%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) addressbook cs %1 z<>znam<61> na<6E>teno (zat<61>m nebyly importov<6F>ny, m<><6D>ete se vr<76>tit %2zp<7A>t%3 a od<6F>krtnout Testovat Import)
%1 starts with '%2' addressbook cs %1 za<7A><61>n<EFBFBD> s '%2'
<b>no conversion type <none> could be located.</b> please choose a conversion type from the list addressbook cs <b><3E><>dn<64> konverzn<7A> typ <none> nebyl nalezen.</b> Vyberte si pros<6F>m konverzn<7A> typ ze seznamu
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook cs @-eval() je p<><70>stupn<70> jen administr<74>tor<6F>m!!!
add a contact to this organisation addressbook cs P<>idat kontakt k t<>to organizaci
add a new contact addressbook cs P<>idat nov<6F> kontakt
add a new list addressbook cs P<>idat nov<6F> seznam
add a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook cs P<>idat z<>znam vypln<6C>n<EFBFBD>m polo<6C>ek.
add business email of whole distribution list? addressbook cs P<>idat firemn<6D> e-mail cel<65>ho distribu<62>n<EFBFBD>ho seznamu?
add custom field addressbook cs P<>idat u<>ivatelsky definovanou polo<6C>ku
add to distribution list: addressbook cs P<>idat do distribu<62>n<EFBFBD>ho seznamu:
added by synchronisation addressbook cs p<>id<69>no synchronizac<61>
added to distribution list addressbook cs p<>id<69>no do distribu<62>n<EFBFBD>ho seznamu
additional information about using ldap as contact repository admin cs Dal<61><6C> informace k pou<6F><75>v<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> LDAP jako datab<61>ze kontakt<6B>
apply changes to all members, whose fields have the same previous content addressbook cs Aplikovat zm<7A>ny na v<>echny <20>leny, jejich<63> polo<6C>ky maj<61> stejn<6A> obsah
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown contacts!!! addressbook cs Pou<6F><75>t akci na cel<65> dotaz, nejen zobrazen<65> kontakty!!!
are you shure you want to delete this contact? addressbook cs Ur<55>it<69> chcete smazat tento kontakt?
are you sure you want to delete this field? addressbook cs Ur<55>it<69> chcete smazat tuto polo<6C>ku?
assistent addressbook cs Asistent(ka)
assistent phone addressbook cs telefon asistenta(ky)
displays a remider for birthdays on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon). addressbook cs Zobrazuje p<>ipom<6F>nku narozenin na <20>vodn<64> stran<61> (str<74>nka, na kterou se dostanete kdy<64> se p<>ihl<68>s<EFBFBD>te do eGroupWare a kliknete na ikonu Hlavn<76> strana).
distribution list deleted addressbook cs Distribu<62>n<EFBFBD> seznam smaz<61>n
distribution lists addressbook cs Distribu<62>n<EFBFBD> seznamy
do you want a private addressbook, which can not be viewed by users, you grant access to your personal addressbook? addressbook cs Chcete vytvo<76>it soukrom<6F> adres<65><73>, kam nebudou m<>t p<><70>stup ani u<>ivatel<65>, kter<65>m d<>te p<><70>stup do Va<56>eho osobn<62>ho adres<65><73>e?
do your really want to delete this contact? addressbook cs Opravdu chcete smazat tento kontakt?
document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! addressbook cs Dokument '%1' neexistuje nebo nem<65>te opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD> k jeho <20>ten<65>!
download export file (uncheck to debug output in browser) addressbook cs St<53>hnout exportn<74> soubor (Od<4F>krtn<74>te debugovac<61> v<>stup v prohl<68><6C>e<EFBFBD>i)
download this contact as vcard file addressbook cs st<73>hnout kontakt jako vCard soubor
either the configured email addesses are wrong or the mail configuration. addressbook cs Nastaven<65> e-mailov<6F> adresy nebo konfigurace e-mailu jsou chybn<62>.
email addresses (comma separated) to send the contact data addressbook cs E-mailov<6F> adresy (odd<64>len<65><20><>rkou) na kter<65> maj<61> b<>t odesl<73>na data kontaktu
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook cs Exportuje kontakty z Va<56>eho adres<65><73>e do CSV souboru. CSV znamen<65> 'hodnoty odd<64>len<65><20><>rkou'. Nicm<63>n<EFBFBD> v z<>lo<6C>ce voleb si m<><6D>ete zvolit jin<69> odd<64>lova<76>e.
hide accounts from addressbook addressbook cs Nezobrazovat <20><>ty v adres<65><73>i
hides accounts completly from the adressbook. addressbook cs Kompletn<74> skryje <20><>ty p<>ed adres<65><73>em.
home address addressbook cs Dom<6F>c<EFBFBD> adresa
home address, birthday, ... addressbook cs Dom<6F>c<EFBFBD> adresa, narozeniny, ...
home city addressbook cs Domov - m<>sto
home country addressbook cs Domov - zem<65>
home email addressbook cs Domov - e-mail
home phone addressbook cs Domov - telefon
home state addressbook cs Domov - st<73>t
home street addressbook cs Domov - ulice
home zip code addressbook cs Domov - PS<50>
how many contacts should non-admins be able to export (empty = no limit) admin cs Kolik kontakt<6B> mohou exportovat u<>ivatel<65> bez administr<74>torsk<73>ch pr<70>v (pr<70>zdn<64> = bez omezen<65>)
icon addressbook cs Ikona
if accounts are already in ldap admin cs pokud jsou <20><>ty ji<6A> v LDAP
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, addressbook displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the contact data inserted. addressbook cs Pokud zde uvedete adres<65><73> (celou cestu ve virtu<74>ln<6C>m syst<73>mu soubor<6F>), aplikace zobraz<61> akci pro ka<6B>d<EFBFBD> dokument. Tato akce pak umo<6D>n<EFBFBD> st<73>hnout vybran<61> dokument s vlo<6C>en<65>mi <20>daji kontaktu.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, addressbook displays an extra document icon for each address. that icon allows to download the specified document with the contact data inserted. addressbook cs Pokud zde uvedete dokument (celou cestu ve virtu<74>ln<6C>m syst<73>mu soubor<6F>), aplikace zobraz<61> extra ikonu dokumentu pro ka<6B>dou adresu. Tato ikona pak umo<6D>n<EFBFBD> st<73>hnout vybran<61> dokument s vlo<6C>en<65>mi <20>daji kontaktu.
import next set addressbook cs Importovat n<>sleduj<75>c<EFBFBD> sadu
import_instructions addressbook cs V prohl<68><6C>e<EFBFBD>i Netscape otev<65>ete Adres<65><73> a vyberte <b>Exportovat</b> z menu <b>Soubor</b>. Exportovan<61> soubor bude ve form<72>tu LDIF.<p>Nebo v Outlooku vyberte slo<6C>ku s Kontakty, zvolte <b>Import a export</b> z menu <b>Start</b> a vyexportujte sv<73> kontakty do souboru typu CSV (text odd<64>len<65><20><>rkami).<p>Nebo v Palm Desktopu 4.0 a vy<76><79><EFBFBD>m vyberte <b>Export</b> z menu <b>File</b>. Exportovan<61> soubor bude ve form<72>tu VCard.
imports contacts into your addressbook from a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. addressbook cs Importuje kontakty z CSV souboru do Va<56>eho adres<65><73>e. CSV znamen<65> 'hodnoty odd<64>len<65><20><>rkou'. Nicm<63>n<EFBFBD> v z<>lo<6C>ce voleb si m<><6D>ete zvolit jin<69> odd<64>lova<76>e.
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too addressbook cs Jm<4A>no aktu<74>ln<6C>ho u<>ivatele, v<>echny ostatn<74> polo<6C>ky kontaktu jsou tak<61> platn<74>
please update the templatename in your customfields section! addressbook cs Zaktualizujte pros<6F>m n<>zev <20>ablony ve Va<56><61> sekci u<>ivatelsky definovan<61>ch polo<6C>ek!
select a portrait format jpeg photo. it will be resized to 60 pixel width. addressbook cs Vyberte portr<74>t ve form<72>tu jpeg. Bude upraven na <20><><EFBFBD>ku 60 pixel<65>.
select a view addressbook cs Vybrat pohled
select addressbook type addressbook cs Vybrat typ adres<65><73>e
select all addressbook cs Vybrat v<>e
select an action or addressbook to move to addressbook cs Vybrat akci nebo adres<65><73> kam se p<>esunout
select migration type admin cs Vybrat typ migrace
select multiple contacts for a further action addressbook cs Vybrat v<>ce kontakt<6B> pro dal<61><6C> akci
select phone number as prefered way of contact addressbook cs vybrat telefonn<6E><20><>slo jako preferovan<61> zp<7A>sob kontaktu
select where you want to store / retrieve contacts admin cs Vybrat <20>lo<6C>i<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD> kontakt<6B>
selected contacts addressbook cs vybran<61> kontakty
should the columns photo and home address always be displayed, even if they are empty. addressbook cs Maj<61> b<>t sloupce fotografie a domovsk<73> adresa v<>dy zobrazeny i kdy<64> jsou pr<70>zdn<64>
show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook cs Zobrazit upom<6F>nky na narozeniny na hlavn<76> obrazovce
show infolog entries for this organisation addressbook cs Zobrazit z<>znamy InfoLogu pro tuto organizaci
show the contacts of this organisation addressbook cs Zobrazit kontakty t<>to organizace
size of popup (wxh, eg.400x300, if a popup should be used) admin cs Velikost p<>ekr<6B>vac<61>ho okna (<28>xV, nap<61>. 400x300, pokud m<> b<>t p<>ekr<6B>vac<61> okno pou<6F><75>v<EFBFBD>no)
successfully imported %1 records into your addressbook. addressbook cs <09>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD> importov<6F>no %1 zaznam<61> do Va<56>eho adres<65><73>e.
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) addressbook cs Testovat import (zobrazit importovateln<6C> z<>znamy <u>jen</u> v prohl<68><6C>e<EFBFBD>i)
the anonymous user has probably no add rights for this addressbook. addressbook cs Anonymn<6D> u<>ivatel patrn<72> nem<65> pr<70>va k p<>id<69>v<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> z<>znam<61> do adres<65><73>e.
the anonymous user needs add rights for it! addressbook cs Anonymn<6D> u<>ivatel pot<6F>ebuje pr<70>va k p<>id<69>v<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> z<>znam<61>.
the document can contain placeholder like $$n_fn$$, to be replaced with the contact data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). addressbook cs Dokument m<><6D>e obsahovat rezervovan<61> m<>sta jako $$n_fn$$, kter<65> budou nahrazena daty kontaktu (%1kompletn<74> seznam n<>zv<7A> rezervovan<61>ch m<>st%2).
there was an error saving your data :-( addressbook cs Do<44>lo k chyb<79> p<>i ukl<6B>d<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> Va<56>ich dat :-(
this module displays a contactform, that stores direct into the addressbook. addressbook cs Tento modul zobrazuje formul<75><6C> kontaktu, kter<65> ukl<6B>d<EFBFBD> data p<><70>mo do adres<65><73>e.
this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook cs K<>estn<74> jm<6A>no t<>to osoby nebylo v adres<65><73>i.
this person's last name was not in the address book. addressbook cs P<><50>jmen<65> t<>to osoby nebylo v adres<65><73>i.
timezone addressbook cs <09>asov<6F> z<>na
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit addressbook cs p<><70>li<6C> mnoho m<><6D>e p<>ekro<72>it nastaven<65><20>asov<6F> limit spu<70>t<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>
warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin cs VAROV<4F>N<EFBFBD>!! LDAP je pou<6F>iteln<6C> jen v p<><70>pad<61>, <20>e NEpou<6F><75>v<EFBFBD>te kontakty pro ukl<6B>d<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> u<>ivatelsk<73>ch <20><>t<EFBFBD>!
warning: all contacts found will be deleted! addressbook cs VAROV<4F>N<EFBFBD>: V<>echny kontakty budou smaz<61>ny!
warning: template "%1" not found, using default template instead. addressbook cs VAROV<4F>N<EFBFBD>: <20>ablona "%1" nebyla nalezena, bude pou<6F>ita v<>choz<6F>.
what should links to the addressbook display in other applications. empty values will be left out. you need to log in anew, if you change this setting! addressbook cs Co maj<61> odkazy na adres<65><73> zobrazovat v ostatn<74>ch aplikac<61>ch. Pr<50>zdn<64> hodnoty budou vynech<63>ny. Pokud zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>te toto nastaven<65>, mus<75>te se znovu p<>ihl<68>sit!
which address format should the addressbook use for countries it does not know the address format. if the address format of a country is known, it uses it independent of this setting. addressbook cs Jak<61> form<72>t adres m<> adres<65><73> pou<6F><75>vat u zem<65>, jejich<63> adresn<73> form<72>t nezn<7A>. Pokud je form<72>t zn<7A>m, je pou<6F>it bez ohledu na toto nastaven<65>.
which addressbook should be selected when adding a contact and you have no add rights to the current addressbook. addressbook cs Kter<65> adres<65><73> m<> b<>t vybr<62>n v p<><70>pad<61>, <20>e p<>id<69>v<EFBFBD>te kontakt a pro aktu<74>ln<6C> adres<65><73> nem<65>te dostate<74>n<EFBFBD> pr<70>va.
which charset should be used for the csv export. the system default is the charset of this egroupware installation. addressbook cs Kter<65> znakov<6F> sada m<> b<>t pou<6F>ita pro CSV export? V<>choz<6F> znakovou sadou je znakov<6F> sada pou<6F>it<69> pro instalaci eGroupWare.
which fields should be exported. all means every field stored in the addressbook incl. the custom fields. the business or home address only contains name, company and the selected address. addressbook cs Kter<65> polo<6C>ky budou exportov<6F>ny. V<>echny znamen<65> ka<6B>dou polo<6C>ku v<>etn<74> u<>ivatelsky definovan<61>ch. Firemn<6D> nebo dom<6F>c<EFBFBD> obsahuje jen jm<6A>no, firmu a vybranou adresu.
yes, for the next three days addressbook cs Ano, po n<>sleduj<75>c<EFBFBD> t<>i m<>s<EFBFBD>ce
yes, for the next two weeks addressbook cs Ano, po n<>sleduj<75>c<EFBFBD> dva t<>dny
yes, for the next week addressbook cs Ano, po n<>sleduj<75>c<EFBFBD> t<>den
yes, for today and tomorrow addressbook cs Ano, po dne<6E>n<EFBFBD> a z<>t<EFBFBD>ej<65><6A> den
you are not permitted to delete contact %1 addressbook cs Nem<65>te opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD> ke smaz<61>n<EFBFBD> kontaktu %1
you are not permittet to delete this contact addressbook cs Nem<65>te opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD> ke smaz<61>n<EFBFBD> tohoto kontaktu
you are not permittet to edit this contact addressbook cs Nem<65>te opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD> k editaci tohoto kontaktu
you are not permittet to view this contact addressbook cs nem<65>te opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD> k prohl<68><6C>en<65> tohoto kontaktu
you can only use ldap as contact repository if the accounts are stored in ldap too! admin cs LDAP m<><6D>ete pou<6F><75>vat jako datab<61>zi kontakt<6B> jen v p<><70>pad<61>, <20>e m<>te v LDAP ulo<6C>eny tak<61> u<>ivatelsk<73><20><>ty!