mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 11:01:19 +01:00
Create a Perl-style switch statement to handle irregular entries in
the tcrules file. Signed-off-by: Tom Eastep <teastep@shorewall.net>
This commit is contained in:
@ -263,6 +263,152 @@ sub process_tc_rule( ) {
my $device = '';
my $fw = firewall_zone;
my $list;
my $restriction = 0;
my $cmd;
my $rest;
my %processtcc = ( sticky => sub() {
if ( $chain eq 'tcout' ) {
$target = 'sticko';
} else {
fatal_error "SAME rules are only allowed in the PREROUTING and OUTPUT chains" if $chain ne 'tcpre';
$restriction = DESTIFACE_DISALLOW;
IPMARK => sub() {
my ( $srcdst, $mask1, $mask2, $shift ) = ('src', 255, 0, 0 );
require_capability 'IPMARK_TARGET', 'IPMARK', 's';
if ( $cmd =~ /^IPMARK\((.+?)\)$/ ) {
my $params = $1;
my $val;
my ( $sd, $m1, $m2, $s , $bad ) = split ',', $params;
fatal_error "Invalid IPMARK parameters ($params)" if $bad;
fatal_error "Invalid IPMARK parameter ($sd)" unless ( $sd eq 'src' || $sd eq 'dst' );
$srcdst = $sd;
if ( supplied $m1 ) {
$val = numeric_value ($m1);
fatal_error "Invalid Mask ($m1)" unless defined $val && $val && $val <= 0xffffffff;
$mask1 = in_hex ( $val & 0xffffffff );
if ( supplied $m2 ) {
$val = numeric_value ($m2);
fatal_error "Invalid Mask ($m2)" unless defined $val && $val <= 0xffffffff;
$mask2 = in_hex ( $val & 0xffffffff );
if ( defined $s ) {
$val = numeric_value ($s);
fatal_error "Invalid Shift Bits ($s)" unless defined $val && $val >= 0 && $val < 128;
$shift = $s;
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid MARK/CLASSIFY ($cmd)" unless $cmd eq 'IPMARK';
$target = "IPMARK --addr $srcdst --and-mask $mask1 --or-mask $mask2 --shift $shift";
TPROXY => sub() {
require_capability( 'TPROXY_TARGET', 'Use of TPROXY', 's');
fatal_error "Invalid TPROXY specification( $cmd/$rest )" if $rest;
$chain = 'tcpre';
$cmd =~ /TPROXY\((.+?)\)$/;
my $params = $1;
fatal_error "Invalid TPROXY specification( $cmd )" unless defined $params;
( $mark, my $port, my $ip, my $bad ) = split ',', $params;
fatal_error "Invalid TPROXY specification( $cmd )" if defined $bad;
if ( $port ) {
$port = validate_port( 'tcp', $port );
} else {
$port = 0;
$target .= " --on-port $port";
if ( supplied $ip ) {
if ( $family == F_IPV6 ) {
$ip = $1 if $ip =~ /^\[(.+)\]$/ || $ip =~ /^<(.+)>$/;
validate_address $ip, 1;
$target .= " --on-ip $ip";
$target .= ' --tproxy-mark';
TTL => sub() {
fatal_error "TTL is not supported in IPv6 - use HL instead" if $family == F_IPV6;
fatal_error "Invalid TTL specification( $cmd/$rest )" if $rest;
fatal_error "Chain designator $designator not allowed with TTL" if $designator && ! ( $designator eq 'F' );
$chain = 'tcfor';
$cmd =~ /^TTL\(([-+]?\d+)\)$/;
my $param = $1;
fatal_error "Invalid TTL specification( $cmd )" unless $param && ( $param = abs $param ) < 256;
if ( $1 =~ /^\+/ ) {
$target .= " --ttl-inc $param";
} elsif ( $1 =~ /\-/ ) {
$target .= " --ttl-dec $param";
} else {
$target .= " --ttl-set $param";
HL => sub() {
fatal_error "HL is not supported in IPv4 - use TTL instead" if $family == F_IPV4;
fatal_error "Invalid HL specification( $cmd/$rest )" if $rest;
fatal_error "Chain designator $designator not allowed with HL" if $designator && ! ( $designator eq 'F' );
$chain = 'tcfor';
$cmd =~ /^HL\(([-+]?\d+)\)$/;
my $param = $1;
fatal_error "Invalid HL specification( $cmd )" unless $param && ( $param = abs $param ) < 256;
if ( $1 =~ /^\+/ ) {
$target .= " --hl-inc $param";
} elsif ( $1 =~ /\-/ ) {
$target .= " --hl-dec $param";
} else {
$target .= " --hl-set $param";
IMQ => sub() {
assert( $cmd =~ /^IMQ\((\d+)\)$/ );
require_capability 'IMQ_TARGET', 'IMQ', 's';
$target .= " --todev $1";
DSCP => sub() {
assert( $cmd =~ /^DSCP\((\w+)\)$/ );
my $dscp = numeric_value( $1);
$dscp = $dscpmap{$1} unless defined $dscp;
fatal_error( "Invalid DSCP ($1)" ) unless defined $dscp && $dscp < 0x2f && ! ( $dscp & 1 );
$target .= ' --set-dscp ' . in_hex( $dscp );
if ( $source ) {
if ( $source eq $fw ) {
@ -336,12 +482,10 @@ sub process_tc_rule( ) {
my ($cmd, $rest) = split( '/', $mark, 2 );
($cmd, $rest) = split( '/', $mark, 2 );
$list = '';
my $restriction = 0;
unless ( $classid ) {
@ -360,141 +504,9 @@ sub process_tc_rule( ) {
$mark =~ s/^[|&]//;
if ( $target eq 'sticky' ) {
if ( $chain eq 'tcout' ) {
$target = 'sticko';
} else {
fatal_error "SAME rules are only allowed in the PREROUTING and OUTPUT chains" if $chain ne 'tcpre';
my $f = $processtcc{$target};
$restriction = DESTIFACE_DISALLOW;
} elsif ( $target eq 'IPMARK' ) {
my ( $srcdst, $mask1, $mask2, $shift ) = ('src', 255, 0, 0 );
require_capability 'IPMARK_TARGET', 'IPMARK', 's';
if ( $cmd =~ /^IPMARK\((.+?)\)$/ ) {
my $params = $1;
my $val;
my ( $sd, $m1, $m2, $s , $bad ) = split ',', $params;
fatal_error "Invalid IPMARK parameters ($params)" if $bad;
fatal_error "Invalid IPMARK parameter ($sd)" unless ( $sd eq 'src' || $sd eq 'dst' );
$srcdst = $sd;
if ( supplied $m1 ) {
$val = numeric_value ($m1);
fatal_error "Invalid Mask ($m1)" unless defined $val && $val && $val <= 0xffffffff;
$mask1 = in_hex ( $val & 0xffffffff );
if ( supplied $m2 ) {
$val = numeric_value ($m2);
fatal_error "Invalid Mask ($m2)" unless defined $val && $val <= 0xffffffff;
$mask2 = in_hex ( $val & 0xffffffff );
if ( defined $s ) {
$val = numeric_value ($s);
fatal_error "Invalid Shift Bits ($s)" unless defined $val && $val >= 0 && $val < 128;
$shift = $s;
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid MARK/CLASSIFY ($cmd)" unless $cmd eq 'IPMARK';
$target = "IPMARK --addr $srcdst --and-mask $mask1 --or-mask $mask2 --shift $shift";
} elsif ( $target eq 'TPROXY' ) {
require_capability( 'TPROXY_TARGET', 'Use of TPROXY', 's');
fatal_error "Invalid TPROXY specification( $cmd/$rest )" if $rest;
$chain = 'tcpre';
$cmd =~ /TPROXY\((.+?)\)$/;
my $params = $1;
fatal_error "Invalid TPROXY specification( $cmd )" unless defined $params;
( $mark, my $port, my $ip, my $bad ) = split ',', $params;
fatal_error "Invalid TPROXY specification( $cmd )" if defined $bad;
if ( $port ) {
$port = validate_port( 'tcp', $port );
} else {
$port = 0;
$target .= " --on-port $port";
if ( supplied $ip ) {
if ( $family == F_IPV6 ) {
$ip = $1 if $ip =~ /^\[(.+)\]$/ || $ip =~ /^<(.+)>$/;
validate_address $ip, 1;
$target .= " --on-ip $ip";
$target .= ' --tproxy-mark';
} elsif ( $target eq 'TTL' ) {
fatal_error "TTL is not supported in IPv6 - use HL instead" if $family == F_IPV6;
fatal_error "Invalid TTL specification( $cmd/$rest )" if $rest;
fatal_error "Chain designator $designator not allowed with TTL" if $designator && ! ( $designator eq 'F' );
$chain = 'tcfor';
$cmd =~ /^TTL\(([-+]?\d+)\)$/;
my $param = $1;
fatal_error "Invalid TTL specification( $cmd )" unless $param && ( $param = abs $param ) < 256;
if ( $1 =~ /^\+/ ) {
$target .= " --ttl-inc $param";
} elsif ( $1 =~ /\-/ ) {
$target .= " --ttl-dec $param";
} else {
$target .= " --ttl-set $param";
} elsif ( $target eq 'HL' ) {
fatal_error "HL is not supported in IPv4 - use TTL instead" if $family == F_IPV4;
fatal_error "Invalid HL specification( $cmd/$rest )" if $rest;
fatal_error "Chain designator $designator not allowed with HL" if $designator && ! ( $designator eq 'F' );
$chain = 'tcfor';
$cmd =~ /^HL\(([-+]?\d+)\)$/;
my $param = $1;
fatal_error "Invalid HL specification( $cmd )" unless $param && ( $param = abs $param ) < 256;
if ( $1 =~ /^\+/ ) {
$target .= " --hl-inc $param";
} elsif ( $1 =~ /\-/ ) {
$target .= " --hl-dec $param";
} else {
$target .= " --hl-set $param";
} elsif ( $target eq 'IMQ' ) {
assert( $cmd =~ /^IMQ\((\d+)\)$/ );
require_capability 'IMQ_TARGET', 'IMQ', 's';
$target .= " --todev $1";
} elsif ( $target eq 'DSCP' ) {
assert( $cmd =~ /^DSCP\((\w+)\)$/ );
my $dscp = numeric_value( $1);
$dscp = $dscpmap{$1} unless defined $dscp;
fatal_error( "Invalid DSCP ($1)" ) unless defined $dscp && $dscp < 0x2f && ! ( $dscp & 1 );
$target .= ' --set-dscp ' . in_hex( $dscp );
$f->() if $f;
if ( $rest ) {
fatal_error "Invalid MARK ($originalmark)" if $marktype == NOMARK;
Reference in New Issue
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