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synced 2025-03-01 16:11:20 +01:00
Inline mangle actions
Signed-off-by: Tom Eastep <teastep@shorewall.net>
This commit is contained in:
@ -337,6 +337,10 @@ our $VERSION = 'MODULEVERSION';
# complete => The last rule in the chain is a -g or a simple -j to a terminating target
# Suppresses adding additional rules to the chain end of the chain
# sections => { <section> = 1, ... } - Records sections that have been completed.
# chainnumber => Numeric enumeration of the builtin chains (mangle table only).
# allowedchains
# => Mangle action chains only -- specifies the set of builtin chains where
# this action may be used.
# } ,
# <chain2> => ...
# }
@ -3023,6 +3027,7 @@ sub initialize_chain_table($) {
new_builtin_chain 'mangle', $chain, 'ACCEPT';
my $chainref;
@ -3037,6 +3042,12 @@ sub initialize_chain_table($) {
$chainref = new_nat_chain( $globals{POSTROUTING} = 'SHOREWALL' );
set_optflags( $chainref, DONT_OPTIMIZE | DONT_DELETE | DONT_MOVE );
$mangle_table->{PREROUTING}{chainnumber} = PREROUTING;
$mangle_table->{INPUT}{chainnumber} = INPUT;
$mangle_table->{OUTPUT}{chainnumber} = OUTPUT;
$mangle_table->{FORWARD}{chainnumber} = FORWARD;
$mangle_table->{POSTROUTING}{chainnumber} = POSTROUTING;
if ( my $docker = $config{DOCKER} ) {
@ -4505,7 +4516,7 @@ sub clearrule() {
sub state_match( $ ) {
my $state = shift;
if ( $state eq 'ALL' ) {
if ( $state eq 'ALL' || $state eq '-' ) {
} else {
have_capability( 'CONNTRACK_MATCH' ) ? ( "-m conntrack --ctstate $state " ) : ( "-m state --state $state " );
@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ our @EXPORT_OK = qw( initialize process_rule );
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( Traffic => [ qw( process_tc_rule
@ -2124,10 +2123,7 @@ sub process_actions() {
fatal_error "Missing Action File ($actionfile)" unless -f $actionfile;
if ( $type & INLINE ) {
fatal_error "Mangle actions may not be inlined" if $type & MANGLE_TABLE;
$inlines{$action} = { file => $actionfile, nolog => $opts & NOLOG_OPT };
$inlines{$action} = { file => $actionfile, nolog => $opts & NOLOG_OPT } if $type & INLINE;
@ -3707,14 +3703,134 @@ sub process_rules() {
$section = $next_section = DEFAULTACTION_SECTION;
sub process_mangle_inline( $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ) {
my ($inline, $chainref, $params, $source, $dest, $protos, $ports, $sports, $user, $testval, $length, $tos , $connbytes, $helper, $headers, $probability , $dscp , $state, $time ) = @_;
my $oldparms = push_action_params( $inline,
'' ,
$chainref->{name} );
my $inlinefile = $inlines{$inline}{file};
progress_message "..Expanding inline action $inlinefile...";
push_open $inlinefile, 2, 1, undef , 2;
my $save_comment = push_comment;
while ( read_a_line( NORMAL_READ ) ) {
my ( $moriginalmark, $msource, $mdest, $mprotos, $mports, $msports, $muser, $mtestval, $mlength, $mtos , $mconnbytes, $mhelper, $mheaders, $mprobability , $mdscp , $mstate, $mtime );
if ( $family == F_IPV4 ) {
( $moriginalmark, $msource, $mdest, $mprotos, $mports, $msports, $muser, $mtestval, $mlength, $mtos , $mconnbytes, $mhelper, $mprobability, $mdscp, $mstate, $mtime ) =
split_line2( 'mangle file',
{ mark => 0,
action => 0,
source => 1,
dest => 2,
proto => 3,
dport => 4,
sport => 5,
user => 6,
test => 7,
length => 8,
tos => 9,
connbytes => 10,
helper => 11,
probability => 12 ,
scp => 13,
state => 14,
time => 15,
1 );
$headers = $mheaders = '-';
} else {
( $moriginalmark, $msource, $mdest, $mprotos, $mports, $msports, $muser, $mtestval, $mlength, $mtos , $mconnbytes, $mhelper, $mheaders, $mprobability, $mdscp, $mstate, $mtime ) =
split_line2( 'mangle file',
{ mark => 0,
action => 0,
source => 1,
dest => 2,
proto => 3,
dport => 4,
sport => 5,
user => 6,
test => 7,
length => 8,
tos => 9,
connbytes => 10,
helper => 11,
headers => 12,
probability => 13,
dscp => 14,
state => 15,
time => 16,
1 );
fatal_error 'ACTION must be specified' if $moriginalmark eq '-';
if ( $moriginalmark eq 'DEFAULTS' ) {
default_action_params( $chainref, split_list( $msource, 'defaults' ) );
$msource = $source if $msource eq '-';
$mdest = $dest if $msource eq '-';
$mprotos = $protos if $mprotos eq '-';
for my $proto (split_list( $mprotos, 'Protocol' ) ) {
process_mangle_rule1( $chainref,
merge_macro_column( $mports, $ports ),
merge_macro_column( $msports, $sports ),
merge_macro_column( $muser, $muser ),
merge_macro_column( $mtestval, $testval ),
merge_macro_column( $mlength, $length ),
merge_macro_column( $mtos , $tos ),
merge_macro_column( $mconnbytes, $connbytes ),
merge_macro_column( $mhelper, $helper ),
merge_macro_column( $mheaders, $headers ),
merge_macro_column( $mprobability , $probability ),
merge_macro_column( $mdscp , $dscp ),
merge_macro_column( $mstate, $state ),
merge_macro_column( $mtime, $time ) );
progress_message " Rule \"$currentline\" $done";
pop_comment( $save_comment );
progress_message "..End inline action $inlinefile";
pop_action_params( $oldparms );
# Code moved from the Tc module in Shorewall 5.0.7 #
# Process a rule from the mangle file
# Process a rule from the mangle file. When the target is an action name, this
# function will be called recursively for each rule in the action body. Recursive
# calls pass a chain reference in the first argument and the generated rule is
# appended to that chain. The chain with be the action's chain unless the action
# is inlined, in which case it will be the chain which invoked the action.
sub process_mangle_rule1( $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ) {
my ( $chainref, $action, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user, $testval, $length, $tos , $connbytes, $helper, $headers, $probability , $dscp , $state, $time ) = @_;
my ( $chainref, $action, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user, $testval, $length, $tos , $connbytes, $helper, $headers, $probability , $dscp , $state, $time) = @_;
my %designators = (
@ -3741,7 +3857,8 @@ sub process_mangle_rule1( $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ) {
128 => 'PREROUTING',
my $inaction = defined $chainref;
my $inchain = defined $chainref;
my $inaction;
my $target = '';
my $junk = '';
my $raw_matches = '';
@ -3760,7 +3877,12 @@ sub process_mangle_rule1( $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ) {
my $usergenerated;
my $actiontype;
my $commandref;
# Subroutine for handling MARK and CONNMARK. We use an enclosure so as to keep visibility of the
# function's local variables without making them static. process_mangle_rule1() is called
# recursively, so static (our) variables cannot be used unless they are saved/restored during
# recursion.
my $handle_mark_param = sub( ) {
my ( $option, $marktype ) = @_;
my $and_or = $params =~ s/^([|&])// ? $1 : '';
@ -3867,7 +3989,9 @@ sub process_mangle_rule1( $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ) {
# Subroutine to handle ADD and DEL rules
my $ipset_command = sub () {
my %xlate = ( ADD => 'add-set' , DEL => 'del-set' );
@ -4315,7 +4439,9 @@ sub process_mangle_rule1( $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ) {
# Subroutine for handling normal actions
my $actionref = {
defaultchain => 0,
allowedchains => ALLCHAINS ,
@ -4352,14 +4478,59 @@ sub process_mangle_rule1( $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ) {
# Subroutine to resolve which chain to use
my $resolve_chain = sub() {
$chain ||= $designator;
$chain ||= $commandref->{defaultchain};
$chain ||= $default_chain;
$chainref = ensure_chain( 'mangle', $chainnames{$chain} );
# Subroutine for handling inline actions
my $inlineref = {
defaultchain => 0,
allowedchains => ALLCHAINS ,
minparams => 0 ,
maxparams => 16 ,
function => sub() {
fatal_error( qq(Action $cmd may not be used in the mangle file) ) unless $actiontype & MANGLE_TABLE;
$resolve_chain->() unless $inchain;
process_mangle_inline( $cmd,
$tos ,
$probability ,
$dscp ,
$time );
$done = 1;
# Function Body
if ( $inaction ) {
assert( $chainref->{action} );
if ( $inchain ) {
( $inaction, undef, undef, undef ) = split /:/, $chainref->{action}, 4 if $chainref->{action};
# Set chain type
$chain = $chainref->{chainnumber} || ACTIONCHAIN;
( $cmd, $designator ) = split_action( $action );
@ -4375,11 +4546,14 @@ sub process_mangle_rule1( $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ) {
$actiontype = $builtin_target{$cmd} || $targets{$cmd} || 0;
$commandref = $commands{$cmd};
unless ( $commandref ) {
fatal_error "Invalid ACTION ($cmd)" unless $actiontype & ACTION;
$commandref = $actionref;
unless ( $commandref = $commands{$cmd} ) {
if ( $actiontype & ACTION ) {
$commandref = $actionref;
} elsif ( $actiontype & INLINE ) {
$commandref = $inlineref;
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid ACTION ($cmd)";
if ( $cmd eq 'INLINE' ) {
@ -4444,8 +4618,6 @@ sub process_mangle_rule1( $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ) {
fatal_error "Invalid STATE ($_)" unless exists $state{$_};
fatal_error "Duplicate STATE ($_)" if $state{$_}++;
} else {
$state = 'ALL';
# Call the command's processing function
@ -4453,14 +4625,15 @@ sub process_mangle_rule1( $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ) {
unless ( $done ) {
$chain ||= $designator;
$chain ||= $commandref->{defaultchain};
$chain ||= $default_chain;
if ( $inaction ) {
fatal_error "$cmd rules are not allowed in the $chainlabels{$chain} chain" unless $commandref->{allowedchains} & $chainref->{allowedchains};;
$chainref->{allowedchains} &= $commandref->{allowedchains};
if ( $inchain ) {
if ( $chain == ACTIONCHAIN ) {
fatal_error "$cmd rules are not allowed in the $chainlabels{$chain} chain" unless $commandref->{allowedchains} & $chainref->{allowedchains};
$chainref->{allowedchains} &= $commandref->{allowedchains};
} else {
fatal_error "$cmd rules are not allowed in the $chainlabels{$chain} chain" unless $commandref->{allowedchains} & $chain;
} else {
fatal_error "$cmd rules are not allowed in the $chainlabels{$chain} chain" unless $commandref->{allowedchains} & $chain;
$chainref = ensure_chain( 'mangle', $chainnames{$chain} );
@ -118,6 +118,18 @@
<para>Added in Shorewall 5.0.7. Specifies that this action is
to be used in <ulink
url="shorewall-mangle.html">shorewall-mangle(5)</ulink> rather
than <ulink
@ -68,8 +68,9 @@
<para>The chain-specifier indicates the Netfilter chain that the
entry applies to and may be one of the following:</para>
<para>The <replaceable>chain-designator </replaceable>indicates the
Netfilter chain that the entry applies to and may be one of the
@ -111,10 +112,14 @@
url="/manpages/shorewall.conf.html">shorewall.conf(5)</ulink>, and
<para>A chain-designator may not be specified if the SOURCE or DEST
columns begin with '$FW'. When the SOURCE is $FW, the generated rule
is always placed in the OUTPUT chain. If DEST is '$FW', then the
rule is placed in the INPUT chain.</para>
<para>A <replaceable>chain-designator</replaceable> may not be
specified if the SOURCE or DEST columns begin with '$FW'. When the
SOURCE is $FW, the generated rule is always placed in the OUTPUT
chain. If DEST is '$FW', then the rule is placed in the INPUT chain.
Additionally, a <replaceable>chain-designator</replaceable> may not
be specified in an action body unless the action is declared as
<option>inline</option> in <ulink
<para>Where a command takes parameters, those parameters are
enclosed in parentheses ("(....)") and separated by commas.</para>
@ -119,6 +119,18 @@
<para>Added in Shorewall 5.0.7. Specifies that this action is
to be used in <ulink
rather than <ulink
@ -69,8 +69,9 @@
<para>The chain-specifier indicates the Netfilter chain that the
entry applies to and may be one of the following:</para>
<para>The <replaceable>chain-designator</replaceable> indicates the
Netfilter chain that the entry applies to and may be one of the
@ -112,10 +113,14 @@
<para>A chain-designator may not be specified if the SOURCE or DEST
columns begin with '$FW'. When the SOURCE is $FW, the generated rule
is always placed in the OUTPUT chain. If DEST is '$FW', then the
rule is placed in the INPUT chain.</para>
<para>A <replaceable>chain-designator</replaceable> may not be
specified if the SOURCE or DEST columns begin with '$FW'. When the
SOURCE is $FW, the generated rule is always placed in the OUTPUT
chain. If DEST is '$FW', then the rule is placed in the INPUT chain.
Additionally, a <replaceable>chain-designator</replaceable> may not
be specified in an action body unless the action is declared as
<option>inline</option> in <ulink
<para>Where a command takes parameters, those parameters are
enclosed in parentheses ("(....)") and separated by commas.</para>
@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
<holder>Thomas M. Eastep</holder>
@ -397,6 +399,27 @@ REDIRECT net - tcp 80 -</programlisting>
url="configuration_file_basics.htm#ActionVariables">Action Variables
section</ulink> of the Configuration Basics article.</para>
<title>Mangle Actions</title>
<para>Beginning with Shorewall 5.0.7, actions may be used in <ulink
url="manpages/shorewall-mangle.html">shorewall-mangle(5)</ulink> and
Because the rules and mangle files have different column layouts,
actions can be defined to be used in one file or the other but not in
both. To designate an action to be used in the mangle file, specify the
<option>mangle</option> option in the action's entry in <ulink
url="manpages/shorewall-actions.html">shorewall-actions</ulink>(5) or
<para>To create a mangle action, follow the steps in the preceding
section, but use the
<filename>/usr/share/shorewall/action.mangletemplate</filename> file.
<section id="Logging">
Reference in New Issue
Block a user