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2001-07-12 01:17:32 +02:00
* InfoLog - Business object
* @link
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @author Joerg Lehrke <>
* @package infolog
* @copyright (c) 2003-8 by Ralf Becker <>
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
define('EGW_ACL_UNDELETE',EGW_ACL_CUSTOM_1); // undelete right
* This class is the BO-layer of InfoLog
class infolog_bo
var $enums;
var $status;
* Instance of our so class
* @var infolog_so
var $so;
var $vfs;
var $vfs_basedir='/infolog';
var $link_pathes = array();
var $send_file_ips = array();
var $tz_offset = 0;
* offset in secconds between user and server-time,
* it need to be add to a server-time to get the user-time or substracted from a user-time to get the server-time
* @var int
var $tz_offset_s = 0;
var $user_time_now;
* name of timestamps in an InfoLog entry
* @var array
var $timestamps = array('info_startdate','info_enddate','info_datemodified','info_datecompleted');
* fields the responsible user can change
* @var array
var $responsible_edit=array('info_status','info_percent','info_datecompleted');
* implicit ACL rights of the responsible user: read or edit
* @var string
var $implicit_rights='read';
* Custom fields read from the infolog config
* @var array
var $customfields=array();
* Group owners for certain types read from the infolog config
* @var array
var $group_owners=array();
2007-05-28 23:17:15 +02:00
* Current user
* @var int
var $user;
* History loggin: ''=no, 'history'=history & delete allowed, 'history_admin_delete', 'history_no_delete'
* @var string
var $history;
* Instance of infolog_tracking, only instaciated if needed!
* @var infolog_tracking
var $tracking;
* Maximum number of line characters (-_+=~) allowed in a mail, to not stall the layout.
* Longer lines / biger number of these chars are truncated to that max. number or chars.
* @var int
var $max_line_chars = 40;
2009-05-05 14:48:38 +02:00
* Available filters
* @var array filter => label pairs
var $filters = array(
'none' => 'no Filter',
'done' => 'done',
'responsible' => 'responsible',
'responsible-open-today' => 'responsible open',
'responsible-open-overdue' => 'responsible overdue',
'responsible-upcoming' => 'responsible upcoming',
'delegated' => 'delegated',
'delegated-open-today' => 'delegated open',
'delegated-open-overdue' => 'delegated overdue',
'delegated-upcoming' => 'delegated upcomming',
'own' => 'own',
'own-open-today' => 'own open',
'own-open-overdue' => 'own overdue',
'own-upcoming' => 'own upcoming',
'open-today' => 'open',
'open-overdue' => 'overdue',
'upcoming' => 'upcoming',
* Constructor Infolog BO
* @param int $info_id
* @param boolean $instanciate_link=true should the link class be instanciated, used by the link-registry to prevent infinit recursion
function __construct($info_id = 0,$instanciate_link=true)
2001-07-12 01:17:32 +02:00
$this->enums = $this->stock_enums = array(
'priority' => array (
3 => 'urgent',
2 => 'high',
1 => 'normal',
0 => 'low'
'confirm' => array(
'not' => 'not','accept' => 'accept','finish' => 'finish',
'both' => 'both' ),
'type' => array(
'task' => 'task','phone' => 'phone','note' => 'note','email' => 'email'
/* ,'confirm' => 'confirm','reject' => 'reject','fax' => 'fax' not implemented so far */ )
$this->status = $this->stock_status = array(
'defaults' => array(
'task' => 'not-started', 'phone' => 'not-started', 'note' => 'done','email' => 'done'),
'task' => array(
'offer' => 'offer', // --> NEEDS-ACTION
'not-started' => 'not-started', // iCal NEEDS-ACTION
'ongoing' => 'ongoing', // iCal IN-PROCESS
'done' => 'done', // iCal COMPLETED
'cancelled' => 'cancelled', // iCal CANCELLED
'billed' => 'billed', // --> DONE
'template' => 'template', // --> cancelled
'nonactive' => 'nonactive', // --> cancelled
'archive' => 'archive' ), // --> cancelled
'phone' => array(
'not-started' => 'call', // iCal NEEDS-ACTION
'ongoing' => 'will-call', // iCal IN-PROCESS
'done' => 'done', // iCal COMPLETED
'billed' => 'billed' ), // --> DONE
'note' => array(
'ongoing' => 'ongoing', // iCal has no status on notes
'done' => 'done' ),
'email' => array(
'ongoing' => 'ongoing', // iCal has no status on notes
'done' => 'done' ),
if (($config_data = config::read('infolog')))
$this->link_pathes = $config_data['link_pathes'];
$this->send_file_ips = $config_data['send_file_ips'];
if (isset($config_data['status']) && is_array($config_data['status']))
foreach($config_data['status'] as $key => $data)
if (!is_array($this->status[$key]))
$this->status[$key] = array();
$this->status[$key] = array_merge($this->status[$key],$config_data['status'][$key]);
if (isset($config_data['types']) && is_array($config_data['types']))
//echo "stock-types:<pre>"; print_r($this->enums['type']); echo "</pre>\n";
//echo "config-types:<pre>"; print_r($config_data['types']); echo "</pre>\n";
$this->enums['type'] += $config_data['types'];
//echo "types:<pre>"; print_r($this->enums['type']); echo "</pre>\n";
if ($config_data['group_owners']) $this->group_owners = $config_data['group_owners'];
$this->customfields = config::get_customfields('infolog');
if ($this->customfields)
foreach($this->customfields as $name => $field)
// old infolog customefield record
if (count($field['values'])) $field['type'] = 'select'; // selectbox
elseif ($field['rows'] > 1) $field['type'] = 'textarea'; // textarea
elseif (intval($field['len']) > 0) $field['type'] = 'text'; // regular input field
else $field['type'] = 'label'; // header-row
$field['type2'] = $field['typ'];
$this->customfields[$name] = $field;
$save_config = true;
if ($save_config) config::save_value('customfields',$this->customfields,'infolog');
if (is_array($config_data['responsible_edit']))
$this->responsible_edit = array_merge($this->responsible_edit,$config_data['responsible_edit']);
if ($config_data['implicit_rights'] == 'edit')
$this->implicit_rights = 'edit';
$this->history = $config_data['history'];
2001-07-12 01:17:32 +02:00
// sort types by there translation
foreach($this->enums['type'] as $key => $val)
if (($val = lang($key)) != $key.'*') $this->enums['type'][$key] = lang($key);
$this->user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
$this->tz_offset = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['tz_offset'];
$this->tz_offset_s = 60*60*$this->tz_offset;
$this->user_time_now = time() + $this->tz_offset_s;
$this->grants = $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->get_grants('infolog',$this->group_owners ? $this->group_owners : true);
$this->so = new infolog_so($this->grants);
if ($info_id)
$this->read( $info_id );
* checks if there are customfields for typ $typ
* @param string $type
* @param boolean $links=false if true check only customfields containing links, default false = all custom fields
* @return boolean True if there are customfields for $typ, else False
function has_customfields($type,$links=false)
if ($links) $link_types = customfields_widget::get_customfield_link_types();
foreach($this->customfields as $name => $field)
if ((!$type || empty($field['type2']) || in_array($type,explode(',',$field['type2']))) &&
(!$links || in_array($field['type'],$link_types)))
return True;
return False;
* check's if user has the requiered rights on entry $info_id
* @param int/array $info data or info_id of infolog entry to check
* @param int $required_rights EGW_ACL_{READ|EDIT|ADD|DELETE}
* @return boolean
function check_access( $info,$required_rights )
static $cache = array();
$info_id = is_array($info) ? $info['info_id'] : $info;
if (isset($cache[$info_id][$required_rights]))
return $cache[$info_id][$required_rights];
// handle delete for the various history modes
if ($this->history)
if (!is_array($info) && !($info = $this->so->read($info_id))) return false;
if ($info['info_status'] == 'deleted' &&
($required_rights == EGW_ACL_EDIT || // no edit rights for deleted entries
$required_rights == EGW_ACL_ADD || // no add rights for deleted entries
$required_rights == EGW_ACL_DELETE && ($this->history == 'history_no_delete' || // no delete at all!
$this->history == 'history_admin_delete' && !isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'])))) // delete only for admins
return $cache[$info_id][$required_rights] = false;
if ($required_rights == EGW_ACL_UNDELETE)
if ($info['info_status'] != 'deleted')
return $cache[$info_id][$required_rights] = false; // can only undelete deleted items
// undelete requires edit rights
return $cache[$info_id][$required_rights] = $this->so->check_access( $info,EGW_ACL_EDIT,$this->implicit_rights == 'edit' );
elseif ($required_rights == EGW_ACL_UNDELETE)
return $cache[$info_id][$required_rights] = false;
return $cache[$info_id][$required_rights] = $this->so->check_access( $info,$required_rights,$this->implicit_rights == 'edit' );
* Check if use is responsible for an entry: he or one of his memberships is in responsible
* @param array $info infolog entry as array
* @return boolean
function is_responsible($info)
return $this->so->is_responsible($info);
* init internal data to be empty
function init()
* convert a link_id value into an info_from text
* @param array &$info infolog entry, key info_from gets set by this function
* @param string $not_app='' app to exclude
* @param string $not_id='' id to exclude
* @return boolean True if we have a linked item, False otherwise
function link_id2from(&$info,$not_app='',$not_id='')
//echo "<p>boinfolog::link_id2from(subject='$info[info_subject]', link_id='$info[info_link_id]', from='$info[info_from]', not_app='$not_app', not_id='$not_id')";
if ($info['info_link_id'] > 0 &&
(isset($info['links']) && ($link = $info['links'][$info['info_link_id']]) || // use supplied links info
($link = egw_link::get_link($info['info_link_id'])) !== False)) // if link not found in supplied links, we always search!
if (isset($info['links']) && isset($link['app']))
$app = $link['app'];
$id = $link['id'];
$nr = $link['link_app1'] == 'infolog' && $link['link_id1'] == $info['info_id'] ? '2' : '1';
$app = $link['link_app'.$nr];
$id = $link['link_id'.$nr];
$title = egw_link::title($app,$id);
if ((string)$info['info_custom_from'] === '') // old entry
$info['info_custom_from'] = (int) ($title != $info['info_from'] && @htmlentities($title) != $info['info_from']);
if (!$info['info_custom_from'])
$info['info_from'] = '';
$info['info_custom_from'] = 0;
if ($app == $not_app && $id == $not_id)
return False;
$info['info_link'] = array(
'app' => $app,
'id' => $id,
'title' => (!empty($info['info_from']) ? $info['info_from'] : $title),
$info['info_contact'] = $app.':'.$id;
//echo " title='$title'</p>\n";
return $info['blur_title'] = $title;
$info['info_link'] = array('title' => $info['info_from']);
$info['info_link_id'] = 0; // link might have been deleted
$info['info_custom_from'] = (int)!!$info['info_from'];
return False;
* Create a subject from a description: truncate it and add ' ...'
static function subject_from_des($des)
return substr($des,0,60).' ...';
* Read an infolog entry specified by $info_id
* @param int/array $info_id integer id or array with key 'info_id' of the entry to read
* @param boolean $run_link_id2from=true should link_id2from run, default yes,
* need to be set to false if called from link-title to prevent an infinit recursion
* @return array/boolean infolog entry, null if not found or false if no permission to read it
function &read($info_id,$run_link_id2from=true)
if (is_array($info_id))
$info_id = isset($info_id['info_id']) ? $info_id['info_id'] : $info_id[0];
if (($data = $this->so->read($info_id)) === False)
return null;
$info_id = $data['info_id']; // in case the uid was specified
if (!$this->check_access($data,EGW_ACL_READ)) // check behind read, to prevent a double read
return False;
if ($data['info_subject'] == $this->subject_from_des($data['info_des']))
$data['info_subject'] = '';
if ($run_link_id2from) $this->link_id2from($data);
2004-08-28 21:02:26 +02:00
// convert system- to user-time
foreach($this->timestamps as $time)
if ($data[$time]) $data[$time] += $this->tz_offset_s;
// pre-cache title and file access
return $data;
* Delete an infolog entry, evtl. incl. it's children / subs
* @param int/array $info_id int id
* @param boolean $delete_children should the children be deleted
* @param int/boolean $new_parent parent to use for not deleted children if > 0
* @return boolean True if delete was successful, False otherwise ($info_id does not exist or no rights)
function delete($info_id,$delete_children=False,$new_parent=False)
if (is_array($info_id))
$info_id = (int)(isset($info_id[0]) ? $info_id[0] : (isset($info_id['info_id']) ? $info_id['info_id'] : $info_id['info_id']));
if ($this->so->read($info_id) === False)
return False;
if (!$this->check_access($info_id,EGW_ACL_DELETE))
return False;
2001-07-12 01:17:32 +02:00
// check if we have children and delete or re-parent them
if (($children = $this->so->get_children($info_id)))
foreach($children as $id => $owner)
if ($delete_children && $this->so->grants[$owner] & EGW_ACL_DELETE)
$this->delete($id,$delete_children,$new_parent); // call ourself recursive to delete the child
else // dont delete or no rights to delete the child --> re-parent it
'info_id' => $id,
'info_parent_id' => $new_parent,
if (!($info = $this->read($info_id))) return false; // should not happen
$deleted = $info;
$deleted['info_status'] = 'deleted';
$deleted['info_datemodified'] = time();
$deleted['info_modifier'] = $this->user;
2001-07-12 01:17:32 +02:00
// if we have history switched on and not an already deleted item --> set only status deleted
if ($this->history && $info['info_status'] != 'deleted')
if ($info['info_status'] == 'deleted') return false; // entry already deleted
egw_link::unlink(0,'infolog',$info_id,'','!file'); // keep the file attachments, only delete the rest
$this->so->delete($info_id,false); // we delete the children via bo to get all notifications!
if ($info['info_status'] != 'deleted') // dont notify of final purge of already deleted items
$GLOBALS['egw']->contenthistory->updateTimeStamp('infolog_'.$info['info_type'], $info_id, 'delete', time());
// send email notifications and do the history logging
if (!is_object($this->tracking))
$this->tracking = new infolog_tracking($this);
return True;
* writes the given $values to InfoLog, a new entry gets created if info_id is not set or 0
* checks and asures ACL
* @param array &$values values to write
* @param boolean $check_defaults=true check and set certain defaults
* @param boolean $touch_modified=true touch the modification data and sets the modiefier's user-id
* @return int/boolean info_id on a successfull write or false
function write(&$values, $check_defaults=True, $touch_modified=True)
//echo "boinfolog::write()values="; _debug_array($values);
if ($status_only = $values['info_id'] && !$this->check_access($values['info_id'],EGW_ACL_EDIT))
if (!isset($values['info_responsible']))
if (!($values_read = $this->read($values['info_id']))) return false;
$responsible =& $values_read['info_responsible'];
$responsible =& $values['info_responsible'];
if (!($status_only = in_array($this->user, (array)$responsible))) // responsible has implicit right to change status
$status_only = !!array_intersect((array)$responsible,array_keys($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships($this->user)));
if (!$status_only && $values['info_status'] != 'deleted')
$status_only = $undelete = $this->check_access($values['info_id'],EGW_ACL_UNDELETE);
if ($values['info_id'] && !$this->check_access($values['info_id'],EGW_ACL_EDIT) && !$status_only ||
!$values['info_id'] && $values['info_id_parent'] && !$this->check_access($values['info_id_parent'],EGW_ACL_ADD))
return False;
if ($status_only && !$undelete) // make sure only status gets writen
$set_completed = !$values['info_datecompleted'] && // set date completed of finished job, only if its not already set
(in_array($values['info_status'],array('done','billed','cancelled')) || (int)$values['info_percent'] == 100);
$backup_values = $values; // to return the full values
$values = array(
'info_id' => $values['info_id'],
'info_datemodified' => $values['info_datemodified'],
foreach($this->responsible_edit as $name)
if (isset($backup_values[$name])) $values[$name] = $backup_values[$name];
if ($set_completed)
$values['info_datecompleted'] = $this->user_time_now;
$values['info_percent'] = 100;
$forcestatus = true;
$status = 'done';
if (isset($values['info_type']) && !in_array($values['info_status'],array('done','billed','cancelled'))) {
$forcestatus = false;
echo "set_completed:"; _debug_array($this->status[$values['info_type']]);
if (isset($this->status[$values['info_type']]['done'])) {
$forcestatus = true;
$status = 'done';
} elseif (isset($this->status[$values['info_type']]['billed'])) {
$forcestatus = true;
$status = 'billed';
} elseif (isset($this->status[$values['info_type']]['cancelled'])) {
$forcestatus = true;
$status = 'cancelled';
if ($forcestatus && !in_array($values['info_status'],array('done','billed','cancelled'))) $values['info_status'] = $status;
$check_defaults = False;
if ($check_defaults)
if (!$values['info_datecompleted'] &&
(in_array($values['info_status'],array('done','billed')) || (int)$values['info_percent'] == 100))
$values['info_datecompleted'] = $this->user_time_now; // set date completed to today if status == done
if (in_array($values['info_status'],array('done','billed')))
$values['info_percent'] = 100;
if ((int)$values['info_percent'] == 100 && !in_array($values['info_status'],array('done','billed','cancelled','archive')))
//echo "check_defaults:"; _debug_array($this->status[$values['info_type']]);
//$values['info_status'] = 'done';
$status = 'done';
if (isset($values['info_type'])) {
if (isset($this->status[$values['info_type']]['done'])) {
$status = 'done';
} elseif (isset($this->status[$values['info_type']]['billed'])) {
$status = 'billed';
} elseif (isset($this->status[$values['info_type']]['cancelled'])) {
$status = 'cancelled';
} else {
// since the comlete stati above do not exist for that type, dont change it
$status = $values['info_status'];
$values['info_status'] = $status;
if ($values['info_responsible'] && $values['info_status'] == 'offer')
$values['info_status'] = 'not-started'; // have to match if not finished
if (isset($values['info_subject']) && empty($values['info_subject']))
$values['info_subject'] = $this->subject_from_des($values['info_des']);
if (isset($this->group_owners[$values['info_type']]))
$values['info_owner'] = $this->group_owners[$values['info_type']];
if (!($this->grants[$this->group_owners[$values['info_type']]] & EGW_ACL_EDIT))
return false; // no edit rights from the group-owner
elseif (!$values['info_id'] && !$values['info_owner'] || $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($values['info_owner']) == 'g')
$values['info_owner'] = $this->so->user;
if ($info_from_set = ($values['info_link_id'] && isset($values['info_from']) && empty($values['info_from'])))
$values['info_from'] = $this->link_id2from($values);
if ($touch_modified || !$values['info_datemodified'])
// Should only an entry be updated which includes the original modification date?
// Used in the web-GUI to check against a modification by an other user while editing the entry.
// It's now disabled for xmlrpc, as otherwise the xmlrpc code need to be changed!
$xmlrpc = is_object($GLOBALS['server']) && $GLOBALS['server']->last_method;
$check_modified = $values['info_datemodified'] && !$xmlrpc ? $values['info_datemodified']-$this->tz_offset_s : false;
$values['info_datemodified'] = $this->user_time_now;
if ($touch_modified || !$values['info_modifier'])
$values['info_modifier'] = $this->so->user;
$to_write = $values;
if ($status_only && !$undelete) $values = array_merge($backup_values,$values);
// convert user- to system-time
foreach($this->timestamps as $time)
if ($to_write[$time]) $to_write[$time] -= $this->tz_offset_s;
2007-05-28 23:17:15 +02:00
// we need to get the old values to update the links in customfields and for the tracking
if ($values['info_id'])
2007-05-28 23:17:15 +02:00
$old = $this->read($values['info_id'],false);
if(($info_id = $this->so->write($to_write,$check_modified)))
if (!isset($values['info_type']) || $status_only)
$values = $this->read($info_id);
if($values['info_id'] && $old['info_status'] != 'deleted')
// update
$info_id, 'modify', time()
// add
$info_id, 'add', time()
$values['info_id'] = $info_id;
if (!is_array($values['info_responsible'])) // this should not happen, bug it does ;-)
$values['info_responsible'] = $values['info_responsible'] ? explode(',',$values['info_responsible']) : array();
// create (and remove) links in custom fields
// notify the link-class about the update, as other apps may be subscribt to it
// pre-cache the new values
2007-05-28 23:17:15 +02:00
// send email notifications and do the history logging
if (!is_object($this->tracking))
$this->tracking = new infolog_tracking($this);
2007-05-28 23:17:15 +02:00
$this->tracking->track($values,$old,$this->user,$values['info_status'] == 'deleted' || $old['info_status'] == 'deleted');
2001-07-12 01:17:32 +02:00
if ($info_from_set) $values['info_from'] = '';
return $info_id;
* Query the number of children / subs for one or more info_id's
* @param int|array $info_id id
* @return int|array number of subs
function anzSubs( $info_id )
return $this->so->anzSubs( $info_id );
* searches InfoLog for a certain pattern in $query
* @param $query[order] column-name to sort after
* @param $query[sort] sort-order DESC or ASC
* @param $query[filter] string with combination of acl-, date- and status-filters, eg. 'own-open-today' or ''
* @param $query[cat_id] category to use or 0 or unset
* @param $query[search] pattern to search, search is done in info_from, info_subject and info_des
* @param $query[action] / $query[action_id] if only entries linked to a specified app/entry show be used
* @param &$query[start], &$query[total] nextmatch-parameters will be used and set if query returns less entries
* @param $query[col_filter] array with column-name - data pairs, data == '' means no filter (!)
* @return array with id's as key of the matching log-entries
function &search(&$query)
//echo "<p>boinfolog::search(".print_r($query,True).")</p>\n";
$ret = $this->so->search($query);
// convert system- to user-time
if (is_array($ret))
foreach($ret as $id => &$data)
foreach($this->timestamps as $time)
if ($data[$time]) $data[$time] += $this->tz_offset_s;
// pre-cache title and file access
//echo "<p>boinfolog::search(".print_r($query,True).")=<pre>".print_r($ret,True)."</pre>\n";
return $ret;
* imports a mail identified by uid as infolog
* @author Cornelius Weiss <>
* @todo search if infolog with from and subject allready exists ->appned body & inform user
* @param string $_email_address rfc822 conform emailaddresses
* @param string $_subject
* @param string $_message
* @param array $_attachments
* @param string $_date
* @return array $content array for uiinfolog
function import_mail($_email_address,$_subject,$_message,$_attachments,$_date)
$address_array = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist($_email_address,'');
foreach ((array)$address_array as $address)
$email[] = $emailadr = sprintf('%s@%s',
$name[] = !empty($address->personal) ? $address->personal : $emailadr;
// shorten long (> $this->max_line_chars) lines of "line" chars (-_+=~) in mails
$_message = preg_replace_callback('/[-_+=~\.]{'.$this->max_line_chars.',}/m',
create_function('$matches',"return substr(\$matches[0],0,$this->max_line_chars);"),$_message);
$type = isset($this->enums['type']['email']) ? 'email' : 'note';
$status = isset($this->status['defaults'][$type]) ? $this->status['defaults'][$type] : 'done';
$info = array(
'info_id' => 0,
'info_type' => $type,
'info_from' => implode(',',$name),
'info_addr' => implode(',',$email),
'info_subject' => $_subject,
'info_des' => $_message,
'info_startdate' => $_date,
'info_status' => $status,
'info_priority' => 1,
'info_percent' => $status == 'done' ? 100 : 0,
'referer' => false,
'link_to' => array(
'to_app' => 'infolog',
'to_id' => 0,
// find the addressbookentry to link with
2008-05-15 10:53:47 +02:00
$addressbook = new addressbook_bo();
$contacts = array();
foreach ($email as $mailadr)
$contacts = array_merge($contacts,(array)$addressbook->search(
'email' => $mailadr,
'email_home' => $mailadr
if (!$contacts || !is_array($contacts) || !is_array($contacts[0]))
$info['msg'] = lang('Attention: No Contact with address %1 found.',$info['info_addr']);
$info['info_custom_from'] = true; // show the info_from line and NOT only the link
// create the first address as info_contact
$contact = array_shift($contacts);
$info['info_contact'] = 'addressbook:'.$contact['id'];
// create the rest a "ordinary" links
foreach ($contacts as $contact)
if (is_array($_attachments))
foreach ($_attachments as $attachment)
$is_vfs = false;
if (parse_url($attachment['tmp_name'],PHP_URL_SCHEME) == 'vfs' && egw_vfs::is_readable($attachment['tmp_name']))
$is_vfs = true;
if(is_readable($attachment['tmp_name']) || $is_vfs)
return $info;
* get title for an infolog entry identified by $info
* Is called as hook to participate in the linking
* @param int/array $info int info_id or array with infolog entry
* @return string/boolean string with the title, null if $info not found, false if no perms to view
function link_title( $info )
if (!is_array($info))
$info = $this->read( $info,false );
if (!$info)
return $info;
return !empty($info['info_subject']) ? $info['info_subject'] :
* Return multiple titles fetched by a single query
* @param array $ids
function link_titles( array $ids )
$titles = array();
2008-03-08 23:39:07 +01:00
'col_filter' => array('info_id' => $ids),
)) as $info)
$titles[$info['info_id']] = $this->link_title($info);
foreach(array_diff($ids,array_keys($titles)) as $id)
$titles[$id] = false; // we assume every not returned entry to be not readable, as we notify the link class about all deletes
return $titles;
* query infolog for entries matching $pattern
* Is called as hook to participate in the linking
* @param string $pattern pattern to search
* @return array with info_id - title pairs of the matching entries
function link_query( $pattern )
$query = array(
'search' => $pattern,
'start' => 0,
'subs' => true,
$ids = $this->search($query);
$content = array();
if (is_array($ids))
foreach($ids as $id => $info )
2003-09-14 12:25:05 +02:00
$content[$id] = $this->link_title($id);
2003-09-14 12:25:05 +02:00
return $content;
2003-09-14 12:25:05 +02:00
* Check access to the projects file store
* @param int|array $id id of entry or entry array
* @param int $check EGW_ACL_READ for read and EGW_ACL_EDIT for write or delete access
* @return boolean true if access is granted or false otherwise
function file_access($id,$check,$rel_path=null)
return $this->check_access($id,$check);
* Set the cache of the link class (title, file_access) for the given infolog entry
* @param array $info
function set_link_cache(array $info)
$this->file_access($info,EGW_ACL_EDIT) ? EGW_ACL_READ|EGW_ACL_EDIT :
($this->file_access($info,EGW_ACL_READ) ? EGW_ACL_READ : 0));
* hook called be calendar to include events or todos in the cal-dayview
* @param int $args[year], $args[month], $args[day] date of the events
* @param int $args[owner] owner of the events
* @param string $args[location] calendar_include_{events|todos}
* @return array of events (array with keys starttime, endtime, title, view, icon, content)
function cal_to_include($args)
//echo "<p>cal_to_include("; print_r($args); echo ")</p>\n";
$user = (int) $args['owner'];
if ($user <= 0 && !checkdate($args['month'],$args['day'],$args['year']))
return False;
$do_events = $args['location'] == 'calendar_include_events';
$to_include = array();
$date_wanted = sprintf('%04d/%02d/%02d',$args['year'],$args['month'],$args['day']);
$query = array(
'order' => 'info_startdate',
'sort' => $do_events ? 'ASC' : 'DESC',
'filter'=> "user$user".($do_events ? 'date' : 'opentoday').$date_wanted,
'start' => 0,
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['infolog']['cal_show'])
$query['col_filter']['info_type'] = explode(',',$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['infolog']['cal_show']);
elseif ($this->customfields && !$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['infolog']['cal_show_custom'])
$query['col_filter']['info_type'] = array('task','phone','note','email');
while ($infos = $this->search($query))
foreach($infos as $info)
$time = (int) adodb_date('Hi',$info['info_startdate']);
$date = adodb_date('Y/m/d',$info['info_startdate']);
/* As event-like infologs are not showen in current calendar,
we need to present all open infologs to the user! (2006-06-27 nelius)
if ($do_events && !$time ||
!$do_events && $time && $date == $date_wanted)
$title = ($do_events?$GLOBALS['egw']->common->formattime(adodb_date('H',$info['info_startdate']),adodb_date('i',$info['info_startdate'])).' ':'').
$view = egw_link::view('infolog',$info['info_id']);
foreach($icons = array(
$info['info_type'] => 'infolog',
$this->status[$info['info_type']][$info['info_status']] => 'infolog',
) as $name => $app)
$content[] = html::image($app,$name,lang($name),'border="0" width="15" height="15"').' ';
$content[] = html::a_href($title,$view);
$content = html::table(array(1 => $content));
$to_include[] = array(
'starttime' => $info['info_startdate'],
'endtime' => ($info['info_enddate'] ? $info['info_enddate'] : $info['info_startdate']),
'title' => $title,
'view' => $view,
'icons' => $icons,
'content' => $content
if ($query['total'] <= ($query['start']+=count($infos)))
break; // no more availible
//echo "boinfolog::cal_to_include("; print_r($args); echo ")<pre>"; print_r($to_include); echo "</pre>\n";
return $to_include;
* Returm InfoLog (custom) status icons for projectmanager
* @param array $args array with id's in $args['infolog']
* @return array with id => icon pairs
function pm_icons($args)
if (isset($args['infolog']) && count($args['infolog']))
$icons = $this->so->get_status($args['infolog']);
foreach((array) $icons as $id => $status)
if ($status && substr($status,-1) != '%')
$icons[$id] = 'infolog/'.$status;
return $icons;
2001-07-12 01:17:32 +02:00
SyncML patches from (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
var $categories;
SyncML patches from (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
function find_or_add_categories($catname_list)
if (!is_object($this->categories))
SyncML patches from (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
$this->categories =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.categories',$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'],'infolog');
SyncML patches from (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
$cat_id_list = array();
foreach($catname_list as $cat_name)
$cat_name = trim($cat_name);
$cat_id = $this->categories->name2id($cat_name, 'X-');
if (!$cat_id)
SyncML patches from (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
$cat_id = $this->categories->add(array('name' => $cat_name, 'descr' => $cat_name, 'access' => 'private'));
SyncML patches from (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
if ($cat_id)
$cat_id_list[] = $cat_id;
SyncML patches from (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
if (count($cat_id_list) > 1)
$cat_id_list = array_unique($cat_id_list);
SyncML patches from (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
sort($cat_id_list, SORT_NUMERIC);
return $cat_id_list;
* Get names for categories specified by their id's
* @param array|string $cat_id_list array or comma-sparated list of id's
* @return array with names
SyncML patches from (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
function get_categories($cat_id_list)
if (!is_object($this->categories))
SyncML patches from (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
$this->categories =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.categories',$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'],'infolog');
SyncML patches from (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
if (!is_array($cat_id_list))
SyncML patches from (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
$cat_id_list = explode(',',$cat_id_list);
SyncML patches from (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
$cat_list = array();
foreach($cat_id_list as $cat_id)
SyncML patches from (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
if ($cat_data = $this->categories->return_single($cat_id))
SyncML patches from (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
$cat_list[] = $cat_data[0]['name'];
return $cat_list;
* Send all async infolog notification
* Called via the async service job 'infolog-async-notification'
function async_notification()
if (!($users = $this->so->users_with_open_entries()))
error_log("boinfolog::async_notification() users with open entries: ".implode(', ',$users));
$save_account_id = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
$save_prefs = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'];
foreach($users as $user)
if (!($email = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($user,'account_email'))) continue;
// create the enviroment for $user
$this->user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'] = $user;
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->read_repository();
$this->grants = $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->get_grants('infolog',$this->group_owners ? $this->group_owners : true);
$this->so = new infolog_so($this->grants); // so caches it's filters
$notified_info_ids = array();
'notify_due_responsible' => 'open-responsible-enddate',
'notify_due_delegated' => 'open-delegated-enddate',
'notify_start_responsible' => 'open-responsible-date',
'notify_start_delegated' => 'open-delegated-date',
) as $pref => $filter)
if (!($pref_value = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['infolog'][$pref])) continue;
$filter .= date('Y-m-d',time()+24*60*60*(int)$pref_value);
error_log("boinfolog::async_notification() checking with filter '$filter' ($pref_value) for user $user ($email)");
$params = array('filter' => $filter);
foreach($this->so->search($params) as $info)
// check if we already send a notification for that infolog entry, eg. starting and due on same day
if (in_array($info['info_id'],$notified_info_ids)) continue;
if (is_null($this->tracking) || $this->tracking->user != $user)
$this->tracking = new infolog_tracking($this);
case 'notify_due_responsible':
$info['message'] = lang('%1 you are responsible for is due at %2',$this->enums['type'][$info['info_type']],
case 'notify_due_delegated':
$info['message'] = lang('%1 you delegated is due at %2',$this->enums['type'][$info['info_type']],
case 'notify_start_responsible':
$info['message'] = lang('%1 you are responsible for is starting at %2',$this->enums['type'][$info['info_type']],
case 'notify_start_delegated':
$info['message'] = lang('%1 you delegated is starting at %2',$this->enums['type'][$info['info_type']],
error_log("notifiying $user($email) about $info[info_subject]: $info[message]");
$notified_info_ids[] = $info['info_id'];
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'] = $save_account_id;
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'] = $save_prefs;
/** conversion of infolog status to vtodo status
* @private
* @var array
var $_status2vtodo = array(
'offer' => 'NEEDS-ACTION',
'not-started' => 'NEEDS-ACTION',
'ongoing' => 'IN-PROCESS',
'done' => 'COMPLETED',
'cancelled' => 'CANCELLED',
'billed' => 'COMPLETED',
'template' => 'CANCELLED',
'nonactive' => 'CANCELLED',
'archive' => 'CANCELLED',
'deferred' => 'NEEDS-ACTION',
'waiting' => 'IN-PROCESS',
/** conversion of vtodo status to infolog status
* @private
* @var array
var $_vtodo2status = array(
'NEEDS-ACTION' => 'not-started',
'NEEDS ACTION' => 'not-started',
'IN-PROCESS' => 'ongoing',
'IN PROCESS' => 'ongoing',
'COMPLETED' => 'done',
'CANCELLED' => 'cancelled',
* Converts an infolog status into a vtodo status
* @param string $status see $this->status
function status2vtodo($status)
return isset($this->_status2vtodo[$status]) ? $this->_status2vtodo[$status] : 'NEEDS-ACTION';
* Converts a vtodo status into an infolog status using the optional X-INFOLOG-STATUS
* X-INFOLOG-STATUS is only used, if translated to the vtodo-status gives the identical vtodo status
* --> the user did not changed it
* @param string $x_infolog_status preserved original infolog status
* @return string
function vtodo2status($vtodo_status,$x_infolog_status=null)
$vtodo_status = strtoupper($vtodo_status);
if ($x_infolog_status && $this->status2vtodo($x_infolog_status) == $vtodo_status)
$status = $x_infolog_status;
$status = isset($this->_vtodo2status[$vtodo_status]) ? $this->_vtodo2status[$vtodo_status] : 'not-started';
return $status;
* Activates an InfoLog entry (setting it's status from template or inactive depending on the completed percentage)
* @param array $info
* @return string new status
function activate($info)
case 0: return 'not-started';
case 100: return 'done';
return 'ongoing';
* Get the Parent ID of an InfoLog entry
* @param string $_guid
* @return string parentID
function getParentID($_guid)
#Horde::logMessage("getParentID($_guid)", __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
$parentID = False;
$myfilter = array('col_filter' => array('info_uid'=>$_guid)) ;
if ($_guid && ($found=$this->search($myfilter)) && ($uidmatch = array_shift($found))) {
$parentID = $uidmatch['info_id'];
return $parentID;
* Try to find a matching db entry
* @param array $egwData the vTODO data we try to find
* @param boolean $relax=false if asked to relax, we only match against some key fields
* @return the infolog_id of the matching entry or false (if none matches)
function findVTODO($egwData, $relax=false)
$myfilter = array('col_filter' => array('info_uid'=>$egwData['info_uid'])) ;
if ($egwData['info_uid']
&& ($found = $this->search($myfilter))
&& ($uidmatch = array_shift($found)))
return $uidmatch['info_id'];
$filter = array();
$description = '';
if (!empty($egwData['info_des'])) {
$description = trim(preg_replace("/\r?\n?\\[[A-Z_]+:.*\\]/i", '', $egwData['info_des']));
// Avoid quotation problems
$description = preg_replace("/[^\x20-\x7F].*/", '', $description);
if (strlen($description)) {
$filter['search'] = $description;
if ($egwData['info_id']
&& ($found = $this->read($egwData['info_id'])))
// We only do a simple consistency check
if ($found['info_subject'] == $egwData['info_subject']
&& strpos($found['info_des'], $description) === 0)
return $found['info_id'];
// priority does not need to match
$filter['col_filter'] = $egwData;
if($foundItems = $this->search($filter)) {
if(count($foundItems) > 0) {
$itemIDs = array_keys($foundItems);
return $itemIDs[0];
$filter = array();
if (!$relax && strlen($description)) {
$filter['search'] = $description;
$filter['col_filter'] = $egwData;
// search for date only match
// try tasks without category
#Horde::logMessage("findVTODO Filter\n"
# . print_r($filter, true),
foreach ($this->search($filter) as $itemID => $taskData) {
# Horde::logMessage("findVTODO Trying\n"
# . print_r($taskData, true),
if (isset($egwData['info_cat'])
&& isset($taskData['info_cat']) && $taskData['info_cat']
&& $egwData['info_cat'] != $taskData['info_cat']) continue;
if (isset($egwData['info_startdate'])
&& isset($taskData['info_startdate']) && $taskData['info_startdate']) {
$parts = @getdate($taskData['info_startdate']);
$startdate = @mktime(0, 0, 0, $parts['mon'], $parts['mday'], $parts['year']);
if ($egwData['info_startdate'] != $startdate) continue;
// some clients don't support DTSTART
if (isset($egwData['info_startdate'])
&& (!isset($taskData['info_startdate']) || !$taskData['info_startdate'])
&& !$relax) continue;
if (isset($egwData['info_datecompleted'])
&& isset($taskData['info_datecompleted']) && $taskData['info_datecompleted']) {
$parts = @getdate($taskData['info_datecompleted']);
$enddate = @mktime(0, 0, 0, $parts['mon'], $parts['mday'], $parts['year']);
if ($egwData['info_datecompleted'] != $enddate) continue;
if ((isset($egwData['info_datecompleted'])
&& (!isset($taskData['info_datecompleted']) || !$taskData['info_datecompleted'])) ||
&& isset($taskData['info_datecompleted']) && $taskData['info_datecompleted'])
&& !$relax) continue;
return false;
2009-09-19 15:58:24 +02:00
* returns array with relation link_id and info_id (necessary for project-selection)
* @param int $pm_id ID of selected project
* @return array containing link_id and info_id
function get_pm_infolog_links($pm_id=0)
if($pm_id && isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['projectmanager']))
$pm_ids = ExecMethod('projectmanager.projectmanager_bo.children',$pm_id);
$pm_ids[] = $pm_id;
$links = solink::get_links('projectmanager',$pm_ids,'infolog'); // solink::get_links not egw_links::get_links!
if ($links)
$links = array_unique(call_user_func_array('array_merge',$links));
return $links;
return array();