Start sshd listening only on specific DHCP interface
Tested on Debian 12
First disable automatic start of sshd:
sudo systemctl disable ssh.service
sudo systemctl stop ssh.service
Create if-up script:
sudo nano /etc/network/if-up.d/start_sshd
With following content:
Note: Change enp6s18
to the interface name you want.
if [ "$IFACE" = "enp6s18" ]; then
IPV4_ADDR=$(ip -j -4 addr list $IFACE | jq --raw-output .[].addr_info[].local)
mkdir -p /run/sshd
chmod 755 /run/sshd
/usr/sbin/sshd -oListenAddress=$IPV4_ADDR
After that make this script executable:
sudo chmod +x /etc/network/if-up.d/start_sshd
Now reboot and the sshd service should start listening only on the interface with the given IPv4 address via DHCP.