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synced 2025-03-10 05:00:19 +01:00
package is now at 95% code coverage and the additional tests codify
all behavior specified in the docs
There is a slight change in behavior:
Intervals are now [duration) instead of (duration].
If the leftmost interval is not keep=all, the most recently created
snapshot will be destroyed if there are other snapshots within
that first interval.
Since we recommend keep=all all over the docs, and zrepl 0.3
will put holds on that snapshot if it is being replicated,
I feel like this is an acceptable change in behavior.
refs #292
fixup of 0bbe2befce
143 lines
3.1 KiB
143 lines
3.1 KiB
package retentiongrid
import (
type Interval interface {
Length() time.Duration
KeepCount() int
const RetentionGridKeepCountAll int = -1
type Grid struct {
intervals []Interval
type Entry interface {
Date() time.Time
func NewGrid(l []Interval) *Grid {
if len(l) == 0 {
panic("must specify at least one interval")
// TODO Maybe check for ascending interval lengths here, although the algorithm
// itself doesn't care about that.
return &Grid{l}
func (g Grid) FitEntries(entries []Entry) (keep, remove []Entry) {
if len(entries) == 0 {
// determine 'now' based on youngest snapshot
// => sort youngest-to-oldest
sort.SliceStable(entries, func(i, j int) bool {
return entries[i].Date().After(entries[j].Date())
now := entries[0].Date()
return g.fitEntriesWithNow(now, entries)
type bucket struct {
keepCount int
youngerThan time.Time
olderThanOrEq time.Time
entries []Entry
func makeBucketFromInterval(olderThanOrEq time.Time, i Interval) bucket {
var b bucket
kc := i.KeepCount()
if kc == 0 {
panic("keep count 0 is not allowed")
if (kc < 0) && kc != RetentionGridKeepCountAll {
panic("negative keep counts are not allowed")
b.keepCount = kc
b.olderThanOrEq = olderThanOrEq
b.youngerThan = b.olderThanOrEq.Add(-i.Length())
return b
func (b *bucket) Contains(e Entry) bool {
d := e.Date()
olderThan := d.Before(b.olderThanOrEq)
eq := d.Equal(b.olderThanOrEq)
youngerThan := d.After(b.youngerThan)
return (olderThan || eq) && youngerThan
func (b *bucket) AddIfContains(e Entry) (added bool) {
added = b.Contains(e)
if added {
b.entries = append(b.entries, e)
func (b *bucket) RemoveYoungerSnapsExceedingKeepCount() (removed []Entry) {
if b.keepCount == RetentionGridKeepCountAll {
return nil
removeCount := len(b.entries) - b.keepCount
if removeCount <= 0 {
return nil
// sort youngest-to-oldest
sort.SliceStable(b.entries, func(i, j int) bool {
return b.entries[i].Date().After(b.entries[j].Date())
return b.entries[:removeCount]
func (g Grid) fitEntriesWithNow(now time.Time, entries []Entry) (keep, remove []Entry) {
buckets := make([]bucket, len(g.intervals))
buckets[0] = makeBucketFromInterval(now, g.intervals[0])
for i := 1; i < len(g.intervals); i++ {
buckets[i] = makeBucketFromInterval(buckets[i-1].youngerThan, g.intervals[i])
keep = make([]Entry, 0)
remove = make([]Entry, 0)
for ei := 0; ei < len(entries); ei++ {
e := entries[ei]
// unconditionally keep entries that are in the future
if now.Before(e.Date()) {
keep = append(keep, e)
continue assignEntriesToBuckets
// add to matching bucket, if any
for bi := range buckets {
if buckets[bi].AddIfContains(e) {
continue assignEntriesToBuckets
// unconditionally remove entries older than the oldest bucket
remove = append(remove, e)
// now apply the `KeepCount` per bucket
for _, b := range buckets {
destroy := b.RemoveYoungerSnapsExceedingKeepCount()
remove = append(remove, destroy...)
keep = append(keep, b.entries...)