Avery Pennarun 33efa5ac62 Added new --auto-hosts and --seed-hosts options to the client.
Now if you use --auto-hosts (-H), the client will ask the server to spawn a
hostwatcher to add names.  That, in turn, will send names back to the
server, which sends them back to the client, which sends them to the
firewall subprocess, which will write them to /etc/hosts.  Whew!

Only the firewall process can write to /etc/hosts, of course, because only
he's running as root.

Since the name discovery process is kind of slow, we cache the names in
~/.sshuttle.hosts on the remote server.

Right now, most of the names are discovered using nmblookup and smbclient,
as well as by reading the existing entries in /etc/hosts.  What would really
be nice would be to query active directory or mdns somehow... but I don't
really know how those work, so this is what you get for now :)  It's pretty
neat, at least.
2010-05-08 03:32:30 -04:00

65 lines
1.8 KiB

import sys, os, re, subprocess, socket, zlib
import helpers
from helpers import *
def readfile(name):
basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
fullname = os.path.join(basedir, name)
return open(fullname, 'rb').read()
def empackage(z, filename):
content = z.compress(readfile(filename))
content += z.flush(zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH)
return '%s\n%d\n%s' % (filename,len(content), content)
def connect(rhostport):
main_exe = sys.argv[0]
l = (rhostport or '').split(':', 1)
rhost = l[0]
portl = []
if len(l) > 1:
portl = ['-p', str(int(l[1]))]
if rhost == '-':
rhost = None
z = zlib.compressobj(1)
content = readfile('')
content2 = (empackage(z, '') +
empackage(z, '') +
empackage(z, '') +
empackage(z, '') +
pyscript = r"""
import sys;
exec compile(, "", "exec")
""" % (helpers.verbose or 0, len(content))
pyscript = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', pyscript.strip())
if not rhost:
argv = ['python', '-c', pyscript]
argv = ['ssh'] + portl + [rhost, '--', "python -c '%s'" % pyscript]
(s1,s2) = socket.socketpair()
def setup():
# runs in the child process
s1a,s1b = os.dup(s1.fileno()), os.dup(s1.fileno())
debug2('executing: %r\n' % argv)
p = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdin=s1a, stdout=s1b, preexec_fn=setup,
return p, s2