FIXES #386: make sure volumes are present in top level

This commit is contained in:
Muayyad alsadi 2022-01-22 00:15:05 +02:00
parent 523d215b48
commit 154a51245f

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@ -398,14 +398,20 @@ def mount_desc_to_volume_args(compose, mount_desc, srv_name, cnt_name):
if opts: args += ':' + ','.join(opts)
return args
def get_mount_args(compose, cnt, volume):
def get_mnt_dict(compose, cnt, volume):
proj_name = compose.project_name
srv_name = cnt['_service']
basedir = compose.dirname
if is_str(volume): volume = parse_short_mount(volume, basedir)
mount_type = volume["type"]
if is_str(volume):
volume = parse_short_mount(volume, basedir)
return fix_mount_dict(compose, volume, proj_name, srv_name)
assert_volume(compose, fix_mount_dict(compose, volume, proj_name, srv_name))
def get_mount_args(compose, cnt, volume):
volume = get_mnt_dict(compose, cnt, volume)
proj_name = compose.project_name
srv_name = cnt['_service']
mount_type = volume["type"]
assert_volume(compose, volume)
if compose._prefer_volume_over_mount:
if mount_type == 'tmpfs':
# TODO: --tmpfs /tmp:rw,size=787448k,mode=1777
@ -1230,6 +1236,12 @@ class PodmanCompose:
cnt['_service'] = service_name
cnt['_project'] = project_name
volumes = cnt.get("volumes", None) or []
for volume in volumes:
mnt_dict = get_mnt_dict(self, cnt, volume)
if mnt_dict.get("type", None)=="volume" and mnt_dict["source"] and mnt_dict["source"] not in self.vols:
vol_name = mnt_dict["source"]
raise RuntimeError(f"volume [{vol_name}] not defined in top level")
self.container_names_by_service = container_names_by_service
container_by_name = dict([(c["name"], c) for c in given_containers])
#log("deps:", [(c["name"], c["_deps"]) for c in given_containers])