- fixed not creatable milestones in templates
- when deleting a project you can now choose to delete the datasources
of the elements (eg. InfoLog entries) too
- new stati 'template', 'nonactive' and 'archive' for InfoLog, which get
not displayed by any standard filter, but choosing them from the
status column filter
- InfoLog tasks in PM templates get now automatic activated, there stati
is set depending of the percentage to not-started, in-progress or done
- changing the status of a project you can now choose to change the
stati of InfoLog tasks (or other types having the needed stati) too
--> these features have been sponsored by Arne Reith from Reith-IT
- new preference for htmlmail with larger fontsize
- new preference for notification of responsible: only when I get assigned or removed
- notifications are now suppressed, if no changes made (according to save_history)
- checkbox to set a custom contact (additional to the linked contact)
- new select/link entry custom fields (eg. to store a contact)
- uses the stock customfield widget now
- email is now a stock infolog type
- search was not searching in id, phone/email, location
- setting status or percent&date completed was not working for the responsible under some conditions
- for the conversation of days to hours always 8h were used, now that's the default if nothing is configured in the PM
enhancements - some might call bug-fixes too ;-):
- configuration of the rights of the responsible:
a) implicit edit rights (default is only read)
b) additional fields to edit without edit rights: eg. description, used time, ...
- user preference to show status and percent again as one merged icon (default) or as two spearate ones
- user preference to show a numeric Id, can be used eg. as ticket number
2) all projectmanager specific stuff is in a new tab which gets only displayed if a user has projectmanager run-rights (incl. times)
3) support to display the infolog status-icons in projectmanager
- subs are closed (set to done) too, if an entry is set to done via the close action
- infolog stays now in the subs view, if you add or edit an entry there
- entries created from the projectmanager go a set category
- times can optionaly be shown in the list
- using popups for editing
- renamed filter my to responsible
- warning if a log entry has been updated, while you edit it
- improved referer handling
- optimisations for so class, less DB accesses