)
# TODO: ignore
raise ValueError("unknown mount option "+opt)
return dict(type=mount_type, source=mount_src, target=mount_dst, **mount_opt_dict)
# NOTE: if a named volume is used but not defined it
# gives ERROR: Named volume "abc" is used in service "xyz"
# but no declaration was found in the volumes section.
# unless it's anonymous-volume
def fix_mount_dict(mount_dict, proj_name, srv_name):
in-place fix mount dictionary to:
- add missing source
- prefix source with proj_name
if mount_dict["type"]=="volume":
source = mount_dict.get("source")
# if already applied nothing todo
if "_source" in mount_dict: return mount_dict
if mount_dict["type"] == "volume":
source = mount_dict.get("source", None)
# keep old source
mount_dict["_source"] = source
if not source:
@ -152,7 +156,7 @@ def dicts_get(dicts, key, fallback='', fallback_empty=False):
value = None
for d in dicts:
value = d.get(key)
value = d.get(key, None)
if value is not None: break
if not value:
if fallback_empty or value is None:
@ -218,8 +222,8 @@ def norm_ulimit(inner_value):
if is_dict(inner_value):
if not inner_value.keys() & {"soft", "hard"}:
raise ValueError("expected at least one soft or hard limit")
soft = inner_value.get("soft", inner_value.get("hard"))
hard = inner_value.get("hard", inner_value.get("soft"))
soft = inner_value.get("soft", inner_value.get("hard", None))
hard = inner_value.get("hard", inner_value.get("soft", None))
return "{}:{}".format(soft, hard)
elif is_list(inner_value): return norm_ulimit(norm_as_dict(inner_value))
# if int or string return as is
@ -252,9 +256,9 @@ def move_list(dst, containers, key):
move key (like port forwarding) from containers to dst (a pod or a infra container)
a = set(dst.get(key) or [])
a = set(dst.get(key, None) or [])
for cnt in containers:
a0 = cnt.get(key)
a0 = cnt.get(key, None)
if a0:
del cnt[key]
@ -326,7 +330,7 @@ def tr_cntnet(project_name, services, given_containers):
for cnt0 in given_containers:
cnt = dict(cnt0, network_mode="container:"+infra_name)
deps = cnt.get("depends_on") or []
deps = cnt.get("depends_on", None) or []
cnt["depends_on"] = deps
# adjust hosts to point to localhost, TODO: adjust host env
@ -366,73 +370,60 @@ def tr_1podfw(project_name, services, given_containers):
return pods, containers
def mount_dict_vol_to_bind(compose, mount_dict):
def assert_volume(compose, mount_dict):
inspect volume to get directory
create volume if needed
and return mount_dict as bind of that directory
if mount_dict["type"] != "volume": return
proj_name = compose.project_name
shared_vols = compose.shared_vols
if mount_dict["type"]!="volume": return mount_dict
vol_name_orig = mount_dict.get("_source", None)
vol_name = mount_dict["source"]
print("podman volume inspect {vol_name} || podman volume create {vol_name}".format(vol_name=vol_name))
# TODO: might move to using "volume list"
# podman volume list --format '{{.Name}}\t{{.MountPoint}}' -f 'label=io.podman.compose.project=HERE'
try: out = compose.podman.output(["volume", "inspect", vol_name]).decode('utf-8')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
compose.podman.output(["volume", "create", "--label", "io.podman.compose.project={}".format(proj_name), vol_name])
out = compose.podman.output(["volume", "inspect", vol_name]).decode('utf-8')
src = json.loads(out)[0]["mountPoint"]
except KeyError:
src = json.loads(out)[0]["Mountpoint"]
ret=dict(mount_dict, type="bind", source=src, _vol=vol_name)
bind_prop=ret.get("bind", {}).get("propagation")
if not bind_prop:
if "bind" not in ret:
# if in top level volumes then it's shared bind-propagation=z
if vol_name_orig and vol_name_orig in shared_vols:
try: del ret["volume"]
except KeyError: pass
return ret
def mount_desc_to_args(compose, mount_desc, srv_name, cnt_name):
def mount_desc_to_mount_args(compose, mount_desc, srv_name, cnt_name):
basedir = compose.dirname
proj_name = compose.project_name
shared_vols = compose.shared_vols
if is_str(mount_desc): mount_desc=parse_short_mount(mount_desc, basedir)
# not needed
# podman support: podman run --rm -ti --mount type=volume,source=myvol,destination=/delme busybox
mount_desc = mount_dict_vol_to_bind(compose, fix_mount_dict(mount_desc, proj_name, srv_name))
mount_type = mount_desc.get("type")
source = mount_desc.get("source")
mount_type = mount_desc.get("type", None)
source = mount_desc.get("source", None)
target = mount_desc["target"]
if mount_desc.get("bind"):
if bind_prop: opts.append("bind-propagation={}".format(bind_prop))
opts = []
if mount_desc.get(mount_type, None):
# TODO: we might need to add mount_dict[mount_type]["propagation"] = "z"
mount_prop = mount_desc.get(mount_type, {}).get("propagation", None)
if mount_prop: opts.append("{}-propagation={}".format(mount_type, mount_prop))
if mount_desc.get("read_only", False): opts.append("ro")
if mount_type=='tmpfs':
if mount_type == 'tmpfs':
tmpfs_opts = mount_desc.get("tmpfs", {})
tmpfs_size = tmpfs_opts.get("size")
tmpfs_size = tmpfs_opts.get("size", None)
if tmpfs_size:
tmpfs_mode = tmpfs_opts.get("mode")
tmpfs_mode = tmpfs_opts.get("mode", None)
if tmpfs_mode:
if mount_type=='bind':
opts = ",".join(opts)
if mount_type == 'bind':
return "type=bind,source={source},destination={target},{opts}".format(
elif mount_type=='tmpfs':
elif mount_type == 'volume':
return "type=volume,source={source},destination={target},{opts}".format(
elif mount_type == 'tmpfs':
return "type=tmpfs,destination={target},{opts}".format(
@ -440,8 +431,6 @@ def mount_desc_to_args(compose, mount_desc, srv_name, cnt_name):
raise ValueError("unknown mount type:"+mount_type)
def container_to_ulimit_args(cnt, podman_args):
ulimit = cnt.get('ulimits', [])
if ulimit is not None:
@ -455,16 +444,69 @@ def container_to_ulimit_args(cnt, podman_args):
for i in ulimit:
podman_args.extend(['--ulimit', i])
def mount_desc_to_volume_args(compose, mount_desc, srv_name, cnt_name):
basedir = compose.dirname
proj_name = compose.project_name
shared_vols = compose.shared_vols
mount_type = mount_desc["type"]
source = mount_desc.get("source", None)
target = mount_desc["target"]
opts = []
if mount_type != 'bind' and mount_type != 'volume':
raise ValueError("unknown mount type:"+mount_type)
propagations = set(filteri(mount_desc.get(mount_type, {}).get("propagation", "").split(',')))
if mount_type != 'bind':
propagations.update(filteri(mount_desc.get('bind', {}).get("propagation", "").split(',')))
# [rw|ro]
# [z|Z]
# [[r]shared|[r]slave|[r]private]
# [[r]bind]
# [noexec|exec]
# [nodev|dev]
# [nosuid|suid]
read_only = mount_desc.get("read_only", None)
if read_only is not None:
opts.append('ro' if read_only else 'rw')
args = f'{source}:{target}'
if opts: args += ':' + ','.join(opts)
return args
def get_mount_args(compose, cnt, volume):
proj_name = compose.project_name
srv_name = cnt['_service']
basedir = compose.dirname
if is_str(volume): volume = parse_short_mount(volume, basedir)
mount_type = volume["type"]
assert_volume(compose, fix_mount_dict(volume, proj_name, srv_name))
if compose._prefer_volume_over_mount:
if mount_type == 'tmpfs':
# TODO: --tmpfs /tmp:rw,size=787448k,mode=1777
args = volume['target']
tmpfs_opts = volume.get("tmpfs", {})
opts = []
size = tmpfs_opts.get("size", None)
if size: opts.append('size={}'.format(size))
mode = tmpfs_opts.get("mode", None)
if mode: opts.append('mode={}'.format(size))
if opts: args += ':' + ','.join(opts)
return ['--tmpfs', args]
args = mount_desc_to_volume_args(compose, volume, srv_name, cnt['name'])
return ['-v', args]
args = mount_desc_to_mount_args(compose, volume, srv_name, cnt['name'])
return ['--mount', args]
def container_to_args(compose, cnt, detached=True, podman_command='run'):
# TODO: double check -e , --add-host, -v, --read-only
dirname = compose.dirname
shared_vols = compose.shared_vols
pod = cnt.get('pod') or ''
pod = cnt.get('pod', None) or ''
podman_args = [
'--name={}'.format(cnt.get('name', None)),
if detached:
@ -472,14 +514,14 @@ def container_to_args(compose, cnt, detached=True, podman_command='run'):
if pod:
sec = norm_as_list(cnt.get("security_opt"))
sec = norm_as_list(cnt.get("security_opt", None))
for s in sec:
podman_args.extend(['--security-opt', s])
if cnt.get('read_only'):
if cnt.get('read_only', None):
for i in cnt.get('labels', []):
podman_args.extend(['--label', i])
net = cnt.get("network_mode")
net = cnt.get("network_mode", None)
if net:
podman_args.extend(['--network', net])
env = norm_as_list(cnt.get('environment', {}))
@ -491,41 +533,40 @@ def container_to_args(compose, cnt, detached=True, podman_command='run'):
i = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(dirname, i))
podman_args.extend(['--env-file', i])
tmpfs_ls = cnt.get('tmpfs', [])
if is_str(tmpfs_ls): tmpfs_ls=[tmpfs_ls]
if is_str(tmpfs_ls): tmpfs_ls = [tmpfs_ls]
for i in tmpfs_ls:
podman_args.extend(['--tmpfs', i])
for volume in cnt.get('volumes', []):
# TODO: should we make it os.path.realpath(os.path.join(, i))?
mount_args = mount_desc_to_args(compose, volume, cnt['_service'], cnt['name'])
podman_args.extend(['--mount', mount_args])
podman_args.extend(get_mount_args(compose, cnt, volume))
for i in cnt.get('extra_hosts', []):
podman_args.extend(['--add-host', i])
for i in cnt.get('expose', []):
podman_args.extend(['--expose', i])
if cnt.get('publishall'):
if cnt.get('publishall', None):
for i in cnt.get('ports', []):
podman_args.extend(['-p', i])
user = cnt.get('user')
user = cnt.get('user', None)
if user is not None:
podman_args.extend(['-u', user])
if cnt.get('working_dir') is not None:
podman_args.extend(['-w', cnt.get('working_dir')])
if cnt.get('hostname'):
podman_args.extend(['--hostname', cnt.get('hostname')])
if cnt.get('shm_size'):
podman_args.extend(['--shm_size', '{}'.format(cnt.get('shm_size'))])
if cnt.get('stdin_open'):
if cnt.get('working_dir', None) is not None:
podman_args.extend(['-w', cnt['working_dir']])
if cnt.get('hostname', None):
podman_args.extend(['--hostname', cnt['hostname']])
if cnt.get('shm_size', None):
podman_args.extend(['--shm_size', '{}'.format(cnt['shm_size'])])
if cnt.get('stdin_open', None):
if cnt.get('tty'):
if cnt.get('tty', None):
if cnt.get('privileged'):
if cnt.get('privileged', None):
container_to_ulimit_args(cnt, podman_args)
# currently podman shipped by fedora does not package this
# if cnt.get('init'):
# if cnt.get('init', None):
# args.append('--init')
entrypoint = cnt.get('entrypoint')
entrypoint = cnt.get('entrypoint', None)
if entrypoint is not None:
if is_str(entrypoint):
podman_args.extend(['--entrypoint', entrypoint])
@ -536,7 +577,7 @@ def container_to_args(compose, cnt, detached=True, podman_command='run'):
healthcheck = cnt.get('healthcheck', None) or {}
if not is_dict(healthcheck):
raise ValueError("'healthcheck' must be an key-value mapping")
healthcheck_test = healthcheck.get('test')
healthcheck_test = healthcheck.get('test', None)
if healthcheck_test:
# If it's a string, it's equivalent to specifying CMD-SHELL
if is_str(healthcheck_test):
@ -576,8 +617,8 @@ def container_to_args(compose, cnt, detached=True, podman_command='run'):
if 'retries' in healthcheck:
podman_args.extend(['--healthcheck-retries', '{}'.format(healthcheck['retries'])])
podman_args.append(cnt.get('image')) # command, ..etc.
command = cnt.get('command')
podman_args.append(cnt['image']) # command, ..etc.
command = cnt.get('command', None)
if command is not None:
if is_str(command):
@ -594,9 +635,9 @@ def rec_deps(services, service_name, start_point=None):
deps = services[service_name]["_deps"]
for dep_name in deps.copy():
# avoid A depens on A
if dep_name==service_name:
if dep_name == service_name:
dep_srv = services.get(dep_name)
dep_srv = services.get(dep_name, None)
if not dep_srv:
# NOTE: avoid creating loops, A->B->A
@ -745,6 +786,7 @@ class PodmanCompose:
self.shared_vols = None
self.container_names_by_service = None
self.container_by_name = None
self._prefer_volume_over_mount = True
def run(self):
args = self._parse_args()
@ -814,7 +856,7 @@ class PodmanCompose:
dotenv_dict = dict([l.split("=", 1) for l in dotenv_ls if "=" in l])
dotenv_dict = {}
compose={'_dirname': dirname}
compose = {'_dirname': dirname}
for filename in files:
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
content = yaml.safe_load(f)
@ -826,8 +868,8 @@ class PodmanCompose:
# debug mode
if len(files)>1:
print(" ** merged:\n", json.dumps(compose, indent = 2))
ver = compose.get('version')
services = compose.get('services')
ver = compose.get('version', None)
services = compose.get('services', None)
# NOTE: maybe add "extends.service" to _deps at this stage
flat_deps(services, with_extends=True)
service_names = sorted([ (len(srv["_deps"]), name) for name, srv in services.items() ])
@ -874,7 +916,7 @@ class PodmanCompose:
labels = norm_as_list(cnt.get('labels'))
labels = norm_as_list(cnt.get('labels', None))
@ -888,7 +930,7 @@ class PodmanCompose:
container_by_name = dict([(c["name"], c) for c in given_containers])
#print("deps:", [(c["name"], c["_deps"]) for c in given_containers])
given_containers = list(container_by_name.values())
given_containers.sort(key=lambda c: len(c.get('_deps') or []))
given_containers.sort(key=lambda c: len(c.get('_deps', None) or []))
#print("sorted:", [c["name"] for c in given_containers])
tr = transformations[transform_policy]
pods, containers = tr(
@ -978,7 +1020,7 @@ def compose_version(compose, args):
@cmd_run(podman_compose, 'pull', 'pull stack images')
def compose_pull(compose, args):
for cnt in compose.containers:
if cnt.get('build'): continue
if cnt.get('build', None): continue
compose.podman.run(["pull", cnt["image"]], sleep=0)
@cmd_run(podman_compose, 'push', 'push stack images')
@ -1029,7 +1071,7 @@ def create_pods(compose, args):
"--share", "net",
ports = pod.get("ports") or []
ports = pod.get("ports", None) or []
for i in ports:
podman_args.extend(['-p', i])
@ -1052,8 +1094,7 @@ def compose_up(compose, args):
# `podman build` does not cache, so don't always build
build_args = argparse.Namespace(
if_not_exists=(not args.build),
compose.commands['build'](compose, build_args)
shared_vols = compose.shared_vols
Reference in New Issue
Block a user