Client "almost" works on MacOS and maybe FreeBSD.

Basic forwarding now works on MacOS, assuming you set up ipfw correctly
(ha ha).  I wasted a few hours today trying to figure this out, and I'm *so
very close*, but unfortunately it just didn't work.  Think you can figure it

Related changes:
- don't die if iptables is unavailable
- BSD uses getsockname() instead of SO_ORIGINAL_DST
- non-blocking connect() returns EISCONN once it's connected
- you can't setsockopt IP_TTL more than once
This commit is contained in:
Avery Pennarun 2010-05-04 18:24:43 -04:00
parent 7bd0efd57b
commit 096bbcc576
3 changed files with 125 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -4,13 +4,19 @@ from ssnet import SockWrapper, Handler, Proxy, Mux, MuxWrapper
from helpers import *
def original_dst(sock):
sockaddr_in = sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, SO_ORIGINAL_DST, SOCKADDR_MIN)
(proto, port, a,b,c,d) = struct.unpack('!HHBBBB', sockaddr_in[:8])
assert(socket.htons(proto) == socket.AF_INET)
ip = '%d.%d.%d.%d' % (a,b,c,d)
return (ip,port)
sockaddr_in = sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_IP,
(proto, port, a,b,c,d) = struct.unpack('!HHBBBB', sockaddr_in[:8])
assert(socket.htons(proto) == socket.AF_INET)
ip = '%d.%d.%d.%d' % (a,b,c,d)
return (ip,port)
except socket.error, e:
if e.args[0] == errno.ENOPROTOOPT:
return sock.getsockname()
class IPTables:
@ -105,7 +111,7 @@ def _main(listener, ipt, use_server, remotename):
dstip = original_dst(sock)
debug1('Accept: %r:%r -> %r:%r.\n' % (srcip[0],srcip[1],
if dstip == sock.getsockname():
if dstip == listener.getsockname():
debug1("-- ignored: that's my address!\n")
@ -150,7 +156,7 @@ def main(listenip, use_server, remotename, subnets):
if listenip[1]:
ports = [listenip[1]]
ports = xrange(12300,65536)
ports = xrange(12300,9000,-1)
last_e = None
bound = False

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import helpers
from helpers import *
def chain_exists(name):
def ipt_chain_exists(name):
argv = ['iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-nL']
p = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
for line in p.stdout:
@ -22,11 +22,16 @@ def ipt(*args):
raise Fatal('%r returned %d' % (argv, rv))
def do_it(port, subnets):
# We name the chain based on the transproxy port number so that it's possible
# to run multiple copies of sshuttle at the same time. Of course, the
# multiple copies shouldn't have overlapping subnets, or only the most-
# recently-started one will win (because we use "-I OUTPUT 1" instead of
# "-A OUTPUT").
def do_iptables(port, subnets):
chain = 'sshuttle-%s' % port
# basic cleanup/setup of chains
if chain_exists(chain):
if ipt_chain_exists(chain):
ipt('-D', 'OUTPUT', '-j', chain)
ipt('-D', 'PREROUTING', '-j', chain)
ipt('-F', chain)
@ -48,33 +53,113 @@ def do_it(port, subnets):
# This is some iptables voodoo for setting up the Linux kernel's transparent
# proxying stuff. If subnets is empty, we just delete our sshuttle chain;
# otherwise we delete it, then make it from scratch.
def ipfw_rule_exists(n):
argv = ['ipfw', 'list']
p = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
for line in p.stdout:
if line.startswith('%05d ' % n):
if line[5:].find('ipttl 42') < 0:
raise Fatal('non-sshuttle ipfw rule #%d already exists!' % n)
return True
rv = p.wait()
if rv:
raise Fatal('%r returned %d' % (argv, rv))
def sysctl_get(name):
argv = ['sysctl', '-n', name]
p = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
line = p.stdout.readline()
rv = p.wait()
if rv:
raise Fatal('%r returned %d' % (argv, rv))
if not line:
raise Fatal('%r returned no data' % (argv,))
assert(line[-1] == '\n')
return line[:-1]
def _sysctl_set(name, val):
argv = ['sysctl', '-w', '%s=%s' % (name, val)]
debug1('>> %s\n' % ' '.join(argv))
rv =, stdout = open('/dev/null', 'w'))
_oldctls = []
def sysctl_set(name, val):
oldval = sysctl_get(name)
if str(val) != str(oldval):
_oldctls.append((name, oldval))
return _sysctl_set(name, val)
def ipfw(*args):
argv = ['ipfw', '-q'] + list(args)
debug1('>> %s\n' % ' '.join(argv))
rv =
if rv:
raise Fatal('%r returned %d' % (argv, rv))
def do_ipfw(port, subnets):
sport = str(port)
# cleanup any existing rules
if ipfw_rule_exists(port):
ipfw('del', sport)
while _oldctls:
(name,oldval) = _oldctls.pop()
_sysctl_set(name, oldval)
if subnets:
sysctl_set('net.inet.ip.fw.enable', 1)
sysctl_set('net.inet.ip.forwarding', 1)
# create new subnet entries
for snet,swidth in subnets:
ipfw('add', sport, 'fwd', ',%d' % port,
'log', 'tcp',
'from', 'any', 'to', '%s/%s' % (snet,swidth),
'not', 'ipttl', '42')
def program_exists(name):
paths = (os.getenv('PATH') or os.defpath).split(os.pathsep)
for p in paths:
fn = '%s/%s' % (p, name)
if os.path.exists(fn):
return not os.path.isdir(fn) and os.access(fn, os.X_OK)
# This is some voodoo for setting up the kernel's transparent
# proxying stuff. If subnets is empty, we just delete our sshuttle rules;
# otherwise we delete it, then make them from scratch.
# We name the chain based on the transproxy port number so that it's possible
# to run multiple copies of sshuttle at the same time. Of course, the
# multiple copies shouldn't have overlapping subnets, or only the most-
# recently-started one will win (because we use "-I OUTPUT 1" instead of
# "-A OUTPUT").
# This code is supposed to clean up after itself by deleting extra chains on
# This code is supposed to clean up after itself by deleting its rules on
# exit. In case that fails, it's not the end of the world; future runs will
# supercede it in the transproxy list, at least, so the leftover iptables
# chains are mostly harmless.
# supercede it in the transproxy list, at least, so the leftover rules
# are hopefully harmless.
def main(port, subnets):
assert(port > 0)
assert(port <= 65535)
if os.getuid() != 0:
raise Fatal('you must be root (or enable su/sudo) to set up iptables')
raise Fatal('you must be root (or enable su/sudo) to set the firewall')
if program_exists('ipfw'):
do_it = do_ipfw
elif program_exists('iptables'):
do_it = do_iptables
raise Fatal("can't find either ipfw or iptables; check your PATH")
# because of limitations of the 'su' command, the *real* stdin/stdout
# are both attached to stdout initially. Clone stdout into stdin so we
# can read from it.
os.dup2(1, 0)
debug1('iptables manager ready.\n')
debug1('firewall manager ready.\n')
@ -89,10 +174,10 @@ def main(port, subnets):
if not line:
return # parent died; nothing to do
if line != 'GO\n':
raise Fatal('iptables: expected GO but got %r' % line)
raise Fatal('firewall: expected GO but got %r' % line)
if line:
debug1('iptables manager: starting transproxy.\n')
debug1('firewall manager: starting transproxy.\n')
do_it(port, subnets)
@ -111,7 +196,7 @@ def main(port, subnets):
debug1('iptables manager: undoing changes.\n')
debug1('firewall manager: undoing changes.\n')
do_it(port, [])

View File

@ -71,14 +71,17 @@ class SockWrapper:
def try_connect(self):
if not self.connect_to:
return # already connected
self.rsock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_TTL, 42)
# connected successfully (Linux)
self.connect_to = None
except socket.error, e:
if e.args[0] in [errno.EINPROGRESS, errno.EALREADY]:
pass # not connected yet
elif e.args[0] == errno.EISCONN:
# connected successfully (BSD)
self.connect_to = None
elif e.args[0] in [errno.ECONNREFUSED, errno.ETIMEDOUT]:
# a "normal" kind of error
self.connect_to = None
@ -387,6 +390,7 @@ class MuxWrapper(SockWrapper):
def connect_dst(ip, port):
debug2('Connecting to %s:%d\n' % (ip, port))
outsock = socket.socket()
outsock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_TTL, 42)
return SockWrapper(outsock, outsock,
connect_to = (ip,port),
peername = '%s:%d' % (ip,port))