forked from extern/nix-config
Donovan Glover 881f587fdc
meta: Add PKGBUILDs
Instead of having one big PKGBUILD, I have opted instead to split my
Arch configuration into multiple PKGBUILDs.

Of course, splitting the packages *too much* has diminishing returns,
but some separation makes it easier for both myself and others to pick
and choose any wanted functionality.
2018-11-12 21:32:28 -05:00

578 B


Here are the PKGBUILDs I use to replicate my Arch Linux rice. muya.spec is used to mimmic my entire Fedora setup. Change it as you see fit, or simply use what I use.


dnf: Remove unused dependencies

Unlike pacman, dnf will only remove unused dependencies if you use dnf autoremove.

pacman: Invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)

This happens when the keys used to sign packages have changed. Use pacman-key --populate to fetch new keys, followed by --refresh-keys to update any existing keys.