A REST API (built with ``djangorestframework``) is available in order to list, create, update and delete tickets from other tools thanks to HTTP requests.
You must be authenticated to access the API, the URL endpoint is ``/api/tickets/``. You can configure how you wish to authenticate to the API by customizing the ``DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES`` key in the ``REST_FRAMEWORK`` setting (more information on this page : https://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/authentication/)
Accessing the endpoint ``/api/tickets/`` with a **GET** request will return you the complete list of tickets.
Accessing the endpoint ``/api/tickets/<ticket-id>`` with a **GET** request will return you the data of the ticket you provided the ID.
Accessing the endpoint ``/api/tickets/`` with a **POST** request will let you create a new tickets.
You need to provide a JSON body with the following data :
Note that ``status`` will automatically be set to OPEN. Also, some fields are not configurable during creation: ``resolution``, ``on_hold`` and ``merged_to``.
Accessing the endpoint ``/api/tickets/<ticket-id>`` with a **PUT** request will let you update the data of the ticket you provided the ID.
You must include all fields in the JSON body.
Accessing the endpoint ``/api/tickets/<ticket-id>`` with a **PATCH** request will let you do a partial update of the data of the ticket you provided the ID.
You can include only the fields you need to update in the JSON body.
Accessing the endpoint ``/api/tickets/<ticket-id>`` with a **DELETE** request will let you delete the ticket you provided the ID.