
805 lines
37 KiB
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2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
%1 email addresses inserted common hu %1 email c<>m beillesztve
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common hu %1 nem futtathat<61> a webszerver <20>ltal!
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common hu Az %1eGroupWare%2 egy php nyelven <20>rt webalap<61>, t<>bbfelhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>s csoportmunk<6E>t t<>mogat<61> alkalmaz<61>scsomag.
(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar hu (Shift-)Klikk vagy vontat<61>s megv<67>ltoztatja az <20>rt<72>ket.
- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar hu - Az id<69>mez<65>re kattint<6E>s megn<67>veli az <20>rt<72>k<EFBFBD>t - needfix
- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar hu - Gyorsabb kijel<65>l<EFBFBD>s <20>rhet<65> el az eg<65>rgomb lenyomva tart<72>s<EFBFBD>val b<>rmelyik gombon.
- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar hu - vagy kattint<6E>s <20>s vontat<61>s a gyorsabb kiv<69>laszt<7A>shoz
- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar hu - vagy Shift-kattint<6E>ssal cs<63>kkenthet<65> az <20>rt<72>ke
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar hu - Az %1, %2 gomb haszn<7A>latosak a h<>nap kiv<69>laszt<7A>s<EFBFBD>hoz
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar hu - Az %1, %2 gombok haszn<7A>latosak az <20>v kiv<69>laszt<7A>s<EFBFBD>hoz.
00 (disable) admin hu 00 (tiltva)
13 (ntp) admin hu 13 (ntp)
3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar hu 3 karakteres nap r<>vid<69>t<EFBFBD>s
3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar hu 3 karakteres h<>nap r<>vid<69>t<EFBFBD>s
80 (http) admin hu 80 (http)
a editor instance must be focused before using this command. tinymce hu A szerkeszteni k<>v<EFBFBD>nt ter<65>letet ki kell jel<65>lni ezen funkci<63> haszn<7A>lata el<65>tt.
about common hu N<>vjegy
about %1 common hu %1 n<>vjegye
2006-04-10 18:59:48 +02:00
about egroupware common hu eGroupware n<>vjegye
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
about the calendar jscalendar hu Napt<70>r n<>vjegye
access common hu Hozz<7A>f<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>s
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
access not permitted common hu Hozz<7A>f<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>s nincs enged<65>lyezve
account has been created common hu Felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>i fi<66>k l<>trehozva
account has been deleted common hu Felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>i fi<66>k t<>r<EFBFBD>lve
account has been updated common hu Felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>i fi<66>k m<>dos<6F>tva
account is expired common hu Ez a felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>i fi<66>k lej<65>rt
acl common hu ACL
action common hu M<>velet
active common hu Akt<6B>v
add common hu Hozz<7A>ad
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
add %1 category for common hu % kateg<65>ria hozz<7A>ad<61>sa
add category common hu Kateg<65>ria hozz<7A>ad<61>sa
add sub common hu Albejegyz<79>s hozz<7A>ad<61>sa
addressbook common hu C<>mjegyz<79>k
admin common hu Admin
administration common hu Adminisztr<74>ci<63>
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
afghanistan common hu Afganiszt<7A>n
albania common hu Alb<6C>nia
algeria common hu Alg<6C>ria
align center tinymce hu K<>z<EFBFBD>pre igaz<61>t<EFBFBD>s
align full tinymce hu Sorkiz<69>rt
align left tinymce hu Balra igaz<61>t<EFBFBD>s
align right tinymce hu Jobbra igaz<61>t<EFBFBD>s
alignment tinymce hu Igaz<61>t<EFBFBD>s
all common hu <09>sszes
all fields common hu <09>sszes mez<65>
all occurrences of the search string was replaced. tinymce hu A keresett sz<73>veg minden el<65>rfordul<75>sa cser<65>lve.
alphabet common hu a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
alternate style-sheet: common hu St<53>luslap v<>ltoztat<61>sa
alternative image tinymce hu Alternat<61>v k<>p
american samoa common hu Amerikai Szamoa
andorra common hu Andorra
angola common hu Angola
anguilla common hu Anguilla
antarctica common hu Antarktisz
antigua and barbuda common hu Antigua <20>s Barbuda
2006-04-10 18:59:48 +02:00
application common hu Alkalmaz<61>s
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
apply common hu Alkalmaz
april common hu <09>prilis
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common hu Biztosan t<>r<EFBFBD>lni akarja ezeket a bejegyz<79>seket?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common hu Biztosan t<>r<EFBFBD>lni akarja ezt a bejegyz<79>st?
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
argentina common hu Argent<6E>na
armenia common hu <09>rm<72>nyorsz<73>g
aruba common hu Aruba
august common hu Augusztus
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
australia common hu Ausztr<74>lia
austria common hu Ausztria
author common hu Szerz<72>
2006-04-10 18:59:48 +02:00
autohide sidebox menu's common hu Oldalmen<65>k automatikus elrejt<6A>se
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
autohide sidebox menus common hu Oldalmen<65>k automatikus elrejt<6A>se
2006-04-10 18:59:48 +02:00
automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common hu Az oldalmen<65>ket automatikusan elrejtse?
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
automatically hide the sidebox menus? common hu Az oldalmen<65>ket automatikusan elrejtse?
autosave default category common hu Alap<61>rtelmezett kateg<65>ria automatikus ment<6E>se
azerbaijan common hu Azerbajdzs<7A>n
back common hu Vissza
back to user login common hu Vissza a felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>i bejelentkez<65>shez
background color: common hu H<>tt<74>rsz<73>n:
2006-04-10 18:59:48 +02:00
backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common hu '%1' k<>nyvt<76>r nem <20>rhat<61> a webszerver sz<73>m<EFBFBD>ra
bad login or password common hu Rossz felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD> vagy jelsz<73>
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
bahamas common hu Baham<61>k
bahrain common hu Bahrain
bangladesh common hu Banglades
barbados common hu Barbados
bcc common hu Bcc
belarus common hu Feh<65>roroszorsz<73>g
belgium common hu Belgium
belize common hu Belize
benin common hu Benin
bermuda common hu Bermuda
bg color tinymce hu H<>tt<74>rsz<73>n
bhutan common hu Bhut<75>n
blocked, too many attempts common hu T<>l sok pr<70>b<EFBFBD>lkoz<6F>s, blokkolva!
bold common hu F<>lk<6C>v<EFBFBD>r
2006-04-10 18:59:48 +02:00
bold.gif common hu F<>lk<6C>v<EFBFBD>r.gif
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
bolivia common hu Bol<6F>via
border common hu Keret
border color tinymce hu Keretsz<73>n
bosnia and herzegovina common hu Bosznia Hercegovina
botswana common hu Botswana
bottom common hu Alul
bouvet island common hu Bouvet-sziget
brazil common hu Braz<61>lia
british indian ocean territory common hu Brit Indiai <20>ce<63>ni Ter<65>letek
brunei darussalam common hu Brunei
bulgaria common hu Bulg<6C>ria
burkina faso common hu Burkina Faso
burundi common hu Burundi
calendar common hu Napt<70>r
cambodia common hu Kambodzsa
cameroon common hu Kamerun
canada common hu Kanada
cancel common hu M<>gsem
2006-04-10 18:59:48 +02:00
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common hu %1 nem cser<65>lhet<65>, mert k<>nyvt<76>r
cant open '%1' for %2 common hu '%1' nem nyithat<61> meg %2 sz<73>m<EFBFBD>ra
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
cape verde common hu Z<>ld-foki K<>zt<7A>rsas<61>g
caption common hu Felirat - needfix
categories common hu Kateg<65>ri<72>k
categories for common hu Kateg<65>ri<72>k ...
category common hu Kateg<65>ria
category %1 has been added ! common hu %1 kateg<65>ria hozz<7A>adva!
category %1 has been updated ! common hu %1 kateg<65>ria friss<73>tve!
cayman islands common hu Kajm<6A>n-szigetek
cc common hu Cc
cellpadding tinymce hu Cella helykit<69>lt<6C>s
cellspacing tinymce hu Cell<6C>k helykit<69>lt<6C>se
center tinymce hu K<>z<EFBFBD>pre
2006-04-10 18:59:48 +02:00
centered common hu K<>z<EFBFBD>pre z<>rt
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
central african republic common hu K<>z<EFBFBD>p-Afrikai K<>zt<7A>rsas<61>g
chad common hu Cs<43>d
change common hu V<>ltoztat
charset common hu iso-8859-2
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
check installation common hu Telep<65>t<EFBFBD>s ellen<65>rz<72>se
check now common hu Ellen<65>rz<72>s most
chile common hu Chile
china common hu K<>na
2006-04-10 18:59:48 +02:00
choose a background color common hu H<>tt<74>rsz<73>n kiv<69>laszt<7A>sa
choose a background color for the icons common hu Ikon h<>tt<74>rsz<73>n<EFBFBD>nek kiv<69>laszt<7A>sa
choose a background image. common hu H<>tt<74>rk<72>p kiv<69>laszt<7A>sa
choose a background style. common hu H<>tt<74>r st<73>lus kiv<69>laszt<7A>sa
choose a text color for the icons common hu Ikon sz<73>vegsz<73>n kiv<69>laszt<7A>sa
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
choose directory to move selected folders and files to. tinymce hu C<>lk<6C>nyvt<76>r kiv<69>laszt<7A>sa a kijel<65>lt mapp<70>k <20>s <20>llom<6F>nyok mozgat<61>s<EFBFBD>hoz.
choose the category common hu Kateg<65>ria v<>laszt<7A>s
choose the parent category common hu Sz<53>l<EFBFBD> kateg<65>ria v<>laszt<7A>s
christmas island common hu Kar<61>csony szigetek
class tinymce hu Oszt<7A>ly
cleanup messy code tinymce hu K<>dtiszt<7A>t<EFBFBD>s
clear common hu T<>r<EFBFBD>l
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
clear form common hu Lap t<>rl<72>se
click common hu Kattint<6E>s
click or mouse over to show menus common hu Men<65>k megjelen<65>t<EFBFBD>se kattint<6E>ssal vagy eg<65>rkurzor f<>l<EFBFBD> helyez<65>ssel
click or mouse over to show menus? common hu Men<65> megjelen<65>t<EFBFBD>s kattint<6E>ssal vagy eg<65>rkurzor f<>l<EFBFBD> helyez<65>ssel?
close common hu Bez<65>r
2006-04-10 18:59:48 +02:00
close sidebox common hu Oldalmen<65> bez<65>r<EFBFBD>sa
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
cocos (keeling) islands common hu K<>kusz (Keeling)-szigetek
colombia common hu Kolumbia
columns tinymce hu Oszlopok
comment tinymce hu Megjegyz<79>s
common preferences common hu <09>ltal<61>nos be<62>ll<6C>t<EFBFBD>sok
comoros common hu Comore-szigetek
company common hu T<>rsas<61>g
configuration problem tinymce hu Konfigur<75>ci<63>s probl<62>ma
congo common hu Kong<6E>
congo, the democratic republic of the common hu Kong<6E> (Kong<6E>i K<>zt<7A>rsas<61>g)
2006-04-10 18:59:48 +02:00
contacting server... common hu Csatlakoz<6F>s szerverhez...
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
cook islands common hu Cook-szigetek
copy common hu M<>sol
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
copy table row tinymce hu T<>bl<62>zat sor<6F>nak m<>sol<6F>sa
copy/cut/paste is not available in mozilla and firefox.\ndo you want more information about this issue? tinymce hu M<>sol<6F>s/Kiv<69>g<EFBFBD>s/Beilleszt<7A>s nem el<65>rhet<65> alap<61>rtelmez<65>sk<73>nt a Mozilla <20>s Firefox b<>ng<6E>sz<73>kben.\nSzeretne t<>bbet tudni err<72>l?
costa rica common hu Costa Rica
cote d ivoire common hu Elef<65>ntcsontpart
2006-04-10 18:59:48 +02:00
could not contact server. operation timed out! common hu Szerverhez csatlakoz<6F>s nem siker<65>lt. Id<49>t<EFBFBD>ll<6C>p<EFBFBD>s.
create common hu L<>trehoz
created by common hu K<>sz<73>tette
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
croatia common hu Horv<72>torsz<73>g
cuba common hu Kuba
currency common hu P<>nznem
current common hu Aktu<74>lis
current users common hu Aktu<74>lis felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>k
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
cut table row tinymce hu T<>bl<62>zat sor<6F>nak kiv<69>g<EFBFBD>sa
cyprus common hu Ciprus
czech republic common hu Cseh K<>zt<7A>rsas<61>g
date common hu D<>tum
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
date due common hu Hat<61>rid<69>
date modified tinymce hu D<>tum m<>dos<6F>tva
date selection: jscalendar hu D<>tum kiv<69>laszt<7A>s:
datetime port.<br>if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br>(port: 13 / host: admin hu Id<49>szerver port.<br>A 13-as port haszn<7A>lat<61>hoz a t<>zfalat ki kell nyitni, miel<65>tt ez az oldal elk<6C>ld<6C>sre ker<65>lne.<br>
december common hu December
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
default tinymce hu Alap<61>rtelmezett
default category common hu Alap<61>rtelmezett kateg<65>ria
delete common hu T<>r<EFBFBD>l
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
delete row common hu Sor t<>rl<72>se
denmark common hu D<>nia
description common hu Le<4C>r<EFBFBD>s
detail common hu R<>szlet
details common hu R<>szletek
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common hu Letiltja az Internet Explorer 5.5+ b<>ng<6E>sz<73>k eset<65>n a PNG t<>pus<75> k<>pek <20>tl<74>tsz<73>s<EFBFBD>g<EFBFBD>nak kezel<65>s<EFBFBD>t jav<61>t<EFBFBD> szkript futtat<61>s<EFBFBD>t? (Javaslat: Firefox b<>ng<6E>sz<73> haszn<7A>lata)
direction tinymce hu Ir<49>ny
2006-04-10 18:59:48 +02:00
direction left to right common hu Balr<6C>l jobbra ir<69>ny
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
direction right to left tinymce hu Jobbr<62>l balra ir<69>ny
directory tinymce hu K<>nyvt<76>r
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common hu Internet Explorer png-image-bugfix tilt<6C>sa
disable slider effects common hu Cs<43>sztat<61>s tilt<6C>sa
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common hu Letiltja az oldalon tal<61>lhat<61> men<65>k anim<69>lt be- <20>s ki<6B>sztat<61>s<EFBFBD>t? Opera <20>s Konqueror felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>k val<61>sz<73>n<EFBFBD>leg haszn<7A>t veszik ennek.
disabled common hu Letiltva
display %s first jscalendar hu El<45>sz<73>r mutasd ezt %1
djibouti common hu Dzsibuti
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common hu Az alkateg<65>ri<72>kat is t<>r<EFBFBD>lni szeretn<74>?
do you want to use the wysiwyg mode for this textarea? tinymce hu WYSIWYG m<>d bekapcsol<6F>sa erre a sz<73>vegter<65>letre?
doctype: common hu Doctype:
document properties common hu Dokumentum jellemz<6D>k
document title: common hu Dokumentum c<>me:
domain common hu Tartom<6F>ny
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common hu Tartom<6F>nyn<79>v az email c<>mhez, pl. "%1"
domestic common hu Belf<6C>ldi
dominica common hu Dominika
dominican republic common hu Dominikai K<>zt<7A>rsas<61>g
done common hu K<>sz
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
down tinymce hu Le
drag to move jscalendar hu Ragadja meg mozgat<61>shoz
e-mail common hu E-Mail
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
east timor common hu Kelet Timor
ecuador common hu Ecuador
edit common hu M<>dos<6F>t
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
edit %1 category for common hu %1 kateg<65>ria m<>dos<6F>t<EFBFBD>sa
edit categories common hu Kateg<65>ri<72>k m<>dos<6F>t<EFBFBD>sa
edit category common hu Kateg<65>ria m<>dos<6F>t<EFBFBD>sa
egroupware api version %1 common hu eGroupWare API verzi<7A> %1
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common hu eGroupWare: %1 felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD> bejelentkez<65>se blokkolva az %2 IP c<>mr<6D>l
egypt common hu Egyiptom
el salvador common hu Salvador
email common hu E-Mail
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common hu felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD> email c<>me, pl. "%1"
emotions tinymce hu <09>rzelmek
enabled common hu Enged<65>lyezve
end date common hu Befejez<65>s d<>tuma
end time common hu Befejez<65>s ideje
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: &nbsp; or &nbsp; /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin hu K<>rem adja meg az eGroupWare URL hely<6C>t.<br>P<>ld<6C>ul: vagy /egroupware<br><b>Lez<65>r<EFBFBD> / jel n<>lk<6C>l!<b>
entry has been deleted sucessfully common hu Bejegyz<79>s t<>r<EFBFBD>lve
entry updated sucessfully common hu Bejegyz<79>s m<>dos<6F>tva
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
equatorial guinea common hu Egyenl<6E>t<EFBFBD>i Guinea
eritrea common hu Eritrea
error common hu Hiba
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
error creating %1 %2 directory common hu %1 %2 k<>nyvt<76>r l<>trehoz<6F>sa sor<6F>n hiba l<>pett fel
error deleting %1 %2 directory common hu %1 %2 k<>nyvt<76>r t<>rl<72>se sor<6F>n hiba l<>pett fel
error renaming %1 %2 directory common hu %1 %2 k<>nyvt<76>r <20>tnevez<65>se sor<6F>n hiba l<>pett fel
estonia common hu <09>sztorsz<73>g
ethiopia common hu Eti<74>pia
exact common hu pontos
falkland islands (malvinas) common hu Falkland-szigetek
faroe islands common hu Faroe-szigetek
fax number common hu faxsz<73>m
february common hu Febru<72>r
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
fields common hu Mez<65>k
fiji common hu Fidzsi
file already exists. file was not uploaded. tinymce hu A f<>jl m<>r l<>tezik. A f<>jl felt<6C>lt<6C>se nem t<>r<EFBFBD>nt meg.
file exceeds the size limit tinymce hu A f<>jl m<>rete meghaladja a be<62>ll<6C>tott m<>rethat<61>rt.
file manager tinymce hu F<>jlkezel<65>
file not found. tinymce hu F<>jl nem tal<61>lhat<61>.
file was not uploaded. tinymce hu F<>jl felt<6C>lt<6C>s nem t<>rt<72>nt meg.
file with specified new name already exists. file was not renamed/moved. tinymce hu Ilyen nev<65> <20>llom<6F>ny m<>r l<>tezik. Az <20>llom<6F>ny <20>tnevez<65>se/mozgat<61>sa nem siker<65>lt.
file(s) tinymce hu f<>jl(ok)
file: tinymce hu F<>jl:
files common hu F<>jlok
files with this extension are not allowed. tinymce hu Ilyen kiterjeszt<7A>s<EFBFBD> f<>jlok nem enged<65>lyezettek.
filter common hu Sz<53>r<EFBFBD>
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
find tinymce hu Keres
find again tinymce hu Keres<65>s <20>jra
find what tinymce hu Mit keres
find&nbsp;next tinymce hu K<>vetkez<65> keres<65>se
find/replace tinymce hu Keres/Cser<65>l
finland common hu Finnorsz<73>g
first name common hu Keresztn<74>v
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common hu A felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD> keresztneve, pl. "%1"
first page common hu Els<6C> oldal
firstname common hu Keresztn<74>v
fixme! common hu FIXME!
flash files tinymce hu Flash f<>jlok
flash properties tinymce hu Flash tulajdons<6E>gok
flash-file (.swf) tinymce hu Flash f<>jl (.swf)
folder tinymce hu Mappa
folder name missing. tinymce hu Mappan<61>v hi<68>nyzik.
folder not found. tinymce hu Mappa nem tal<61>lhat<61>.
folder with specified new name already exists. folder was not renamed/moved. tinymce hu Ilyen nev<65> mappa m<>r l<>tezik. A mappa <20>tnevez<65>se/mozgat<61>sa nem siker<65>lt.
folder(s) tinymce hu mapp<70>k
for mouse out tinymce hu eg<65>rkurzor elhagy
for mouse over tinymce hu eg<65>rkurzor felette
force selectbox common hu Er<45>ltetett selectbox
france common hu Francaorsz<73>g
french guiana common hu Francia Guinea
french polynesia common hu Francia Polin<69>zia
french southern territories common hu Francia D<>li Ter<65>letek
friday common hu P<>ntek
ftp common hu FTP
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
fullname common hu Teljes n<>v
gabon common hu Gabon
gambia common hu Gambia
general menu common hu <09>ltal<61>nos men<65>
georgia common hu Gr<47>zia
german common hu N<>met
germany common hu N<>metorsz<73>g
ghana common hu Gh<47>na
gibraltar common hu Gibralt<6C>r
global common hu Glob<6F>lis
global public common hu Publikus
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
go today jscalendar hu Ugr<67>s a mai napra
grant access common hu Hozz<7A>f<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>si jogok ad<61>sa
greece common hu G<>r<EFBFBD>gorsz<73>g
greenland common hu Gr<47>nland
grenada common hu Grenada
group common hu Csoport
group access common hu Csoportos hozz<7A>f<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>s
group has been added common hu Csoport hozz<7A>adva
group has been deleted common hu Csoport t<>r<EFBFBD>lve
group has been updated common hu Csoport m<>dos<6F>tva
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
group name common hu csoport neve
group public common hu Csoporton bel<65>l publikus
groups common hu Csoportok
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
groups with permission for %1 common hu Csoportok enged<65>llyel ehhez %1
groups without permission for %1 common hu Csoportok enged<65>ly n<>lk<6C>l ehhez %1
guadeloupe common hu Guadeloupe
guam common hu Guam
guatemala common hu Guatemala
guinea common hu Guinea
guinea-bissau common hu Guinea-Bissau
guyana common hu Guyana
haiti common hu Haiti
heard island and mcdonald islands common hu Heard-sziget <20>s McDonald-szigetek
height common hu Magass<73>g
help common hu Seg<65>ts<74>g
high common hu S<>rg<72>s
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
highest common hu Legmagasabb
holy see (vatican city state) common hu Vatik<69>n
home common hu Kezd<7A>lap
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
home email common hu otthoni email
honduras common hu Honduras
hong kong common hu Hong Kong
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common hu A fels<6C> men<65>soron l<>that<61> ikonok maxim<69>lis sz<73>ma. A t<>bbi alkalmaz<61>s ikonja a men<65>sor jobb oldal<61>n tal<61>lhat<61> ikonra kattintva <20>rhet<65> el.
hungary common hu Magyarorsz<73>g
iceland common hu Izland
image description tinymce hu K<>ple<6C>r<EFBFBD>s
image title tinymce hu K<>p c<>me
image url common hu K<>p URL
indent tinymce hu Beh<65>z<EFBFBD>s jobbra
india common hu India
indonesia common hu Indon<6F>zia
insert tinymce hu Beilleszt<7A>s
insert / edit flash movie tinymce hu Flash mozi beilleszt<7A>se / szerkeszt<7A>se
insert / edit horizontale rule tinymce hu V<>zszintes elv<6C>laszt<7A> besz<73>r<EFBFBD>sa / szerkeszt<7A>se
insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common hu A %2 kapcsolat <20>sszes %1 c<>m<EFBFBD>nek beilleszt<7A>se ide %3
insert column after common hu Oszlop sz<73>r<EFBFBD>sa ut<75>na
insert column before common hu Oszlop besz<73>r<EFBFBD>sa el<65>
insert date tinymce hu D<>tum besz<73>r<EFBFBD>sa
insert emotion tinymce hu <09>rzelmi ikon besz<73>r<EFBFBD>sa
insert file tinymce hu F<>jl beilleszt<7A>se
insert link to file tinymce hu F<>jlra hivatkoz<6F>s beilleszt<7A>se
insert row after common hu Sor besz<73>r<EFBFBD>sa ut<75>na
insert row before common hu Sor besz<73>r<EFBFBD>sa el<65>
insert time tinymce hu Id<49>pont besz<73>r<EFBFBD>sa
insert/edit image tinymce hu K<>p beilleszt<7A>se/szerkeszt<7A>se
insert/edit link tinymce hu Link beilleszt<7A>se/szerkeszt<7A>se
insert/modify table tinymce hu T<>bla beilleszt<7A>se/m<>dos<6F>t<EFBFBD>sa
inserts a new table tinymce hu <09>j t<>bl<62>zat beilleszt<7A>se
international common hu Nemzetk<74>zi
invalid ip address common hu <09>rv<72>nytelen IP c<>m
invalid password common hu <09>rv<72>nytelen jelsz<73>
iran, islamic republic of common hu Ir<49>n
iraq common hu Irak
ireland common hu <09>rorsz<73>g
israel common hu Izrael
2003-04-23 00:30:38 +02:00
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common hu T<>bb mint %1 nap telt el az utols<6C> jelsz<73>m<EFBFBD>dos<6F>t<EFBFBD>s <20>ta
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common hu Er<45>sen javasolt az adatb<74>zis friss<73>t<EFBFBD>se a leg<65>jabb verzi<7A>ra. Ezt a tartom<6F>ny konfigur<75>ci<63>j<EFBFBD>t ell<6C>t<EFBFBD> felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>k<EFBFBD>nt teheti meg.
italic common hu D<>lt
italy common hu Olaszorsz<73>g
jamaica common hu Jamaika
january common hu Janu<6E>r
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
japan common hu Jap<61>n
jordan common hu Jord<72>nia
js-popup tinymce hu JavaScript felbukkan<61>
july common hu J<>lius
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
jun common hu J<>n
june common hu J<>nius
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
justify center common hu K<>z<EFBFBD>pre z<>rt
justify full common hu Sor kit<69>lt<6C>se
justify left common hu Balra z<>rt
justify right common hu Jobbra z<>rt
kazakstan common hu Kazahszt<7A>n
keep linebreaks tinymce hu Sort<72>r<EFBFBD>sek megtart<72>sa
kenya common hu Kenya
keywords common hu Kulcsszavak
kiribati common hu Kiribati
korea, democratic peoples republic of common hu <09>szak Korea
korea, republic of common hu D<>l Korea
kuwait common hu Kuvait
kyrgyzstan common hu Kirgiziszt<7A>n
language common hu Nyelv
last name common hu Vezet<65>kn<6B>v
last name of the user, eg. "%1" common hu A felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD> vezet<65>kneve, pl. "%1"
last page common hu Utols<6C> oldal
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
lastname common hu Vezet<65>kn<6B>v
latvia common hu Lettorsz<73>g
ldap-mgr common hu LDAP kezel<65>
lebanon common hu Libanon
left common hu Balra
lesotho common hu Lesotho
liberia common hu Lib<69>ria
libyan arab jamahiriya common hu L<>bia
license common hu Licensz
liechtenstein common hu Liechtenstein
link url tinymce hu Link URL
list common hu Lista
list members common hu Listatagok
lithuania common hu Litv<74>nia
loading files tinymce hu F<>jlok bet<65>lt<6C>se
local common hu Helyi
login common hu Bel<65>p<EFBFBD>s
loginid common hu Bel<65>p<EFBFBD>si azonos<6F>t<EFBFBD>
logout common hu Kil<69>p<EFBFBD>s
low common hu Alacsony
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
lowest common hu Legalacsonyabb
luxembourg common hu Luxemburg
macau common hu Makao
macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common hu Maced<65>nia
madagascar common hu Madagaszk<7A>r
mail domain, eg. "%1" common hu email tartom<6F>ny, pl. "%1"
main category common hu F<> kateg<65>ria
main screen common hu F<>k<EFBFBD>perny<6E>
maintainer common hu Karbantart<72>
make window resizable tinymce hu V<>ltoztathat<61> m<>ret<65> ablak
malawi common hu Malawi
malaysia common hu Malajzia
maldives common hu Mald<6C>v-szigetek
mali common hu Mali
malta common hu M<>lta
march common hu M<>rcius
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
marshall islands common hu Marshall-szigetek
martinique common hu Martinique
match case tinymce hu Pontos egyez<65>s
mauritania common hu Mauritania
mauritius common hu Mauritius
max number of icons in navbar common hu Ikonok maxim<69>lis sz<73>ma a men<65>soron
may common hu M<>jus
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
mayotte common hu Mayotte
medium common hu K<>zepes
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
menu common hu Men<65>
merge table cells tinymce hu T<>bl<62>zat cell<6C>inak egyes<65>t<EFBFBD>se
message common hu <09>zenet
mexico common hu Mexik<69>
micronesia, federated states of common hu Mikron<6F>zia
mkdir failed. tinymce hu K<>nyvt<76>r l<>trehoz<6F>s sikertelen.
moldova, republic of common hu Moldova
monaco common hu Monaco
monday common hu H<>tf<74>
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
mongolia common hu Mong<6E>lia
montserrat common hu Montserrat
morocco common hu Marokk<6B>
move tinymce hu Mozgat
mozambique common hu Mozambik
myanmar common hu Mianmar (Burma)
name common hu N<>v
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
name of the user, eg. "%1" common hu Felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD> neve, pl. "%1"
namibia common hu Nam<61>bia
nauru common hu Nauru
nepal common hu Nep<65>l
netherlands common hu Hollandia
netherlands antilles common hu Holland Antill<6C>k
never common hu Soha
new caledonia common hu <09>jkaled<65>nia
new entry added sucessfully common hu <09>j bejegyz<79>s hozz<7A>adva
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
new file name missing! tinymce hu <09>j f<>jln<6C>v hi<68>nyzik!
new file name: tinymce hu <09>j f<>jln<6C>v:
new folder tinymce hu <09>j mappa
new folder name missing! tinymce hu <09>j mappan<61>v hi<68>nyzik!
new folder name: tinymce hu <09>j mappa neve:
new main category common hu <09>j f<>kateg<65>ria
new value common hu <09>j <20>rt<72>k
new zealand common hu <09>jz<6A>land
next common hu K<>vetkez<65>
next month (hold for menu) jscalendar hu K<>vetkez<65> h<>nap
next page common hu k<>vetkez<65> oldal
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
next year (hold for menu) jscalendar hu K<>vetkez<65> <20>v
nicaragua common hu Nikaragua
niger common hu Niger
nigeria common hu Nig<69>ria
niue common hu Niue
no common hu Nem
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
no entries found, try again ... common hu nem tal<61>lhat<61> bejegyz<79>s, pr<70>b<EFBFBD>lja <20>jra
no files... tinymce hu Nincsenek f<>jlok...
no history for this record common hu Ehhez a rekordhoz nem tartoznak el<65>zm<7A>nyek
no permission to create folder. tinymce hu Nincs jogosults<74>ga k<>nyvt<76>rat l<>trehozni!
no permission to delete file. tinymce hu Nincs jogosults<74>ga f<>jlt t<>r<EFBFBD>lni!
no permission to move files and folders. tinymce hu Nincs jogosults<74>ga k<>nyvt<76>rat vagy f<>jlt <20>tmozgatni!
no permission to rename files and folders. tinymce hu Nincs jogosults<74>ga k<>nyvt<76>rat vagy f<>jlt <20>tnevezni!
no permission to upload. tinymce hu Nincs jogosults<74>ga felt<6C>lteni.
no shadow tinymce hu Nincs <20>rny<6E>k
no subject common hu Nincs t<>rgy
none common hu Nincs
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
norfolk island common hu Norfolk szigetek
normal common hu Norm<72>l
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
northern mariana islands common hu <09>szaki-Mariana-szigetek
norway common hu Norv<72>gia
not assigned common hu nincs hozz<7A>rendelve
note common hu Megjegyz<79>s
notes common hu Megjegyz<79>sek
notify window common hu <09>rtes<65>t<EFBFBD> ablak
november common hu November
october common hu Okt<6B>ber
ok common hu OK
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
old value common hu R<>gi <20>rt<72>k
oman common hu Om<4F>n
2003-04-23 00:30:38 +02:00
on *nix systems please type: %1 common hu *nix rendszereken <20>sse be: %1
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
on mouse over common hu Eg<45>rkurzor felette
only files with extensions are permited, e.g. "imagefile.jpg". tinymce hu Csak kiterjeszt<7A>ssel rendelkez<65> <20>llom<6F>nyok enged<65>lyezettek, pl. "kompromitt<74>l<EFBFBD>_k<5F>pf<70>jl.jpg"
only private common hu csak priv<69>t
only yours common hu csak saj<61>tot
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
open file in new window tinymce hu F<>jl megnyit<69>s <20>j ablakban
open in new window tinymce hu Megnyit<69>s <20>j ablakban
open in parent window / frame tinymce hu Megnyit<69>s sz<73>l<EFBFBD> ablakban/keretben
open in the window tinymce hu Megnyit<69>s az ablakban
open in this window / frame tinymce hu Megnyit<69>s ebben az ablakban/keretben
open in top frame (replaces all frames) tinymce hu Megnyit<69>s a legfels<6C> keretben (minden keret cser<65>l<EFBFBD>dik)
open link in a new window tinymce hu Hivatkoz<6F>s megnyit<69>sa <20>j ablakban
open link in the same window tinymce hu Hivatkoz<6F>s megnyit<69>sa azonos ablakban
open notify window common hu <09>rtes<65>t<EFBFBD> ablak megnyit<69>sa
open popup window common hu Felugr<67> ablak megnyit<69>sa
ordered list common hu Sz<53>mozott lista
2001-12-17 17:37:13 +01:00
original common hu Eredeti
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
other common hu M<>s
outdent tinymce hu Beh<65>z<EFBFBD>s balra
overview common hu <09>ttekint<6E>s
owner common hu Tulajdonos
page common hu Oldal
page was generated in %1 seconds common hu Az oldal %1 m<>sodperc alatt gener<65>l<EFBFBD>dott.
pakistan common hu Pakiszt<7A>n
palau common hu Palau
palestinian territory, occupied common hu Palesztin Ter<65>letek (G<>zai-<2D>vezet)
panama common hu Panama
papua new guinea common hu P<>pua <20>j-Guinea
paraguay common hu Paraguay
parcel common hu Csom<6F>
parent category common hu Sz<53>l<EFBFBD> kateg<65>ria
password common hu Jelsz<73>
password could not be changed common hu Jelsz<73> nem m<>dos<6F>that<61>
password has been updated common hu Jelsz<73> m<>dos<6F>tva
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
paste as plain text tinymce hu Beilleszt mint egyszer<65> sz<73>veg
paste from word tinymce hu Beilleszt a Word-b<>l
paste table row after tinymce hu T<>bl<62>zat sort beilleszt ut<75>na
paste table row before tinymce hu T<>bl<62>zat sort beilleszt el<65>
path not found. tinymce hu <09>tvonal nem tal<61>lhat<61>.
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common hu A felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>i <20>s csoport <20>llom<6F>nyokat tartalmaz<61> k<>nyvt<76>r <20>tvonala K<>V<EFBFBD>L KELL ESSEN a webszerver <20>ltal haszn<7A>lt k<>nyvt<76>ron!!! Pl. a /var/docroot lehet a /var/www/localhost/httpdocs/docroot helyett.
permissions to the files/users directory common hu a files/users k<>nyvt<76>r jogai
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
personal common hu Szem<65>lyes
peru common hu Peru
philippines common hu F<>l<EFBFBD>p-szigetek
phone number common hu telefonsz<73>m
phpgwapi common hu eGroupWare API
pitcairn common hu Pitcairn-szigetek
2003-04-23 00:30:38 +02:00
please %1 by hand common hu K<>rem %1 k<>zzel
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
please enter a name common hu K<>rem adjon meg egy nevet!
please enter the caption text tinymce hu K<>rem adja meg a feliratot
please insert a name for the target or choose another option. tinymce hu A c<>l nev<65>nek megad<61>sa vagy m<>sik opci<63> v<>laszt<7A>a.
please run setup to become current common hu K<>rem futtassa a setup-ot hogy a v<>ltoz<6F>s <20>rv<72>nyre jusson.
please select common hu K<>rem v<>lasszon
please set your global preferences common hu K<>rem <20>ll<6C>tsa be a glob<6F>lis tulajdons<6E>gait!
please set your preferences for this application common hu K<>rem <20>ll<6C>tsa be szem<65>lyes be<62>ll<6C>t<EFBFBD>sait ehhez az alkalmaz<61>shoz!
please wait... common hu K<>rem v<>rjon <20>s figyelje a homok<6F>r<EFBFBD>t a szemk<6D>zti falon...
poland common hu Lengyelorsz<73>g
popup url tinymce hu Popup URL
portugal common hu Portug<75>lia
position (x/y) tinymce hu Poz<6F>ci<63> (X/Y)
postal common hu Postai
powered by egroupware version %1 common hu Powered by <a href="">eGroupWare</a> version %1
preferences common hu Tulajdons<6E>gok
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
preferences for the idots template set common hu Idots sablon be<62>ll<6C>t<EFBFBD>sai
prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar hu El<45>z<EFBFBD> h<>nap
prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar hu El<45>z<EFBFBD> <20>v
preview tinymce hu El<45>n<EFBFBD>zet
previous page common hu El<45>z<EFBFBD> oldal
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
primary style-sheet: common hu Els<6C>dleges st<73>luslap
print common hu Nyomtat
priority common hu Priorit<69>s
private common hu Priv<69>t
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
project common hu Projekt
public common hu nyilv<6C>nos
puerto rico common hu Puerto Rico
read common hu Olvas
read this list of methods. common hu Elj<6C>r<EFBFBD>s lista olvas<61>sa.
redo tinymce hu Ism<73>tl<74>s
refresh tinymce hu Friss<73>t
reject common hu Visszautas<61>t
remove col tinymce hu Oszlop elt<6C>vol<6F>t<EFBFBD>sa
remove selected accounts common hu kiv<69>lasztott hozz<7A>f<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>sek t<>rl<72>se
rename common hu <09>tnevez
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
rename failed tinymce hu <09>tnevez<65>s sikertelen
replace common hu Csere
replace with common hu Csere a k<>vetkez<65>re:
replace&nbsp;all tinymce hu Mindet cser<65>l
returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common hu A rendszeren tal<61>lhat<61> <20>sszes felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>i fi<66>k list<73>ja. Figyelem: Ez igaz<61>n nagy is lehet.
returns an array of todo items common hu Tennival<61>k list<73>j<EFBFBD>t adja vissza egy t<>mbben
reunion common hu R<>union
right common hu Jobbra
rmdir failed. tinymce hu K<>nyvt<76>r t<>rl<72>s sikertelen.
romania common hu Rom<6F>nia
rows tinymce hu Sorok
run spell checking tinymce hu Helyes<65>r<EFBFBD>sellen<65>rz<72>s futtat<61>sa
russian federation common hu Orosz f<>der<65>ci<63>
rwanda common hu Ruanda
saint helena common hu Szent Ilona
saint kitts and nevis common hu Saint Kitts <20>s Nevis
saint lucia common hu Saint Lucia
saint pierre and miquelon common hu Saint-Pierre <20>s Miquelon
saint vincent and the grenadines common hu Saint Vincent <20>s Granadin-szigetek
samoa common hu Szamoa
san marino common hu San Marino
sao tome and principe common hu Sao Tom<6F> <20>s Pr<50>ncipe
saturday common hu Szombat
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
saudi arabia common hu Sza<7A>d Ar<41>bia
save common hu Elment
search common hu Keres
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
search %1 '%2' common hu Keres %1 '%2'
search or select accounts common hu Felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>i fi<66>kok keres<65>se vagy kiv<69>laszt<7A>sa
search or select multiple accounts common hu t<>bbsz<73>r<EFBFBD>s felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>i fi<66>k keres<65>se vagy kiv<69>laszt<7A>sa
section common hu Bekezd<7A>s
select common hu Kiv<69>laszt
select all tinymce hu Mindet kiv<69>laszt
select all %1 %2 for %3 common hu Mindet kiv<69>laszt %1 %2 innen %3
select category common hu Kateg<65>ria v<>laszt<7A>s
select date common hu d<>tum v<>laszt<7A>s
select group common hu Csoport v<>laszt<7A>s
select home email address common hu Otthoni email c<>m kiv<69>laszt<7A>sa
select multiple accounts common hu t<>bb felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>i fi<66>k kiv<69>laszt<7A>sa
select one common hu Egyet v<>laszt
select user common hu Felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD> kiv<69>laszt<7A>sa
select work email address common hu Munkahelyi email c<>m kiv<69>laszt<7A>sa
selection common hu Kiv<69>laszt<7A>s
send common hu K<>ld
senegal common hu Szeneg<65>l
september common hu Szeptember
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
server %1 has been added common hu %1 szerver hozz<7A>adva
server name common hu Szerver n<>v
session has been killed common hu Akt<6B>v bejelentkez<65>s kitiltva
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
setup common hu Be<42>ll<6C>t<EFBFBD>s
setup main menu common hu Be<42>ll<6C>t<EFBFBD>s f<>men<65>
seychelles common hu Seychelle-szigetek
show all common hu mindet megmutat
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
show all categorys common hu <09>sszes kateg<65>ria mutat<61>sa
show locationbar tinymce hu Hely mutat<61>sa
show menu common hu men<65> mutat<61>sa
show menubar tinymce hu Men<65> eszk<7A>zt<7A>r mutat<61>sa
show page generation time common hu Oldal gener<65>l<EFBFBD>si id<69> mutat<61>sa
show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common hu Mutassa az oldal gener<65>l<EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD>ra ford<72>tott id<69>t az oldal alj<6C>n?
show scrollbars tinymce hu G<>rget<65>s<EFBFBD>v mutat<61>sa
show statusbar tinymce hu St<53>tuszsor mutat<61>sa
show toolbars tinymce hu Eszk<7A>zsor mutat<61>sa
show_more_apps common hu T<>bb alkalmaz<61>s mutat<61>sa
2003-04-23 00:30:38 +02:00
showing %1 common hu %1 list<73>zva
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common hu list<73>zva %1 - %2, <20>ssz: %3
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
sierra leone common hu Sierra Leone
singapore common hu Szingap<61>r
size tinymce hu M<>ret
slovakia common hu Szlov<6F>kia
slovenia common hu Szlov<6F>nia
solomon islands common hu Salamon szigetek
somalia common hu Szom<6F>lia
sorry, your login has expired login hu A hozz<7A>f<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>se lej<65>rt
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
south africa common hu D<>l Afrika
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common hu D<>li-Georgia <20>s D<>li-Sandwich-szigetek
spain common hu Spanyolorsz<73>g
split table cells tinymce hu Cella feloszt<7A>sa
sri lanka common hu Sri Lanka
start date common hu Kezd<7A>s d<>tuma
start time common hu Kezd<7A>s id<69>pontja
start with common hu Kezd<7A>s (start with)
status common hu <09>llapot
striketrough tinymce hu <09>th<74>zott
subject common hu T<>rgy
submit common hu Elk<6C>ld
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
substitutions and their meanings: common hu Behelyettes<65>t<EFBFBD>sek <20>s jelent<6E>s<EFBFBD>k
sudan common hu Szud<75>n
sunday common hu Vas<61>rnap
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
suriname common hu Suriname
svalbard and jan mayen common hu Svalbard (Spitzberg<72>k) <20>s Jan Mayen-szigetek
swaziland common hu Szv<7A>zif<69>ld
sweden common hu Sv<53>dorsz<73>g
switzerland common hu Sv<53>jc
syrian arab republic common hu Sz<53>ria
table cell properties tinymce hu Cella tulajdons<6E>gok
table properties common hu T<>bl<62>zat tulajdons<6E>gok
table row properties tinymce hu T<>blasor tulajdons<6E>gok
taiwan common hu Taiwan
tajikistan common hu Tadzsikiszt<7A>n
tanzania, united republic of common hu Tanz<6E>nia
target tinymce hu C<>l
text color: common hu Sz<53>veg sz<73>n:
thailand common hu Thaif<69>ld
the api is current common hu Az API aktu<74>lis, nincs sz<73>ks<6B>g friss<73>t<EFBFBD>sre
the api requires an upgrade common hu Az API friss<73>t<EFBFBD>st ig<69>nyel !!!
the following applications require upgrades common hu A k<>vetkez<65> alkalmaz<61>sokat friss<73>teni kell
the mail server returned common hu A levelez<65>szerver visszat<61>rt (Jedi attached ;)
the search has been compleated. the search string could not be found. tinymce hu A keres<65>s befejez<65>d<EFBFBD>tt. A keresett sz<73>veg nem tal<61>lhat<61>.
this application is current common hu Az alkalmaz<61>s friss
this application requires an upgrade common hu Az alkalmaz<61>s friss<73>t<EFBFBD>st k<>v<EFBFBD>n
this is just a template button tinymce hu Ez csak egy sablon gomb
this is just a template popup tinymce hu Ez csak egy sablon felugr<67> ablak
this name has been used already common hu Ez a n<>v m<>r haszn<7A>latban van!
thursday common hu Cs<43>t<EFBFBD>rt<72>k
time common hu Id<49>
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
time selection: jscalendar hu Id<49> kiv<69>laszt<7A>sa:
time zone common hu Id<49>z<EFBFBD>na
time zone offset common hu Id<49>z<EFBFBD>na offszet
title common hu C<>m
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common hu A hiba kijav<61>t<EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD>hoz helyesen kell be<62>ll<6C>tani a
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= %1 >here</a> common hu Az <20>zenet list<73>hoz val<61> visszat<61>r<EFBFBD>shez kattintson <a href="%1">ide</a>
today common hu Mai nap
todays date, eg. "%1" common hu mai d<>tum, pl. "%1"
toggle first day of week jscalendar hu H<>t els<6C> napj<70>nak r<>gz<67>t<EFBFBD>se
toggle fullscreen mode tinymce hu Teljes k<>perny<6E>s m<>d
togo common hu Togo
tokelau common hu Tokelau
tonga common hu Tonga
too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common hu T<>l sok sikertelen bel<65>p<EFBFBD>si k<>s<EFBFBD>rlet: %1 felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD> '%2', '%3' a k<>vetkez<65> IP c<>mr<6D>l: %4
top common hu Fel<65>l
total common hu <09>sszesen
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
trinidad and tobago common hu Trinidad <20>s Tobago
tuesday common hu Kedd
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
tunisia common hu Tun<75>zia
turkey common hu T<>r<EFBFBD>korsz<73>g
turkmenistan common hu T<>rkmeniszt<7A>n
turks and caicos islands common hu Turks <20>s Caicos-szigetek
tuvalu common hu Tuvalu
2006-04-10 18:59:48 +02:00
type common hu T<>pus
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
uganda common hu Uganda
ukraine common hu Ukrajna
underline common hu Al<41>h<EFBFBD>zott
undo tinymce hu Visszavon<6F>s
united arab emirates common hu Egyes<65>lt Arab Emir<69>tus
united kingdom common hu Egyes<65>lt Kir<69>lys<79>g
united states common hu Egyes<65>lt <20>llamok
united states minor outlying islands common hu Amerikai Egyes<65>lt <20>llamok K<>ls<6C> Szigetei
unknown common hu Ismeretlen
unlink tinymce hu Hivatkoz<6F>s t<>rl<72>se
unlink failed. tinymce hu Hivatkoz<6F>s t<>rl<72>se sikertelen
unordered list tinymce hu Felsorol<6F>s (nem rendezett)
up tinymce hu Fel
2006-04-10 18:59:48 +02:00
update common hu Friss<73>t
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
upload common hu Felt<6C>lt<6C>s
uploading... tinymce hu Felt<6C>lt<6C>s folyamatban...
url common hu URL
uruguay common hu Uruguay
use button to search for common hu haszn<7A>lja a gombot a keres<65>shez
use button to search for address common hu haszn<7A>lja a gombot c<>mkeres<65>shez
use button to search for calendarevent common hu haszn<7A>lja a gombot napt<70>rbejegyz<79>s keres<65>shez
use button to search for project common hu haszn<7A>lja a gombot projekt keres<65>shez
use ctrl and/or shift to select multiple items. tinymce hu Haszn<7A>lja a Ctrl <20>s/vagy Shift gombokat a t<>bbsz<73>r<EFBFBD>s kijel<65>l<EFBFBD>shez.
use ctrl+v on your keyboard to paste the text into the window. tinymce hu Sz<53>veg ablakba m<>sol<6F>sa CTRL+V haszn<7A>lat<61>val.
user common hu Felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>
user accounts common hu felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>i hozz<7A>f<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>sek
user groups common hu felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>i csoportok
user openinstance common hu Felhasz<73>l<EFBFBD> nyitott <20>gyei
username common hu Felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>
users common hu felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>k
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
users choice common hu Felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>i v<>laszt<7A>s
uzbekistan common hu <09>zbegiszt<7A>n
vanuatu common hu Vanuatu
venezuela common hu Venezuella
version common hu Verzi<7A>
vertical alignment tinymce hu F<>gg<67>leges igaz<61>t<EFBFBD>s
viet nam common hu Vietn<74>m
view common hu Megtekint
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
virgin islands, british common hu Angol Sz<53>z-szigetek
virgin islands, u.s. common hu Amerikai Sz<53>z-szigetek
wallis and futuna common hu Wallis <20>s Futuna
warning!\n renaming or moving folders and files will break existing links in your documents. continue? tinymce hu Figyelem!\n A k<>nyvt<76>rak <20>s <20>llom<6F>nyok <20>tnevez<65>se vagy mozgat<61>sa t<>nkreteszi a m<>r megl<67>v<EFBFBD>, m<>s helyekr<6B>l t<>rt<72>n<EFBFBD> r<> val<61> hivatkoz<6F>sokat. Folytatni akarja?
wednesday common hu Szerda
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
welcome common hu <09>dv<64>zlet (welcome)
western sahara common hu Nyugat-Szahara
which groups common hu melyik csoport
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
width common hu Sz<53>less<73>g
window name tinymce hu Ablak n<>v
wk jscalendar hu h<>t
work email common hu munkahelyi email
written by: common hu <09>rta:
year common hu <09>v
yemen common hu Jemen
yes common hu Igen
you are required to change your password during your first login common hu Els<6C> bejelentkez<65>skor meg kell v<>ltoztatnia a jelszav<61>t
you have been successfully logged out login hu Sikeresen kijelentkezett a rendszerb<72>l
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
you have not entered a title common hu Nem adott meg c<>met
you have not entered a valid date common hu Nem adott meg <20>rv<72>nyes d<>tumot
you have not entered a valid time of day common hu Nem adott meg <20>rv<72>nyes id<69>pontot
you have not entered participants common hu Nem adott meg r<>sztvev<65>ket
you have selected an invalid date common hu <09>rv<72>nytelen d<>tumot v<>lasztott!
you have selected an invalid main category common hu <09>rv<72>nytelen f<>kateg<65>ri<72>t v<>lasztott!
you have successfully logged out common hu Sikeresen kijelentkezett a rendszerb<72>l
you must enter the url tinymce hu Meg kell adnia egy URL-t
you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common hu A webszerver felhaszn<7A>l<EFBFBD>t '%1' hozz<7A> kell adni a '%2' csoporthoz.
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common hu Az <20>zenet <b>nem<b> ker<65>lt elk<6C>ld<6C>sre!<br>
your message has been sent common hu <09>zenet elk<6C>ldve
2003-04-23 00:30:38 +02:00
your search returned %1 matchs common hu Keres<65>s v<>geredm<64>nye: %1 tal<61>lat
your search returned 1 match common hu Keres<65>s v<>geredm<64>nye: 1 tal<61>lat
your session could not be verified. login hu A hozz<7A>f<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>se nem ellen<65>rizhet<65>.
your settings have been updated common hu A be<62>ll<6C>t<EFBFBD>sai m<>dos<6F>t<EFBFBD>sra ker<65>ltek
2006-02-11 03:24:20 +01:00
yugoslavia common hu Jugoszl<7A>via
zambia common hu Zambia
zimbabwe common hu Zimbabwe