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v0.3 Quick Start

Ziti Quickstart


I specifically used the "no docker" variant:

$ source /dev/stdin <<< "$(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openziti/ziti/release-next/quickstart/docker/image/ziti-cli-functions.sh)"; expressInstall
$ startController
$ startRouter

Keep track of the generated admin password when running the expressInstall script. The script will prompt you like this:

Do you want to keep the generated admin password 'XO0xHp75uuyeireO2xmmVlK91T7B9fpD'? (Y/n)

You'll need that generated password (XO0xHp75uuyeireO2xmmVlK91T7B9fpD) when building your zrok controller configuration.

Build a Configuration

#    _____ __ ___ | | __
#   |_  / '__/ _ \| |/ /
#    / /| | | (_) |   <
#   /___|_|  \___/|_|\_\
# controller configuration

v:                  1

    -               f60b55fa-4dec-4c4a-9244-e3b7d6b9bb13

  port:             18080

  path:             zrok.db
  type:             sqlite3

  api_endpoint:     ""
  username:         admin
  password:         "XO0xHp75uuyeireO2xmmVlK91T7B9fpD"

The admin section defines privileged administrative credentials (and should be set in you ZROK_ADMIN_TOKEN environment variable in shells where you want to remotely access admin capabilities).

The endpoint section defines where your zrok controller will listen.

The store section defines the local sqlite3 database used by the controller.

The ziti section defines how the zrok controller should communicate with your Ziti installation. When using the Ziti quickstart, an administrative password will be generated; the password in the ziti stanza should reflect this password.

Environment Variables

The zrok binaries are configured to work with the global zrok.io service, and default to using api.zrok.io as the endpoint for communicating with the service.

To work with a local zrok deployment, you'll need to set the ZROK_API_ENDPOINT environment variable to point to the address where your zrok controller will be listening, as configured in the configuration file above.

In my case, I've set:

$ export ZROK_API_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:18080

Bootstrap Ziti for zrok

With your Ziti network running and your configuration saved to a local file (I refer to mine as etc/dev.yml in these examples), you're ready to bootstrap the Ziti network.

Use the zrok admin bootstrap command to bootstrap like this:

$ zrok admin bootstrap etc/dev.yml 
[   0.002]    INFO main.(*adminBootstrap).run: {
[   0.002]    INFO zrok/controller/store.Open: database connected
[   0.006]    INFO zrok/controller/store.(*Store).migrate: applied 0 migrations
[   0.006]    INFO zrok/controller.Bootstrap: connecting to the ziti edge management api
[   0.039]    INFO zrok/controller.Bootstrap: creating identity for controller ziti access
[   0.071]    INFO zrok/controller.Bootstrap: controller identity: jKd8AINSz
[   0.082]    INFO zrok/controller.assertIdentity: asserted identity 'jKd8AINSz'
[   0.085]    INFO zrok/controller.assertErpForIdentity: asserted erps for 'ctrl' (jKd8AINSz)
[   0.085]    INFO zrok/controller.Bootstrap: creating identity for frontend ziti access
[   0.118]    INFO zrok/controller.Bootstrap: frontend identity: sqJRAINSiB
[   0.119]    INFO zrok/controller.assertIdentity: asserted identity 'sqJRAINSiB'
[   0.120]    INFO zrok/controller.assertErpForIdentity: asserted erps for 'frontend' (sqJRAINSiB)
[   0.120] WARNING zrok/controller.Bootstrap: missing public frontend for ziti id 'sqJRAINSiB'; please use 'zrok admin create frontend sqJRAINSiB public https://{svcToken}.your.dns.name' to create a frontend instance
[   0.123]    INFO zrok/controller.assertZrokProxyConfigType: found 'zrok.proxy.v1' config type with id '33CyjNbIepkXHN5VzGDA8L'
[   0.124]    INFO zrok/controller.assertMetricsService: creating 'metrics' service
[   0.126]    INFO zrok/controller.assertMetricsService: asserted 'metrics' service (5RpPZZ7T8bZf1ENjwGiPc3)
[   0.128]    INFO zrok/controller.assertMetricsSerp: creating 'metrics' serp
[   0.130]    INFO zrok/controller.assertMetricsSerp: asserted 'metrics' serp
[   0.134]    INFO zrok/controller.assertCtrlMetricsBind: creating 'ctrl-metrics-bind' service policy
[   0.135]    INFO zrok/controller.assertCtrlMetricsBind: asserted 'ctrl-metrics-bind' service policy
[   0.138]    INFO zrok/controller.assertFrontendMetricsDial: creating 'frontend-metrics-dial' service policy
[   0.140]    INFO zrok/controller.assertFrontendMetricsDial: asserted 'frontend-metrics-dial' service policy
[   0.140]    INFO main.(*adminBootstrap).run: bootstrap complete!

The zrok admin bootstrap command configures the zrok database, the necessary Ziti identities, and all of the Ziti policies required to run a zrok service.

Notice this warning:

[   0.120] WARNING zrok/controller.Bootstrap: missing public frontend for ziti id 'sqJRAINSiB'; please use 'zrok admin create frontend sqJRAINSiB public https://{svcToken}.your.dns.name' to create a frontend instance

The zrok bootstrap process wants us to create a "public frontend" for our service. zrok uses public frontends to allow users to specify where they would like public traffic to ingress from.

The zrok admin create frontend command requires a running zrok controller, so let's start that up first:

$ zrok controller etc/dev.yml 
[   0.003]    INFO main.(*controllerCommand).run: {
[   0.016]    INFO zrok/controller.inspectZiti: inspecting ziti controller configuration
[   0.048]    INFO zrok/controller.findZrokProxyConfigType: found 'zrok.proxy.v1' config type with id '33CyjNbIepkXHN5VzGDA8L'
[   0.048]    INFO zrok/controller/store.Open: database connected
[   0.048]    INFO zrok/controller/store.(*Store).migrate: applied 0 migrations
[   0.049]    INFO zrok/controller.(*metricsAgent).run: starting
[   0.064]    INFO zrok/rest_server_zrok.setupGlobalMiddleware: configuring
[   0.064]    INFO zrok/ui.StaticBuilder: building
[   0.065]    INFO zrok/rest_server_zrok.(*Server).Logf: Serving zrok at http://[::]:18080
[   0.085]    INFO zrok/controller.(*metricsAgent).listen: started

With our ZROK_ADMIN_TOKEN environment variable set, we can create our public frontend like this:

$ zrok admin create frontend sqJRAINSiB public http://{svcToken}.zrok.quigley.com:8080
[   0.037]    INFO main.(*adminCreateFrontendCommand).run: created global public frontend 'WEirJNHVlcW9'

Now our zrok controller is fully configured.

Start Public Frontend

In another terminal window, run:

$ zrok access public
[   0.002]    INFO main.(*accessPublicCommand).run: {
[   0.002]    INFO zrok/endpoints/public_frontend.newMetricsAgent: loaded 'frontend' identity

This process uses the frontend identity created during the bootstrap process to provide public access for the zrok deployment. It is expected that the configured listener for this frontend corresponds to the DNS template specified when creating the public frontend record above.

Invite Yourself

$ zrok invite
New Email: michael@quigley.com
Confirm Email: michael@quigley.com
invitation sent to 'michael@quigley.com'!

If you look at the console output from your zrok controller, you'll see a message like this:

[ 238.168]    INFO zrok/controller.(*inviteHandler).Handle: account request for 'michael@quigley.com' has registration token 'U2Ewt1UCn3ql'

You can access your zrok controller's registration UI by pointing a web browser at:


The UI will ask you to set a password for your new account. Go ahead and do that.

After doing that, I see the following output in my controller console:

[ 516.778]    INFO zrok/controller.(*registerHandler).Handle: created account 'michael@quigley.com' with token 'SuGzRPjVDIcF'

Keep track of the token listed above (SuGzRPjVDIcF). We'll use this to enable our shell for this zrok deployment.

Enable Your Shell

$ zrok enable SuGzRPjVDIcF
zrok environment '2AS1WZ3Sz' enabled for 'SuGzRPjVDIcF'

Congratulations. You have a working zrok environment!