5 Release Notes 14.2
leithoff edited this page 2016-05-24 13:01:26 +02:00

WikiRelease Notes 14.2

What's new in EGroupware 14.2?

It contains many improvements AND lot's of bugfixes over the 14.1 release. To name a few:

  • Dropbox like sharing of files
  • Tablet support for EGroupware
  • Home app is back in form of a customizable dashboard
  • for a full list and for technical details see the changelog and diverse blog posts

Manual install OR update instruction are available at http://www.egroupware.org/technical/technical-information/installation-instructions-and-requirements.html.
Linked document currenlty describes installation of EPL version which requires credentials to access EPL download server!
For community version you should follow the instructions about PHP version and installing a database, then go to open build server to create the repository entry and install egroupware-epl package. 

Recommended installation is via server:eGroupware repository from open build service, as its the only way allowing easy automatic updates:


  • minimum PHP 5.3.3+, recommended PHP 5.5 (with required php.ini setting "mbstring.func_overload = 0", this is major change from 1.8!)
  • !MariaDB 5.1+ or MySQL 5.1+, recommended 5.5+
  • Postgres 9.1+

Please note / Erata:

  • Make backups of your Database before attempting the update, noone can help you without a backup!
  • Default template set in 14.2 is Pixelegg with Stylite as alternative. Both deliver best performance because of client-side caching.
    If you run into a problem with old idots template set, please try again with Pixelegg or Stylite. Next versio 15.1 will no longer include Idots.
  • Sharing of files around or bigger then your PHP memory-limit require to generate a new header.inc.php via lower login of setup!
  • 14.2 contains now all PHP dependencies in a folder called vendor, no more need to install PEAR!
  • To speed up PHP you should install an opcode cache like opcache (or PHP 5.4 only APC)
  • EGroupware relies havily on caching: it does this by default in filesystem, to improve speed you should install APC or APCu PHP externsion with at least 128MB memory (apc.shm_size * apc.shm_segments >= 128MB) 
  • EGroupware contains since 14.1 no longer a group administration, if you used 1.8 AND submitted a usage-statistic before October 2014, you are eligible to our ((GroupAdmin1.8CE|free group administration app))
  • EGroupware packages from 1.8 on run an automatic installation or update with the package installation:
    • EGroupware packages (.rpm or .deb) are the recommend installtion under Linux, as they allow automatic bugfix, security or maintenance updates
      • add server:eGroupware repository from open build service to the package repositories of your system (see your system administration guide)
      • Installation: expects a local MySQL database with empty root password (default for new systems), it creates a database and user "egroupware" with a random password
        (If you require something else, let automatic installation fail and run /usr/share/egroupware/doc/rpm-build/post_install --help for further options.)
      • To select a language other then your system default use eg.: LANG=de zypper install egroupware (or yum, aptitude, urpmi, ...)
      • Updates: only requires a working package installation, regardless of database or instance names (eg. all 1.6 package installs will update automatically)
      • all 1.8+ egroupware package installation / updates write a log to /root/egroupware-install.log (contain also initial setup and egroupware users and passwords)
  • Package installation creates or requires the following filesystem layout:
    • /usr/share/egroupware EGroupware sources mapped via alias as /egroupware into every vhost (/etc/(httpd|apache2)/conf.d/egroupware.conf)
    • /var/lib/egroupware/header.inc.php EGroupware configuration file symlinked from /usr/share/egroupware/header.inc.php
    • /var/lib/egroupware/default/files EGroupware files of instance named default
    • /var/lib/egroupware/default/backup EGroupware backups of instance default
  • To migrate a previous archive installation in the docroot to a recommeded package installation:
    • install egroupware package, which will probably fail because you have a MySQL root password set (that's ok)
    • move your EGroupware files and backup directory to the above location AND change it in Setup >> Configuration
    • move your header.inc.php to /var/lib/egroupware and symlink it from the old location
    • your existing installation should still be working after these changes!
    • edit your header.inc.php to use "/usr/share/egroupware" as EGW_SERVER_ROOT
    • after restarting Apache you should be able to access the new EGroupware install under http(s)://your.domain/egroupware
    • go a last time to setup to run the manual update
  • You need a valid timezone like eg. "Europe/Berlin" in your php.ini (Debian/Ubuntu default of "System/Localtime" is NOT sufficient !!!!)
  • CalDAV or CardDAV autoconfiguration for Mac or iPhone iCal or contacts app require some redirects documented in groupdav.htaccess in EGroupware root
  • RHEL or !CentOS 6 (or 5.6+ php53) PHP no longer contains php-mcrypt, you have to use the EPEL repository!
  • RHEL or !CentOS 5 only come with PHP 5.1.6, which no longer work with EGroupware 14.1!
    Either use the recomended php55u or php54 packages from IUS commuity project, which have to be installed before EGroupware itself.
    Or use php53 packages from RHEL or !CentOS 5.6+, which also have to be installed before you install EGroupware itself and additionally require EPEL, see above.
  • The way mail accounts are created and stored have changed completly between 1.8 and 14.1 (no concern if you update from 14.1!)
    • update tries to migrate your !EMailAdmin profiles and !FeLaMiMail personal accounts, but due to different way accounts are set up now, this might not allways succeed
    • if automatic update fails, go to admin, right click on an account and select mail account from context menu to manually fix or delete broken mail account
    • new mail accounts can either be for a single user or multiple users eg. a group or everyone
    • new mail code requires php.ini setting mbstring.func_overload = 0
    • PHP imap externsion is NO longer required
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