3 network
Dennis Buchhorn edited this page 2023-06-27 12:31:28 +00:00


Source based routing

Tested on Debian 12

If your host have more than one NIC (in different nets), you maybe want to specify which traffic goes to which NIC. One use-case is, that you have a docker host, which should be accessible via NIC-1 (primary net) and the docker service should be accessible via another NIC-2 (secondary net). Therfore you have to create routing information for the traffic coming from the docker service.

(Ref: 1, 2, 3, 4)

  1. Create a new table for the secondary net:

    sudo nano /etc/iproute2/rt_tables

    add at the end of this file:

    Note: 200 must be a positive int and dmz can be any name you want

    200    dmz
  2. Create if-up script to make the routing information persistent (create routing information at every boot)

    sudo nano /etc/network/if-up.d/docker_services_dmz

    With the following content:

    Note: enp6s19 is the NIC-2, the docker service net and the gateway from secondary net

    if [ "$IFACE" = "enp6s19" ]; then
        ip rule add from table dmz
        ip route add default via dev enp6s19 table dmz

    Make this script executable:

    sudo chmod +x /etc/network/if-up.d/docker_services_dmz
  3. Reboot or restart networking.service with sudo systemctl restart networking.service