I have some very useful aliases that are available to you after switching to the flake.
- flake-update 'run a nix flake update on the flake dir'
- flake-rebuild 'rebuild switch --flake the flake dir'
- gcCleanup 'remove all other generations other than the current'
For most system maintenance this is all that is required.
Main Configuration
Most options that you are likely to want to change are defined in options.nix inside the repo. These are variables that are used to determine how things are configured later in other files. This file and the flake.nix are the only files you will need to edit if you're happy with the defaults of my system.
Get Updates & Keeping Your Changes
I am not a Git wizard and so this process could probably be improved. However, me and @dwilliam62 are happy enough with this solution for now. If you have a way that would be simpler on you all please submit it as an issue.
Firstly, copy the repo as it is now:
cp -rpv zaneyos zaneyos-previous
Enter the repo:
cd zaneyos
Stash & pull the changes:
git stash && git pull
Copy the hardware.nix from your previous config:
cp \~/zaneyos-previous/hardware.nix hardware.nix
For files that you change and want your options to remain the same. Before copying the over the new versions run a diff to ensure there aren't any important changes to take into account.
diff system.nix \~/zaneyos-previous/system.nix
If nothing important has changed you can copy the previous version:
cp -pv \~/zaneyos-previous/system.nix
If there are important changes then you can take your edits from the file and put them in the new one. This process is similar to patching, but hopefully I won't make drastic changes frequently.
You can also replace the starship.toml and similar files with your own in the zaneyos/config/home/files/ directory.
How do I add appliacations to ZaneyOS
nvim ~/zaneyos/config/home/packages.nix
You will see the line that starts: home.packages = with pkgs
Below that will be a list of packages. You can add onto that list and the next rebuild will install them. Note: You MUST use the NixOS package names.
Visit https://search.nixos.org/packages to search for the application you want.
Not all NixOS packages are installed as an application. Example you can 'install' flatpak as an application. However, it will not work. That is why it is enabled in the options.nix file. If you are unsure ask on the ZaneyOS discord server.
A sample of additional applications you can install
mc ncftp putty mission-center stacer st freefilesync
ncdu bat fzf neovide sshfs tmux zoxide most google-chrome
brave ugrep ripgrep tree nnn ranger scc lolcat vlc gtop
virt-viewer glances gotop cava figlet dua ntp fastfetch yad
intel-gpu-tools nvtop radeontop nwg-drawer nwg-launchers
libreoffice-fresh grsync rsync