%1 email addresses inserted common hu %1 email c<>m beillesztve
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common hu %1 nem futtathat<61> a webszerver <20>ltal!
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common hu Az %1eGroupWare%2 egy php nyelven <20>rt webalap<61>, t<>bbfelhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>s csoportmunk<6E>t t<>mogat<61> alkalmaz<61>scsomag.
(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar hu (Shift-)Klikk vagy vontat<61>s megv<67>ltoztatja az <20>rt<72>ket.
- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar hu - Az id<69>mez<65>re kattint<6E>s megn<67>veli az <20>rt<72>k<EFBFBD>t - needfix
- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar hu - Gyorsabb kijel<65>l<EFBFBD>s <20>rhet<65> el az eg<65>rgomb lenyomva tart<72>s<EFBFBD>val b<>rmelyik gombon.
- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar hu - vagy kattint<6E>s <20>s vontat<61>s a gyorsabb kiv<69>laszt<7A>shoz
- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar hu - vagy Shift-kattint<6E>ssal cs<63>kkenthet<65> az <20>rt<72>ke
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar hu - Az %1, %2 gomb haszn<7A>latosak a h<>nap kiv<69>laszt<7A>s<EFBFBD>hoz
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar hu - Az %1, %2 gombok haszn<7A>latosak az <20>v kiv<69>laszt<7A>s<EFBFBD>hoz.
00 (disable) admin hu 00 (tiltva)
13 (ntp) admin hu 13 (ntp)
3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar hu 3 karakteres nap r<>vid<69>t<EFBFBD>s
3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar hu 3 karakteres h<>nap r<>vid<69>t<EFBFBD>s
80 (http) admin hu 80 (http)
\n tidying up the html source, please wait... htmlarea-HtmlTidy hu \n HTML k<>d takar<61>t<EFBFBD>s
_delete row htmlarea-ContextMenu hu Sort<72>rl<72>s
_image properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu hu K<>p tulajdons<6E>gai
_modify link... htmlarea-ContextMenu hu Hivatkoz<6F>s m<>dos<6F>t<EFBFBD>sa
_remove link... htmlarea-ContextMenu hu Hivatkoz<6F>s t<>rl<72>se
_table properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu hu T<>bl<62>zat tulajdons<6E>gai
a editor instance must be focused before using this command. tinymce hu A szerkeszteni k<>v<EFBFBD>nt ter<65>letet ki kell jel<65>lni ezen funkci<63> haszn<7A>lata el<65>tt.
choose directory to move selected folders and files to. tinymce hu C<>lk<6C>nyvt<76>r kiv<69>laszt<7A>sa a kijel<65>lt mapp<70>k <20>s <20>llom<6F>nyok mozgat<61>s<EFBFBD>hoz.
choose list style type (for ordered lists) htmlarea-ListType hu Lista st<73>lus v<>laszt<7A>sa (rendezett list<73>hoz)
choose the category common hu Kateg<65>ria v<>laszt<7A>s
choose the parent category common hu Sz<53>l<EFBFBD> kateg<65>ria v<>laszt<7A>s
christmas island common hu Kar<61>csony szigetek
class tinymce hu Oszt<7A>ly
cleanup messy code tinymce hu K<>dtiszt<7A>t<EFBFBD>s
copy selection htmlarea hu Kijel<65>l<EFBFBD>s m<>sol<6F>sa
copy table row tinymce hu T<>bl<62>zat sor<6F>nak m<>sol<6F>sa
copy/cut/paste is not available in mozilla and firefox.\ndo you want more information about this issue? tinymce hu M<>sol<6F>s/Kiv<69>g<EFBFBD>s/Beilleszt<7A>s nem el<65>rhet<65> alap<61>rtelmez<65>sk<73>nt a Mozilla <20>s Firefox b<>ng<6E>sz<73>kben.\nSzeretne t<>bbet tudni err<72>l?
date selection: jscalendar hu D<>tum kiv<69>laszt<7A>s:
datetime port.<br>if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br>(port: 13 / host: admin hu Id<49>szerver port.<br>A 13-as port haszn<7A>lat<61>hoz a t<>zfalat ki kell nyitni, miel<65>tt ez az oldal elk<6C>ld<6C>sre ker<65>lne.<br>
de_lete column htmlarea-ContextMenu hu Oszlop t<>rl<72>se
delete cell htmlarea-TableOperations hu Cella t<>rl<72>s
delete column htmlarea-TableOperations hu Oszlop t<>rl<72>s
delete row common hu Sor t<>rl<72>se
delete the current column htmlarea-ContextMenu hu Aktu<74>lis oszlop t<>rl<72>se
delete the current row htmlarea-ContextMenu hu Aktu<74>lis sor t<>rl<72>se
denmark common hu D<>nia
description common hu Le<4C>r<EFBFBD>s
detail common hu R<>szlet
details common hu R<>szletek
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common hu Letiltja az Internet Explorer 5.5+ b<>ng<6E>sz<73>k eset<65>n a PNG t<>pus<75> k<>pek <20>tl<74>tsz<73>s<EFBFBD>g<EFBFBD>nak kezel<65>s<EFBFBD>t jav<61>t<EFBFBD> szkript futtat<61>s<EFBFBD>t? (Javaslat: Firefox b<>ng<6E>sz<73> haszn<7A>lata)
dictionary htmlarea-SpellChecker hu Sz<53>t<EFBFBD>r
direction right to left tinymce hu Jobbr<62>l balra ir<69>ny
directory tinymce hu K<>nyvt<76>r
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common hu Internet Explorer png-image-bugfix tilt<6C>sa
disable slider effects common hu Cs<43>sztat<61>s tilt<6C>sa
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common hu Letiltja az oldalon tal<61>lhat<61> men<65>k anim<69>lt be- <20>s ki<6B>sztat<61>s<EFBFBD>t? Opera <20>s Konqueror felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>k val<61>sz<73>n<EFBFBD>leg haszn<7A>t veszik ennek.
disabled common hu Letiltva
display %s first jscalendar hu El<45>sz<73>r mutasd ezt %1
djibouti common hu Dzsibuti
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common hu Az alkateg<65>ri<72>kat is t<>r<EFBFBD>lni szeretn<74>?
do you want to use the wysiwyg mode for this textarea? tinymce hu WYSIWYG m<>d bekapcsol<6F>sa erre a sz<73>vegter<65>letre?
doctype: common hu Doctype:
document properties common hu Dokumentum jellemz<6D>k
document title: common hu Dokumentum c<>me:
domain common hu Tartom<6F>ny
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common hu Tartom<6F>nyn<79>v az email c<>mhez, pl. "%1"
domestic common hu Belf<6C>ldi
dominica common hu Dominika
dominican republic common hu Dominikai K<>zt<7A>rsas<61>g
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common hu felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD> email c<>me, pl. "%1"
emotions tinymce hu <09>rzelmek
enabled common hu Enged<65>lyezve
end date common hu Befejez<65>s d<>tuma
end time common hu Befejez<65>s ideje
enlarge editor htmlarea hu Szerkeszt<7A>ablak felnagy<67>t<EFBFBD>sa
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin hu K<>rem adja meg az eGroupWare URL hely<6C>t.<br>P<>ld<6C>ul: http://www.domain.com/eroupware vagy /egroupware<br><b>Lez<65>r<EFBFBD> / jel n<>lk<6C>l!<b>
fg color htmlarea-TableOperations hu El<45>t<EFBFBD>r sz<73>ne
fields common hu Mez<65>k
fiji common hu Fidzsi
file already exists. file was not uploaded. tinymce hu A f<>jl m<>r l<>tezik. A f<>jl felt<6C>lt<6C>se nem t<>r<EFBFBD>nt meg.
file exceeds the size limit tinymce hu A f<>jl m<>rete meghaladja a be<62>ll<6C>tott m<>rethat<61>rt.
file manager tinymce hu F<>jlkezel<65>
file not found. tinymce hu F<>jl nem tal<61>lhat<61>.
file was not uploaded. tinymce hu F<>jl felt<6C>lt<6C>s nem t<>rt<72>nt meg.
file with specified new name already exists. file was not renamed/moved. tinymce hu Ilyen nev<65><20>llom<6F>ny m<>r l<>tezik. Az <20>llom<6F>ny <20>tnevez<65>se/mozgat<61>sa nem siker<65>lt.
file(s) tinymce hu f<>jl(ok)
file: tinymce hu F<>jl:
files common hu F<>jlok
files with this extension are not allowed. tinymce hu Ilyen kiterjeszt<7A>s<EFBFBD> f<>jlok nem enged<65>lyezettek.
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common hu A felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD> keresztneve, pl. "%1"
first page common hu Els<6C> oldal
firstname common hu Keresztn<74>v
fixme! common hu FIXME!
flash files tinymce hu Flash f<>jlok
flash properties tinymce hu Flash tulajdons<6E>gok
flash-file (.swf) tinymce hu Flash f<>jl (.swf)
float htmlarea-TableOperations hu Lebeg<65>
folder tinymce hu Mappa
folder name missing. tinymce hu Mappan<61>v hi<68>nyzik.
folder not found. tinymce hu Mappa nem tal<61>lhat<61>.
folder with specified new name already exists. folder was not renamed/moved. tinymce hu Ilyen nev<65> mappa m<>r l<>tezik. A mappa <20>tnevez<65>se/mozgat<61>sa nem siker<65>lt.
folder(s) tinymce hu mapp<70>k
font color htmlarea hu Bet<65>k<EFBFBD>szlet sz<73>ne
for mouse out tinymce hu eg<65>rkurzor elhagy
for mouse over tinymce hu eg<65>rkurzor felette
force selectbox common hu Er<45>ltetett selectbox
frames htmlarea-TableOperations hu Keretek
france common hu Francaorsz<73>g
french guiana common hu Francia Guinea
french polynesia common hu Francia Polin<69>zia
french southern territories common hu Francia D<>li Ter<65>letek
horizontal rule htmlarea hu V<>zszintes elv<6C>laszt<7A>
how did you get here? (please report!) htmlarea-ContextMenu hu Hogy jutott el ide???? (K<>rem jelezze a levlist<73>n!) (Banyek, ezt nevezem!)
how many columns would you like to merge? htmlarea-TableOperations hu Egyes<65>teni k<>v<EFBFBD>nt oszlopok sz<73>ma?
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common hu A fels<6C> men<65>soron l<>that<61> ikonok maxim<69>lis sz<73>ma. A t<>bbi alkalmaz<61>s ikonja a men<65>sor jobb oldal<61>n tal<61>lhat<61> ikonra kattintva <20>rhet<65> el.
how many rows would you like to merge? htmlarea-TableOperations hu Egyes<65>teni k<>v<EFBFBD>nt sorok sz<73>ma?
html tidy htmlarea-HtmlTidy hu HTML pucol<6F>
htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last cell in row. htmlarea-TableOperations hu HTMLArea gy<67>v<EFBFBD>n megfutamodik a sor utols<6C> cell<6C>j<EFBFBD>nak t<>rl<72>se el<65>l.
htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last column in table. htmlarea-TableOperations hu HTMLArea gy<67>v<EFBFBD>n megfutamodik a t<>bl<62>zat utols<6C> oszlop<6F>nak t<>rl<72>se el<65>l.
htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last row in table. htmlarea-TableOperations hu HTMLArea gy<67>v<EFBFBD>n megfutamodik a t<>bl<62>zat utols<6C> sor<6F>nak t<>rl<72>se el<65>l.
hungary common hu Magyarorsz<73>g
i will open it in a new page. htmlarea-SpellChecker hu Megnyit<69>s <20>j lapon
i_nsert row before htmlarea-ContextMenu hu Sor besz<73>r<EFBFBD>sa el<65>tte
iceland common hu Izland
ignore htmlarea-SpellChecker hu Elvet<65>s
ignore all htmlarea-SpellChecker hu Minden elvet<65>se
image description tinymce hu K<>ple<6C>r<EFBFBD>s
image title tinymce hu K<>p c<>me
image url common hu K<>p URL
in_sert row after htmlarea-ContextMenu hu Sor besz<73>r<EFBFBD>s k<>s<EFBFBD>bb
increase indent htmlarea hu Beh<65>z<EFBFBD>s n<>vel<65>se
indent tinymce hu Beh<65>z<EFBFBD>s jobbra
india common hu India
indonesia common hu Indon<6F>zia
insert tinymce hu Beilleszt<7A>s
insert / edit flash movie tinymce hu Flash mozi beilleszt<7A>se / szerkeszt<7A>se
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common hu T<>bb mint %1 nap telt el az utols<6C> jelsz<73>m<EFBFBD>dos<6F>t<EFBFBD>s <20>ta
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common hu Er<45>sen javasolt az adatb<74>zis friss<73>t<EFBFBD>se a leg<65>jabb verzi<7A>ra. Ezt a tartom<6F>ny konfigur<75>ci<63>j<EFBFBD>t ell<6C>t<EFBFBD> felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>k<EFBFBD>nt teheti meg.
only files with extensions are permited, e.g. "imagefile.jpg". tinymce hu Csak kiterjeszt<7A>ssel rendelkez<65><20>llom<6F>nyok enged<65>lyezettek, pl. "kompromitt<74>l<EFBFBD>_k<5F>pf<70>jl.jpg"
paste as plain text tinymce hu Beilleszt mint egyszer<65> sz<73>veg
paste from clipboard htmlarea hu Beilleszt a v<>g<EFBFBD>lapr<70>l
paste from word tinymce hu Beilleszt a Word-b<>l
paste table row after tinymce hu T<>bl<62>zat sort beilleszt ut<75>na
paste table row before tinymce hu T<>bl<62>zat sort beilleszt el<65>
path htmlarea hu <09>tvonal
path not found. tinymce hu <09>tvonal nem tal<61>lhat<61>.
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common hu A felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>i <20>s csoport <20>llom<6F>nyokat tartalmaz<61> k<>nyvt<76>r <20>tvonala K<>V<EFBFBD>L KELL ESSEN a webszerver <20>ltal haszn<7A>lt k<>nyvt<76>ron!!! Pl. a /var/docroot lehet a /var/www/localhost/httpdocs/docroot helyett.
percent htmlarea-TableOperations hu sz<73>zal<61>k
please click into some cell htmlarea-TableOperations hu K<>rem kattintson bele p<>r cell<6C>ba
please confirm that you want to open this link htmlarea-SpellChecker hu Meger<65>s<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>s
please confirm that you want to remove this element: htmlarea-ContextMenu hu Elem t<>rl<72>s<EFBFBD>nek meger<65>s<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>se:
please confirm that you want to unlink this element. htmlarea-ContextMenu hu Elem hivatkoz<6F>s megsz<73>ntet<65>s<EFBFBD>nek meger<65>s<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>se.
please enter a name common hu K<>rem adjon meg egy nevet!
please enter the caption text tinymce hu K<>rem adja meg a feliratot
please insert a name for the target or choose another option. tinymce hu A c<>l nev<65>nek megad<61>sa vagy m<>sik opci<63> v<>laszt<7A>a.
please run setup to become current common hu K<>rem futtassa a setup-ot hogy a v<>ltoz<6F>s <20>rv<72>nyre jusson.
please select common hu K<>rem v<>lasszon
please set your global preferences common hu K<>rem <20>ll<6C>tsa be a glob<6F>lis tulajdons<6E>gait!
please set your preferences for this application common hu K<>rem <20>ll<6C>tsa be szem<65>lyes be<62>ll<6C>t<EFBFBD>sait ehhez az alkalmaz<61>shoz!
please wait. calling spell checker. htmlarea-SpellChecker hu Kis t<>relmet, a helyes<65>r<EFBFBD>sellen<65>rz<72> h<>v<EFBFBD>sa folyamatban.
please wait... common hu K<>rem v<>rjon <20>s figyelje a homok<6F>r<EFBFBD>t a szemk<6D>zti falon...
please wait: changing dictionary to htmlarea-SpellChecker hu Kis t<>relmet, sz<73>t<EFBFBD>r cser<65>je
pliz weit ;-) htmlarea-SpellChecker hu Kis t<>relmet ;-)
poland common hu Lengyelorsz<73>g
popup url tinymce hu Popup URL
portugal common hu Portug<75>lia
position (x/y) tinymce hu Poz<6F>ci<63> (X/Y)
postal common hu Postai
powered by egroupware version %1 common hu Powered by <a href="http://www.egroupware.org">eGroupWare</a> version %1
rename failed tinymce hu <09>tnevez<65>s sikertelen
replace common hu Csere
replace all htmlarea-SpellChecker hu Mind cser<65>je
replace with common hu Csere a k<>vetkez<65>re:
replace all tinymce hu Mindet cser<65>l
returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common hu A rendszeren tal<61>lhat<61><20>sszes felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>i fi<66>k list<73>ja. Figyelem: Ez igaz<61>n nagy is lehet.
returns an array of todo items common hu Tennival<61>k list<73>j<EFBFBD>t adja vissza egy t<>mbben
reunion common hu R<>union
revert htmlarea-SpellChecker hu Vissza<7A>ll<6C>t
right common hu Jobbra
rmdir failed. tinymce hu K<>nyvt<76>r t<>rl<72>s sikertelen.
ro_w properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu hu Sor tulajdons<6E>gok...
romania common hu Rom<6F>nia
row properties htmlarea-TableOperations hu Sor tulajdons<6E>gok
rows tinymce hu Sorok
rules htmlarea-TableOperations hu Elv<6C>laszt<7A>k
rules will appear between all rows and columns htmlarea-TableOperations hu Elv<6C>laszt<7A>k az <20>sszes sor <20>s oszlop k<>z<EFBFBD>tt
rules will appear between columns only htmlarea-TableOperations hu Elv<6C>laszt<7A>k csak az oszlopok k<>z<EFBFBD>tt
rules will appear between rows only htmlarea-TableOperations hu Elv<6C>laszt<7A>k csak a sorok k<>z<EFBFBD>tt
run spell checking tinymce hu Helyes<65>r<EFBFBD>sellen<65>rz<72>s futtat<61>sa
russian federation common hu Orosz f<>der<65>ci<63>
rwanda common hu Ruanda
saint helena common hu Szent Ilona
saint kitts and nevis common hu Saint Kitts <20>s Nevis
saint lucia common hu Saint Lucia
saint pierre and miquelon common hu Saint-Pierre <20>s Miquelon
saint vincent and the grenadines common hu Saint Vincent <20>s Granadin-szigetek
samoa common hu Szamoa
san marino common hu San Marino
sao tome and principe common hu Sao Tom<6F><20>s Pr<50>ncipe
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common hu D<>li-Georgia <20>s D<>li-Sandwich-szigetek
spacing htmlarea-TableOperations hu Bet<65>k<EFBFBD>z
spacing and padding htmlarea-TableOperations hu Bet<65>k<EFBFBD>z <20>s kit<69>lt<6C>s
spain common hu Spanyolorsz<73>g
spell check complete, didn't find any mispelled words. closing now... htmlarea-SpellChecker hu A helyes<65>r<EFBFBD>sellen<65>rz<72>s k<>sz, t<>vesztett sz<73> nem fordult el<65>. Bez<65>r<EFBFBD>s...
spell-check htmlarea-SpellChecker hu Helyes<65>r<EFBFBD>sellen<65>rz<72>s
split cell htmlarea-TableOperations hu Cella feloszt<7A>sa
split column htmlarea-TableOperations hu Oszlop feloszt<7A>sa
split row htmlarea-TableOperations hu Sor feloszt<7A>sa
split table cells tinymce hu Cella feloszt<7A>sa
sri lanka common hu Sri Lanka
start date common hu Kezd<7A>s d<>tuma
start time common hu Kezd<7A>s id<69>pontja
start with common hu Kezd<7A>s (start with)
status common hu <09>llapot
strikethrough htmlarea hu <09>th<74>zott
striketrough tinymce hu <09>th<74>zott
style [css] htmlarea-TableOperations hu St<53>lus (CSS)
svalbard and jan mayen common hu Svalbard (Spitzberg<72>k) <20>s Jan Mayen-szigetek
swaziland common hu Szv<7A>zif<69>ld
sweden common hu Sv<53>dorsz<73>g
switzerland common hu Sv<53>jc
syrian arab republic common hu Sz<53>ria
table cell properties tinymce hu Cella tulajdons<6E>gok
table properties common hu T<>bl<62>zat tulajdons<6E>gok
table row properties tinymce hu T<>blasor tulajdons<6E>gok
taiwan common hu Taiwan
tajikistan common hu Tadzsikiszt<7A>n
tanzania, united republic of common hu Tanz<6E>nia
target tinymce hu C<>l
text align htmlarea-TableOperations hu Sz<53>veg igaz<61>t<EFBFBD>s
text color: common hu Sz<53>veg sz<73>n:
thailand common hu Thaif<69>ld
the api is current common hu Az API aktu<74>lis, nincs sz<73>ks<6B>g friss<73>t<EFBFBD>sre
the api requires an upgrade common hu Az API friss<73>t<EFBFBD>st ig<69>nyel !!!
the bottom side only htmlarea-TableOperations hu Csak az als<6C> oldalon
the following applications require upgrades common hu A k<>vetkez<65> alkalmaz<61>sokat friss<73>teni kell
the left-hand side only htmlarea-TableOperations hu Csak a baloldalt
the mail server returned common hu A levelez<65>szerver visszat<61>rt (Jedi attached ;)
the right and left sides only htmlarea-TableOperations hu Csak a jobb <20>s baloldalt
the right-hand side only htmlarea-TableOperations hu Csak a jobboldalt
the search has been compleated. the search string could not be found. tinymce hu A keres<65>s befejez<65>d<EFBFBD>tt. A keresett sz<73>veg nem tal<61>lhat<61>.
the top and bottom sides only htmlarea-TableOperations hu Csak fent <20>s alul
the top side only htmlarea-TableOperations hu Csak fent
this application is current common hu Az alkalmaz<61>s friss
this application requires an upgrade common hu Az alkalmaz<61>s friss<73>t<EFBFBD>st k<>v<EFBFBD>n
this is just a template button tinymce hu Ez csak egy sablon gomb
this is just a template popup tinymce hu Ez csak egy sablon felugr<67> ablak
this name has been used already common hu Ez a n<>v m<>r haszn<7A>latban van!
this will drop changes and quit spell checker. please confirm. htmlarea-SpellChecker hu Kil<69>p<EFBFBD>s a v<>ltoz<6F>sok eldob<6F>s<EFBFBD>val. J<>v<EFBFBD>hagyja?
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common hu A hiba kijav<61>t<EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD>hoz helyesen kell be<62>ll<6C>tani a
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= %1 >here</a> common hu Az <20>zenet list<73>hoz val<61> visszat<61>r<EFBFBD>shez kattintson <a href="%1">ide</a>
today common hu Mai nap
todays date, eg. "%1" common hu mai d<>tum, pl. "%1"
toggle first day of week jscalendar hu H<>t els<6C> napj<70>nak r<>gz<67>t<EFBFBD>se
toggle fullscreen mode tinymce hu Teljes k<>perny<6E>s m<>d
toggle html source htmlarea hu HTML forr<72>s <20>tkapcsol<6F>sa
togo common hu Togo
tokelau common hu Tokelau
tonga common hu Tonga
too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common hu T<>l sok sikertelen bel<65>p<EFBFBD>si k<>s<EFBFBD>rlet: %1 felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD> '%2', '%3' a k<>vetkez<65> IP c<>mr<6D>l: %4
upload image htmlarea-UploadImage hu K<>p felt<6C>lt<6C>se
uploading... tinymce hu Felt<6C>lt<6C>s folyamatban...
url common hu URL
uruguay common hu Uruguay
use button to search for common hu haszn<7A>lja a gombot a keres<65>shez
use button to search for address common hu haszn<7A>lja a gombot c<>mkeres<65>shez
use button to search for calendarevent common hu haszn<7A>lja a gombot napt<70>rbejegyz<79>s keres<65>shez
use button to search for project common hu haszn<7A>lja a gombot projekt keres<65>shez
use ctrl and/or shift to select multiple items. tinymce hu Haszn<7A>lja a Ctrl <20>s/vagy Shift gombokat a t<>bbsz<73>r<EFBFBD>s kijel<65>l<EFBFBD>shez.
use ctrl+v on your keyboard to paste the text into the window. tinymce hu Sz<53>veg ablakba m<>sol<6F>sa CTRL+V haszn<7A>lat<61>val.
user common hu Felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>
user accounts common hu felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>i hozz<7A>f<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>sek
user groups common hu felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>i csoportok
user openinstance common hu Felhasz<73>l<EFBFBD> nyitott <20>gyei
virgin islands, british common hu Angol Sz<53>z-szigetek
virgin islands, u.s. common hu Amerikai Sz<53>z-szigetek
wallis and futuna common hu Wallis <20>s Futuna
warning!\n renaming or moving folders and files will break existing links in your documents. continue? tinymce hu Figyelem!\n A k<>nyvt<76>rak <20>s <20>llom<6F>nyok <20>tnevez<65>se vagy mozgat<61>sa t<>nkreteszi a m<>r megl<67>v<EFBFBD>, m<>s helyekr<6B>l t<>rt<72>n<EFBFBD> r<> val<61> hivatkoz<6F>sokat. Folytatni akarja?
you are in text mode. use the [<>] button to switch back to wysiwig. htmlarea hu Sz<53>veges <20>zemm<6D>d. [<>] haszn<7A>lat<61>val visszat<61>rhet a WYSIWYG <20>zemm<6D>dba.