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Synology 22

This tutorial is based on latest DSM v6.

Install Docker

Open package manager and install docker

Install RustDesk Server

Search rustdesk-server in Docker's registery and install by double click Installed rustdesk-server image, double click to create rustdesk-server container

Create hbbs container

As mentioned above, double click on rustdesk-server image to create new container, set it name to hbbs.

Click on above "Advanced Settings".

  • Enable auto-restart

  • Enable "Use the same network as Docker host", for more about host net, please check

  • Mount a host directory (e.g. Shared/test/) to /root, hbbs's will generate some files in this directory

    Mount Files generated in the host directory
  • Set command {{% notice note %}} Synogy's OS is debain based, so host net (--net=host) works fine, we do not need to map ports with -p option. is an intranet ip used here for demonstration only, please set it to a public ip when you deploy.

demo is used here for trial only, please set it to a registered email when you deploy. demo can be used until we start to sell license. {{% /notice %}}

  • Done

Create hbbr container

Please repeat above hbbs steps, but change container name to hbbr and command to hbbr -m demo.

hbbr/hbbs containers

Double click on container and check log Double confirm hbbs/hbbr using host network


You can test if hbbs runs well by going to web console built in hbbs. Please change to your Synogy's ip. Default login name/password is admin/test1234.

Please change the admin password as belows.