Django-helpdesk associates an email address with each submitted ticket. If you integrate django-helpdesk directly into your django application, logged in users will automatically have their email address set when they visit the `/tickets/submit/` form. If you wish to pre-fill fields in this form, you can do so simply by setting the following query parameters:
There is also a page under the url `/tickets/submit_iframe/` with the same behavior.
Fields may be hidden by adding them to a comma separated `_hide_fieds_` query parameter.
Here is an example url to get you started: `http://localhost:8000/desk/tickets/submit_iframe/?queue=1;custom_dpnk-user=;;title=lol;_hide_fields_=title,queue,submitter_email`. This url sets the queue to 1, sets the custom field `dpnk-url` to `` and submitter_email to `` and hides the title, queue, and submitter_email fields. Note that hidden fields should be set to a default.