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Catppuccin Powerline Preset

This preset is a minimally modified version of Gruvbox Rainbow using the Catppuccin theme palette.

Screenshot of Catppuccin Powerline preset

Yêu cầu

  • A Nerd Font installed and enabled in your terminal

Cấu hình

starship preset catppuccin-powerline -o ~/.config/starship.toml

By default this preset uses the Mocha flavour of Catppucin, but you can specify any of the flavours by modifying the value of palette:

  • catppuccin_mocha
  • catppuccin_frappe
  • catppuccin_macchiato
  • catppucin_latte

Click to download TOML

<<< @/public/presets/toml/catppuccin-powerline.toml