2024-01-19 12:33:31 -05:00

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The zrok Drives CLI

The zrok Drives CLI tools allow for simple, ergonomic management and synchronization of local and remote file objects transparently.

Sharing a Drive

Virtual drives are shared through the zrok CLI using the --backend-mode drive flag with the zrok share command, using either the public or private sharing modes:

$ mkdir /tmp/junk
$ zrok share private --headless --backend-mode drive /tmp/junk
[   0.124]    INFO sdk-golang/ziti.(*listenerManager).createSessionWithBackoff: {session token=[cf640aac-2706-49ae-9cc9-9a497d67d9c5]} new service session
[   0.145]    INFO main.(*sharePrivateCommand).run: allow other to access your share with the following command:
zrok access private wkcfb58vj51l

The command shown above creates an ephemeral zrok drive share pointed at the local /tmp/junk folder.

Notice that the share token allocated by zrok is wkcfb58vj51l. We'll use that share token to identify our virtual drive in the following operations.

Working with the Drive Share

First, let's copy a file into our virtual drive using the zrok copy command:

$ zrok copy LICENSE zrok://wkcfb58vj51l
[   0.119]    INFO zrok/drives/sync.OneWay: => /LICENSE
copy complete!

We used the URL scheme zrok://<shareToken> to refer to the private virtual drive we allocated above using the zrok share private command. Use zrok:// URLs with the drives CLI tools to refer to contents of private virtual drives.

Next, let's get a directory listing of the virtual drive:

$ zrok ls zrok://wkcfb58vj51l
│ TYPE │ NAME    │ SIZE    │ MODIFIED                      │
│      │ LICENSE │ 11.3 kB │ 2024-01-19 12:16:46 -0500 EST │

We can make directories on the virtual drive:

$ zrok mkdir zrok://wkcfb58vj51l/stuff
$ zrok ls zrok://wkcfb58vj51l
│ TYPE │ NAME    │ SIZE    │ MODIFIED                      │
│      │ LICENSE │ 11.3 kB │ 2024-01-19 12:16:46 -0500 EST │
│ DIR  │ stuff   │         │                               │

We can copy the contents of a local directory into the new directory on the virtual drive:

$ ls -l util/
total 20
-rw-rw-r-- 1 michael michael 329 Jul 21 13:17 email.go
-rw-rw-r-- 1 michael michael 456 Jul 21 13:17 headers.go
-rw-rw-r-- 1 michael michael 609 Jul 21 13:17 proxy.go
-rw-rw-r-- 1 michael michael 361 Jul 21 13:17 size.go
-rw-rw-r-- 1 michael michael 423 Jan  2 11:57 uniqueName.go
$ zrok copy util/ zrok://wkcfb58vj51l/stuff
[   0.123]    INFO zrok/drives/sync.OneWay: => /email.go
[   0.194]    INFO zrok/drives/sync.OneWay: => /headers.go
[   0.267]    INFO zrok/drives/sync.OneWay: => /proxy.go
[   0.337]    INFO zrok/drives/sync.OneWay: => /size.go
[   0.408]    INFO zrok/drives/sync.OneWay: => /uniqueName.go
copy complete!
$ zrok ls zrok://wkcfb58vj51l/stuff
│ TYPE │ NAME          │ SIZE  │ MODIFIED                      │
│      │ email.go      │ 329 B │ 2024-01-19 12:26:45 -0500 EST │
│      │ headers.go    │ 456 B │ 2024-01-19 12:26:45 -0500 EST │
│      │ proxy.go      │ 609 B │ 2024-01-19 12:26:45 -0500 EST │
│      │ size.go       │ 361 B │ 2024-01-19 12:26:45 -0500 EST │
│      │ uniqueName.go │ 423 B │ 2024-01-19 12:26:45 -0500 EST │

And we can remove files and directories from the virtual drive:

$ zrok rm zrok://wkcfb58vj51l/LICENSE
michael@fourtyfour Fri Jan 19 12:29:12 ~/Repos/nf/zrok 
$ zrok ls zrok://wkcfb58vj51l
│ DIR  │ stuff │      │          │
michael@fourtyfour Fri Jan 19 12:29:14 ~/Repos/nf/zrok 
$ zrok rm zrok://wkcfb58vj51l/stuff
michael@fourtyfour Fri Jan 19 12:29:20 ~/Repos/nf/zrok 
$ zrok ls zrok://wkcfb58vj51l