4 Using EGroupware Mail server with ActiveDirectory
Ralf Becker edited this page 2022-07-01 13:31:36 +02:00

Install EGroupware Mail with Active Directory (ADS)

This tutorial assumes you have a working EGroupware installation which either just authenticates with ActiveDirectory or also uses ADS for storing users, groups and memberships (follow this to create a new EGroupware instance using ActiveDirectory)

The stock EGroupware Mail server uses EGroupware's MariaDB or MySQL database for authentication and storing mail-attributes.

  • Install egroupware-mail Linux package, but do NOT configure it any further yet
  • If you're EGroupware version is just 21.1.20220408 you need to install the following patch (not necessary/working for newer versions!):
for patch in 68f7437cd04ed9a74aaa4c59520af428bc30a1c1 1a0dd6214e7836451e495ece37885f9e6dc8a8a6 22c42a8caff9a967f261c81a2efa3b5a881876da b813f403a7d140c9e8b64d88f55bd50d03273bde
    curl https://github.com/EGroupware/egroupware/commit/$patch.patch | docker exec -i egroupware patch -p1 -d /usr/share/egroupware-sources
docker restart egroupware
  • Create in ADS a user with name dovecot with a password, to be used as Dovecot master-user

Following steps are only necessary if you use users, groups and memberships from ADS, not if you just authenticate with it

  • Login into Setup (https://example.org/egroupware/setup/) using admin and PW from /var/lib/egroupware/egroupware-docker-install.log
  • Go to [Edit current configuration] and change in Periodic import from ADS or LDAP into EGroupware database: What to import? to users, groups and memberships and [Save]
  • Go to [Edit current configuration] and click on [Inital import] to import all existing ADS users and groups. If everything went successfully, you should see at the end the following message:
Setting new incremental import time to: 20XX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX UTC (XXXXXXXXXX)

Created XX, updated 0 and deleted 0 accounts, with 0 errors.
  • Close the window/tab and configure under How frequent should the import run? the periodic import, eg. set 2 hours and [Save]

Configure ADS authentication for EGroupware Mail / Dovecot, which is configured for our SQL database by default:

  • go to /etc/egroupware-mail/dovecot which contains the Dovecot configuration
  • make the changes commented with EGroupware authentication with LDAP/ADS
root@ubuntu:/etc/egroupware-mail/dovecot# vi $(grep -rl 'EGroupware authentication with LDAP/ADS')

# Dovecot master uses "dovecot" user and it's password
passdb {
  # EGroupware authentication with LDAP/ADS: change to driver = ldap and comment sql-master and uncomment ldap-master
  driver = ldap
  #args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql-master.conf.ext
  args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap-master.conf.ext
  master = yes
  result_success = continue

# EGroupware authentication with LDAP/ADS: comment the full block
#passdb {
#  driver = sql
#  # Path for SQL configuration file, see example-config/dovecot-sql.conf.ext
#  args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext
# "prefetch" user database means that the passdb already provided the
# needed information and there's no need to do a separate userdb lookup.
# <doc/wiki/UserDatabase.Prefetch.txt>
# EGroupware authentication with LDAP/ADS: comment the full block
#userdb {
#  driver = prefetch
#!include auth-system.conf.ext
!include auth-sql.conf.ext
# EGroupware authentication with LDAP/ADS: uncomment auth-ldap (leave auth-sql needed for userdb!)
!include auth-ldap.conf.ext
#!include auth-passwdfile.conf.ext
#!include auth-checkpassword.conf.ext
#!include auth-vpopmail.conf.ext
#!include auth-static.conf.ext
  • Then you need to configure your Active Directory domain-controller:
root@ubuntu:/etc/egroupware-mail/dovecot# vi dovecot-ldap.conf.ext
# LDAP URIs to use. You can use this instead of hosts list. Note that this
# setting isn't supported by all LDAP libraries.
uris = ldaps://<domain-controler>:636

# Distinguished Name - the username used to login to the LDAP server.
# Leave it commented out to bind anonymously (useful with auth_bind=yes).
dn = CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=<my-domain>,DC=...

# Password for LDAP server, if dn is specified.
dnpass = <password-of-user-specified-above>

# Use TLS to connect to the LDAP server.
#tls = no
# TLS options, currently supported only with OpenLDAP:
#tls_ca_cert_file =
#tls_ca_cert_dir =
#tls_cipher_suite =
# TLS cert/key is used only if LDAP server requires a client certificate.
#tls_cert_file =
#tls_key_file =
# Valid values: never, hard, demand, allow, try
tls_require_cert = never

# LDAP protocol version to use. Likely 2 or 3.
ldap_version = 3

# LDAP base. %variables can be used here.
# For example: dc=mail, dc=example, dc=org
base = CN=Users,DC=<my-domain>,DC=...

# Filter for user lookup. Some variables can be used (see
# https://doc.dovecot.org/configuration_manual/config_file/config_variables/
# for full list):
#   %u - username
#   %n - user part in user@domain, same as %u if there's no domain
#   %d - domain part in user@domain, empty if user there's no domain
#pass_filter = (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%u))
# ActiveDirectory
pass_filter = (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%u))

root@ubuntu:/etc/egroupware-mail/dovecot# vi dovecot-ldap.conf.ext
# EGroupware master configuration
# includes ldap configuration and overwrites user_filter to only allow uid=dovecot

!include dovecot-ldap.conf.ext

#pass_filter = (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%u)(uid=dovecot))
# ActiveDirectory
pass_filter = (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%u)(sAMAccountName=dovecot))
  • Reload Dovecot with:
alias doveadm='docker exec -it egroupware-mail doveadm'
doveadm reload
  • Test the authentication using doveadm:
doveadm auth test <user>
Password: <password-of-user>
passdb: <user> auth succeeded
extra fields:
  • If the authentication does not work, check doveadm log errors to see why
  • Test authentication with Dovecot master user dovecot
doveadm auth test dovecot <master-password>
passdb: dovecot auth succeeded
extra fields:

doveadm auth test -M dovecot <user> NszrbCQWdhMqg4QQ
passdb: <user> auth succeeded
extra fields:
  • log into EGroupware using the admin user you created above
  • go to Administration and right click on the user himself and in the menu on Mailaccount
  • Change in IMAP tab under IMAP administration:
Admin user: dovecot
Password:   <password-you-used-for-creating-user-dovecot>
  • Go to Aliases+Forwards tab anc check Email account active
  • Store the mail account
  • Go to Mail app and verify you can access the mailbox of the user
  • Log out and in again, to let EGroupware recognize the working mail account for all users
  • go to account list, mark all user-rows with valid email addresses, right click on them and choose from the menu (de)activate mail accounts > activate
  • continue with further EGroupware Mail configurations as outlined in our Wiki

Change a new installed (empty!) EGroupware to use Active Directory

  • This tutorial assumes you just installed egroupware-docker to get an empty EGroupware installation, as it will delete all data!

  • If you want to use EGroupware EPL, install it after switching to Active Directory, as this will remove all application run-rights

  • Login into Setup (https://example.org/egroupware/setup/) using admin and PW from /var/lib/egroupware/egroupware-docker-install.log

  • Go to [Edit current configuration] and change:

    • In Authentication/Accounts: type of auth and where to store accounts to Active Directory
    • In If using ADS (Active Directory): fill out at least the first 4 fields (use the Administrator or another Domain Admin for now, as we need to create the required EGroupware groups "Admins", "Default", "NoGroup", "Teachers" and the user "anonymous"!)
    • [Save] the configuration
  • if you see an error message in the "Setup main menu" or a red cross in front of [Create admin account], you need to fix your ADS configuration, before you can continue

  • Go to [Create admin account] and:

    • check "Delete all existing SQL accounts, groups, ..."
    • enter the details of an existing ADS account which is a member of "Domain Admin" group, who should become your first EGroupware Admins account using *unchanged* as password
    • do NOT check the last two checkboxes
  • log out of Setup, click on "Back to user login" and log in with the ADS account and it's real password

  • now you can add all other EGroupware users to the newly created "Default" group, which is the EGroupware all users groups, please do NOT remove or rename it

  • further EGroupware Admins can be added to EGroupware's "Admins" group