mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 19:11:51 +01:00
Option chain phase II implementation
Signed-off-by: Tom Eastep <teastep@shorewall.net>
This commit is contained in:
@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( internal => [ qw( create_temp_script
@ -367,7 +368,7 @@ my @actparms;
our $currentline; # Current config file line image
my $currentfile; # File handle reference
my $currentfilename; # File NAME
our $currentfilename; # File NAME
my $currentlinenumber; # Line number
my $perlscript; # File Handle Reference to current temporary file being written by an in-line Perl script
my $perlscriptname; # Name of that file.
@ -200,144 +200,6 @@ sub add_rule_pair( $$$$ ) {
add_jump( $chainref , $target, 0, $predicate );
sub setup_blacklist() {
my $zones = find_zones_by_option 'blacklist', 'in';
my $zones1 = find_zones_by_option 'blacklist', 'out';
my $chainref;
my $chainref1;
my ( $level, $disposition ) = @config{'BLACKLIST_LOGLEVEL', 'BLACKLIST_DISPOSITION' };
my $audit = $disposition =~ /^A_/;
my $target = $disposition eq 'REJECT' ? 'reject' : $disposition;
my $orig_target = $target;
# We go ahead and generate the blacklist chains and jump to them, even if they turn out to be empty. That is necessary
# for 'refresh' to work properly.
if ( @$zones || @$zones1 ) {
$chainref = dont_delete new_standard_chain 'blacklst' if @$zones;
$chainref1 = dont_delete new_standard_chain 'blackout' if @$zones1;
if ( supplied $level ) {
$target = ensure_blacklog_chain ( $target, $disposition, $level, $audit );
} elsif ( $audit ) {
require_capability 'AUDIT_TARGET', "BLACKLIST_DISPOSITION=$disposition", 's';
$target = verify_audit( $disposition );
if ( my $fn = open_file 'blacklist' ) {
my $first_entry = 1;
first_entry "$doing $fn...";
while ( read_a_line ) {
if ( $first_entry ) {
unless ( @$zones || @$zones1 ) {
warning_message qq(The entries in $fn have been ignored because there are no 'blacklist' zones);
$first_entry = 0;
my ( $networks, $protocol, $ports, $options ) = split_line 'blacklist file', { networks => 0, proto => 1, port => 2, options => 3 };
if ( $options eq '-' ) {
$options = 'src';
} elsif ( $options eq 'audit' ) {
$options = 'audit,src';
my ( $to, $from, $whitelist, $auditone ) = ( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
my @options = split_list $options, 'option';
for ( @options ) {
$whitelist++ if $_ eq 'whitelist';
$auditone++ if $_ eq 'audit';
warning_message "Duplicate 'whitelist' option ignored" if $whitelist > 1;
my $tgt = $whitelist ? 'RETURN' : $target;
if ( $auditone ) {
fatal_error "'audit' not allowed in whitelist entries" if $whitelist;
if ( $audit ) {
warning_message "Superfluous 'audit' option ignored";
} else {
warning_message "Duplicate 'audit' option ignored" if $auditone > 1;
$tgt = verify_audit( 'A_' . $target, $orig_target, $target );
for ( @options ) {
if ( $_ =~ /^(?:src|from)$/ ) {
if ( $from++ ) {
warning_message "Duplicate 'src' ignored";
} else {
if ( @$zones ) {
$chainref ,
do_proto( $protocol , $ports, '' ) ,
'' ,
$tgt ,
'' ,
$tgt ,
'' );
} else {
warning_message '"src" entry ignored because there are no "blacklist in" zones';
} elsif ( $_ =~ /^(?:dst|to)$/ ) {
if ( $to++ ) {
warning_message "Duplicate 'dst' ignored";
} else {
if ( @$zones1 ) {
$chainref1 ,
do_proto( $protocol , $ports, '' ) ,
'' ,
$tgt ,
'' ,
$tgt ,
'' );
} else {
warning_message '"dst" entry ignored because there are no "blacklist out" zones';
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid blacklist option($_)" unless $_ eq 'whitelist' || $_ eq 'audit';
progress_message " \"$currentline\" added to blacklist";
warning_message q(There are interfaces or zones with the 'blacklist' option but the 'blacklist' file is empty) if $first_entry && @$zones;
} elsif ( @$zones || @$zones1 ) {
warning_message q(There are interfaces or zones with the 'blacklist' option, but the 'blacklist' file is either missing or has zero size);
# Remove instances of 'blacklist' from the passed file.
@ -777,20 +639,17 @@ sub add_common_rules ( $ ) {
$interfaceref->{options}{use_forward_chain} = 1;
add_ijump( $chainref, j => 'ACCEPT', state_imatch $faststate ), $chainref->{filtered}++ if $config{FASTACCEPT};
add_ijump( $chainref, j => $dynamicref, @state ), $chainref->{filtered}++ if $dynamicref;
add_ijump( $chainref, j => forward_option_chain( $interface ) );
$chainref = $filter_table->{input_chain $interface};
if ( @filters ) {
$chainref = $filter_table->{input_chain $interface};
add_ijump( $chainref , g => $target, imatch_source_net( $_ ), @ipsec ), $chainref->{filtered}++ for @filters;
$interfaceref->{options}{use_input_chain} = 1;
add_ijump( $chainref, j => 'ACCEPT', state_imatch $faststate ), $chainref->{filtered}++ if $config{FASTACCEPT};
add_ijump( $chainref, j => $dynamicref, @state ), $chainref->{filtered}++ if $dynamicref;
add_ijump( $chainref, j => input_option_chain( $interface ) );
for ( option_chains( $interface ) ) {
add_ijump( $filter_table->{$_}, j => 'ACCEPT', state_imatch $faststate ) if $config{FASTACCEPT};
add_ijump( $filter_table->{$_}, j => $dynamicref, @state ) if $dynamicref;
@ -807,8 +666,6 @@ sub add_common_rules ( $ ) {
if ( $upgrade ) {
exit 0 unless convert_blacklist;
} else {
$list = find_hosts_by_option 'nosmurfs';
@ -877,9 +734,6 @@ sub add_common_rules ( $ ) {
for $chain ( option_chains $interface ) {
add_ijump( $filter_table->{$chain} , j => $target, @state, imatch_source_net( $hostref->[2] ), @policy );
set_interface_option $interface, 'use_input_chain', 1;
set_interface_option $interface, 'use_forward_chain', 1;
@ -929,9 +783,6 @@ sub add_common_rules ( $ ) {
my $ports = $family == F_IPV4 ? '67:68' : '546:547';
for $interface ( @$list ) {
set_interface_option $interface, 'use_input_chain', 1;
set_interface_option $interface, 'use_forward_chain', 1;
set_rule_option( add_ijump( $filter_table->{$_} , j => 'ACCEPT', p => "udp --dport $ports" ) ,
1 ) for input_option_chain( $interface ), output_chain( $interface );
@ -997,8 +848,6 @@ sub add_common_rules ( $ ) {
for $chain ( option_chains $interface ) {
add_ijump( $filter_table->{$chain} , j => $target, p => 'tcp', imatch_source_net( $hostref->[2] ), @policy );
set_interface_option $interface, 'use_input_chain', 1;
set_interface_option $interface, 'use_forward_chain', 1;
@ -1179,9 +1028,6 @@ sub setup_mac_lists( $ ) {
for my $chain ( first_chains $interface ) {
add_ijump $filter_table->{$chain} , j => $chainref, @source, @state, @policy;
set_interface_option $interface, 'use_input_chain', 1;
set_interface_option $interface, 'use_forward_chain', 1;
} else {
my $chainref = source_exclusion( $hostref->[3], $mangle_table->{mac_chain $interface} );
add_ijump $mangle_table->{PREROUTING}, j => $chainref, imatch_source_dev( $interface ), @source, @state, @policy;
@ -1491,59 +1337,20 @@ sub generate_matrix() {
my %ipsec_jump_added = ();
progress_message2 'Generating Rule Matrix...';
progress_message ' Handling blacklisting and complex zones...';
progress_message ' Handling complex zones...';
# Special processing for complex and/or blacklisting configurations
# Special processing for complex configurations
for my $zone ( @zones ) {
my $zoneref = find_zone( $zone );
my $simple = @zones <= 2 && ! $zoneref->{options}{complex};
# Handle blacklisting first
if ( $zoneref->{options}{in}{blacklist} ) {
my $blackref = $filter_table->{blacklst};
insert_ijump ensure_rules_chain( rules_chain( $zone, $_ ) ) , j => $blackref , -1, @state for firewall_zone, @vservers;
if ( $simple ) {
# We won't create a zone forwarding chain for this zone so we must add blacklisting jumps to the rules chains
for my $zone1 ( @zones ) {
my $ruleschain = rules_chain( $zone, $zone1 );
my $ruleschainref = $filter_table->{$ruleschain};
if ( ( $zone ne $zone1 || $ruleschainref->{referenced} ) && $ruleschainref->{policy} ne 'NONE' ) {
insert_ijump( ensure_rules_chain( $ruleschain ), j => $blackref, -1, @state );
if ( $zoneref->{options}{out}{blacklist} ) {
my $blackref = $filter_table->{blackout};
insert_ijump ensure_rules_chain( rules_chain( firewall_zone, $zone ) ) , j => $blackref , -1, @state;
for my $zone1 ( @zones, @vservers ) {
my $ruleschain = rules_chain( $zone1, $zone );
my $ruleschainref = $filter_table->{$ruleschain};
if ( ( $zone ne $zone1 || $ruleschainref->{referenced} ) && $ruleschainref->{policy} ne 'NONE' ) {
insert_ijump( ensure_rules_chain( $ruleschain ), j => $blackref, -1, @state );
next if $simple;
next if @zones <= 2 && ! $zoneref->{options}{complex};
# Complex zone or we have more than one non-firewall zone -- create a zone forwarding chain
my $frwd_ref = new_standard_chain zone_forward_chain( $zone );
insert_ijump( $frwd_ref , j => $filter_table->{blacklst}, -1, @state ) if $zoneref->{options}{in}{blacklist};
add_ijump( $frwd_ref , j => 'MARK --set-mark ' . in_hex( $zoneref->{mark} ) . '/' . in_hex( $globals{ZONE_MASK} ) ) if $zoneref->{mark};
if ( have_ipsec ) {
@ -1780,7 +1587,6 @@ sub generate_matrix() {
my $interfacechainref = $filter_table->{input_chain $interface};
my @interfacematch;
my $use_input;
my $blacklist = $zoneref->{options}{in}{blacklist};
if ( @vservers || use_input_chain( $interface, $interfacechainref ) || ! $chain2 || ( @{$interfacechainref->{rules}} && ! $chain2ref ) ) {
$inputchainref = $interfacechainref;
@ -2034,8 +1840,6 @@ sub generate_matrix() {
add_interface_jumps @interfaces unless $interface_jumps_added;
my %builtins = ( mangle => [ qw/PREROUTING INPUT FORWARD POSTROUTING/ ] ,
filter=> [ qw/INPUT FORWARD OUTPUT/ ] );
@ -2023,7 +2023,9 @@ sub process_rule1 ( $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $) {
unless ( $section eq 'NEW' || $inaction ) {
if ( $config{FASTACCEPT} ) {
fatal_error "Entries in the $section SECTION of the rules file not permitted with FASTACCEPT=Yes" unless $section eq 'RELATED' && ( $config{RELATED_DISPOSITION} ne 'ACCEPT' || $config{RELATED_LOG_LEVEL} )
fatal_error "Entries in the $section SECTION of the rules file not permitted with FASTACCEPT=Yes" unless
$section eq 'BLACKLIST' ||
( $section eq 'RELATED' && ( $config{RELATED_DISPOSITION} ne 'ACCEPT' || $config{RELATED_LOG_LEVEL} ) )
fatal_error "$basictarget rules are not allowed in the $section SECTION" if $actiontype & ( NATRULE | NONAT );
@ -2462,42 +2464,189 @@ sub process_rule ( ) {
progress_message qq( Rule "$thisline" $done);
sub initiate_blacklist() {
my ( $level, $disposition ) = @config{'BLACKLIST_LOGLEVEL', 'BLACKLIST_DISPOSITION' };
my $audit = $disposition =~ /^A_/;
my $target = $disposition eq 'REJECT' ? 'reject' : $disposition;
progress_message2 "$doing $currentfilename...";
if ( supplied $level ) {
ensure_blacklog_chain( $target, $disposition, $level, $audit );
ensure_audit_blacklog_chain( $target, $disposition, $level ) if have_capability 'AUDIT_TARGET';
} elsif ( $audit ) {
require_capability 'AUDIT_TARGET', "BLACKLIST_DISPOSITION=$disposition", 's';
verify_audit( $disposition );
} elsif ( have_capability 'AUDIT_TARGET' ) {
verify_audit( 'A_' . $disposition );
# Convert a pre-4.4.25 blacklist to the 4.4.25 format and process it
sub setup_blacklist() {
my $zones = find_zones_by_option 'blacklist', 'in';
my $zones1 = find_zones_by_option 'blacklist', 'out';
my ( $level, $disposition ) = @config{'BLACKLIST_LOGLEVEL', 'BLACKLIST_DISPOSITION' };
my $audit = $disposition =~ /^A_/;
my $target = $disposition eq 'REJECT' ? 'reject' : $disposition;
my $orig_target = $target;
my @rules;
if ( @$zones || @$zones1 ) {
if ( supplied $level ) {
$target = 'blacklog';
} elsif ( $audit ) {
$target = verify_audit( $disposition );
my $fn = open_file 'blacklist';
first_entry( \&initiate_blacklist );
while ( read_a_line ) {
my ( $networks, $protocol, $ports, $options ) = split_line 'blacklist file', { networks => 0, proto => 1, port => 2, options => 3 };
if ( $options eq '-' ) {
$options = 'src';
} elsif ( $options eq 'audit' ) {
$options = 'audit,src';
my ( $to, $from, $whitelist, $auditone ) = ( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
my @options = split_list $options, 'option';
for ( @options ) {
$whitelist++ if $_ eq 'whitelist';
$auditone++ if $_ eq 'audit';
warning_message "Duplicate 'whitelist' option ignored" if $whitelist > 1;
my $tgt = $whitelist ? 'WHITELIST' : $target;
if ( $auditone ) {
fatal_error "'audit' not allowed in whitelist entries" if $whitelist;
if ( $audit ) {
warning_message "Superfluous 'audit' option ignored";
} else {
warning_message "Duplicate 'audit' option ignored" if $auditone > 1;
$tgt = verify_audit( 'A_' . $target, $orig_target, $target );
for ( @options ) {
if ( $_ =~ /^(?:src|from)$/ ) {
if ( $from++ ) {
warning_message "Duplicate 'src' ignored";
} else {
if ( @$zones ) {
push @rules, [ 'src', $tgt, $networks, $protocol, $ports ];
} else {
warning_message '"src" entry ignored because there are no "blacklist in" zones';
} elsif ( $_ =~ /^(?:dst|to)$/ ) {
if ( $to++ ) {
warning_message "Duplicate 'dst' ignored";
} else {
if ( @$zones1 ) {
push @rules, [ 'dst', $tgt, $networks, $protocol, $ports ];
} else {
warning_message '"dst" entry ignored because there are no "blacklist out" zones';
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid blacklist option($_)" unless $_ eq 'whitelist' || $_ eq 'audit';
if ( @rules ) {
for ( @rules ) {
my ( $srcdst, $tgt, $networks, $protocols, $ports ) = @$_;
$tgt .= "\t\t";
my $list = $srcdst eq 'src' ? $zones : $zones1;
for my $zone ( @$list ) {
$currentline = $tgt;
if ( $srcdst eq 'src' ) {
if ( $networks ne '-' ) {
$currentline .= "$zone:$networks\tall\t\t";
} else {
$currentline .= "$zone\t\t\tall\t\t";
} else {
if ( $networks ne '-' ) {
$currentline .= "all\t\t\t$zone:$networks\t";
} else {
$currentline .= "all\t\t\t$zone\t\t\t";
$currentline .= "\t$protocols" if $protocols ne '-';
$currentline .= "\t$ports" if $ports ne '-';
} else {
warning_message q(There are interfaces or zones with the 'blacklist' option but the 'blacklist' file is empty or does not exist) unless @rules;
return 0;
# Process the Rules File
sub process_rules() {
$section = 'BLACKLIST';
my $fn = open_file 'blrules';
if ( $fn ) {
first_entry( sub () {
my ( $level, $disposition ) = @config{'BLACKLIST_LOGLEVEL', 'BLACKLIST_DISPOSITION' };
my $audit = $disposition =~ /^A_/;
my $target = $disposition eq 'REJECT' ? 'reject' : $disposition;
progress_message2 "$doing $fn...";
if ( supplied $level ) {
ensure_blacklog_chain( $target, $disposition, $level, $audit );
ensure_audit_blacklog_chain( $target, $disposition, $level ) if have_capability 'AUDIT_TARGET';
} elsif ( $audit ) {
require_capability 'AUDIT_TARGET', "BLACKLIST_DISPOSITION=$disposition", 's';
verify_audit( $disposition );
} elsif ( have_capability 'AUDIT_TARGET' ) {
verify_audit( 'A_' . $disposition );
} );
$section = 'BLACKLIST';
first_entry( \&initiate_blacklist );
process_rule while read_a_line;
$section = '';
if ( my $chainref = $filter_table->{A_blacklog} ) {
$chainref->{referenced} = 0 unless @{$chainref->{references}};
$section = '';
if ( my $chainref = $filter_table->{A_blacklog} ) {
$chainref->{referenced} = 0 unless %{$chainref->{references}};
for my $zone1 ( off_firewall_zones ) {
my @interfaces = keys %{zone_interfaces( $zone1 )};
for my $zone2 ( all_zones ) {
my $chainref = $filter_table->{rules_chain( $zone1, $zone2 )};
if ( zone_type( $zone2 ) & (FIREWALL | VSERVER ) ) {
for my $interface ( @interfaces ) {
if ( my $chain1ref = $filter_table->{input_option_chain $interface} ) {
add_ijump ( $chainref , j => $chain1ref->{name}, @interfaces > 1 ? imatch_source_dev( $interface ) : () );
} else {
for my $interface ( @interfaces ) {
if ( my $chain1ref = $filter_table->{forward_option_chain $interface} ) {
add_ijump ( $chainref , j => $chain1ref->{name}, @interfaces > 1 ? imatch_source_dev( $interface ) : () );
$fn = open_file 'rules';
if ( $fn ) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user