2022-06-12 16:11:35 +08:00

2.4 KiB

Map view (v3)

In the experimental map view, that is available under the view code v3, weather information about a geographical region is available:

    $ curl v3.wttr.in/Bayern.sxl


or directly in browser:

The map view currently supports three formats:

  • PNG (for browser and messangers);
  • Sixel (terminal inline images support);
  • IIP (terminal with iterm2 inline images protocol support).

Terminal with images support

Terminal Environment Images support Protocol
uxterm X11 yes Sixel
mlterm X11 yes Sixel
kitty X11 yes Kitty
wezterm X11 yes IIP
Darktile X11 yes Sixel
Jexer X11 yes Sixel
GNOME Terminal X11 in-progress Sixel
alacritty X11 in-progress Sixel
st X11 stixel or st-sixel Sixel
Konsole X11 yes Sixel
DomTerm Web yes Sixel
Yaft FB yes Sixel
iTerm2 Mac OS X yes IIP
mintty Windows yes Sixel
Windows Terminal Windows in-progress Sixel
RLogin Windows yes Sixel

Support in all VTE-based terminals: termite, terminator, etc is more or less the same as in the GNOME Terminal



To start xterm/uxterm with Sixel support:

uxterm -ti vt340


To view images in kitty:

curl -s v3.wttr.in/Tabasco.png | kitty icat --align=left

or even without curl at all, because icat knows how to handle URLs:

kitty icat --align=left https://v3.wttr.in/Tabasco.png