2017-09-24 11:03:54 +02:00

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Tutorial 1

This tutorial shows how zrepl can be used to implement a ZFS-based pull backup.

We assume the following scenario

  • Production server prod1 with filesystems to back up
    • zroot/var/db
    • zroot/usr/home and all its child filesystems
    • except zroot/usr/home/paranoid belonging to a user doing backups themselves
  • Backup server backups with
    • Filesystem storage/zrepl/pull/prod1 + children dedicated to backups of prod1

Our backup solution should fulfill the following requirements:

  • Periodically snapshot the filesystems on prod1 every 10 minutes
  • Incrementally replicate these snapshots to storage/zrepl/pull/prod1/* on backups
  • Keep only very few snapshots on prod1 to save disk space
  • Keep a fading history (24 hourly, 30 daily, 6 monthly) of snapshots on backups


We can model this situation as two jobs:

  • A source job on prod1
    • Creates the snapshots
    • Keeps a few snapshots that are also on prod1 to enable incremental replication
  • A pull job on prod1
    • Pulls the snapshots
    • Fades out snapshots as they age

{{%expand "Side note: why doesn't backups take the snapshots right before replication?" %}} After all, a little ssh prod1 'zfs snapshot...' wouldn't be so bad, right?

As is the case with all distributed systems, the link between prod1 and backups might be down for an hour or two. We do not want to sacrifice our required backup resolution of 10 minute intervals for a temporary connection outage.

When the link comes up again, backups will happily catch up the 12 snapshots taken by prod1 in the meantime, without a gap in our backup history. {{%/expand%}}

Install zrepl

Follow the OS-specific installation instructions and come back here.

Configure backups

We define a pull job named pull_prod1 in the main configuration file:

- name: pull_prod1
  type: pull
    type: ssh+stdinserver
    host: prod1.example.com
    user: root
    port: 22
    identity_file: /etc/zrepl/ssh/prod1
  interval: 10m
  mapping: {
  initial_repl_policy: most_recent
  snapshot_prefix: zrepl_pull_backup_
    policy: grid
    grid: 1x1h(keep=all) | 24x1h | 35x1d | 6x30d

The connect section instructs zrepl to use the stdinserver transport: instead of directly exposing zrepl on prod1 to the internet, backups starts the zrepl stdinserver on prod1 via SSH. (You can learn more about what happens [here]({{< relref "configuration/transports.md#stdinserver" >}}), or just continue following this tutorial.)

Thus, we need to create the SSH key pair /etc/zrepl/ssh/prod1{,.pub} and later pass the public part to prod1 which will use it to authenticate backups. Execute the following commands on backups as the root user:

cd /etc/zrepl
mkdir -p ssh
chmod 0700 ssh
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' -f /etc/zrepl/ssh/prod1

You can learn more about the [pull job format here]({{< relref "configuration/jobs.md#pull" >}}) but for now we are good to go.

Configure prod1

We define a corresponding source job named pull_backup in the main configuration file zrepl.yml:


- name: pull_backup
  type: source
    type: stdinserver
    client_identity: backups.example.com
  datasets: {
    "zroot/var/db": "ok",
    "zroot/usr/home<": "ok",
    "zroot/usr/home/paranoid": "!",
  snapshot_prefix: zrepl_pull_backup_
  interval: 10m
    policy: grid
    grid: 1x1d(keep=all)

The serve section corresponds to the connect section in the configuration of backups.

We need to allow the SSH key on backups to execute zrepl stdinserver backups.example.com on prod1. For good measure, we will in fact enforce that only this command can be executed.

Open /root/.ssh/authorized_keys and add either of the the following lines, replacing BACKUPS_SSH_PUBKEY at the end of the line with the contents of /etc/zrepl/ssh/prod1.pub (note the .pub !) from backups.

# for OpenSSH >= 7.2
command="zrepl stdinserver backups.example.com",restrict BACKUPS_SSH_PUBKEY
# for older OpenSSH versions
command="zrepl stdinserver backups.example.com",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty,no-agent-forwarding,no-user-rc  BACKUPS_SSH_PUBKEY

{{% alert theme="info" %}}The entries must be on a single line, including the replaced BACKUPS_SSH_PUBKEY{{% /alert %}}

Again, you can learn more about the [source job format here]({{< ref "configuration/jobs.md#source" >}}).

Apply Configuration Changes

We need to restart the zrepl daemon on both prod1 and backups.

This is OS-specific.

Watch it Work

A common setup is to watch the log output and zfs list of snapshots on both machines.

If you like tmux, here is a handy script that works on FreeBSD:

pkg install gnu-watch tmux
tmux new-window
tmux split-window "tail -f /var/log/zrepl.log"
tmux split-window "gnu-watch 'zfs list -t snapshot -o name,creation -s creation | grep zrepl_pull_backup_'"
tmux select-layout tiled

The Linux equivalent might look like this

# make sure tmux is installed & let's assume you use systemd + journald
tmux new-window
tmux split-window "journalctl -f -u zrepl.service"
tmux split-window "watch 'zfs list -t snapshot -o name,creation -s creation | grep zrepl_pull_backup_'"
tmux select-layout tiled


Congratulations, you have a working pull backup. Where to go next?