3. If you wish to automatically create tickets from the contents of an e-mail inbox, set up a cronjob to run the management command on a regular basis. (Or use Celery, see below)
If you wish to use `celery` instead of cron, you must add 'django_celery_beat' to `INSTALLED_APPS` and add a periodic celery task through the Django admin.
5. If you wish to exclude some days (eg, weekends) from escalation calculations, enter the dates manually via the Admin, or setup a cronjob to run a management command on a regular basis::
This will, on a weekly basis, create exclusions for the coming weekend.
6. Log in to your Django admin screen, and go to the 'Sites' module. If the site ``example.com`` is listed, click it and update the details so they are relevant for your website.
7. If you do not send mail directly from your web server (eg, you need to use an SMTP server) then edit your ``settings.py`` file so it contains your mail server details::
8. If you wish to use SOCKS4/5 proxy with Helpdesk Queue email operations, install PySocks manually. Please note that mixing both SOCKS and non-SOCKS email sources for different queues is only supported under Python 2; on Python 3, SOCKS proxy support is all-or-nothing: either all queue email sources must use SOCKS or none may use it. If you need this functionality on Python 3 please `let us know <https://github.com/django-helpdesk/django-helpdesk/issues/new>`_.