forked from extern/nix-config
Commit Graph

1023 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Donovan Glover
Revert "Remove sxhkd"
Similar to the other revert commits, keeping my sxhkd config is useful
if I want to use bspwm in the future, since I won't have to re-create
it later.
2021-05-14 10:18:03 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Revert "Remove xinit"
I may want to use this in the future and even if I don't use it it's not
going to have a significant impact on the computer, so I might as well
keep it here just in case.
2021-05-14 10:15:19 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Revert "Remove polybar"
I don't actually need to get rid of my old config files if I ever want
to have easy access to them in the future. Although I intend on using
Wayland, having a nice interface for traditional X applications may not
be a bad idea (some graphically intensive programs also run better there,
2021-05-14 10:14:07 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Update kitty config
Some nice changes here, although I may stick to alacritty for now since
it seems to be faster and I can focus on using tmux instead of having
multiple ways to manage windows.
2021-05-14 07:45:07 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove xinit
No need for .xinitrc since I use Wayland now.
2021-05-13 14:46:08 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove polybar
Time to learn how to configure a new status bar!
2021-05-13 13:39:26 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove sxhkd
Ditching bspwm+sxhkd admittedly makes my setup a bit more simple, which
I like. I also like how sway supports multiple monitors out of the box.
2021-05-13 12:27:12 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove bspwm
It's the end of an era and I no longer use bspwm. Although the tiling of
bspwm was admittedly cool, at the end of the day most of my time isn't
spent opening new windows so working with the i3-like sway instead works
just fine.
2021-05-13 12:24:14 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove tari-core meta package
Having a meta package was cool and it got the job done, but it's
inconvenient to use when adding and removing a lot of packages.

One alternative I'm looking at is simply keeping track of all the
explicitly installed packages and storing that in a text file. This
makes it easy to keep track of all the installed packages without
introducing downsides, and new machines that don't need certain
packages can simply delete those lines.
2021-05-13 10:56:30 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Simplify neofetch config
As of now I am largely uninterested in customizing neofetch to look
completely different, although time will tell if I stay true to this
stance. As of now, however, showing an image is enough.
2021-05-13 10:32:51 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Clean up code config
No need to deal with HiDPI fixes anymore!
2021-05-13 10:27:21 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove rtv
rtv has been archived for a while now so I'm removing it for
2021-05-12 21:18:12 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove xcape/xmodmap
This is no longer needed since I use sway now.
2021-05-12 21:07:02 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove dunst
dunst actually has Wayland support but I'd like to try something else
for now, possibly something more "sway-like".
2021-05-12 20:25:40 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove compton
Over time compton became unmaintained and a replacement package picom
took its place. After trying out sway for a bit, I realized that it
doesn't need a separate compositor at all like bspwm does, so I might
just switch to it. Note that there is a performance penalty on sway
that I haven't figured out how to solve yet.
2021-05-12 18:10:17 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove evince
evince actually uses less memory than zathura and seems to be more
efficient overall, although it isn't as customizable as zathura and
not as minimal in terms of UI.

Overall, I'd rather just use zathura, which also lets me be more
consistent in my bspwm setup.

Apparently gnome-books and sushi depend on evince, the first of which
is a GUI for djvu/epub files and the second of which lets you preview files
with the spacebar in the file explorer. Ironically, I've never used this
feature until I read about it, and although it seems cool, I don't think
I have a use for it as I've been opening my files normally for years now.
2021-05-12 05:12:41 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove unused packages
Some of these packages I don't use anymore. I've gone ahead and removed
them here.
2021-05-11 09:42:02 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove old tmux colors
Some of these settings, specifically the window-status ones, produced
error messages in more recent versions of tmux. I've gone ahead and
simplified everything to the default colors since they work pretty well
2021-05-10 11:10:12 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove ctrl+alt keybindings from kitty
Since I don't use urxvt anymore (which I assume is where I got the
ctrl+alt from), I no longer confuse the two.
2021-05-10 10:31:25 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove custom mozilla.cfg
At some point some of these settings stopped working. I'd rather not
deal with the cost of maintaining everything so I'm just removing it
for now.
2021-05-10 10:20:16 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove xeventbind
Since I don't change resolutions as often if at all anymore, this
isn't needed.
2021-05-10 10:17:59 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Remove bspwm-round-corners-git
I no longer have a need to use round corners in bspwm, although it was
cool at the time.
2021-05-10 10:04:34 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Switch from yay to paru
Paru is a new AUR helper written in Rust. The main difference between
it and Yay (written in Go) is that the code is supposed to be cleaner.
2021-02-27 16:54:58 -05:00
Donovan Glover
archlinux: Add vim and dhcpcd to install-scripts
These packages aren't included by default anymore so adding them here
makes sense. Note that maintaining a large meta package is actually
difficult since one error means the whole thing doesn't work.

I am looking for an alternative solution to keep things somewhat
automated while at the same time increase flexibility when it comes
to the initial setup.
2021-01-04 23:41:41 -05:00
Donovan Glover
archlinux: Remove arc-kde from tari-core
This package isn't in the main repos anymore so we have to remove it
to avoid errors during the make process.
2021-01-02 19:00:24 -05:00
Donovan Glover
meta: Update copyright years
Since I actually made some meaningful contributions for 2021 I can
update the copyright years now!
2021-01-02 18:25:20 -05:00
Donovan Glover
archlinux: Update pacstrap packages
base-devel no longer exists and the installation guide now tells users
to explicitly install the linux and linux-firmware packages.
2021-01-02 18:02:54 -05:00
Donovan Glover
archlinux: Use curl instead of wget for install scripts
Current iso doesn't have wget automatically installed, so we should
use curl instead.
2021-01-02 17:57:03 -05:00
Donovan Glover
PKGBUILDs: Add sensible-chromium
I actually wrote this in 2018 but never committed it. Might as well do
that now. The extensions it installs are uBlock Origin, Vimium, and
HTTPS Everywhere.
2021-01-01 23:50:51 -05:00
Donovan Glover
meta: Miscellaneous updates
I wanted to commit some more stuff for 2020. Better late than never,
right? The most significant change is probably in fish_prompt.fish.
I fixed an edge case where the directory in question could be the
same as the user's username.
2020-12-31 23:56:22 -05:00
Donovan Glover
bspwm: Add code icon 2020-09-07 23:15:29 -04:00
Donovan Glover
archlinux: Add gotop
Unlike vtop and gtop, gotop is a nice top solution that doesn't
rely on JavaScript in the terminal.
2019-01-22 08:54:49 -05:00
Donovan Glover
fish: Add abbreviations for yarn 2019-01-15 23:01:57 -05:00
Donovan Glover
vim: Fix vim-jsbeautify initialization
This fixes an issue where vim-jsbeautify would not be initialized.
2019-01-15 22:56:56 -05:00
Donovan Glover
misc: Update copyright years
The year is now 2019. Let's see what we can do!
2019-01-01 23:52:55 -05:00
Donovan Glover
compton: Add fade settings
This makes the fade a little faster so that it's easier to switch
between bspwm desktops.
2019-01-01 23:47:50 -05:00
Donovan Glover
fish: Remove --verbose flag from git branch abbreviation
Now that I understand more about how `git branch` works, I really use
it for more than just the --verbose flag.
2019-01-01 13:57:22 -05:00
Donovan Glover
fish: Add kitty set-colors abbreviation
This abbreviation is useful when you change your color scheme with
wal and plan to or have multiple kitty windows open (since kitty
itself will still be using the color scheme it initially loaded
from the config file).
2019-01-01 13:50:59 -05:00
Donovan Glover
mpd: Add .gitkeep for playlists directory
This solves an issue where mpd would throw an error if the
directory was not found.
2019-01-01 13:35:11 -05:00
Donovan Glover
archlinux: Update shotgun
The shotgun package is now in the community repository.
2018-12-31 16:00:02 -05:00
Donovan Glover
archlinux: Remove shantz-xwinwrap-bzr
Since animated desktop backgrounds are more of a hassle to maintain than
they are worth, I've gone ahead and removed xwinwrap. If you are running
bspwm and still want an animated desktop background, use:

xwinwrap -g 3840x2160 -ov -- mpv -wid WID --loop inf your.video

For reference, you can use xwinwrap with any resolution you want, not
just your screen size. mpv will also accept pretty much any animated
format out there.
2018-12-31 15:39:26 -05:00
Donovan Glover
docs: Clean up README
Since most of the README wouldn't be relevant to most users anyway,
I've gone ahead and removed it. In the future I may consider writing
a brief guide on how to set up certain things, but for now I'm focusing
more on the dotfiles and bootstrap aspect itself instead of trying to
treat everything as a collective whole.
2018-12-29 22:13:54 -05:00
Donovan Glover
meta: Change repository name from .files to dotfiles
It turns out that using a literal dot instead of the word dotfiles has a
negative impact on the discoverability of the repository. Since the
directory name can be changed to .files when running `git clone`, this
gives us the freedom to name the repository however we please.
2018-12-28 14:00:25 -05:00
Donovan Glover
archlinux: Remove ranger-git
kitty support is now in the latest released version of ranger, which
is now in the community repository.
2018-12-28 13:56:53 -05:00
Donovan Glover
misc: Fix changelog url
Note that this url will have to be updated manually every time
a new version is released.
2018-12-22 17:56:03 -05:00
Donovan Glover
docs: Update changelog 2018-12-22 17:47:58 -05:00
Donovan Glover
meta: Add full variable DPI support
This *should* complete the process of adding full variable DPI support
to an X session. The X DPI is now set dynamically and changes on
resolution change, making this setup easy to deploy to both traditional
and HiDPI environments.
2018-12-22 17:28:10 -05:00
Donovan Glover
bspwm: Run xeventbind in the background if found
This makes it so that the X DPI and other components are
automatically changed on resolution change.
2018-12-22 17:04:01 -05:00
Donovan Glover
bspwm: Set DPI before starting polybar
This change makes it so that DPI is determined when bspwm is started
instead of relying on ~/.Xresources to always have the correct DPI.
2018-12-22 17:01:22 -05:00
Donovan Glover
xeventbind: Set a default Xft.dpi if none is found
Since our scripts depend on Xft.dpi being set, we first set the
variable to a reasonable default before doing anything else.
2018-12-22 16:37:05 -05:00