Without this change, django1.10 is missing the 'user' object from the context, which results in
a very hard to track down bug manifesting in ;
"NoReverseMatch: Reverse for 'helpdesk_rss_user' with arguments '('',)' and keyword arguments '{}' not found."
At first glance users may think this is the dots-in-usernames bug, but the username is totally missing.
If activated, a 'change language' link will be shown in the footer.
You need to add this line to your 'urlpatterns' variable in your
urls.py file:
(r'^i18n/', include('django.conf.urls.i18n'))
- look at settings.py for all new options regarding customization.
- settings can be accessed inside the templates via the new
templatetag 'load_helpdesk_settings'
- allow editing of personal followups, but only if followup does not
contain any ticketchanges - otherwise this information is lost after
the editing.
- add 'delete' link to attachments
- link to list of closed tickets in queue overview
- add 'closed & resolved' section to dashboard
- hide 'pre-set reply' box if no pre-set replies are found.
- use 'SelectDateWidget' for custom DateField
- fix how we update followups so that attachments don't get deleted
- fix bug where resolution emails contained the solution 'None'
- fix stats crashing bug
- fix locale bug